Sunday, March 8, 2020

Chapter 112

Gnome: "Prepare for me to wreak havoc the second one of you don't satisfy me."

Whiskers: "What did that thing just say?"

It's Servo's favorite time of the year.

Servo: "I hate Harvestfest with every fiber of my being."

Well, you have to be the one who makes the turkey because every other Parsons burns the entire kitchen down every time they cook.

Servo: "These dogs better not go near the turkey."

Oh, they will.

Minnie: "Who? Me? Never!"

I wonder if anyone can smell the turkey yet?

Zayn: "Can I smell turkey?"

How do y'all like the turkey?

Zayn: "It's delicious!"

Kai: "I don't like it."

Get out.

Why is Zayn the only one enjoying the turkey?

Penelope: "I want turkey!"
Olive: "Me too."

Dylan: "This year's turkey is wack!"

Maya: "I gotta pee!"

Zayn: "I'll have your turkey if you don't want it, son."

Kai: "Now I'm gonna eat the whole thing just to spite you."

Teens, am I right?

Penelope: "Where's my turkey?"

Dylan: "What are you thankful for, Sienna?"
Sienna: "That I'm the most sane sim at this table."

Dana: "What are you thankful for, Sophia?"

Sophia: "That I'm mom's favorite child!"

Zayn: "I'm my mom's favorite child too!"

Dylan: "And I'm my mom's favorite child!"

Zayn: "You hear that, Kai? Dylan is your mom's favorite."

Kai: "Oh, how tragic, how will I ever live this down? Is my mom your favorite baby mama too, dad?"

Dylan: "Oh, snap."

Sienna: "That was uncalled for."
Zayn: "Wow."

Penelope: "Yay! I get to eat the turkey in my room instead of at the table with everyone!"

Whiskers: "What are you looking at? Finders keepers."

Watermelon: "How dare you! Hand the turkey over right now!"

Whiskers: "Get away, peasant."

Penelope: "That turkey wasn't as yummy as I expected."

Gnome: "Ally appeased me real nice." *Wink*


Phone: *You have reached the voicemail of 378329847463734834.*
Dylan: "Uh... hey, Wade."

Dylan: "I know you're probably busy right now, but I just wanted to wish you a happy Harvestfest! I'm always thankful for you."

Dylan: "Anyway... uh... call me! Bye!"

Dylan decided to comb the beach for seashells.

It didn't feel the same without Wade.

Dylan: "Hmm... I wonder if I'll find many seashells today."

Dylan: "Wow! This shell is so pretty!"

Dylan: "Are there any more seashells around here?"

Princess aged up into an adult! Aaand she's filthy from jumping in puddles again.

Zayn: "It's so funny to watch the cat's eyes go crazy over the cat wand."


Ally: "Let's get you all cleaned up, Princess."

Princess: "I wonder which puddle I'm going to jump in next. A water puddle? A puddle of my own pee?"
Ally: "Gross!"

Kai: "Oh, yeah. I'm so hot."
Zayn: "What the hell are you doing?"

Kai was a bit stinky in his selfie.

Kai: "Hey, it turned out really good."
Zayn: "Okay, stink ass."

Princess: *Shake*
Ally: "Ugh! Princess!"

Rainbow also needs a bath before she ages up.

Dylan: "I'm still looking for seashells!"

There's so many fish jumping about today.

Dylan tried not to look at the fish, Wade loves fishing, but she didn't want to think about the fact that he was ignoring her.

Dylan: "Ugh!"

Dylan: "Anything?"

Uh oh...

Tanya: "Hey, Dylan!"

Dylan: "Oh! Hey, guys!"

Dylan: "What are you doing here?"

Tiara: "We came to see you. Aren't we allowed to see our friend?"

Dylan: "Yeah, of course you are."

Lloyd: "We found a cool spot to hang out. Come on, let's go."

Dylan's friends took her to a really nice hidden beach area.

They all decided to build some sandcastles.

Tanya: "These sandcastles are gonna be awesome."

Dylan: "I sure hope so."

Tanya: "We should make a cowplant like that thing in Dylan's backyard."

Lloyd: "Yeah, what is that thing?"

Tiara: "It's creepy, that's what it is!"

Dylan: "Uh, yeah. It can be creepy to some people."

Dylan: "I love it though, because my grandpa planted it. He was the best..."

They're almost finished!

Tanya: "We're gonna finish first!"

Tanya: "Our cowplant is awesome!"
Dylan: "Yeah! I love it!"

Lloyd: "So is our turtle!"

How adorable!

Tanya: "So, Dylan..."
Dylan: "Yeah?"

Tanya: "You ready to go swimming?"

Dylan: "Oh... uh... swimming?"

