Friday, June 26, 2020

Chapter 172

Paisley: "Is Deven eating grilled cheese again?"

Deven: "Mmm... grilled cheese."

Deven has a new found love for grilled cheese, he's obsessed.

It's a gorgeous day in Evergreen Harbor.

The eco footprint is now 'neutral'. I can't wait to see what it'll look like once it's 'green'.

Paisley: "You're really having another grilled cheese sandwich?"

Deven: "Grilled cheese is the love of my life."

Paisley: "Excuse me? I thought I was the love of your life!"

Deven: *Should I tell her that she comes second to grilled cheese?*

Servo is using the 'super fertiliser' he got from the bugs to fertilise the soybean plant.

Paisley: "I can't blame you for being obsessed with grilled cheese, it does look delicious."
Deven: "The toasty cheese is dancing across my taste buds."

That's the most intelligent thing Deven has ever said.

Paisley: "You know some sims out there actually cultivate their bugs and eat them? Isn't that so wrong and gross? Eugh!"

Deven: "You can't blame them if it tastes good, I'd probably do that too. Mmm... bugs..."

Paisley: "Woah, woah, woah..."

Paisley: "You're saying you would eat my precious bugs?! My creepy crawlies?! My best friends?!"

Deven: "I bet they'd be crunchy."

Paisley: "Deven!"

Deven: "I'm about to be kicked out again, aren't I?"

Deven: "Yep... I knew it. I guess I'll come back tomorrow, hopefully she wants to get back together by then."

While Paisley broke up with Deven for the 30th time this week, Elodie was upstairs practising her charisma skill. She's so close to level 4!

Elodie: "How many more greetings can I possibly practise?"

I've been taking sky pictures since gen 1 and I'm still shamelessly taking them on gen 8.

Zhora: "Did you hear Paisley and Deven broke up again?"

Jaxton: "That's the 3285th time this week!"

Paisley: "Shut up, dad! He insulted my bugs!"

I'm obsessed with Evergreen Harbor.

Paisley is off to work again!

Her first task is to interview a townie about how eco-friendly their home is. Why she chose to ride a bike to a sim who was less than 100 meters away, I will never know.

Townie: "Why do I have to be the victim?"

Paisley: "Hey there, fellow home owner!"

Townie: "Hi."

Paisley: "Oof, I think I'm catching a cold."

Paisley: "Anyways, do you have time to talk about our lord and savior, 'recycling'?"

Townie: "Recycling?"

Paisley: "Yeah, you know, recycle and reuse, reduce your eco-footprint, all that fun stuff."

Townie: "Fun stuff?!"

Townie: "You think it's fun to shower with dirty recycled water?! Do you understand how much of an inconvenience these new policies are to my lifestyle?! Do you?!"

Paisley: "Wow, tragic."

She seems pretty upset about recycling for an N.A.P. inspector.

Paisley: "I'd be an N.A.P. inspector if I wasn't already a civil designer, heck, I'm already pretty much an N.A.P. inspector, I'm always reprimanding sims on recycling."

Deven: "Is that my favorite blueberry standing there?"

Paisley: "Well, well, well, look who it is."

Deven: "So, have you forgiven me yet?"

Paisley: "After you haven't even apologised?"

Deven: "I'm sowwy. I love you."

Paisley: "I told you to leave me alone, Deven! You can't just come wandering over here thinking I'm gonna forgive you for what you said about my bugs! WE'RE OVER!"

Deven: "But we've been 'over' 9 times this week. Wait... 9 comes before 7, right?"

Paisley: "Yeah, and this time it's final."

Deven: "That's what you said the last few times you broke up with me over the slightest minor inconvenience."

Paisley: "Do you really think I'm being unreasonable for breaking up with you over one comment- wait... don't answer that."

Paisley: "I should be the one apologising for always being unreasonable. I'm sorry, babe."

Deven: "Wow, now that's something that hasn't happened the last few times you've broke up with me."

Paisley: "Ugh, I seriously think I'm getting sick."

Deven: "Yeah, you're looking pretty hot."

Deven: "Since we're back together again, can I have a kiss now?"

Paisley: "You really wanna kiss me while I'm sick?"

Deven: "Maybe I can spread my healthiness back to you, isn't healthiness contagious like sicknesses are?"

Oh, gosh. He's still as dumb as ever.

Welp, looks like Deven is about to get Paisley's cold.

And, looks like these two are still completely insane, but they're still the most adorable couple ever.

