Sunday, April 12, 2020

Chapter 126

Penelope is busy working on her presentation again.

Looks like this roomie is adding a little extra ingredient to these plates of food.

Roomie: "Try stealing the food now, Penelope."

Uh oh.

Go home, Dylan!

Excuse you, sir. This fridge is reserved for Penelope. You aren't allowed to use it.

Roomie: "Try and stop me."

Dylan: "That roomie is a savage."

Penelope's presentation is finally finished!

Penelope: "Forget the presentation, get these roomies out of here!"

Yeah, they're pretty annoying.

Looks like they're eating the food with the extra ingredient.

I hope you didn't just grab a plate with the extra ingredient.

Corbin, what are you doing here? Go home!

Corbin: "Why can't I check up on my daughter?"

The only time the roomies are peaceful.

Penelope: "Ah, finally."

Roomie: "Sorry for the snoring, I snore every single night. Apparently it can be heard all the way from Willow Creek."
Penelope: "Will I ever gain peace away from these roomies?"

Now this roomie is flexing on us with her iPad.

Don't be sad, P. At least you have an omelette.

Aaand this roomie left a stinky trail just for P.

Penelope is presenting her presentations!

Penelope: "Eugh, it stinks out here! Do those roomies ever shower?!"

Penelope: "But at least I finally finished my presentations!"

Penelope: "Uh oh, here comes the stinkiest roomie!"

P loves her bicycle.

Aww, a Servo! This is making me miss Servo back at home.

Penelope: "Did you make the food this morning? It tasted really good!"

Roomie: "Yes... yes I did. I added a little extra spice, just for you."

Penelope: "Let me teach y'all how to dance."

Roomie: "You really think you're better at dancing than me?"

Aaand the stereo broke.

It's Spooky Day! 👻

Penelope: "Check out my awesome witch costume!"

Penelope decided to head down to the library to study for her upcoming exams.

Penelope: "Time to get my study on."

She was followed by a roomie.

Roomie: "Saw you heading out, so what are we doing?"

Penelope: "I really can't get away from these roomies, can I?"

Study time!

Penelope: "I gotta ace these exams."

Britechester is so beautiful.

I love it so much!

Roomie: "I've decided to challenge myself and see how long I can go without taking a shower. The other roomies decided to participate, and now it's a contest. I've lasted a week so far!"

Penelope: "..."


Librarian: "Get these buffoons out of my library."

Penelope: "Are you here to study, too?"

Student: "Who comes to the library to study? TURN UP!"

That looks like some interesting studying, P.

Are you sure you're not online shopping instead?

Penelope: "Mind your business."

Is this appropriate?

Okay, then.

P uses any excuse to ride on her bike.

Everyone loves riding bikes in Britechester.

Well, well, well, look who I saw walking around Britechester. Wade, what happened to your eyebrows?

Wade: "..."

Student: "His eyebrows look horrible!"

Penelope: "I wonder if I can catch up to Wade."

Penelope: "Hi, Wade!"
Wade: "..."

Wade, why are you ignoring everyone? He must be sick of all the craziness.

Where are you riding off to?

Penelope: "You'll see."

This is a strange location.

The ruins?

I wonder what's down here.

Penelope: "This is where the sprites live. If I impress them, they'll return the favor."

Penelope: "Hopefully they'll be happy if I tend to their garden."

More sparkles!

Penelope: "I love sparkles!"

Penelope: "They're the best!"

Penelope: "Wait, huh?"

Penelope: "I don't think the sprites are too happy with me!"

Penelope: "What did I do wrong?!"

Penelope: "Ugh, stupid sprites. Now I have to impress them."

The sprites followed P back to her dorm. Now, in order to make the sprites happy, she must entertain them by doing a funny, flirty or mischievous action.

Penelope: "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Penelope: "To get to the sprites. Wait... that's not it."

Roomie: "Are you kidding me?!"

Roomie: "That was the worst joke I've ever heard! How dare you tell me such a horrible joke!"

Penelope: "Ah! The sprites aren't happy at all!"

Penelope: "I'm sorry, okay?! I'll think of a better joke!"

Roomie: "Uh... what are those things?"

Penelope: "Mind your business."

Looks like P will have to resort to mischief.

Penelope: "Uh... there's this really, really cool party happening tonight."

Roomie: "There is?"

Penelope: "Yeah! The dress attire is nothing! You come fully naked! And it's in the middle of the university where everyone can see you!"

Roomie: "Sweet, I'm in! Everyone will be naked!"

Penelope: "I really hope that entertained these sprites. They're giving me a headache."

It's game night!

Penelope really wanted to attend.

Penelope: "Stupid sprites, it took me hours to get rid of them!"

How was game night?

Penelope: "Our team lost, but it was fun."

Penelope: "Now, time to go back to the dorm and get some rest."

Penelope: "I'm kinda hungry, too."

Nothing that a ham and cheese sandwich can't fix.

One of the roomie's girlfriends decided to come by and visit.

They would not stop making out for hours.

Poor P is just trying to get some rest!

Roomie: "Let's go do something a lot more fun in our very squeaky bed."

