Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Chapter 127

Another semester calls for more homework.

Penelope: "This homework is getting more difficult."

P decided to head down to one of the kiosks to purchase the biology course outline.

She needs all the help she can get to study.

Penelope: "I don't need that much help! I'm smart!"

Back to the dorm.

Penelope: "I'm glad that I got the last plate of pasta."

Roomie: "I wanted the last plate of pasta."

That is a wonderful moustache you have there, sir.

But you know what's not wonderful? These dirty plates of spoiled food.

More homework?

This roomie is way cooler than everyone.

Penelope: "My bike is cooler than that roomie."

Well, well, well, what do we have here? The townie that was judging P for being apart of the secret society is now making an offer to join.

Townie: "I heard they have donuts."

Penelope: "Mmm... donuts. I want a donut. Or, even better, a cinnamon roll."

After mentioning cinnamon rolls, P couldn't stop craving one. She decided to go to the food stand to buy one.

Penelope: "One cinnamon roll, please!"

Barista: "Coming right up!"

Aww, this poor servo looks uncomfortable. I miss making servo back at home feel uncomfortable.

Penelope: "This smells so good!"

Penelope: "Let me find a nice spot to eat my cinnamon roll."

Penelope: "Ah, perfect!"

Penelope: "Mmm! This tastes so good."

Penelope: "I should do my homework while I'm out here."

Penelope: "There's no roomies to distract me. Now, how many species of fish are there again?"

Student: "Hey! You seem a bit too concentrated here. Let me distract you with my stupiness and my expensive laptop."

Hey! This laptop kinda looks like my laptop!

And now she's cloud gazing... these roomies are all kinds of strange.

Penelope: "I can finally get away from that weirdo."

Penelope: "This pasta is amazing!"

Penelope: "I wonder if I can sneak it into my mini fridge when no one's looking."

Roomie: "You know we all see you, right? You're always taking all of the food!"

Penelope: "Deal with it."

Apparently, it requires a motherboard to fix a sink.

It has finally started snowing in Foxbury!

It probably won't last long, though. Spring is right around the corner.

Penelope: "I wanna put this turkey in my mini fridge, but this roomie might see me."

Penelope: "Let's play a fun game! You turn around, and I take the turkey and put it in my mini fridge. Then, you pretend like nothing happened, and you never tell a soul."

Class time!

P got a little bit of study time in before class.

I'm so glad it's finally snowing!

P's classes went well today.

I haven't seen you in a while, creep. The Britechester mascot has been hanging around more than you have.

Penelope: "I wanna take a selfie with the mascot."

Why? It's creepy!

I don't think this roomie is too happy about studying.

P looks very happy for some reason.

Roomie: "What is there to be all bubbly about?"
Penelope: "Because I know I'm gonna get an A!"

Oh, what's this? Looks like someone left a note for Penelope. It's from the angry sim that was just sitting next to Penelope. It reads: "Dear roommate. Please clean me so that I know that you care. NO, don't just put me down you MONSTER. Love, the dish you just used.

Penelope: "That roomie just threw some major shade at me."

Penelope: "Ugh, it stinks in here. How dare these roomies have the audacity to complain about me when they never even shower!"

Dylan: "True dat."

Go home, ma'am.

There's another secret society meeting happening down in Britechester.

As it turns out, I'm stupid. The last meeting was not at the bar that Penelope went to, it was down by the ruins. Why didn't I think of this?!

P flew down to the ruins on her broomstick, it was a lot faster.

Ally would be so proud.

Secret Society Members: "OOBA, OOBA, OOBA!"

Penelope: "This already just got weird."

I didn't think it was possible, but it just got weirder.

Penelope: "You don't like my outfit?"

Penelope: "Namaste."

Penelope: "Yes! Sparkles again!"

Let's see if P has kept the sprites happy.

Penelope: "Uh oh, I don't think I kept them happy at all!"

Secret Society Leader: "That it, sprites! Get her!"

Penelope: "What do you mean? What did I do wrong?"

Secret Society Member: "You haven't completed enough tasks."

Secret Society Member: "MWAHAHAHAHA!"

Secret Society Member: "I remember when I first joined the secret society, the sprites would always attack me too. I'm glad I get to watch it happen to someone else."

