Thursday, June 11, 2020

Chapter 163

Elodie is back at work!

Elodie: "After cooking this meal, I'll finally get to mix some drinks!"

Elodie has been waiting so long to finally be able to mix drinks at the bar.

While these two just sit around and gossip. 🙄

Elodie: "Finally, I'm in my element."

Elodie: "It feels like everything may be coming together."

Elodie: "I've wanted to use you for so long, cup!"

Elodie: "Watch and learn."

Elodie: "I'm the pro."

That drink looks delicious!

Elodie: "Shake, shake, shake!"

Elodie: "TURN UP!"

Ooh, another delicious looking drink!

Elodie: "All that drink making has my back hurting."

I think it's actually from the baby in your belly.

Employee: "Great job today, Elodie!"

Elodie: "Thanks. Can't say the same for you since you were sitting around gossiping all day."

Elodie: "At least I get to eat some food before I go home."

Elodie: "Aw, man, now I'll be too full to have more apple pie."

Elodie was promoted!

Paisley: "I finally got a chocolate chip cookie!"

Vanessa: "These are delicious."

The chocolate chip cookies look a lot nicer than the cheese eyeballs. Gross!

John: "Don't knock it 'till you try it."

Zhora: "I used to always eat eyeballs covered in cheese on Sixam."

Jaxton: "Sixam just sounds weirder and weirder the more I hear about it."

Jaxton: "Really, Servo? You're self repairing right by my cooking spot?"

Jaxton: "Where else am I supposed to cook?!"

The Parsons are very moody lately.

Elodie: "Ah, what a beautiful morning!"

Elodie: "My little bb should be here any moment now."

Jaxton: "Now Servo takes off? After I'm done using the cooking spot?!"

Starlight: "I'm trying to take a nap in here."

Servo: "Why is everyone criticising me today?"

Jaxton: "This omelette is delicious."

Looks like Jax was just hangry.

Zhora: "I'm hangry too, where's the food at?"

Paisley: "I'm starving. Don't let grandpa get the food before me."

Kyrie: "If there's food, I'm pushing everyone out of the way to get it."

The chickens are lucky that they live outside of this house and don't have to be inside dealing with the Parsons'.

Elodie, is that safe?!

Elodie: "Of course it is, I'm a pro."

Elodie: "Did you forget?"

Jaxton: "Elodie is such a showoff! She's taking the attention away from my cooking!"

The growfruit plant has evolved into perfect quality!

Mackenzie: "I evolved into perfect quality at birth."

Paisley: "You still can't beat my high score, though."

Dance, dance, dance!

Elodie: "They're ruining my bar vibes, get them out of here!"

Jaxton: "Outta my way, the real mixology pro is in town."

Jaxton: "Let me show y'all how it's done."

Jaxton: "Wait... I only know how to make water."

It's a rainy day in Oasis Springs.

It's pouring rain, too. Could it be a sign for the Parsons'?

Paisley: "Servo is the best, he's fixing the arcade!"

Where would the Parsons' be without Servo?

Zhora: "Could you hurry it up? I want some juice already!"

Jaxton: "Please be patient."

Jaxton: "You know I'm still learning, babe. That hurt my feelings."

Zhora: "I know what'll cheer you up."

Zhora: "Blerlenkgnerghbn!"

Jaxton: "Really?"

Zhora: "Never mind, take all the time you need, sensitive Sally."

Jaxton: "Woah!"

Jaxton: "You, uh... didn't see that... hahaha..."

Elodie came home from work early in labor!

Elodie: "Ugh, this hurts!"

Elodie: "Is it too late to take it back?"

Jeff never told Elodie he was an alien! Heck, he barely told her anything because he's a sleaze ball.

Elodie: "Hello, my little alien bb!"

Elodie: "Mommy loves you so much, you're absolutely perfect."

Elodie: "It was painful bringing you into this world, but it was worth it."

It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Landon Parsons!

The secret pet meetings are happening again? They're definitely up to something.

