Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Chapter 94

Well, this is creepy.

Kai: "Me? Creepy? Never!"

Pinkie is pregnant! Mintie and Pinkie will be having puppies very soon!

Kai: "Do you talk, Mr. Bear?"

Mr. Bear: ...

Kai: "Come on, say something! Look at me!"

Kai: "Why won't you answer me, Mr. Bear? You make me sad."

Mr. Bear: "Does it look like I care?"

Bacon: "You wanna fight?"

Mika: "I'm giving you 3 seconds to take that back."

It's time to start decorating the Winterfest tree!

Makayla: "I'm the one who's gonna make this tree look good."

Joey: "What did she just say? She must not know that I am the Winterfest tree master."

Servo: "Help me."

Joey: "I don't know, Makayla. That ornament you put on the tree looks pretty ugly."

Makayla: "So does your face."

Joey: "Did you hear what she just said?!"

Makayla: "Where should I place this ornament?"
Joey: "Look at you struggling. I do it with ease!"

Bubbles: "I can't take it anymore! They've been arguing about the tree for 2 hours!"

Makayla: "Hey, Joey..."

Makayla: "Look who's decorating with ease now."

Kai: "Why do grandma and grandpa keep arguing over the Winterfest tree?"

Mr. Bear: "Because they're crazy and you'll probably turn out just like them."

Makayla: "Servo, I told you you're not allowed to participate in tree decorating an hour ago."
Servo: "Help me."

Servo: "She's crazy!"
Joey: "I told you."

Joey: "I have some critiques, babe."

Makayla: "And I don't care."

The tree is looking great! It's almost finished.

Maya: "You ready for potty training, Kai?"

Kai: "Ready for what?"

Zayn: "I'm starving!"

Well, maybe you shouldn't have slept until noon.

Kai: "I don't wanna potty train, mommy."

Maya: "Well, I don't wanna change diapers anymore."

Mintie: "Outta my way! I've got important business to attend to. MOVE!"

Jonah: "That's not nice."

The tree is finally fully decorated! It's beautiful!

Kai: "I wanna see the basement."

Kai: "Hi, daddy."
Zayn: "Hey, son."

Kai: "What are you doing, daddy?"
Zayn: "Learning some new magic spells."

Kai: "I wanna learn magic spells."

Kai: "You're so cool, daddy!"

Zayn: "Thanks, son. One day, you'll be able to learn spells too just like daddy."

What was that important business you attended to, Mintie? Rolling around in the mud?

Mintie: "Mind your business."

I sent Maya digging for treasure to add to 😎 The Collection 😎

She loves it.

Maya: "Well, actually, I'd rather be-


Mintie desperately needed a bath.

Mintie: "Me like bath."

Makayla: "You're being such a good boy, Mintie."

Kai: "You're the coolest toy in the world."

Kai: "Way cooler than Mr. Bear!"


Mintie: "I'm all clean! Now I can go play in the trash pile outside!"

Makayla: "Not on my watch."

Pinkie is in labor!

Here's the first pup! It's a girl! Introducing Clover Parsons.

Here's the second pup! It's a girl! Introducing Minnie Parsons. She's so adorable!

Clover: "So am I."

Minnie: "But I'm cuter."

What the heck were you doing at school?

Ally: "Shut up."

Eva: "Yeah, what she said."
Jonah: "They're not nice."

Mintie: "Time to get all dirty again after that bath."

Mika: "Really?"

Bacon: "Hey, how you doin', lemme whisper in ya ear."

Jonah: "I hate school so much!"
Eva: "Relax, we're aging up and moving out tomorrow."

Zayn: "Let me know anytime you want mac and cheese. I can make it appear in a split second."

Maya: "You're so sweet! What a gentleman!"

Zayn: "I know."

Why do you look so confident, Makayla?

Makayla: "Because I did such a great job decorating that Winterfest tree, that's why."

Woohoo! Joey reached level 10 in the gardening career! I'm so proud of him for all he has achieved with gardening.

Bacon: "Psst. Eva. Mind handing over some mac and cheese? You can't resist. Look how cute I am."

Eva: "Aww, you are cute! Okay, I'll give you some mac and cheese."

Bacon: "Ooh, sparkles!"

Servo: "It's pretty, isn't it? Almost hypnotic..."

Jonah: "Let me take one last selfie before we finally get to leave this crazy house."

Eva aged up into a young adult!

So did Jonah!

And Makayla aged up into an elder!

So did Joey!

Aaand... Ally aged up into a young adult!

Ally: "I feel great!"

Generation 4 Heiress: Ally Parsons

Yes, it was very obvious that she was going to be the second heir of the double heir. I'm so excited for her and Zayn to be the heirs!

Is there a secret meeting here that I don't know about?

Ally: "This place is so preeetty."

Zayn: "Why does that potion smell so bad?"
Ally: "I have no idea... I'm not making an evil potion again or anything... leave me alone!"

