Sunday, January 12, 2020

Chapter 61

Feeding time!

Joey: "I'm about to go have some food myself."

Cupcake: "Not before feeding me first."

I don't think anyone is a fan of the grilled fruit except Makayla.

Jade: "I don't have to eat grilled fruit!"

Jade: "Say what?"

Cameron: "Serves her right."

It's a beautiful morning in Willow Creek.

What a lovely sunrise!

How do y'all like sharing a bowl?
Milo: "I hate it."

Loki: "I'm glad I get my own bowl."

Milo: "Keep it up and I'll run away!"

Makayla: "I left you the last slice of pizza last night, as promised."

Joey: *Gasp* "You really kept your promise!"

Zayn: "Next time mom leaves the last slice of pizza for dad, I'm gonna steal it."

Jade: "Yeah!"

Jade: "Wait, are you sure that's a good idea? Mommy can be scary."

Zayn: "Don't underestimate me."

Jade: "At least now I can blackmail you if you cross me."

Makayla: "Don't disturb me!'

Makayla: "I'm in the zone working on my latest masterpiece!"

Joey: "I'm in the zone working on my garden."

It's beautiful! Is this a hint you want to go camping?

Makayla: "Oh, god no. I hate camping."
Well, now if you piss me off, I can send you camping.

Makayla: "I shouldn't have said anything."

Makayla got a new easel from her career.

Cameron decided to take Loki on a walk. The light snow is so pretty!

Cupcake: "Not as pretty as me."

Milo: "Do you mind? I'm trying to nap here."

Whatcha doing there, Joey? Stealing from someone else's garden again?

Joey: "If you know, you know."

Joey stole found a lot of new plants outside.

Now he has tons of new plants to plant.

He's been watering the calfplant every chance he gets. I wonder when it will grow to full size.

Cupcake: "It looks pretty empty out here in this neighbor's garden."

Cupcake: "Joey really wiped this place clean, huh?"
Yep. Don't tell anyone.

Joey: "Just watering my stolen new plants."

Jade: "I hope no one steals my ducky!"

Aww, Finn is such an angel!

Makayla: "You want some treats, Milo?"

Milo: "What does it look like, lady?"

Makayla: "Keep it up with that smack talk and you won't be getting anything."


Better late than never. Joey and Makayla finally took a selfie together!

Cameron: "This bathroom tap water is too good."

Cupcake: "Take that! That's for not being a real burger!"

Did you eat it?
Cupcake: "Maybe."

Cupcake: "Just kidding! But now I'm going to try!"

This is literally the sculpture that Joey and Reece made when they were kids. I forgot it existed until I pulled it out from the Parsons' family inventory.

The Parsons are having some nice grilled steaks for dinner! What's the secret to their new found metabolism? MC Command Center, of course!

Get down, Cupcake!

Cupcake v. Laser Pointer Part 2 or 3

Kalani: "You'll never catch it, Cupcake!"

Cupcake: "Watch me, human!"
Kalani: "That's my shoe, silly! You're not even close!"

That looks delicious.

The Parsons finally got the most expensive refrigerator! They've been able to afford it for quite some time, I just forgot to buy it.

Grandpa Cam is the best!

Cameron: "And the most sane."

Cameron: "Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, they're all way crazier than me."

Where have you been, Loki?
Loki: "Out. I only came back for the food."

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