Sunday, June 21, 2020

Chapter 169

Paisley decided to visit the flea market in San Myshuno today.

After all, it is a form of recycling, right?

Which is exactly why Paisley rode down as soon as she heard the flea market was happening.

Paisley: "This flea market looks awesome!"

Paisley: "I can't wait to reuse and recycle some more."

Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice.

Deven: "Paste feet? I mean... Paisley?"

Deven: "What are you doing here in San Myshuno?"

Paisley: "I could ask you the same thing, it seems like you're stalking me at this point."

Deven: "No way! I just love the flea market, it's kind of like a form of recycling."

Paisley: "That's why I love the flea market too!"

Deven: "The name kinda scares me, though. Do you think we could get fleas by coming here?"

Paisley: "It's a good thing you're cute. Come on, let's check this place out."

Deven and Paisley are excited to see what the flea market has to offer.

There was a guy playing a wooden guitar.

Wow, that guitar is the most recycled thing I've ever seen.

Paisley: "He's amazing at playing the guitar and he recycled his guitar too? This man needs a tip!"

Deven: *I can smell so many tasty meals behind me... must resist... I think I can smell spring rolls... mmm... spring rolls. Wait... where am I again?*

Paisley: "Isn't this guy amazing, Deven?"

Deven: "Huh? Oh, yeah! He's great!"

What a great performance!

Next, Paisley and Deven decided to approach one of the stands where a sim was selling crystals.

I wonder if she has any rare crystals.

Woah, she has an entire collection right here!

Deven: "That's a lot of crystals. Can we eat crystals? I bet they'd taste like pop rocks."

Paisley: "No, we can't eat them. Don't eat anything without supervision, you're not the brightest. Anyways, I'm gonna see what kind of deal I can get from this townie."

Uh oh, it's the rude, ugly townie from Evergreen Harbor!

Paisley: "Uh... have we met before?"

Townie: "I'd recognise that ridiculous blue hair anywhere."

Paisley: "What did you just say to me?"

Deven: "Uh oh, this townie is messing with the wrong one."

Paisley: "Hey, why don't we reconcile? I got you a gift."

Townie: "For me? You shouldn't have!"

Paisley: "But I did, here you go."

Deven: "This is gonna be good. Where's the popcorn? Mmm... popcorn."

Paisley: "Hehehe..."

Townie: "That's disgusting. How did you get a dog poop into a gift box?"

Paisley: "Hahahahaha!"

Paisley: "AHAHAHAHA! GOT 'EM!"

Deven: "She's pretty and smart? I wish I was smart. I wonder what it's like to be smart, I bet smart sims are always thinking about numbers. That reminds me, I can almost count to 100! 1... 2... 4... 3..."

Townie: "Get this gift out of my sight."

Paisley: "I'm the best prankster ever. Maybe I should make that my new hobby."

Deven: "Ooh... bubbles..."

Paisley: "Deven is wandering off again without supervision, I'd better catch up to him."

Deven: "Is this a bubble machine?! I love bubbles!"

Paisley: "Deven, you know you're not supposed to be wandering off without supervision, right?"

Deven: "But there's bubbles!"

Paisley decided to test out the bubble machine first.

Paisley: *Cough, cough, cough!*

Deven: "Hey, look! You're coughing bubbles!"

Paisley: "Deven... I think... I'm... choking..."

Deven: "Look at all these bubbles you just coughed out, they're so pretty! I love playing with bubbles!"

Paisley: "Really?"

Deven: "My turn!"

I wonder how Deven will react to the bubble machine.

Paisley: "Hopefully he coughs up a storm like I did, that would be funny!"

Deven: *Cough, cough, cough!*

Paisley: "It's even funnier than I expected!"


Paisley: "Woah, are you okay? There's bubbles going everywhere!"

Deven: "My whole life just flashed before my eyes... this is the first time I've ever remembered anything about my life."

Paisley: "And a bunch of bubbles just flashed before my eyes, you coughed them everywhere!"

Deven: "That was so much fun!"

Paisley: "Coughing up bubbles is fun?"

Deven: "With you, anything is fun."

Paisley: "Aww, Deven, you're so sweet."

Deven: "You really think I'm sweet? Does that mean I taste like candy?"

Paisley: "You're super sweet!"

Paisley: "You may not be the smartest, but you have every other quality going for you. You're an amazing sim."

Deven: "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me, thanks penguin... I mean... Paisley."

Paisley: "No need to thank me, it's nothing but the truth."

Deven: "Well, you know what else is true?"

Deven: "You're the prettiest, most down to earth sim I've ever met."

Paisley: "Ooh..."

Paisley: "Is that so?"

Deven: "It sure is!"

Deven: "I could stare into your beautiful purple eyes all day."

Paisley: "Oh, stop it, you... but keep it going."

Deven: *I bet her eyes taste like grapes... mmm... grapes..."
Paisley: "Deven?"

Deven: "Sorry, I was just thinking about your beautiful eyes again."

Paisley: "You're way too sweet!"

Paisley: "And way too handsome."

Deven: "That means a lot coming from a sim as beautiful as you."

Paisley: "You aren't wrong."

Paisley: "Do you think we should stick around a bit longer?"

Deven: "I don't know... I don't wanna get fleas."

Paisley: "Wait... you weren't kidding? You really think you can get fleas from the flea market?"

Deven: "You're telling me you can't? Why do they call it a flea market then?"

Paisley: "I should stop underestimating how stupid you really are."

Deven: "This has been so much fun, I'm so glad we ran into each other."

Paisley: "Me too, it's been such a great day. I love hanging out with you."

