Friday, April 3, 2020

Chapter 122

Get ready for a whole lotta birthdays.

Happy birthday, Sophia!

Sophia aged up into a young adult!

Sophia: "Does that mean I can finally get out of here?"

It sure does!

Sophia: "See ya later, suckers."

It's go time!

Dylan: "I've got this. This doesn't hurt at all."

Dylan: "Ugh, never mind. This actually hurts a lot!"

Sophia: "Wait, I don't wanna leave! So much stuff is going on right now!"

Too bad, goodbye.

Dylan: "Ugh, where the hell is Wade?!"

Wade: "I just came down to the kitchen to get a midnight snack. What do you mean my wife is in labor?!"

You've got this, Dyl!

It's Brooke's birthday next.

Happy birthday, Brooke!

Dylan: "Ah! I just came back to take a nap! I don't think this baby is gonna wait any longer!"

Wade: "I told you not to come back for a nap!"

Dylan: "Oh my god, he's perfect!"

Dylan: "Look at you, little bb!"

Yep, Dylan just gave birth on the front porch.

It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Elliott Parsons!

Happy birthday, Ally!

Wade: "You're so cute, just like your daddy."

Kyrie: "I love my new baby brother!"

This is rare, let's cherish it.

Happy birthday, Corbin!

I can't believe they're already elders! 😭

It feels like just yesterday they were making out in the hot tub during a heatwave.

And I can't believe Brooke is already a teen!

Whiskers and Olive had kittens! Don't ask how. It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Fifi Parsons!

It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Button Parsons.

They're so adorable!

Button: "I know."

Fifi: "Don't gotta tell us twice."

Fifi: "Why is this human staring at me?"

Ally: "Because you're so adorable!"

Fifi: "Tell this human to put me down."
Ally: "Wow, you're lucky you're cute."

Penelope: "I'm cuter than those kittens!"

Corbin: "What happened to my wife's glasses?"

Glitches. Glitches everywhere.

Button: "Where the food bowls at?"

Fifi: "We're waiting..."

Dylan was promoted to Conservation Regulator! She has decided to pick the Environmental Manager branch of the career. She's very excited, but very sleepy after she gave birth to baby Elliott.

Penelope: "I can't wait until I get to pick the marine biologist branch."

Penelope: "I'm the smartest sim in this family."

Brooke: "Hahaha! Good one, P!"

Penelope: "Don't test me. I can get a voodoo doll with your name on it in a split second."

Dylan: "Looks like that's my queue to leave."

Zayn: "Ugh, this isn't mac and cheese, therefore I hate it."

Princess aged up into an elder! That won't stop her from jumping in puddles and getting filthy every single day.

Suddenly, Ally's glasses stopped glitching after she changed into her hot weather outfit.

Dylan: "It's time to consult someone on enforcing some global policies around here. Sulani deserves better."

Dylan: "Hello? It's Dylan Parsons, the conservation regulator. I would like a new policy to be put in place. The policy I would like put into place is littering fines. Litter causes a lot of problems for our natural resources and wildlife! We need to punish delinquents that can't be bothered to find a trash bin. As an added bonus, any fines collected should go straight back to funding more conservation efforts. Litterbugs should know they are in the wrong, so there's no problem with setting the amount really high. Absolutely reasonable." ... "Okay, thank you! Goodbye."

Fines will now be issued to all sims who litter!

Dylan: "Guess what I did today?"

Maya: "Yes, Dylan. I know. You cleaned up trash on the beach."

Dylan: "Even better! Since my promotion, I can put global policies into place! Thanks to me, sims will now be fined for littering. Hopefully this will fix the issue and make it a lot easier for me to continue cleaning up Sulani."

Maya: "Oh my gosh, sweetie! That's amazing! I'm so proud of you."

Ally: "Guess what time it is?!"

Zayn: "Time for you to finally shut your ugly mouth?"

Ally: "Hahaha! That sure was funny!"

Zayn: "Uh... why are you being so nice? Usually you'd roast me after I said that."

Ally: "That's because we're going to the Magical Realm! And you can't possibly say no because I'm being so nice."

Zayn: "Hmm... I don't know. We haven't been back there in so long."

Ally: "Exactly! What better time than now? We're not getting any younger. Come on, it'll be fun!"

Zayn: "I guess you're right. You've convinced me, let's go."

Ally: "That's the spirit!"

Ally: "Lead the way, grandpa."

The broomsticks are back!

Zayn: "We'll see who's the grandpa after I get there before you."

Ally: "Suuure you will."

Zayn: "Yeet!"
Ally: "Hey!"


Zayn: "Woah!"

Zayn: "Looks like I won that race. I'm not surprised."

Zayn: "You're finally here, Ally."

Ally: "I got stuck in traffic."

Did you really change into your fancy clothes on your way over here?

Zayn: "Wow... here it is..."

Zayn: "The magic portal."

Zayn: "I still remember when I first found this thing."


Zayn: "Hey... what's that?"

Ally: "And I still remember when I first followed you to the portal."


Ally: "Huh? Where the heck is he going? Is that a portal?"

Zayn: "Well..."

Zayn: "Here goes nothing..."

Ally: "Here we are again, Zayn. How do you feel?"

Zayn: "I feel really nostalgic. I can't believe we're back here."

Ally: "I know, right? It feels like a lifetime ago we were last here."

Zayn: "Well, it kinda was. We're old now. You're like 100."

Ally: "What does that make you then, stupid?"

Zayn: "108?"

Ally: "Correct!"

Ally: "Now, do you wanna explore this place again or what?"

Zayn: "Definitely. I'll lead the way again."

Ally: "You are the older one, after all."

Zayn: "Leggo."

Zayn: "Hey, this thing is easier to control while we're here. Must be the power of magic in the air."