Penelope: "Really? You're all stupid!"

Penelope: "AND ANNOYING!"

Penelope: "There, I tended to your stupid garden! Can you guys leave me alone now?!"

Penelope: "Ugh, I can't even focus on my homework. These stupid sprites won't stop bothering me."

Looks like the happiness emotional essence came in handy.

Thanks for eating everyone all the time, cowplant.

Penelope: "Ha! Take that stupid sprites!"

Penelope: "Attack me all you want, you won't make me tense anymore."

Penelope: "Time to go back to the dorm. It's almost 2am."

Back at the dorm, Father Winter is getting down!

P, I think you're a bit stinky.

Penelope: "Ugh! You're right!"

Penelope: "Class is finally over, now I can shower!"

And eat some pasta.

And do some homework.

Roomie: "I forgot that we have homework."

Penelope: "I never forget, I'm too smart for that."

Ma'am, your food stinks. Who's the one with the dirty plate now?

Penelope: "Ugh! Ow!"

Penelope: "Ugh, all that for a croissant."

Hopefully it's worth it.

Penelope: "This croissant sucks."

Penelope: "Woah! How do I control this thing?!"

That croissant looks delicious. Why would you say it sucks?

Penelope: "It doesn't suck. I was just hangry."

Roomate: "Check out my awesome little robot."

Penelope: "That thing has nothing on my robot back home."

This room is filthy!

Penelope: "Ugh, it is!"

Penelope: "It stinks so bad!"

It's a lovely peaceful evening. Nothing could possibly bother the peace.

Never mind.

Penelope: "My ears!"

One of the roomies left one of the showers running. They seriously exist just to cause havoc.

While P was sleeping, she got a phone call.

Corbin: *Voice trembling* "P-Penelope?"

Penelope immediately knew something was wrong.

Penelope: "Dad? Why are you calling me at this time? What's wrong?"

Corbin: *Crying* "Penelope, i-it's... it's your mother... I went to check on her, and... she... she's gone."
Penelope: "Wha... what do you mean? What do you mean she's gone?!"

Corbin: *Crying* "Please... please don't make this any harder. I can't take it. I have to go."
Penelope: "Dad! Don't hang up! ...dad?"

Penelope froze for a moment. She could barely process what she had just heard. Her mom really passed away while she was at college.

Penelope: *Crying* "This can't be real."

Penelope: *Crying* "My mom can't be gone. This isn't real!"

Penelope cried herself to sleep that night.

Rest In Peace, Ally Parsons. You were one of the best Parsons' family members ever, and you were beautiful inside and out. You will be dearly missed.

You know that feeling you get when you wake up from a nightmare? The feeling of relief that it wasn't real?

Penelope was hoping that's what it was. She hoped it was just a nightmare, but it wasn't.

Penelope may have been asleep, but her subconscious mind was awake all night, reminding her that her mom was gone.

She was really gone.

But, Penelope was left to deal with the grief.

She didn't know how she was going to get through.

She just wanted her mom.

But she knew she would never see her again.

Not even once more. That's what hurt the most.

Even with these tough times in her life, P pulled through and continued with her studies. She knew that's what her mom would have wanted.

Looks like there's an ice skating rink outside the library!

P has made a start on her term paper.

But it was hard for her to focus.

Penelope: *Sobbing* "Mom!"

Penelope: "All I ever wanted to do was make you proud."

After P finished her term paper, to help get her mind off of things, she decided to try out the ice skating rink. She's about to find out the harsh reality that the Parsons' and skating don't mix.

Penelope: "Woah!"

Penelope: "It's so slippery!"

Well, it's ice.

Penelope: "Who would have thought that ice was so slippery?"

This is exactly what I expected.

Penelope: "Ah!"

Penelope: "I'm worse at skating than I am at cup pong!"

Don't say that, P. You're equally as bad at both.

Penelope: "Never make me do that again."

I can't promise that. It's entertaining.

Dylan?! What the hell are you doing in the Foxbury spirit squad?!

Dylan: "Looking amazing in this outfit, that's what."

Student: "WOO! GO FOXBURY!"

Dylan: "Yeah! Go Buryfox! Or, whatever it is."

