Monday, January 20, 2020

Chapter 65

One of the Parsons' best family friends Lexi and her boyfriend Cam came to visit today! Wait... Cam?!

Lexi: "Hey, Joey!"
Joey: "Lexi! You're finally back from college, it feels like I haven't seen you in ages!"

Joey: "Wait..."

Joey: "Dad?"

Cameron: "Did you really just call me 'dad'?"

Joey: "I mean... hey."

Joey: "Is your name Cameron by any chance?"

Cameron: "Yeah, it is! How did you know?"

Joey: *Am I being bamboozled?*

Joey: "You look... oddly familiar."

Cameron: "I'm not sure how. I've never been to Willow Creek before."

Joey: "By oddly familiar, I mean you look exactly like my dad. Like, the spitting image. This is him as a young adult."

Joey: "See?"

Cameron: "Huh... I don't see it."

Makayla: "Joey, who's out here?"

Joey: *This guy has to be some kind of spy or something.*

Makayla: "Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Makayla."

Lexi: "Nice to meet you too! I'm Lexi."

Lexi: "I love the purple hair!"

Makayla: "Thanks! It's au natural."

Makayla: "You wanna feel my huge belly?"

Lexi: "I'd love to!"

Lexi: "Wow..."

Lexi: "It feels like there's two in there."
Makayla: "Oh, god."

Old Cameron: "Joey, why didn't you tell us there were guests here?"

Kalani: "Lexi's here! I haven't seen her in ages!"

Old Cameron: "Say... you're quite a handsome young man."

Kalani: "What the hell is going on?"
Old Cameron: "What do you mean?"

Kalani: "I mean why does this guy look exactly like you?"
Old Cameron: "He does? I don't see it."

Joey: "You don't see it? Dad, are you blind?! He even has the same name as you!"

Young Cameron: "Your name is Cameron too?"
Old Cameron: "Yep! Small world, isn't it?"

Joey: "Something's going on. You're playing a prank on me, aren't you dad?"

Old Cameron: "Does it look like I'm playing a prank on you?"
Kalani: "Yes."

Makayla: "What I would do to have a body like yours again. My back is killing me!"

Zayn: "Grandpa, can you push me on the swings?"
Old Cameron: "Not yet, Zayn. We have guests."

Zayn: "Uh... who's the guy that looks exactly like grandpa?"

Joey: "I have no idea. He claims to be Lexi's boyfriend, but I think he might be a spy."

Zayn: "Only one way to find out."
Joey: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Young Cameron: "Why are you all staring at me?"

Zayn: "Let's kidnap him until he spills the truth."

Joey: "Zayn, stop that!"
Zayn: "I'm just trying to help."

Young Cameron: "Did that kid just say he's going to kidnap me?"

Makayla: "How was college? I heard you graduated!"

Lexi: "Yes, I did! I completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science at Foxbury Institute with honors."

Old Cameron: "I don't get what everyone's talking about. We are nothing alike."
Young Cameron: "I know, right? I have no idea what they see."

Joey: "Now they're just insulting my intelligence."
Lexi: "Let's just put it all behind us and enjoy ourselves on the swings!"

Lexi: "Woohoo! This is so much fun!"

Young Cameron: "Look how high I can go!"

I'm so happy the Grey family came to visit the Parsons family!

Lexi: "Do you want me to push you next?"
Joey: "Nope, I got it!"

Lexi: "Hahaha! Oh my gosh, not so high!"
Joey: "Oops, sorry! Hahaha! I thought you wanted to go as high as dad- I mean Cam."

Young Cameron: "This guy needs to stop calling me dad."

Lexi: "This is so much fun!"
Old Cameron: "You know what? I'm starting to see a little bit of a resemblance."

Young Cameron: "Nope, I still don't see it."

Any day now!

That day is today!

This is so chaotic, Makayla went into labor while Jade is aging up into a child!

Jade: "It's all about me."

Joey: "I think I'm ready this time!"

Joey: "I have everything prepared, I haven't forgot one thing."

Makayla: "Except me, stupid!"

Jade is so adorable!

She loves animals too, as you can see.

I knew it! It's girl boy twins! 💖💙 Introducing Eva Parsons!

And Jonah Parsons!

Why does this look like the cover of the hottest mixtape of 2020?

I told you it would be twins.
Makayla: "Okay! You were right! Now shut up!"

Uh... your arm is going through the wall.
Joey: "It's worth it."

It's Harvestfest time! 🦃🍁🍂

Joey: "Another Parsons vet appointment."
Who is it this time?

Oh no, Cupcake is sick.

That townie in the background stole your look.
Joey: "I still look the best."

Joey: "Huh? What's this?"

Joey: "They have a special section dedicated to the Parsons."

Poor Cupcake. 😢

Townie: "Hey! It's one of the Parsons! I heard you guys are really crazy."
Joey: "Oh, god."

Joey: "Don't listen to him, Cupcake."

Joey: "We're completely normal."

Veterinarian: "Are you ready for your appointment, Cupcake?"

Uh... there's still a huge dog in here.

Veterinarian: "What seems to be the problem?"
Cupcake: "What does it look like, lady?"

Joey: "She's so sassy."

Veterinarian: "Hmm... I see. There seems to be only one solution to this."

Cupcake: "Really?'

Joey: "Really?"

Joey: "You'd better remain healthy for a while. This was an expensive vet trip."

Cupcake: "If you act up, I'll make sure we come back here sooner."

Joey: "Say what?"

Meanwhile, back at home, things seem pretty normal.

Finn: "I don't like this kitty. I'm supposed to be the cute one."

Nibbles: "Nope! I'm the cutest one in this house! In this world!"

The garden is looking great!

Kalani: "What's this, Finn?"

Finn: "Hmm..."

Finn: "The potty scrub brush?"

Kalani: "Say what?"

Cameron: "Ugh, not again. I knew my toothbrush tasted weird."

Jade: "Finn learnt from the master. Me."

Makayla: "Should I be proud or scared?"

Milo: "Nothing to see here. I'm just staring directly at this cupboard."

Zayn: "I smell some more breakfast scramble!"

Zayn was right! The Parsons love their breakfast scramble.

Milo: "I want some breakfast scramble!"

Joey: "Too late, Milo. I already ate all mine."
Zayn: "Smart move."

Jade: "No one is coming near my breakfast scramble!"

Cameron: "It smells wonderful!"

Jade: "I ate it as fast as I could so the cats wouldn't come near it!"

Finn is so adorable!
Finn: "The most adorable in the house!"

Why does everyone's arms keep going through the wall?

Kalani: "Are you hungry? There you go!"

Da snugglez!

Jade: "What are you looking at?"
Servo: "I'm scared."

So smiley!

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