Thursday, January 30, 2020

Chapter 74

Ally: "I just stole one of Jonah's toys."

Jonah: "It was not nice!"

Milo: "You know what's not nice? This damn cone."

Ally: "Jonah took his toy back! What do I do?"

Dragon: "I'm a far more superior toy."

Jonah: "Ally will never take you again, Mr. Superhero man!"

Servo... are you gonna get up?
Servo: "Leave me alone."

Good job, Eva! The Parsons kids should read more often.

Ally: "But we love green crab block!"

You all look very confident all of a sudden.

Uh... what did you guys do?

Zayn: "Should we tell?"
Jade: "Don't."

Eva: "More French toast!"

The Parsons have begun decorating the Winterfest tree.

Finn: "It's gonna be the best Winterfest tree in Willow Creek."

Jade: "Not without my help."

Makayla: "It's snowing!"
You just realised.


Makayla: "That was so romantic. I love kissing in the snow."

Joey: "What can I say? I'm the romance master."

Joey: "You like my shoes, by the way?"

Where are you going?
Zayn: "Far away from this crazy house."

Joey: "What's going on in here?!"

Joey: "This tree looks terrible! It needs my expertise."

Uh oh.

Zayn: "AHH!"

Zayn: "It's slippery!"

Poor Zayn doesn't realise that the Parsons and skating don't mix.

Such a beautiful snow sunset.

Townie: "AHH!"

Zayn, are you gonna help him?
Zayn: "No."

Joey: "Hey, girl."

Joey: "You want more of the romance master?"

The Winterfest decorations are up!

They're so pretty!

Finn: "The Winterfest tree is almost finished. It looks good, doesn't it?"

Jade: "Cupcake is jumping on another forbidden surface, isn't she?"
Cupcake: "You saw nothing."

Servo: "This clam chowder is for me and me only."
Okaaay. Tell that to the Parsons.

Joey: "Uh... this tree..."

Joey: "Looks terrible! Let me fix it."

Joey: "It needs some good ol' red decorations."
You're making it worse.

Whatcha doing there?

Jade: "Building a snowpal!"

It looks... great.

Jade: "It's not finished yet!"

Jade: "Once it is, it will dominate the world!"

Finn: "You need any help?"

Finn: "This is more work than decorating the Winterfest tree."

Jade: "Quit complaining."

Jade: "This won't be your average snowpal."

That's a strange great looking snowpal!
Finn: "Jade didn't let me pick the decorations!"

The Winterfest tree is finally complete!

Joey: "Thanks to my expertise."

Milo: "You gonna share that or what?"

Joey: "I'm exhausted after a long day of gardening, being a romance master, decorating the Winterfest tree and eating clam chowder. I need sleep."

Servo is secretly Father Winter!

Nibbles: "I knew it!"

You're still outside?

Zayn: "Nothing can make me go back inside with those crazies."

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