Friday, June 12, 2020

Chapter 164

Landon: "Why is the kitty in my play room?"

Paisley: "There's a huge storm outside! It's so scary!"

Elodie: "Mommy loves you so much."

Landon: "I love you too, mommy!"

Paisley: "Do you think things are gonna get better soon, mom and dad? We've been going through so much."

Zhora and Jaxton could barely answer Paisley's question.

They both knew things were really bad in their family after all the deaths, and they had no idea what to even say to her to make it feel better, because they were devastated themselves.

Elodie was devastated too.

She's finding it really hard without her parents.

Paisley: "I miss grandma and grandpa."

Happy birthday, Erick and your glitchy hair!

Paisley: "I don't like birthdays."

Too bad.

Happy birthday, Paisley!

Erick aged up into a teen!

So did Paisley! She's so beautiful!

Paisley: "Who, me?"

Paisley: "I knew that already!"

Uh... earth to Paisley?

Paisley: "Huh? Sorry... I just can't stop thinking about everything going on around here right now."

Poor Paisley could barely sleep that night.

After the Parsons' got back from brunch to celebrate the twins birthdays, they were all tired and couldn't wait to relax in their expensive beds... when suddenly...

Jaxton: "What the heck is that?!"

Is that a meteor?!



John: *Gasp!*

Paisley: "Where the heck did that thing come from?"

Elodie: "It just crushed our entire house!"


Servo: "Guys, relax, it's not that bad."


Erick: "At least I'll get a lot of likes on Simstagram for recording that."

Paisley: "I can't believe our house is gone!"

Erick: "All of our furniture! Just when we didn't think it could get much worse!"

Cashie: "My food bowl!"

Paisley: "Wait, guys! We still have our millions!"

Paisley: "Right, Servo?"

Servo: "Uh... yeah... about that..."

Paisley: "You have it all tucked away in a secret location?"

Servo: "I do, but that secret location was inside the house, so all of our money is gone."

Paisley: "Oh..."

Servo: "But it's fine, I have about $2,000 simoleons tucked away in my robot chest. I know a place we can move to as well, it's called Evergreen Harbor. Sure, I've heard some... things... about the place, but the rent is cheap, so it should be a good place for us."

Paisley: "Evergreen Harbor?"

Servo: "Yeah! It'll be great!"

Mackenzie: "So, we're really not millionaires anymore?"

Elodie: "All of our hard work down the drain just like that?"

John: "This is hurting my back!"

Jaxton: "Wow... 7 generations with almost nothing to show for it anymore. I feel like I've let my parents down."

Erick: "And I've never heard of this 'Evergreen Harbor' place... what if it's horrible?"

Paisley: "I'm sure it'll be fine wherever we move to, as long as we all have each other."

Mackenzie: "But I want our millions and our huge house back!"

John: "Well... I guess it's time to pack up and move out of here... oh wait, we have nothing to pack up."

Servo: "Don't worry, leave it with me. I'll find us the best place for us within our budget."

Jaxton: "We're screwed."

Mackenzie: "Ugh, I can barely breathe! It's so polluted here in Evergreen Harbor!"

Everyone: *Cough, cough, cough*
Erick: "This is... uh..."

Yep, this is the Parsons' new home!

It's an eco friendly crate home.

(It didn't take me long at all to build this, only about 20-30 minutes! It usually takes me hours or days to build a house!)

With no money, the Parsons will have to be as frugal as possible.

It turns out that Evergreen Harbor is a lot more polluted than anyone expected, as well.

At least Servo was able to find them a place to live, even if the house is tiny and the air is barely breathable.

Time for a little house tour! Remember, the Parsons' couldn't afford much, so it isn't highly decorated. This is the living room!

This is the kitchen/dining room.

This is the first bedroom.

With multiple beds.

This is the second bedroom.

This is the upstairs bathroom.

This is the third bedroom.

This is the upstairs area.

This is the fourth bedroom.

And last, but not least, this is the outdoor area.

The Parsons' are really gonna have to work their way up as much as possible with as little as possible.

Time for everyone to explore the new home.

I'm not sure they're gonna like it.

Elodie: "Ugh! This is tiny compared to our old house!"

Paisley: "Why does everyone keep complaining?"

Elodie: "Oh, I don't know, maybe because we just lost our entire house and all of our money that took 7 generations to build up!"

Landon: "I like the new house."

Paisley: "I can't believe how bad the citizens here let this place get."

This sure is sad.