Opie: "I told you we shouldn't have had our meeting here, Asparagus."

Asparagus: "Just act adorable and she won't notice!"

Rosie: "You wanna form an escape plan away from these crazy sims and pets?"

Cashie: "You read my mind."

The plantain tree has evolved into perfect quality!

Astrid: "Is there a new alien in this house? My signals are going crazy."

Zhora: "Aliens are the best."

Paisley: "Even better than mermaids."

Vanessa: "True dat!

Mackenzie: "I think spellcasters are the best, but okay."

Little Landon has aged up into a toddler!

He's so adorable!

It's Spooky Day time! 👻🎃 I can't decide between whether Spooky Day or Winterfest is my favorite holiday.

Elodie: "Wanna see the three bottle trick again?"

You're pouring it all over the bar, where's the cup?!

Elodie: "I don't need a cup!"

Landon: "Mommy's crazy."

Let's see if Landon will do the mandatory food fling.

Mackenzie: "I'm not cleaning it if he does."

What?! No mandatory food fling?!

Elodie: "My son is so well behaved!"

Mackenzie: "Why couldn't my kids be that well behaved?"

Elodie: "Ta-da!"

Woah, that's impressive!

Kyrie: "I'm gonna beat the family high score."

Kyrie: "SCORE!!!"

Elodie and Ralphie are best friends!

Elodie was finally promoted to level 7 master mixologist! She's so close to level 10 of the career already!

Paisley: "Why is there a trash plant in front of the stairs?"

Erick: "Because the doggies are gross and always pooping right here."

Ooh! A Crytacoo element! It's rare, too.

Jaxton: "What is this weirdo doing behind me?"

Uh... Mackenzie?

Mackenzie: "Nothing to see here!"

Elodie: "I've been waiting all day for this drink."

Kyrie: *Sniff, sniff*

Kyrie: "Ugh, this bar smells like juice!"

Kyrie: "Let me clean it for my lovely daughter so she has a nice bar to make drinks on."

Should you really be supervising Paisley doing her homework while you're drinking juice?

Elodie: "No, but oh well."

Paisley: "I wanna drink out of a coconut!"

You're not allowed to drink juice.

Kyrie: "I'm the master bar cleaner."

Jaxton: "Listen here, asparagus, you're going to cook, and you're going to cook right... or else."

Zhora: "Why is my husband talking to asparagus?"

Vanessa: "The dog or the food?"

Erick: "You're crazier than daddy."

Paisley: "How dare you say that."

Zhora: "There it is! Can you guys see it?!"

Mackenzie: "Yep... we sure can."

Elodie: "She's a different kind of crazy."

Zhora: "I'm not crazy, it's right there!"

Okay, Zhora.

Zhora: "One day, you'll all regret not listening to me!"

Opie: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Nooooooooooo! Not Opie!

Rest In Peace, Opie Parsons. You were a beautiful and wonderful cat, and you will be dearly missed.

You're not welcome here!

Grim Reaper: "Another soul to reap today, Opie Parsons."

Servo: "Don't take precious little Opie!"

Kyrie: "I miss Opie so much already!"

Grim Reaper: "Hey, what's attacking me?!"

Starlight: "What? It wasn't me!"

Starlight: "I only attack this ball."

Starlight: "You can't escape me, ball!"

Starlight: "Om, nom, nom!"

Erick: "Opie died while I was asleep?! Nooooooooooo!"

It's Spooky Day! 👻🎃

Jaxton got up extra early to bake some spooky cookies!

John: "It's giving me a sugar rush just thinking about those cookies!"

They look like they're gonna be delicious.

Jaxton: "Oh, they are."

Cashie, no!

Ooh, those cookies look amazing!

Jaxton: "I'd like a round of applause, please."

Jaxton: "I'm wearing a Grim Reaper costume? Isn't it too soon after Opie?"

Here comes everyone in their costumes!

Erick: "Really? You gave me the stupid hot dog costume?"

Why are your teeth black, Kyrie?