Oh, gosh.

Roomie: "Do you like my moustache? I've been growing it out."

Earth to Penelope?

Penelope: "Huh? Oh, yeah. Your moustache is awesome."

P was finding it hard to focus. All she could think about was her mom. She was also worried about how her dad and her sisters were handling Ally's passing.

Roomie: "I love your outfit so much that I decided to copy it! Just in different colors!"
Penelope: "Thanks... I guess..."

Now that the roomie is gone, P can make a start on her homework.

Never mind...

Roomie: "I saw you eating pizza rolls, so I decided to eat some pizza rolls too!"

Roomie: "You know you're kind of a trendsetter, right?"

Penelope: "Oh... yippee..."

Juice again, P?

Penelope: "Why are you judging me?! It's New Year's Eve!"

Roomie: "When did P become so rude?"

Penelope: "Rude?! I'm not rude! I JUST WANNA TURN UP!"

Hopefully this will calm her down a bit.

Penelope: "Ugh, I think I got too turnt! Now I gotta pee!"

Roomie: "AYE! TURN UP!"


It's almost the countdown to midnight.


Penelope: "Shashoobee!"

Everyone: "Shashoobee!"

Penelope: "This countdown is taking forever."

Roomie: "Woohoo! Happy New Year!"

Everyone: "Happy New Year!"

Everyone: "WOOHOO!"

Roomie 2: "UGH, I GOTTA PEE!"

Penelope: "Did you get too turnt too?"

Roomie: "Yeah, I drank a bunch of juice. I have way more in my mini fridge, though."

Penelope: "You do?! Show me!"

Roomie: "Share the juice with us."

Roomie: "Nice try."

Turns out P forgot to submit her term paper, luckily she remembered in the morning.


Penelope: "That would have been awful if I forgot to submit it."

P decided to buy a scone for 3 simoleons from the food stall.

Hopefully it cheers her up a little bit.

Really?! P wasted three simoleons on a scone when the breakfast bar is open?!

Penelope: "Bummer."

Roomie: "Don't be sad, that scone looks delicious."

Penelope: "Free food is even more delicious."

Everyone made a start on their homework.

But that scone didn't fill P up, time to go to the breakfast bar. It is free, after all."

Penelope: "One sandwich, please."

This had better be better than the scone.

Penelope: "It is, turns out I really wasted those 3 simoleons after all."

P continued doing her homework after she ate breakfast.

Penelope: "Ugh, I'm sick of this homework."

Student: "Hey there, peer!"

Penelope: "Oh, hey."

A lot more students gathered around to study and do their homework.

These students are a lot more peaceful than the roomies.

Except for this student...

Student: "You really have a green beard with black hair?"

Student: "Please don't roast me. I don't know why my beard hair is green, okay?!"

A couple of hours of studying went by.

Penelope: "I don't think I retained all of that information properly."

P is studying really hard before her final exams.

But, her stomach still calls for food. She has been at the Foxbury commons all day, so now there was free dinner being served at the dinner bar.

Penelope: "Better than microwaved meals, that's for sure."

Get lots of rest, P. The final exams are tomorrow!

It's final exam day! These students are pumped up and ready.

Are you ready, P?

Penelope: "As ready as I'll ever be."

Good luck, P!

Penelope has finished her final exams for the semester!

You look a little tense. How do you think you did?

Penelope: "I don't know! Leave me alone!"

Dylan: "How did ya do, P?"

Penelope: "Really?"

Penelope: "Why does everyone keep asking that? Don't they see I'm stressed enough?!"

To calm down, P started dancing.

The only true Parsons' way to deal with anything in life.

Penelope: "Damn right."

Roomie: "I just finished my exams! I'm so nervous! How do you think you did?"

Penelope: "I'm gonna ace these exams, I just know it."

Looks like P has finally calmed down.

Roomie: "I'm gonna be the valedictorian."

Penelope: "Don't be so sure."

Penelope's final exam results for the semester are in! She got an A+ in all of her classes except 'Distressed Genes', where she got an A-, despite studying constantly. This leaves her GPA at an A. She's gonna have to go extra hard next semester in order to raise her GPA to an A+.

Bring on the next semester!

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