Sunday, February 23, 2020

Chapter 98

Maya and Zayn were still not on good terms.

You could cut the tension between them with a knife.

And to make matters worse, one day, they got a knock on the door from Gia.

Uh oh.

Maya: "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Gia: "Wow, relax."

Gia: "I can see you're still as rude as the day we met."

Maya: "Probably because the day we met, you were woohooing with my husband and baby daddy!"

Gia: "Well, I actually came here to see your baby daddy. Or, should I say... our baby daddy."

Maya: "OUR?!"

Gia: "Yeah, that's right, you heard me!"

Zayn: "Maya, who's at the door?"

Zayn: "What are you doing here?"

Gia: "Why, hello there, hot stuff."

Gia: "It's so good to see you."

Maya: "Zayn, she's claiming to be pregnant with your child!"

Zayn: "What? You're pregnant with my kid?"

Gia: "Yes I am! Now you and I can finally be together!"
Maya: "Are you serious?! You got pregnant on purpose to trap him into a relationship!"

Zayn: "Gia, you being pregnant doesn't guarantee that we will be together."
Gia: "What?!"

Zayn: "I'm sorry, but I love my wife only. We can co-parent our kid, though."

Gia: *Crying* "Oh my god!"

Gia: "I can't believe this! I thought you would wanna be with me!"
Zayn: "I'm sorry."

Gia: "I just wanted to be with your fine self."

Zayn: "Oh... uh... thanks."

Gia: "It's the truth."

Gia: "And you're the best woohoo I've ever had."

Zayn: "Thanks, even though I'm not surprised."

Maya: "Ugh!"


Gia: "Haha! She's so mad!"

Maya: "Shut up, Gia!"

Maya: "Zayn, how could you be so disrespectful to me?!"

Maya: "I love you, I gave you everything I had to offer!"

Maya: "I'm your wife and the mother of your two kids and this is how you treat me?! With such disgusting disrespect?!"
Zayn: "I didn't mean to disrespect you, Maya. I didn't think you would get so upset."

Gia: "Ugh, I don't feel so good. I think I'm having morning sickness."
Zayn: "Are you okay? Do you wanna go inside instead? It's pretty cold out here."




Zayn: "Did you really have to push me? I was just trying to help her. It's freezing."
Maya: "You shouldn't give a crap about her! I'm your wife, not her!"

Zayn: "What do you want me to say, Maya? What do you want me to do? I didn't expect this! I didn't think she would turn up at the door pregnant with my kid!"

Maya: "You what?"

Maya: "How did you not expect this?! You woohooed with her! You knew the risks, Zayn!"

Zayn: "I was juiced and bubbled! I made a mistake! I thought we already moved past this! And your ex-husband actually convinced me to talk to Gia, so blame him!"

Maya: "Desmond?"

Maya: "You really can't be blaming everyone else for this. As much as I hate Desmond, you are the one who woohooed with Gia and got her pregnant. You're the one who cheated on your wife and the mother of your children! You're the piece of crap in this situation!"

Zayn: "Well, what do you want? Tell me!"

Maya: "We can't live like this."
Zayn: "I know."

Maya: "I don't want to do this... but I clearly have no other options. I can't be with someone who disrespects me like this and cheats on me."

Maya: "We have to divorce."

Zayn: "I don't think... ugh. If that's your only option in order to be happy, then fine. Just know I still love you."
Maya: "I love you too. My heart is shattered. I'll visit our kids as often as I can, but I don't have the money to have them with me full time. I'll always love you, Zayn."

Zayn: "I'll always love you too."

Zayn couldn't believe it.

Maya was really leaving.

And this time, she was really walking out of his life forever.

Gia was relieved.

Gia: "Don't worry about her, Zayn. She didn't deserve you."

Gia: "I'm here for you."

Zayn: "Uh... I don't really wanna hug you right now."

Gia: "Come on. Everything's gonna be okay."

Zayn: "Is it? Is it really? I just lost the love of my life."

Gia: "Yes, but I'm here. We can be together and raise our child together. We can get our happily ever after together."

Zayn: "Uh... I guess so."

Not one part of Zayn wanted to be with Gia, but he really had no other option. She was about to have his kid. He just got a divorce. He wanted to at least try to make it work. He felt horrible for what he did. Not only did he ruin his own life, he also ruined Maya's life. He also felt guilty that the kids would grow up in a broken family because of his actions.

Minnie aged up into an adult! She is definitely a mixture of both of her parents.

Ally: "Another day, another potion brewing."

Kai: "I've been watching TV for 5 hours."

Aww, how adorable is Whiskers?

Clover is next to age up after Minnie!

Dylan: "Can I have some spaghetti, grandpa?"
Joey: "No."

Clover aged up into an adult!

Mintie: "I want pasta!"
Gia: "Go away, dumb dog."

Mintie: "I really don't like this lady!"

Gia: "Hi, what's your name?"
Dylan: "Pasta! I mean... Dylan!"

Gia: "And what's your name?"

Kai: "I'm Kai."

Gia: "That's a cool name! Do you like dinosaurs, Kai?"
Kai: "I wuv dinosaurs!"

Seeing Gia getting along with his kids made Zayn feel a little more at ease.

He felt like things might actually get a bit better, even though things were still horrible.

Dylan: "You must be hungry, Gigi! You ate your spaghetti fast!"
Kai: "Where's my spaghetti?"

Look out, it's the coolest dancer in all of the land.

Zayn: "Who, me? Thanks."

Joey: "Why must you dogs always get dirty?"

The Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Gia: "Ugh, I'm still having morning sickness."

Minnie: "Thanks for giving me a bath."

Joey: "You're welcome. You'd better not run back outside and get dirty again. Oh, who am I kidding? Of course you're going to do that."

Ally: "This potion is coming along nicely."

Ally: "Time to add a little more magic."

Archer: "Wow, this room looks cool!"

Ally: "Summon the big spoon!"

Wow, that spoon is huge!

Ally: "I have complete control over it, I don't even have to touch it."

Ally: "This potion is the perfect consistency."

Archer: "Hey, Ally."

Dylan: "The cat is behind me again, isn't he?"

Ally: "Hey, Archer."

Archer: "This room is so cool! So is your giant floating spoon!"

Ally: "Why, thank you."

Archer: "So, you're an alchemist? That's so cool!"

Ally: "Yeah, I can mix all kinds of potions. Right now I'm working on a potion for positive emotions."

Archer: "If there was a potion for eternal beauty, you would be the only ingredient." *Blows kiss*


Ally: "That was pretty corny."

Archer: "But it was sweet, right?"

Ally: "Uh... yeah. Still corny."

Archer: "I brought a mistletoe with me, too, since it was just Winterfest not long ago."


Ally: "Just when I thought you couldn't get any cornier."

Archer: "Uh... sorry."

Archer: "I can see you don't like my corny gestures."

Archer: "But, just know, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Would you, Ally Parsons, do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

Ally: "Aww, Archer, of course I will!"

He may have been corny, but Ally was definitely falling for Archer.

They've been calling and texting each other a lot since the day at the bar.

And not long after, Archer eventually moved into the Parsons' household.

They both were so happy.

Minnie: "You smell nice."
Taco: "So do you."

Gia: "Ugh, I gotta pee."

Gia: "I can't hold it anymore!"
But you're in the bathroom!

Gia: "Oh my god!"
Did you just...

Gia: "I just peed myself!"

Gia: "That was disgusting!"

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