Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Chapter 62

You are so pretty!

Ella: "Tell me something I don't know."

Servo is downloading some new enhancement data.

Good girl, you're not making a mess!

I spoke too soon.

Kalani: "My beautiful daughter, you finally came to visit!"

Kalani: "How have you been, you beautiful ray of sunshine?"
Ella: "Oh, stop it, you!"

Ella: "What's with all the compliments?"

Kalani: "Not only is it nothing but the truth, but I also want you to move back into the nest."

Ella: "Nice try, mom. I'm finally gaining my sanity back."

Joey: "I hope I'll regain my sanity back, too."
Jade: "Not a chance, daddy."

Ella: "You see this lump of clay?"

Ella: "You're not getting it."

Makayla: "Where do you think you're going with that lump of clay?"

Ella: "Out of my way! I had it first!"

Why so serious?

Cupcake: "Is there a problem?"

Milo v. Laser Pointer Part 1

Milo: "Too easy. I already got it."


Do you mind, Cupcake?

Makayla is pregnant again!

Queue the confetti.

Makayla: "Time to scare Joey again."

Her belly grew instantly.

Joey: "I already know what you're gonna say."

Makayla: "Yep, I'm pregnant again!"

Joey: "What a surprise."

Joey: "More mini Parsons to pass the crazy gene onto."

Finn aged up into a toddler! He is so adorable!

Joey: "Time for you to learn to walk."

Finn: "Tis is scawy!"

Joey: "Come on, you can do it!"

Finn: "I can do it!"

Joey: "Good job, Finn!"

Oh my gosh, he's so adorable!

What a little cutie!

Cupcake wanted da petz.

Another Parsons' tradition.

Making a mess of the peas.

Cameron: "Are you ready for potty training, Finn?"
Finn: "No, grandpa."

Finn: "I'm good at potty, grandpa."

Cameron: "You sure are, buddy! One day, you'll be an expert and upgrade to the final boss: the toilet."

Finn: "Too much info to process."

Cameron: "Get used to it, Finn. You have a lot more info to process in life."
Cam is very motivational.

Milo aged up into an adult!

Servo and Loki are super close.

They're always playing together!

Cupcake and Milo are getting a bit romantic!

Milo: "You're very pretty."

Cupcake: "I know."

Kalani: "I'll race you to the door."

Jade: "I won!"

Jade: "Grandma is too slow!"

Servo is giving Cupcake da petz.

Cupcake is throwing up a lot. Why, you ask? Because she's pregnant! Cupcake and Milo are having kittens!

The only time Loki will be peaceful is when she's sleeping.

Why must the Parsons cats make it their life mission to always be on the kitchen counter?

Uh oh, looks like Kalani found Cupcake on the counter.

Kalani: "I give up at this point."

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