Sunday, February 9, 2020

Chapter 84

Generation 4 Heir: Zayn Parsons

Generation 4 will be a double heir! Who will be the next heir, you ask? Stay tuned to find out!

Happy birthday, Eva!

Happy birthday, Jonah!

Joey: "I ate all the fish and chips. Now I have to eat the pizza Servo made."

Makayla: "I just want some grilled fruit."
Jonah: "I've got the freshest threads out here."

Eva: "I think my threads are more fresh."

Your threads may be fresh, buy have you started your homework?
Eva: "No comment."

Finn: "When are you making a start on your homework?"

Ally: "When pigs fly!"

Joey: "Uh oh. I can hear the sparkles again."

Zayn: "I cAn HeAr ThE sPaRkLeS aGaIn."

Zayn: "I've been practising a lot, I think I'm finally ready to battle Simeon."

Zayn: "Hey, Simeon. Wanna duel again?"
Simeon: "Sure. I'll try to go easy on you."

Zayn: "Bring it on!"

Simeon: "It's brought!"

Simeon: "AH!"

Zayn: "Ugh!"

Zayn: "Holy guacamole, you're strong!"

Zayn: "Ugh!"
Simeon: "Sorry, Zayn."

Zayn: "Maybe if I practise on a random sim, I'll be able to increase my skills."

Zayn: "Ah, there's a sim. Let my try a spell out on her."

Zayn: "Chillio!"
Maya: "Huh?"

Zayn: "Perfect! It worked!"
Maya: "Hey, what's happening?"

Maya: "Help!"

Zayn: "Yes! She's completely frozen!"

Maya: "Woah!"

Maya: "What the heck just happened? Did someone just freeze me?"

Maya: "Ugh, I'm sooo cold now!"

Zayn: "Oh no, now I feel bad. I need to apologise to her."

Zayn: "Hey, sorry. I'm the sim who froze you. But to be fair, I also unfroze you."

Maya: "It's fine, you were just practising. I completely understand."

Zayn: "I got out of that one smoothly."

Zayn: "You see these muscles? They almost beat Simeon in a magic duel!"

Maya: "Wow, that's impressive! I still haven't been able to beat Simeon in a magic duel."

Maya: "I'm Maya, by the way. Nice to meet you."

Zayn: "I'm Zayn, nice to meet you too. Say... you wouldn't wanna battle, would you?"

Maya: "Okay, I've warmed up a bit and changed my clothes. Now I'm ready for battle."

Zayn: "I'm not gonna go easy on you."

Maya: "You don't need to."

Maya: "I'm as strong as they come."

Zayn: "You don't even have a wand!"

Maya: "Ah!"

Maya: "Wow, you're strong!"

Zayn: "So are you!"

Maya: "Woah... what's happening?"

Zayn: "Sorry, you're about to lose."

Athena: "That was amazing! You're so strong!"
Zayn: "Oh, stop it, you."

Zayn: "Hey, are you alright? Sorry about that?"

Maya: "It's fine, you were a great opponent!"

Zayn: "I just feel like we got off on a bad note. I mean, I did freeze you after all."

Maya: "Alright, I'll make up for it."

Maya: "Pow!"
Zayn: "Ow!"

Maya: "Okay, now we're even!"

Zayn: "Yeah... I guess we are."

Zayn: "Do you live in Glimmerbrook?"

Maya: "Yeah, I just moved here!"

Maya: "I just got married, so he- I mean... we decided this was the best place to live."

Zayn: "You're married?"

Maya: "Yes. I know, I look young, but he really wanted to get married as soon as possible. As for me... well... I won't get into all that."

Zayn: "Sounds kinda complicated."

Zayn: "Anyways, I'll see you around sometime."

Guess who got struck by lightning?
Zayn: "Mind your business."

Something doesn't look right.

Another fire? Really?!

How come every time the Parsons cook they burn down the entire kitchen?! Kieran is rolling in his grave. Servo is the only one who is allowed to cook from now on.

Happy birthday, Ally!

Ally aged up into a teen, and oh my gosh, she is sooo gorgeous!

She is literally Makayla's twin!

I love her outfit, too!

Ally: "I love it, too."

You're so pretty!

Ally: "Why, thank you."

Ally: "It's going to cost so much money to replace the stove again."
You're right. Joey is in big trouble.

Ally: "When are we going to remodel my room?"
I can't be bothered to yet.

Nibbles aged up into an elder!

Where did this pasta come from?

Zayn: "From a little spell called 'delicioso'. I'm so awesome."

Nibbles: "Can you whip up some food for me, too?"

Zayn: "The audacity of Nibbles to ask for some food when he literally eats everything in sight."

Jonah: "It's a lovely day!"
Zayn: "Is it? Is it really?"

Zayn can't stop thinking about Maya.

Jonah: "Would you cheer up? You're killing the good vibes."
Zayn: "If you say so."

Zayn: "Ow!"

Zayn: "You want a treat, cowplant?"

Cowplant: "That smells nasty."

Zayn: "Not again!"

And again!

Zayn: "Ugh, I think I hit my head 35 times."

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