Zhora: "These cookies are delicious!"


How adorable are everyone's costumes?

Jaxton: "Mine isn't adorable!"

Erick: "Mine either, my costume sucks."

Elodie: "I didn't want to be a cheerleader."

Rosie: "Are y'all gonna share those cookies or what?"

Zhora: "Tell Rosie to get her own cookies."

The kids went trick or treating in Oasis Springs!

Erick: "Now everyone's gonna see my lame hot dog costume?!"

Paisley: "These sims still have Love Day lights up instead of Spooky Day lights."

*Knock, knock, knock*

Paisley: "Trick or treat?"

Townie: "Hmm..."

Townie: "I guess treat. Here you go."

Paisley: "Thank you!"

Paisley: "Hmm... I wonder what flavor it is."

Paisley: *Munch, munch*

Paisley: "Blueberry, my favorite! Thank you again!"

Townie: "You're very welcome, Happy Spooky Day!"

Erick: "Trick or treat?"

Cooper: "Trick."

Cooper: "Just kidding, treat."

Erick: "Thanks!"

Erick: *Munch, munch*

Erick: "It was apple flavored, my favorite."

Astrid: "Trick or treat? Please be some apple flavored treats!"

Townie: "Hmm..."

Paisley: "Is Astrid about to get tricked?"

Astrid: "Nope, I got a treat!"

Astrid: "Thanks!"

Did y'all like the treats?

Astrid: "I loved them!"

Back at home, the wild candy bowl is at it again.

Paisley: "Woah! You didn't tell me the candy bowl was wild!"

Paisley: "That was a good trick, though!"

Paisley: *Munch, munch*

Paisley: "Grape? Hmm... not my favorite, but it's still good."

Jaxton: "Shake, shake, shake!"

Mackenzie has not stopped making ice cream all day.

Zhora: "Because she's scared of the candy bowl."

This random townie child just walked through the house to the candy bowl.

Mackenzie, are you making ice cream again?

Mackenzie: "Who? Me? Never!"

What a great Spooky Day that was!

Asparagus: "I've barked a lot of barks, I've jumped in a lot of puddles, but it's time for me to go."

Noooooooooooooo! Not Asparagus too!

Rest In Peace, Asparagus Parsons. You were a wonderful and adorable dog, and you will be dearly missed.

Vanessa: "I've also lived a long, wonderful life."

Vanessa: "It's time for me to go too."

Noooooooooooooo! Not Vanessa too!

Vanessa: "Take care of my babies and grandbabies for me."

Grim Reaper: "So many souls to reap around here."

Kyrie: *Gasp* Vanessa?!

Kyrie: "I can't live without my beautiful soulmate, Vanessa.

Kyrie: "Farewell, sim world."

Noooooooooooooooooo! Kyrie was one of my favorite Parsons' ever!

Kyrie: "Take care of my artifacts for me."

'Till death do them part.

Rest In Peace, Vanessa Parsons. You were a lovely and beautiful sim, and you will be dearly missed.

Rest In Peace, Kyrie Parsons. You were one of the best Parsons' ever, and you achieved so much in your long life. You will be dearly missed.

It's a sad, sad day in the Parsons household.

Jaxton: "I don't wanna be old."

Relax, you're only aging up into an adult.

Happy birthday, Jaxton!

Zhora: "I have to age up too?"
Jaxton: "If I had to, so do you."

Zhora: "This sucks."

Happy birthday, Zhora!

And happy birthday Astrid and your glitchy hair!

Astrid aged up into a teen!

And Jax and Zhora aged up into adults!

It's a sad time for the Parsons. Little do they know...

When it rains, it pours.

But, can it possibly pour any more for the Parsons'?

Who knows... 

Elodie: "I can juggle these heavy bottles with no struggle!"

Elodie: "And pour them all into a cup at once!"

Zhora: "How are you feeling, Astrid?"

Astrid: "Not good, it feels like our family is going through such a hard time right now."

Jaxton: "We really are. How much worse can it get for this family?"

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