Such a beautiful area with so much potential is completely ruined by pollution.

Paisley: "Wow, even just looking at all of this pollution makes me furious. How could anyone let it get this way?"

Paisley is exactly right, how could it possibly be this bad?

The good news is, Evergreen Harbor can be changed for the better.

Paisley couldn't stand to see it like this.

Paisley: "What's this? A community board?"

Paisley: "Community votes? I guess that could help this area thrive."

It looks like everyone is willing to pitch in to make Evergreen Harbor a better place!

Paisley: "I need 10 points before I can vote? I'll be right back, then."

Elodie found a mixology station in the landfill.

Elodie: "As long as I have my mixology station, I'm happy."

Paisley: "I stink just from being out here in the pollution for only an hour!"

The Parsons' will be cultivating some bugs from now on! Meet the new crickets!

And meet the new beetles!

Paisley: "Not even these insects should be living in a place like this. We need to make it better."

Paisley: "Huh, little guy?"

Paisley: "Aww, you're so cute!"

Landon: "Do you like the new house, doggies?"

Zhora: "This place isn't so bad, right?"

Astrid: "I mean, it's pretty small, but it's bringing us all closer together."

That's a strange shower if you ask me.

Jaxton: "Is it wrong if I spend all of our money cooking gourmet meals?"

Erick: "Of course not, I love gourmet meals!"

Looks like Servo is making some new friends.

Elodie: "Is it just me or is the polluted air starting to pollute my brain and make me crazy?"

You're already crazy.

Paisley: "Why, hello there, litterer."

Townie: "If you're insinuating that I'm the reason this town is so polluted, then you're absolutely right. I love to buy expensive items for no reason and then toss them into the landfill when I no longer need them.

Elodie: "Paisley, don't attack the townies, they're doing their best."

Paisley: "Yeah, doing their best to mess this place up!"

Paisley: "I've got my eye on all of you townies."
Servo: "Hey! Let's change the topic, look what my robotic arm can do!"

Paisley: "Ugh, I can barely breathe out here!"

Landon, you shouldn't be out here in this polluted air! Go inside!

Paisley: "Maybe we started off on the wrong foot, I'm Paisley."

Townie: "Nice to meet you, Paisley."

Paisley: "Are you gonna contribute to cleaning this beautiful land with me?"

Townie: "Don't even bother, you'll never make a difference, so what's the point?"

Landon: "Am I filling the landfill?"

Paisley: "Yes, yes you are, diaper wearer. Learn to potty already!"

Woah, Paisley has no tolerance for pollution. Not even the toddlers are safe!

Townie: "Did you hear what I said? Don't even bother cleaning up this place. It'll just get worse and worse, and we're all okay with it."

Paisley: "Who's 'we'? You mean you?"

Townie: "Well, yes. I'm the one who makes all the decisions around here, not some blue-haired teenager who lives in an eco friendly crate house."

Paisley: "What did you just call me?!"

Paisley: "I cannot stand this townie! I'll clean up this town if it's the last thing I do!"

Jaxton: "I'm so glad my phone wasn't destroyed by the meteor."

Paisley: "That's it, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make Evergreen Harbor a better place. First things first, time to do the ultimate recycling."

Paisley: "Dumpster diving."

Paisley: "Hey, this might be fun!"

Be careful!

Paisley: "I think something living just touched my hand..."

So your immediate reaction is to throw your whole body into the garbage?

Paisley: "Woah..."

Paisley: "There's a lot of flies in here... maybe I can cultivate them too."

Paisley: "Trash... trash... trash... no treasure."

You're already giving up?

Paisley: "No way! I'm going back in."

Hopefully she finds something good this time.

Paisley: "I found 35 simoleons... better than nothing."

Paisley: "Ugh, what's that smell?"

Paisley: "Is that me?! I need to shower!"

Townie: "Do you offer free drinks?"

Elodie: "You think you can get these drinks for free? No way! That'll be 50 simoleons!"

Jaxton: "I don't know what it is about living in a small home with little to no possessions, but it feels like it's bringing my family so much closer."

Jax was right, everyone was communicating more often and the mood was definitely lighting up.

Maybe this could have been a good thing. Everyone was starting to lose sight of the family unity and love they had for each other because they were so obsessed with their expensive possessions and huge house.

I guess less really is more.

At the end of the day, money can't buy happiness.

Erick: "That ladder is so much cooler than our old stairs."

Landon, no!

Luckily, Jax is still able to practice his cooking skill.