Deven: "Since you love hanging out with me, I guess you wouldn't mind if..."

Paisley: "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Deven: "Oh, uh... you know..."

Paisley: "I don't know... what are you talking about?"

Deven: "You wouldn't mind if I..."


Paisley: "No, I didn't mind that at all."

Deven: "You didn't?"

Paisley: "Of course not. You're actually a really good kisser."

Deven: "I guess I'm finally good at something, right?"

Paisley: "Yeah, looks like you've found your calling."

Deven: "If kissing you is my calling, I wouldn't mind doing it every day for the rest of my life."

Deven: "Oh, and I got you something by the way."

Paisley: *It's gonna be something stupid, isn't it?*

Deven: "I know it's not much, but-"

Paisley: "Oh my gosh, Deven!"

Paisley: "It's absolutely beautiful!"

Deven: "Not as beautiful as you."

Paisley: "Hehe, we should get going now."


Deven: "Not without doing that first."

Paisley: "Of course not, you read my mind. Alright, now we can get out of here."

Paisley and Deven walked back to Evergreen Harbor together to Deven's napping spot.

Deven: "This has been such a great day."

Paisley: "It really has."

Deven: *She's so pretty, I could stare at her all day.*

After walking for a while, they finally made it.

Deven: "Do you wanna do this again sometime?"

Paisley: "I'd love to. I don't want this day to end."

Deven: "It doesn't have to! Why don't you take a nap with me in my favorite napping spot?"

Paisley: "Or... we could do something else in your favorite napping spot..."

Looks like Deven is on board with that idea.

Deven: "You ready to get 'dirty'?"

Paisley: "Hahaha! Deven!"

Deven: "There's a lot of trash in here."
Paisley: "Oh well."

Paisley: "It'll be like a bunch of cushions."

Deven: "You're right!"

Deven: "Care to join me?"

Paisley: "Of course I do!"

Deven: "Well, c'mere."


Deven: "This will be a lot more fun than napping!"

Paisley: "Heck yeah, it will! Let's do this-"

Paisley: "Woah!"


I'll just wait here... as usual.

Townie: "What's going on in that dumpster? It looks fun!"

Get out of here, you creep!

Uh... guys?

Oh my gosh!

Are those bugs?!


Paisley & Deven: "Woah!"

Paisley & Deven: "Hahahahaha!"

Deven: "Well, that was fun!"

Paisley: "Yeah, I guess you're good at something else other than kissing."

Paisley & Deven: "Hahahahaha!"

Deven: "I'm just glad the dumpster didn't tip over."

Paisley: "Me too, thank gosh!"

Deven: "And you were totally right, the trash felt like cushions, just like when I nap!"

Paisley: "See? I told ya!"

Deven: "Wait..."

Deven: "You have something on your shoulder."

Deven: "All better!"

Paisley: "Hehe, thanks... I didn't see that there."

Deven: "You're welcome, wouldn't wanna ruin that nice sweater."

Deven: "You know how I said you could dumpster nap with me anytime? You can also dumpster woohoo with me anytime if you want."

Paisley: "Gee, thanks. I might take you up on that offer soon."

Deven: "But don't think that's the only thing I wanna do."

Paisley: "I sure hope not."

Deven: "No way! I wanna see your cute face everyday, my blueberry."

Paisley: "You do? How romantic."

Deven: "You think that's romantic? You ain't seen nothing yet."

Townie Kid: "Those sims are gross! Make them stop showing public affection!"


Alright guys...

You can stop now!

Paisley: "But I didn't wanna stop."

Deven: "Wait... does this mean you're my girlfriend now? Please say it does."

Paisley: "Uh... I don't know... I'd have to think about it..."

Paisley: "Of course it makes me your girlfriend!"

Deven: "It does?! Thank gosh, you scared me for a moment!"

Paisley: "You think I'd say no to your sweet face?"

Deven: "Uh... you're making me want to dumpster woohoo again."

Paisley: "Oh, do you now? Well, that'll have to wait. I'll see you later, my love."

Deven: "Aww, man. I'll see you later then, my love."

Paisley: "Don't miss me too much."

Deven: *Yawn* "Now I'm tired, time for a nap."

Paisley: "See you later, Deven!"

Deven: "See you later, paid tree... I mean... Paisley."

Deven: "Nap time!"

Deven: "Zzz..."

Paisley: "Man, I knew I loved dumpster diving, but this just takes it to a whole new level."

Woohoo! Elodie has reached level 10 of the mixology skill!

She also completed her aspiration 'Master Mixologist'! I'm so proud of her!

Zhora: "What are you all happy and giggly about, Paisley?"

Paisley: "Hehehe, I'm not happy and giggly, mom!"

Zhora: "Alright, spill the beans, who is he?"

Paisley: "What are you talking about?"

Landon: "We're not stupid, Paisley."

Zhora: "So, what's his name?"

Paisley: "Alright, alright, his name is Deven. He's so cute and... well... he's not smart at all. He's got me feeling all these lovey dovey feelings."

Felix: *Hiss* "Ew, love."

Oh yeah, Felix aged up into an adult, too.

Zhora: "Deven, huh? I can't wait to meet him."

Paisley: "As long as you act normal around him, sure, you can meet him."

Zhora: "When have I ever not been normal? Anyway, I'm so happy for you. Love is the best feeling in the world."

Elodie: "Eugh, love. I'd rather TURN UP!"

Look at Paisley, she's so giddy!

Elodie: "Who has time for all that?"

Zhora: "I can't wait to tell Jax."

Speaking of Jax, he was promoted again!

Jaxton: "And, of course, it's raining when I get home."

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