Zayn: "I already beat her here."

Ally: "I didn't even have my broomstick out, dummy!"

Ally: "Woah!"

Ally: "I'm here!"

Zayn: "Hey, look at this aura around me."

Zayn: "Why is it there, you ask? Because I'm the most powerful spellcaster ever."

Ally: "Showoff."

Ally: "Let me search who the most powerful spellcaster is... okay, it is you."

Zayn: "Told ya. Now, you ready to have a magic duel or what?"

Ally: "I thought you'd never ask."

Ally: "Bring it on, grandpa."

Zayn: "It's already brought, ugly."

Ally: "But first, we must summon our familiars!"

Zayn: "Hey, Athena! I haven't seen you in forever!"

Athena: "I've missed you."
Zayn: "I've missed you too. How have you been?"

Athena: "Just been chillin'."
Zayn: "Same."

Ally: "Sorry, Athena. But you've got nothing on Midnight."

Ally: "How have you been Midnight?"
Midnight: "Lonely. Why didn't you summon me?!"

Zayn: "Alright, you ready to duel now?"

Ally: "Duh!"

Athena: "This won't end well for Ally. Zayn is the most powerful spellcaster there is."

Midnight: "Excuse you? Ally is the best alchemist there is."

Zayn: "Alchemy won't save you now."

Ally: "It will when I poison your food."
Zayn: "Say what?"

Zayn: "You're going down!"

Ally: "No, you are!"

Ally: "Don't underestimate me."

Zayn: "You don't even have a wand!"

It's the duel of the elders.

Ally: "Hey, don't call me an elder! Now I'm mad!"

Zayn: "Just accept it, you're a grandma now."

Zayn: "Ow! Hey!"

Zayn: "Do you not remember how this went last time?"


Ally: "Well take that!"


Zayn: "Woah, that was actually pretty strong."


Ally: "C'mon! That's all you've got?!"


Zayn: "You asked for it."
Ally: "Woah!"


Ally: "This is gonna hurt."


Ally: "Ugh!"


Zayn: "Haha! I win! You lose!"


Ally: "I think I knew that already, dumb ass."

Ally: "Well, things are different now!"

Ally: "I'm way stronger now!"

Zayn: "Ah!"

Zayn: "That's it, you asked for it."

Ally: "Ugh!"

Ally: "That was so strong!"

Zayn: "That was nothing!"

Ally: "Come on, really?!"

Zayn: "Don't test my gangsta."

Ally: "Ugh!"

Ally: "Ah, that hurt a lot."

Zayn: "I win! Again!"

Ally: "You think I don't already know that, dumb ass?"

Zayn: "You mad?"

Zayn: "No one can beat me, not even Simeon."

Zayn: "Next stop, Casters Alley."

Zayn: "I wonder if it still looks the same."

Ally: "Looks like we're about to find out."

Ally: "Aaand he's already gone."

Ally: "You could have waited up for me back there."

Zayn: "And have you beat me here? Not a chance."

Zayn: "Do you remember this place?"

Ally: "How could I forget? This is the place I first decided I wanted to be an alchemist."


Ally: "When I grow up, I wanna be a spellcaster, just like you."


Zayn: "Well, once you grow up, you can be."


Ally: "I can't wait. Hopefully I'll be as good as you, too. I could maybe even mix potions, too!"


Zayn: "Yeah! You can do anything you put your mind to. And remember, especially when it comes to magic, practice makes perfect."

Zayn: "And look at you now! Now, you're the best alchemist there is."

Ally: "Wow, thanks, Zayn."

Ally: "I guess you're a pretty good spellcaster too."

Zayn: "You guess? Is it that hard to pay me some kind of compliment?"

Ally: "It sure is, UGLY!"

Zayn: "Let's take a look around."

The more Zayn and Ally walked around the Magical Realm...

The more memories came flooding back.

This was where their spellcaster journey began.

And what a crazy journey it's been.

It felt like just yesterday they were just starting out as spellcasters, but it also felt like a lifetime ago.

Ally couldn't believe how many memories this place brought back for her.

Neither could Zayn.

Zayn: "This is crazy, isn't it?"

Ally: "Yeah. It all went by so fast."

Zayn: "It sure did. Time for the last stop. The place where we both became spellcasters."

Off to the next destination.

Zayn: "I'm about to win the race for the 3rd time."

Ally: "Don't be so sure."

Zayn: "Woah!"

Zayn: "Leggo!"

Zayn: "I won again."
Ally: "You got lucky."

Zayn: "Wow... I remember this building."

Ally: "Yeah, me too."


Zayn: "Here goes nothing."


Get your old selves inside.

Zayn: "Wow... I remember these stairs."


Zayn: "This is crazy."

Ally: "Yeah."

Somehow, L. is still alive.

L.: "It's the power of magic."

Zayn: "Not gonna lie, I was hoping L. wasn't down here."

Zayn: "Ugh, my back- I mean... nope, I'm fine. I'm not old at all."

Zayn: "I remember casting spells down here."

Ally: "Ah, the old cauldron that I made my first potion in."

They've truly mastered their craft.

Ally: "Wait, this potion isn't evil enough."

Ally: "Shall I add some cow eyes?"

Ally: "Ah, perfect."

Zayn: "It better not smell as bad as last time."

Ally: "It won't. It'll smell worse."

Zayn: "Ugh, I can smell it already."

Ally: "Well, then..."

Ally: "That means it's a successful potion."

Zayn: "Well..."

Zayn: "Every spell I cast is successful."

A lot has changed for Zayn and Ally since they were young spellcasters.

They've both been through a lot of good times and bad times in their own lives.

But, if one things for sure...

Zayn will always be Zayn.

And Ally will always be Ally.

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