Paisley: "I'm feeling better already!"

Deven: "I'm starting to feel sick... did your sickness jump from you to me?"

Paisley: "Probably. Hey, you wanna come to the park with me and play some chess? I need to learn some logic skill for my job."

Deven: "Chess? I love chess! Can we build a fort with the chess pieces and make them fight?"

That's not how chess works- never mind.

Paisley and Deven travelled down to the park in Windenburg!

Paisley: "I'll race you there!"
Deven: "Hey, that's not fair! You got a head start!"

Paisley: "Guess who won the race?"

Paisley: "You ready to play some chess?"

Deven: "Yep, I'm gonna build the best fort ever."

For the last time, THAT'S NOT HOW CHESS WORKS!

Townie: "I understand that you guys were having a private conversation, but allow me to intervene for no reason at all."

Paisley: "Ugh, why do townies always have to randomly butt into conversations they don't belong in?"

Deven: "Maybe he wants to help us build the chess fort."

Paisley: "We're not building a fort, we're playing actual chess. I think I'll start off with this piece."

Who do we think will win? I've got my simoleons on Paisley, but Deven might surprise us.

Deven: "Can we eat the chess pieces? They kinda look like candy!"

Paisley: "Seriously?"

Deven: "I think I'll move this piece right here."

Paisley: "It looks like you're getting the hang of it, babe."

Deven: "Does everything move forward only one square or only the pawn?"

Paisley: "Hey, look! A giraffe wearing pants!"

Deven: "Where?"
Paisley: "Right behind you!"

Deven: "I've been waiting to see a giraffe wearing pants my whole life!"

Paisley: "Hehehe..."

Deven: "Wait... where is he?"

Deven: "I don't see him!"

Paisley: "Oops, looks like he must have ran away... hehehe..."

Deven: "Hmm... I don't remember this piece being here."

Deven: "But, I'll move it right here, I guess."

Looks like Paisley can use Deven's dumb mind and his forgetfulness to her advantage.

Paisley: "Ugh, I'm starting to feel sick again out here in the cold."

Deven: "Me too, but that's probably from kissing you."

Paisley: "Hmm..."

Paisley: "Don't ask how I did that."

Deven: "It's almost as if the pieces moved themselves while we weren't looking!"

Deven: "I'll put this piece right here."

Deven: "Now it's right in front of your king."

Paisley: "That piece doesn't go there, Deven."

Deven: "Does it go here instead?"

Paisley: "Hehehe, nope. You know what? Sure, I'll let it slide."

Paisley: "You know why I let it slide? Checkmate!"

Deven: "What?!"

Deven: "Aww, man! Hahaha! You got me!"

Paisley: "You're a good sport!"

Paisley: "Let's play another game, shall we?"

Deven: "I still have no idea what I'm doing."

Deven: "Hey, look! Someone littering!"
Paisley: "What? Where?"

Paisley: "I don't see them."

Paisley: "Who was littering?"

Deven: "Never mind, they threw their garbage in the trash!"

Paisley: "Deven, did you seriously move all the pieces around?!"

Deven: "Yep, and now your king has no escape. Checkmate."

Paisley: "Seriously?!"

Deven: "I'm the king of chess! Let it snow all around me!"

Paisley: "I'll let you believe that."

Deven: "Don't be jelly. Wanna head down to the fountain?"

Paisley and Deven headed down to the beautiful fountain in the middle of the park.

They're so cute!

Deven: "Are my lips too cold?"

Paisley: "Yeah, but so are mine. C'mere."

What a lovely day! Time to head back to Evergreen Harbor.

Paisley: "Aww, I missed you, my beautiful little beetles!"

Deven: "All that chess made me hungry."

Elodie: "It must have made him thirsty too, I'll make him a drink."

Elodie: "But, not just any drink... hehehe..."

Elodie, don't give him the prank dyed cocktail.

Elodie: "Mind your business."

Elodie: "He's gonna love it. DEVEN!"

Apparently, it's to 'dye' for.
*Ba dum tss*

Deven: "Elodie made a special drink just for me?"

Deven: *Gulp*

How does it taste?

Deven: "It's delicious! How thoughtful of Elodie to make this just me!"

Uh oh, you got pranked!

Deven: "I trusted you!"

Deven: "Maybe no one will notice-"

Paisley: "Hahahahaha! Elodie got you good!"

Elodie: "Hehehehehe... I'm a genius."