Tanya: "Yeah, it's a beautiful day for swimming, isn't it, Tiara?"
Tiara: "Yeah, it's a perfect day for swimming!"

Dylan: "Uh... I gotta go. I'll see you guys later!"

Dylan walked away as fast as she could.

Dylan: "Oh my god. Maybe Wade was right?"

Tiara: "Looks like we're gonna have to step it up."

Tanya: "Yep. Don't worry, I have plan B."

Penelope: "Yay!"
Watermelon: "Why do these sims enjoy dancing so much?"

Sienna: "You wanna go on the waterslide again?"

Dana: "You read my mind!"

Princess: "I wanna go on the waterslide!"

Princess: "It looks like so much fun!"

Zayn: "Is it ugly in here or is it just you?"

Ally: "No, your glasses must be reflecting back on your face."

Maya: "BURN!"

Sulani will never fail to amaze me.

Phone: *You have reached the voicemail of 378329847463734834.*
Dylan: "Hey, Wade. It's me again."

Dylan: "I know you're not talking to me, but I really miss you."

Dylan: "Please, just... call me back. Okay, bye."

Dylan: "Would it be Harvestfest without dancing?"

Dana: "No way, Jose!"
Maya: "Who's Jose?"

Dana: "Help! I can't stop dancing! What's happening to me?!"

The Parsons genes take over once again.

Rainbow aged up into an adult!

Princess and Rainbow are so adorable!

Rainbow: "I know I'm adorable."

I'm gonna miss Rainbow.

Princess: "I'm the heiress now, y'all."

Zayn: "Dance, dance, dance!"

Olive: "He's been dancing for 2 hours straight."

Aww, how adorable!

Olive: "Don't go near my food bowl."

Kai: "I love dancing! Let's keep dancing for 5 hours straight!"

Sophia: "5 hours? Those are rookie numbers."

Maya: "Yeah, 10 hours sounds more like it."

Oh, gosh.

Brooke aged up into a toddler! She's so adorable!

Brooke: "I get to eat some turkey too, now!"

Happy birthday, Kai!

Kai aged up into a young adult! Now get out.

Noooooooooo! Not the cowplant! How did this happen?! Rest In Peace, cowplant. You will be dearly missed.

Watermelon! Olive! Stop that this instant!

Dylan: "That's none of my business."

Sophia: "Mom, that turkey stinks! Who left it there?!"
Ally: "That's none of my business."

Can't go wrong with some good ol' grilled fruit.

Corbin: "That turkey is nasty."

Sophia: "Well don't just sit there, clean it up, dad!"
Ally: "Oh, snap."

Corbin: "My daughter's a savage."

For some reason, the gnomes are worshipping the pomegranate tree.

Naked Gnome: "How you doin' pomegranate tree?" *Wink*

Sienna: "Move outta my way, I gotta pee!"

Penelope: "Don't ever tell me to move again."

This. This is why the Parsons dogs are always filthy.

Minnie: "Deal with it."

Zayn is keeping Joey's garden alive and thriving.

Just another typical morning in the Parsons household.

Penelope: "I can't find the green crab."

It's on the other side.

Brooke: "I wanted to play with the green crab block."

There's plenty of other toys.

Brooke: "You're right! Chompy is better than the green crab block."

Never though I'd hear a Parsons kids say that they love something more than the green crab block.

Corbin: "Ooh! We have mail!"

Corbin: "Did Kai really send his dirty underwear back?"

Ally: "Let's see if my daughter is an intellectual."

Penelope: "Green crab block is the best block ever!"

Ally: "She's a genius!"

Look who I saw fishing down by the beach.

Arabella: "Can't a girl just fish in peace?!"

Whiskers decided to be dramatic and run away. At least he brought back a gift.

Corbin: "Woohoo! I'm so happy Whiskers is back!"

Whiskers: "Don't get too excited, I expect my food bowl to be full, or else I'm running away again."

Corbin: "Welp."

The kids are home from school. Looks like they had a horrible day.

The spiritually enlightened Archer decided to pay the Parsons' a visit today.

After years of being rejected by his own kids, this is what he must have resorted to. This is the most sober he's ever been in his life.

Dana: "I don't want to see dad. Corbin is my real dad."

Archer: "Where is everyone?"

Hiding from you. We all hate you.

Dana: "Mom, please don't make me go and talk to dad."

Ally: "Don't worry, sweetie. You don't have to talk to him, he's horrible."

Brooke: "He's a meanie!"

Happy birthday, Dana!

Archer: "Hi, Sophia. Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior?"

Sophia: "Uh..."

Archer: "Nevermind. I feel like I'm not welcome here."

Sophia: "Ya think?"

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