Monday, February 10, 2020

Chapter 85

Ally: "Whatcha doin'?"
Zayn: "About to learn a new spell."

Zayn: "Yes! I've mastered it!"
Ally: "Can we go to the Magic Realm already?"

Zayn: "Here we are! Are you ready to become a spellcaster, Ally?"

Ally: "I'm a little nervous."

Zayn: "Hopefully they trust you enough to grant you with magical powers."

Ally: "They'd better."

Ally: "Or I'll make them."
Zayn: "I'm scared."

Zayn: "Hey, Simeon."
Simeon: "Hello there, Zayn."

Ally: "This place is so cool!"

Zayn: "I'm here today with my sister, Ally. She wants to become a spellcaster."

Ally: "Nice to meet you!"
Simeon: "Nice to meet you too. Now let's get to business."

Simeon: "With the power of this wand in my hand..."
Ally: "I can feel the magic!"

Simeon: "Make this sim a spellcaster of the land!"
Ally: "I'm kinda scared."

Ally: "Hey, that wasn't so bad!"

Ally: "Wait... my eyes feel weird."

Ally: "Woah! Zayn, look at my purple eyes!"

Zayn: "This is reminding me of when I became a spellcaster."

Simeon: "In order for me to complete the spell, you need to find 7 motes. You now have the power to see them. Good luck."
Ally: "I'm gonna find these motes in 2 seconds."

Ally: "Let's get this bread- I mean motes."

Ally: "Easy. Already found the first mote."

Ally: "Now to find 6 more."

Ally: "Here they are, the 7 motes you asked for."

Simeon: "Excellent! You found the motes faster than your brother did!"

Zayn: "Say what?"

Ally: "So what now?"
Simeon: "Let me do my thing."

Ally: "Woah!"

Simeon: "Each second the clock may tick, Ally will now be a spellcaster chick!"

Simeon: "As the sparkles wind all over, give her the luck of a three leaf clover!"

Ally: "Why not a four leaf clover?"

Ally: "Hey, I feel magical!"

Ally: "I can't wait to be the best alchemist ever!"

Zayn: "There's only one more thing you need now, a spellcaster outfit!"

Ally: "You read my mind!"

Ally: "I'll be right back."

Ally: "This outfit is perfect!"

Ally: "Behold, the best spellcaster outfit you've ever seen."

Zayn: "My outfit's still better."

Ally: "Alright, time to experiment."

Ally: "I think I'll try to make a nausea potion."

Ally: "The first ingredient, cow eyes."

Zayn: "Did I just hear 'cow eyes'?"

Zayn: "You know, Ally, there's a lot of spells to learn. There's not nearly half as many alchemy potions to learn."

Ally: "Did you not hear what I said?"

Ally: "I want to be an alchemist."

Ally: "This potion should be finished soon."

Ally: "Don't make me put the potion in your food."

Simeon: "Now, now, Ally. We must use our powers for good only."
Ally: "Then why do mischief spells exist?"

Simeon: "Touché."
Ally: "I just got a like on Simstagram!"

Meet Ally's familiar, Midnight!

Ally: "She's so cool."

Ally: "Just a pinch of ear wax."

Ally: "Hmm... what else could make someone nauseous?"

Ally: "Perhaps some llama brain."

Simeon: "Say what?"

Ally: "Ugh, this stuff smells gross."

Ally: "That means I'm doing something right."

Zayn: "I can smell it from here."
Athena: "Me too."

L.: "Can I have some pepperoni pizza?"
Zayn: "You have a wand, use it."

Zayn: "My pizza."

Zayn: "You hungry, Ally?"

Ally: "I'm starving! Whatcha got?"

Zayn: "Pasta!"

Ally: "That's boring! Where's the lobster thermidor?"

Zayn: "Take it or leave it."

Ally: "Hey, it actually tastes very not boring."

L.: "Can I have some of her pasta?"
Ally: "What did she just say?"

You're in a good mood, Servo! You should make a meal for the Parsons while you're this happy.

Servo: "Now you've killed my mood."

Why so serious?

Servo made everyone pancakes for breakfast.

I think he put something in it, it doesn't look like they're enjoying it.

Zayn: "I think L. drank some of your nausea potion."
Ally: "Yes! Mission accomplished!"

Y'all are crazy.
Zayn: "Join us."
Jonah: "Join the crazies."

Finn: "Come on, Bubbles! Catch the laser fish!"

Ally: "I want to practise potion making, but I need to make sure Jonah doesn't see me."

Midnight: "I wonder who she will feed the next potion to."
Athena: "Don't look at me!"

Ally: "I have no idea which potion I'm going to make next."

Ally: "I'm just mixing random ingredients."

Jade: "Do your teeth get bigger by the day?"

Ally: "I'm getting better at alchemy already!"

Makayla: "You ready to lose? I've been practising."

Joey: "Bring it on, babe."

♬ Well you know everything's gonna be a breeze, that the end will no doubt justify the means, you could fix any problem at the slightest ease... yes, please. ♬

Makayla got this amazing new easel from reaching level 8 of the painting career!

Makayla: "I love it!"

Finn: "Is that really gonna be the best move, mom?"
Makayla: "Shut up, I'm thinking."

Finn: "I just want you to win."

Joey: "How dare you."

Jade: "Guys! I'm trying to study here!"

Ally: "Midnight, come take a selfie with mommy!"

Zayn: "Look at those sparklez!"

Servo: "Hello there, random townie who just knocked on the door. Come on in."

Townie: "What the heck is this thing?"

Cowplant: "I could say the same about you."

Joey: "The cowplant is a savage."

Hot mama!
Makayla: "I know."

Zayn: "Hello?"

Maya: "Hey, Zayn! It's Maya! We met at the Magical Realm!"

Zayn: "Oh, hey! How are you? Wait... how did you get my number?"

Maya: "Magic! Hahaha! I was just calling to ask if you'd like to come over for dinner tonight?"
Zayn: "Uh... yeah, sure. Sounds great.

Maya: "Great! I'll see you soon!"
Maya's Husband: "Who the hell is that?"

Maya: "Uh... no one, honey! Sorry, I've gotta go. See you soon!"

Zayn: "Alright, I'll see you soon."

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