Zayn: "I'm about to be the greatest spellcaster of all time."

Zayn: "Hey, Simeon."

Simeon: "Why, hello, Zayn. What brings you here today?"

Zayn: "Well at home, I realised that I know every spell I could possibly learn which is boring!"

Zayn: "So I came here to learn the rest of the spells I don't know yet."

Ally, are you making mac and cheese?

Ally: "Yeah, I'm starving!"

Zayn: "You think you could help me out?"

Simeon: "Of course I could! You're one of my dear friends, after all."

Ally: "This mac and cheese is delicious!"

Zayn: "Thanks, Simeon. You're the best."

Simeon: "Are you ready to learn the final practical magic spell?"

Zayn: "Right now?"
Simeon: "Duh."

Simeon: "By the power invested in me with this wand, I grant Zayn with the final practical magic spell!"
Zayn: "Finally!"

Zayn: "Now to learn the final mischief and untamed magic spells."

Ally: "I think I added too much cheese to that mac and cheese."

Zayn: "Hey, there!"

We interrupt this program to give you a beautiful glimpse of the moon.

Isn't it lovely? Okay, continue.

Zayn: "I like your outfit."
Michael: "Oh, shucks."

Zayn: "I'm here to learn the final mischief spell."

Zayn: "You think you can teach me?"

Michael: "Hm... I'll think about it."

Zayn: "You'll think about it? Come on, man. I travelled all the way here."

Ally: "You transported here, Zayn."

Zayn: "If I make you laugh, can you grant me the spell?"

Zayn: "Look at my crazy eyes!"

Michael: "Hahaha! That was pretty funny."

Zayn: "Yeah... so... will you grant me the spell now?"
Michael: "Okay, fine."

Michael: "With the power this wand holds, teach the final untamed spell and let the magic unfold."

Michael: "See how fancy my wand is, by the way?"
Zayn: "Yeah... it's pretty fancy. What happened to the spell?"

Zayn: "Hey! There it is!"

Zayn: "Only one final spell to learn. The final mischief spell."

Zayn: "Here there, ma. You look good."

Linda: "Who? Me?"

Zayn: "Yeah, no one else is as fine as you here."

Zayn: "How old are you? 21?"

Linda: "I wish!"

Linda: "I'm flattered!"

Zayn: "It's the truth!"


Zayn: "So, uh..."

Zayn: "Not only are you super fine, but I hear you're also super talented at mischief magic."

Zayn: "You may even be able to grant me with the final mischief spell... can you do that?"

Linda: "Of course! Grant this spellcaster with the ability to cast the spell which puts other sim's lives through hell!"

Zayn: "Hey! It worked!"

Zayn: "I finally know all the spells!"

Yep, Zayn has officially learnt every spell in the spellbook! Woohoo!

Now Miss Ally just has to learn every potion in the spellbook.

Ally: "Do I get a reward for doing that?"

Yeah, you get to use the potions on whichever sim you want.

Ally: "Sounds good."

Ally: "Time to go back home!"

You look happy, Makayla.

Makayla: "It was a peaceful day with no one here."

Makayla: "Ha! I got the last plate of mac and cheese!"

Joey: "I'll get her back for this."

Uh... what? What's going on?

Zayn: "This is one of the final spells, Duplicato! It duplicates me for a few hours."

Zayn: "My duplicate is handsome. I think I'll name him Malcolm."

Zayn: "Malcolm, clean the entire house!"

Malcolm: "No."
Zayn: "He's just like me."

Maya: "Zayn can you- what the heck?"

Zayn: "Hey, babe. Meet Malcolm, my temporary duplicate."

Maya: "Uh... hey Malcolm!"

Malcolm: "You're cute."

Maya: "Be respectful, I'm married."
Malcolm: "That won't stop me."

Maya: "Wow, he really is just like you, Zayn."

Zayn: "Damn right."

Bacon: "Did I catch you eating my bowl of food, Bubbles?"
Bubbles: "You saw nothing."

Joey: "I'd better not catch the cat eating my food when I come back from the bathroom."

Maya: "Are you Zayn or Malcolm?"
Malcolm: "The better looking one... Malcolm."

Zayn: "Say what?"

Minnie is just like her dad.


  1. How do you look after sooo many sims? I know this was a while ago but did you use a mod to get so many? I wanted to use MCCC but then apparently you can't go into CAS? Enjoying the story!

    1. I know it looks crazy having so many sims, but I can usually manage as long as they're on a good schedule. xD And yes, I use MCCC to add more sims to my households! When you have more than 8 sims in a household, MCCC has the option to only edit one sim at a time. You can't go into full family CAS, otherwise some sims will disappear! Thank you so much for reading, I'm so glad you're enjoying the story!

    2. Oh really? I didn't know you could edit one at a time! I will have to have a look and increase my max sims! I have mccc reduce their needs drop so I can keep up with heaps of sims, I think I would go crazy without it! haha!
