Thursday, August 6, 2020

Chapter 191

Servo: "How are you better than me at this? I'm level 10 at the logic skill!"

Elijah: "Looks like that's not doing much for you, huh?"

Townie: "Om... nom... nom..."

Who the heck are you?! Get out!

Deven: "Ah... I remember when we brought home our first crazy Parsons baby..."

Deven: "They grow up so fast, don't they?"

Deven: "I suddenly remember the time I wondered off when I was a kid while we were on a ski trip and tried to pet a polar bear almost died... good times..."

Paisley: "Aww, Deven's memory is getting better and better! It was horrible when we met."

Brynlee: "Pink crab block!"

Pink? It's a fraud! The green crab block is the real deal!"

Brynlee: "Huh?"

Brynlee: "You're a fraud, pink crab block?"

Welp... looks like the reminiscing didn't last long.

Gage: "Deven using his brain for longer than 5 seconds must have wore him out!"

Elijah: "You think I care that you're level 10 in the logic skill? I already beat one level 10 at chess today, I can beat another."

Paisley: "Sometimes I'm not so glad that you inherited my cockiness."

Servo has reached level 10 of the charisma skill! Of all the skills, this one seems to take a very long time to master.

Uh... is she asleep?

Her eyes are open... Emmie...?

Emmie: "Whatchu want?"

Servo, get up, time to move onto the next skill.

Servo: "But I was enjoying the peaceful motions of this rocking chair."

Brynlee: "I love breakfast scramble."

Brynlee may be shy and quiet, but she's still a true Parsons child. Every Parsons loves breakfast scramble!

Kaylee: "Hey dad, your favorite child came to visit!"

Elijah: "Why would I come to visit? I live here, wanna know why? Because I'm the heir."

Brynlee: "Daddy is not nice!"

Paisley: "Oh my gosh... my son is a savage... he's me... he's turned into me..."

Servo is currently working on the fitness skill. He's jogging around the neighborhood, and yes, this is his version of jogging... hovering.

Why is this unsettling?

He's gonna scare some townies today... but I hate the townies, so proceed.

Elijah: "Looks like rigging the votes worked, we finally have our maker space."

Yep, the maker space was voted in! (I wonder why... oh yeah, because Elijah voted for it 50 times.)

Elijah: "I love it."

It's so cool! Living in an apartment with so many sims doesn't leave enough room for a fabricator, so luckily Elijah now has the maker space to come to.

It even has a little kids play area for Brynlee!

Elijah: "This place is paradise. Sulani? Never heard of her."

Elijah: "Ah... we meet again, fabricator."

Fabricator: "MWAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Elijah: "Are you really gonna make me use this thing again?"

Yes, yes I am.

Elijah: "If it attacks me, you're responsible for the damages. I have insurance on my hair."

Elijah: "What should I make today?"

There's a lot of mentors around the maker space to help out!

Elijah: "Ugh!"

Uh oh...

Elijah: "Did the fabricator just squirt me again?!"

Elijah: "Seriously?!"

Elijah: "Argh, great."

Elijah: "That won't stop me, though. It's done much worse to me before."

I think the fabricator may be crazier than the Parsons.

Elijah: "That's impossible."

Yeah, you're right.

Mentor: "I can teach you how to make a chair, but I can't teach you how to fight the fabricator. That thing is a cold hearted killing machine."

Elijah: "Uh..."

Servo is still "jogging" around the neighborhood... aaand it's still creepy.

Elijah has crafted a bunch of furniture today!

Elijah: "That was fun! I'd better head home, now."

Elijah: "Huh? What the heck is that?!"

Oh no, not again!

Servo: *Uh... let me pretend I forgot what happened the last time I was abducted so I don't get blasted into non-existence by the aliens.* "Hey! Look at my robot arm! Isn't it cool?"

Not while Elijah is getting abducted, it's not!

Elijah: "What's going on?"

Elijah: "I'm being abducted? Cool!"

What part about this is 'cool'?!

Servo: "Haha... ah, anyways... I'd better go make a start on... that thing..."

You really don't care that Elijah was just abducted?

Servo: "Abducted? What is this 'abducted' you speak of? Never heard of her."

You were literally abducted yourself and impregnated with an alien baby, remember?

Kaylee: "Ah, this rocking chair sure is comfortable. I'm definitely the favorite child, dad would never let anyone else sit here but me."

Elijah: "Woah... that was weird."


Elijah: "Hehehe..."

What the heck happened up there?!

"Elijah: Things explained up happened there cannot that be."