Elodie: "This is even funnier than the time I pranked Jax!"

Deven: "It's not funny, penguin, I mean, Paisley!"

Paisley: "Come on, you're really upset over this?"

Deven: "You think it's fun being the butt of a joke?"

Paisley: "Calm down, it's just dye."

Deven: "I don't look like an idiot?"

Paisley: "I mean, you do, but it's funny!"

Deven: "I guess you're right."
Paisley: "See, I told you!"

Rosie: "Hahahahaha! Elodie pranked Deven!"

Deven: "Even the cat is making fun of me now?"

Landon: "Would you all shut it?! I'm trying to to my homework! @#$%!"

Young man, we do not use language like that!

Servo: "Hahahahaha! Look at Deven! He looks so stupid!"

Wasn't it you who was also covered in dye not long ago? Zip it. Wait... never mind, you don't have a mouth to zip.

Paisley: "Hahahahaha! You look so silly! Let's go outside so Landon can focus on his homework."

Deven: "Okay, sure!"

Paisley: "Now everyone can see how silly you look, this will be hilarious."

Deven: "Yeah... can't wait..."


Deven doesn't remember much, but if there's one thing he remembers clearly, it's being bullied as a child in school.

Sims would prank him all the time because he wasn't the smartest, so he would always fall for it. Then, they would point and laugh at him for the rest of the day. Being pranked again brought back those memories for him.

Paisley: "Don't be so embarrassed, babe. I'll still kiss you, even though you look silly."


Deven: "Gee, thanks."

Deven: "Stop it, pasty! I mean, Paisley!"

Deven: "Hey, why don't we go hide... I mean... nap in the dumpster."

Paisley: "Hide from what? Don't you want everyone to see that you're covered in dye?"

Paisley: "Why don't we do something else in the dumpster..."
Deven: "You read my mind."

Paisley: "Come here, paint face."


Deven: "Woah!"

Does this have to occur every time y'all step foot near a dumpster?!

Uh... Paisley?

Deven: "That will never get old."

Paisley: "Looks like the dye on your face is even more noticeable now."

Deven: "Oh... great..."

Deven: "Haha... yeah... she got me..."

Townie: "HAHAHAHA! He looks so stupid!"

Paisley: "Everyone gather around, he looks like a work of art! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Townie: "AHAHAHAHAHA! That's classic! He looks so stupid!"

Townie: "Hey, everyone! Look at this stupid guy!"


Deven: "Alright, can everyone stop laughing at me now-"



Deven: "Do you think we can maybe go back inside now?"

Paisley: "Why would we go back inside, Deven? This is hilarious!"

Deven: "Is it really?"

Paisley: "It's beyond hilarious! The entire town thinks so, too!"

Everyone: "HAHAHAHAHA!"

Deven: "You really think it's funny humiliating me in front of everyone, Paisley?"

Paisley: "Deven, I-"

Deven: "Look how stupid you're making me look! It's bad enough that I'm already absent-minded and can hardly think and can never remember anything! Is this really that funny to you? Is it?!"

Paisley: "I didn't think you'd get this upset, you're usually easy going and don't mind stuff like this."

Deven: "Everyone has their limits, do you want to be the laughing stock of the whole town?"

Paisley: "I really didn't think of it that way, Deven. I'm sorry-"

Deven: "Don't tell me you're sorry, paid tree- I mean, Paisley! You got what you wanted, you completely humiliated me in front of everyone!"

Paisley: "What? That's not what I wanted at all!"

Deven: "Well, what did you want?"

Deven: "What was the purpose of gathering everyone around to laugh at me? Are you only with me just to laugh at me? I'm not taking this, Paisley. You're just like my bullies from school. I'm leaving."

Paisley: "Deven, where are you going?!"

Uh oh, this is not good.

Paisley: "Deven?! Deven, come back!"

Deven ran away as fast as he could, he hasn't felt this humiliated since he was in school.

Paisley: "Ugh, Deven! This is not the time! I can't even chase you! I really gotta pee!"

Deven ran home as fast as possible.

Paisley: "DEVEN!!!"

Paisley: "Ooh, I really gotta pee! I can't chase him any longer!"

Deven: "I never thought she of all sims would do that to me... but I guess I was wrong."

Paisley: "Ugh, I need to pee!"

Paisley: "I'll just try to talk to Deven tomorrow, hopefully he wants to talk to me by then."

Until then, get yourself into the bathroom!

Paisley made a huge mistake, will Deven forgive her?