It may not be in a big fancy kitchen anymore, but who needs all that anyway?

Astrid: "This has been really nice sitting and talking to both of you."

Zhora: "Yeah, I've never felt closer to everyone."

Paisley: *Cough, cough, cough*

Paisley: "Oh my gosh, this air is barely breathable! It's so polluted!"

Paisley: "Why, hello there, town destroyer."

Simeon: "You know I don't live here, right?"

Paisley: "My bad. Do you like my outfit, by the way?"

Simeon: "Yeah, it's amazing! I love it!"

Paisley almost has enough points to vote on the next neighborhood action plan.

Uh oh!

Jaxton: "AHH!"


Zhora: "Yeah, hello, fire department? My stupid husband has been cooking on this old and broken stove all day and it caught fire."

Jaxton: "HELP ME!!!"

Elodie: "Don't worry, I've got this!"

Elodie is saving the day!

Townie: "Uh... I was gonna welcome y'all to the neighborhood. Is this a bad time?"

Zhora: "What do you think?!"

Jaxton: "That was stupid of me."

Mackenzie: "We almost lost two houses in one day!"

Paisley: "Hi, are you here to welcome us to the neighborhood, litterer?"

Townie: "Uh..."

I don't think Erick realises there was just a fire.

Erick: "There was a fire?"

Paisley: "Alright, I've interacted with enough litterers, I should be able to vote on the next neighborhood action plan now."

Let's hope so, this town needs all the help it can get.

I wonder what Paisley will vote for.

Paisley: "I voted for Eco-Friendly Appliances, the Handiness skill and Influence will now be easier to get by using green-upgraded appliances or by repairing any appliance. That sounds like a good first step to me."

Landon: "WEEEEEEEE!"

Just like she used to do with Astrid!

Elodie: "Wheeere's Landon?!"

Landon: "Hahahahaha! You'll never catch me, mommy!"

Zhora: "Isn't that the cutest thing ever?"

Astrid: "Can you believe dad almost burnt this house down?"

Erick: "If he did, we would have really been in trouble."

Everyone is loving the new ladder, I don't think they'll love it so much when they all have to use it at once.

Astrid: "I call first dibs to use the ladder next."

One thing that will always keep the Parsons entertained is dancing.

Oh, and their new little TV.

But, more so, dancing.

Paisley: "Turn this thing off, it's wasting our solar power."
Mackenzie: "But I was watching that!"

Servo: "There's barely anything for me to do around here."
John: "Maybe you can socialise with everyone now like the rest of us."

Townie: "Your house is less eco friendly than mine."

Astrid: "HOW DARE YOU?!"

The Parsons may not have a lot of money now, but they're still gonna eat a gourmet butternut squash soup for dinner.

Paisley: "You know what? This little TV isn't so bad."
Servo: "I can barely see it, I want our big TV back."

Townie: "That butternut squash must have taken a lot of gas from the stove to prepare, huh?"

Elodie: "You need to take that up with Jax, he's the one who made it."

The family hasn't sat around and ate dinner together as a family like this in a long time. They were really enjoying each other's company.

And little Landon finally did his first mandatory food fling! What a proud moment.

Paisley: "My first mandatory food fling was better than that."

Bed time for Landon in his little handmade toddler bed.

The poorer the Parsons are, the more they dance! This must be why they danced so much in generation 1.

Paisley: "As long as they're not wasting electricity, it's fine."

They're using a boombox, calm yourself.

I almost said it's a beautiful evening, but... it's pretty grim in Evergreen Harbor right now.

But, there's a lot of hope for this place. Things seem to be improving already.

Mortimer: "Eugh! How did I end up here? Take me back to the nice, green and lush Willow Creek."

Elodie: *Cough, cough, cough*


Elodie: "Ugh, seriously?! Can't I move my bar inside?"

There's no room!

Zhora: "It's so nice to see my family spending quality time."

The Parsons could have taken this situation a lot worse, but instead, they embraced it and found the best in it. They've always been pretty resilient.

Paisley: *Gasp!* "My eyes!"

Mackenzie: "Can I just poop in peace?"

Well, that was a crazy first night in the Parsons new house.

They were pretty sheltered in their nice old life in Oasis Springs, they never really thought about some of the issues facing the outside world such as pollution. The good thing is, they want to make a change and make Evergreen Harbor a better place, especially Paisley. Can they do it?


  1. Woah, was not expecting the meteor! A new start for the Parsons

    1. I got the idea from TS3 after Eco Lifestyle came out!