Elijah: *Yawn* "I'm tired after all that poking and prodding."

Poking and prodding?! Isn't that how Deven got pregnant?!

Elijah Parsons, you'd better not be pregnant with an alien baby!

Elijah: "Why not? Wouldn't that be so cool?"


Elijah: "Hehe... I guess I'd better get to bed, goodnight."

I'll always love admiring the auroras in the sky.

Aren't they so pretty?

Paisley: "You can thank me for that beautiful view!"

Thank you, queen Paisley.

Good morning, Brynlee!

Looks like Brynlee isn't a morning sim.

Gage: "She doesn't get that from me."

Elijah: *Munch, munch*

Elijah: "Ah, eating breakfast in a rocking chair is so much more relaxing."

Deven: "I know right?"

Excuse you, Pippa!

Do you mind?

Pippa: "Does it look like I mind?"

Brynlee: "I can't look at you the same, pink crab block."

Brynlee: "You're nothing like the green crab block. You're... a fraud..."

Elijah: "We're at my favorite spot again, the maker space!"

Brynlee is tagging along this time!

Uh... Elijah?

I think you forgot something...

Elijah: "I'm really not in the mood for the fabricator's antics... I'm never in the mood."


Well, well, well, look who's "jogging" around the neighborhood again.

Elijah: "I think I'll attempt to make a bed today."

Brynlee: "Is that you, green crab block?"

Brynlee: "Huh? It's the yellow crab block?"

Brynlee: "I love the yellow crab block!"

The yellow crab block is a fraud too!

Poor Brynlee has no one to play with... not like she'd want to, though. She's still pretty shy.

Looks like Elijah's bed is coming along nicely without and mishaps.

Aww, a little friend has decided to join Brynlee!

Wow, that went smoother than I expected.

Elijah: "What can I say? I'm smooth."

Servo is in the middle of a random neighborhood. How did you "jog" that far, Servo?!

Servo: "Would you leave me be? I try to get away from this crazy family any chance I get."

Oop! Not so smooth now, are you?

Elijah: "I'm still smooth."

Servo: "Hmm... "jogging" is pointless, so until then..."

Servo will be working on his painting skill!

Interesting start...

Townie: "What the heck is that?"

Servo: "It's something better than you could ever imagine in your tiny townie brain."

Elijah! Get back in here! Just because you broke the fabricator, doesn't mean you don't have to use it anymore!

Elijah: "Well, that plan didn't work..."

Elijah: "Ugh, don't make me go back in there with the evil fabricator machine!"

Too bad, sir!

Elijah: "This sucks."

Mentor: "If you don't fix it, you'll be facing... let me see... 50,000 simoleons worth of damages."

Elijah: "Seriously?"

What on earth is this? MY EYES!

Servo: "I'm trying my best, okay?!"

Brynlee, why did you stop playing with the blocks?

Brynlee: "Someone else is playing in the play area."

That doesn't mean you can't still play as well.

The struggles of being shy.

What is this monstrosity?! I guess we found the one thing Servo can't do... yet.

Elijah is drafting another eco invention on his electronic drafting tablet!

If the Parsons had a dollar for every time I said "electronic drafting tablet", they'd be rich again.

Another smog vacuum? Can't you draft something else, Elijah?

Elijah: "What's wrong with my universal smog vacuum?"

Excuse me, lady!

What the heck are you doing to the doll house?!

Brynlee: "What's the crazy lady doing behind me, yellow crab block?"

She seriously destroyed the doll house?!

Are you proud of yourself?

Townie: "I've never been more proud in my life!"

Elijah: "Ah... isn't the sky so blue here in Evergreen Harbor? Wouldn't it be nice if the sky was this beautiful all over the sim world?"

Townie: "What are you talking about?"

Elijah: "I'm glad you asked! Introducing the universal smog vacuum!"

Townie: "The what?"

Elijah: "You know, the invention that has the ability to vacuum all of the smog from the entire planet!"

Townie: "I couldn't care less about smog... or your stupid vacuum... or you."

Elijah: "B-but... don't you love beautiful, clear skies?"

Townie: "Would you get out of my way? You're wasting my time."

Elijah: "Well, that didn't go as planned... again..."

Townie: "Are you gonna let anyone else use the easel anytime soon?"

Servo: "Nope."

Servo's second painting isn't great... but it's definitely an improvement from the first painting. Time to go home now.

Deven: "Ugh, I've been knitting all day, I need a nap."

Gage: "Gimme kiss."
Elijah: "I think I still have dye on my face, though."