Penelope: "Ugh! Those roomies kept me up all night! AND I STINK!"

After Penelope calmed down and took a shower, she made a start on her homework.

Dylan, for the last time, you're not welcome here!

Dylan: "I just wanted to see how P was doing."

Dylan: "Ugh, these roomies are annoying! I'm glad I never attended university!"

Roomie: "That's not nice."

There was a robot contest happening down by the quad. I wanted Penelope to attend, but you can only take part if you're a member of their club.

Hey! Who did this?!

P decided to make a breakfast burrito.

Penelope: "I can't wait, it smells delicious."

Ew! It looks nasty.

Penelope: "Stop hating."

Penelope: "It's even more delicious than I thought!"

Roomie: "How dare you cheat at the 'no showering' contest by rolling around in the trash to make yourself stinkier!"

Oh, gosh.

Penelope: "Hey, dad!"

Penelope: "No, I don't wanna come home yet. Not until I graduate."

Student: "I can't control my own robot!"

Robot: "Destroy. Everything. Destroy. Everything."

Looks like the sprites are impressed with the vandalism. I'm not surprised.

Yep, that'll work.

There's a secret society meeting in the bar tonight.

Penelope: "Another roomie followed me, hopefully she doesn't find out about the secret society."

Penelope: "Uh... hi."

Townie: "What do you want?"

Penelope: "Are you here for the secret society meeting too?"

Townie: "Secret what?"

Penelope: "Uh... haha... never mind, have a nice night!"

Penelope: "That was close."

Penelope: "Can I please have a soft shadow avornalino?"

Bartender: "Coming right up!"

That looks like a fancy drink, P.

Penelope: "That's where you're wrong, TURN UP!"

She's definitely Ally's daughter.

I have no words.

Penelope: "Hi!"

Townie: "Don't talk to the red haired girl! She's apart of a secret spy organisation!"

Secret spy? This townie is way off.

Look who I found out at the bar. Sir, what happened to your eyebrows?!

Kai: "Leave me alone, okay?! I don't wanna be around my crazy family!"

Penelope: "Looks like Kai is even crazier than the last time I saw him."

Bartender: "Your whole family is crazy, I've seen them around town."

Penelope and Kai decided to play cup pong against these two townies.

Townie: "I'm a pro."

She really is.

Now P has to drink out of the cup.

Penelope: "You say that like it's a bad thing."

P loves juice as much as Ally, I see.

Penelope: "That tasted pretty good."

Penelope: "Watch and learn."

Penelope: "Boom!"

Penelope: "Wait, where did the ball go?"

Penelope: "No! I don't wanna lose!"

Penelope: "I'm awful at cup pong!"

The townies continue to score.

Kai: "Don't worry, I'll save the day."

Maybe you can distract the townies with your eyebrows. What did you do to them?!

Will it go in?


Kai: "What?! I missed?!"

Kai: "I'm awful!"

Penelope: "Don't worry, I'm awful too."

The townies score yet again.

And now P is very juiced.

Penelope: "This is gonna go in, I guarantee it."

You might wanna open your eyes so it can go in.

Penelope: "I don't need my eyes open to score."

Aaand the ball fell behind her again.

Penelope: "Welp."

Penelope: "We're gonna lose!"

P was right, the townies destroyed the Parsons' at cup pong.

Don't cry, I'll just add this to the list of things the Parsons' are bad at. You're still good at many other things.

Penelope: "We're awful!"
Kai: "How will we ever live this down?!"

Penelope: "I can't believe we got beat by some ugly townies!"

Townie: "Call us ugly all you want, you still lost."

Penelope: "Say we lost all you want, you'll always be ugly townies."
Kai: "BURN!"

Time for P to go back to the dorm.

Penelope: "I shouldn't have drank that much juice, I have my final exams tomorrow."

Cookies for breakfast?

Penelope: "They're helping me get the juice out of my system."

Penelope: "Ugh, my head still hurts."

Cheese crackers too?

Penelope: "They're yummy!"


Time for P to take her final exams! Luckily, she was able to get the juice out of her system fast.

Penelope: "Are you nervous too?"

Student: "Me? Nervous? Never! I've taken the final exams three times."

Penelope: "Woah, you have three degrees?"

Student: "Nope. Same degree. Three years in a row. I'm just used to failure. Hehehe."

Penelope: "Uh..."

Penelope: "I'm so nervous!"

Penelope has finished her final exams! How do you think you did, P?

Penelope: "I'm feeling pretty confident!"

Time to go back to the dorm.

Woah, the roomies left out a whole buffet while P was gone.

Penelope: "Hey, mom! I just took my final exams for the semester."

Penelope: "I think I did pretty well."

Penelope: "Yes, I've been getting plenty of sleep and haven't been drinking juice..."

Penelope: "Oh, dad wants to talk to me? He's already called me and spoke to me every single day!"

Penelope: *Sigh* "Hi again, dad."

Penelope's exam results are in! She got an A+ in all of her classes except one, for some reason she got a B+ in one of her classes despite studying and doing all her homework. Either way, her GPA is now an A! She has plenty of time to turn that into an A+. Bring on the next semester!

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