Servo is working on his next painting.

Uh... wow... looks great...

Emmie aged up into an adult- WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!


Pippa, what kind of cat did you breed with?! This 'Porkchop' cat you bread with must have been hideous!

Emmie: "That's not nice."

Ooh, there's so many ducks in Grims Quarry!

Ahh! They're so cute!

Servo: "Those ducks are the cutest things ever, can I pet one?"

Brynlee: "Eggs and toast is yummy in my tummy!"

Brynlee: "Can I have some of your eggs and toast too, daddy?"

Elijah: "Did you hear something?"

Deven: "Whoosh! The helicopter of doom is coming to reign terror on the sim world!"

Elijah: "You still play with toys, dad? I thought you stopped when you were 30."

Deven: "Beep, boop, beep! There's the evil giant monster, Elijah Parsons! We must defeat him!"

Elijah: "How is it possible for a sim to get more dumb as they grow older?"

Servo is painting from reference this time.

He's going to try and paint this painting behind him.

The gang is back down at the community space!

Servo: "I'm feeling inspired and ready to paint!"

Looks like Brynlee is ready to quietly play with her blocks again, too.

And Elijah is ready to get annihilated by the fabricator machine.

Elijah: "Do you really think the fabricator will kick my butt again?"

It probably will eventually.

Elijah: "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared."

Brynlee: "I wanna see daddy's butt get kicked by the fabricator!"

Uh... Servo, you were supposed to be painting a mathematical equation, what the heck is this?

Servo: "I'm trying my best, okay?! I need a nap!"

That's not creepy... not at all...

Nothing to see here, just two eco-friendly legends in the flesh.

Deven: "You want me to knit you a beanie, babe?"

Paisley: "Not if it's as ugly as the first one!"

Deven: "Try... not... to... cry..."

Servo finished his painting from reference.

He did a terrible job, it looks nothing like the original.

Gage is pregnant again!

Gage: "Elijah is gonna be so excited!"

Gage: "Babe, I'm pregnant again!"

Elijah: "Again?"

Elijah: "Are you sure you're ready for another crazy Parsons baby?"

Gage: "We dodged a bullet with the last one, she's so shy and sweet! What could go wrong this time?"

I don't think Gage realises how rare a shy Parsons is... he got lucky.

Brynlee: "Pink crab block? Why aren't you green yet?"

Elijah has to add two eco upgrades to different appliances.

Elijah: "Luckily we didn't fully upgrade the sink... yet."

What about the next appliance, though?

Elijah: "I know! We'll barge into our next door neighbors apartment and upgrade their toilet!"

Great idea!

*Knock, knock, knock*

Elijah: "Ugh, no one's home."

Elijah: "Oh well! I'm still gonna upgrade their toilet anyway. They can thank me later when their butt lights on fire."

You're really gonna add a compost container to a random sim's toilet?

Elijah: "Yep. They'd better hope they have a bug box to empty it into!"


  1. Emmie is so cute! I like the way she seemed to respond to your looking at her.

    Hahaha, Servo! Beaten to tears at chess (was he crying all morning?), and then hover-jogging. The hovering is kinda cool, kinda creepy. I wouldn't want to see that approaching me on the street!

    Yay, a maker space! :) Lol, fabricator. If it really is in crazier than the Parsons, then we're all in troule. ;)

    Wow, an alien abduction! :) So curious to see if Elijah comes back with an alien baby.

    Ahhh, the aurora borealis! You're so lucky to have that in TS4. :)

    I love how much air-time Servo is getting in this chapter. His 'eyes' are so expressive! I do like his second painting. :) He must have been inspired by the Parsons pets.

    Happy birthday to Emmie! Yeah, that face is unexpected, but I still love her. :) Hahaha, Pippa is completely unconcerned!

    Another baby! Maybe two! :D Movin' on to the next update--

    1. Hahaha! He was, Servo cries a lot for a robot. xD

      We're definitely in trouble with the fabricator, I have no idea who's crazier!

      This family has had two alien pregnancies so far, and weirdly, one of them was Servo! I had no idea he was even pregnant at the time until he went into labor. :O

      I looove the auroras, they're so pretty! I'm so happy they added them into the game! :D

      My favorite Servo expression, apart from flirty, is when he gets embarrassed, he looks so adorable! His cheeks turn pink!

      Emmie's strange face is growing on me, but I do hope her kittens don't have that same face!

      Yay for more babies! This gen didn't have a lot of babies because the apartments/houses in Evergreen Harbor are so small!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
