Thursday, July 2, 2020

Chapter 175

Paisley: "Is this morning sickness ever gonna go away before I pop this baby out?"

Paisley: "Apparently not."

The water generator broke. Thank gosh for Servo.

That meal looks strange.

Grilled cheese... again.

Paisley is practising her logic skill again. Where's her chess partner, you ask?

He volunteered to do the laundry today.

Paisley: "Now who am I gonna beat at chess?"

Paisley: "Morning sickness again?!"

Paisley: "I'll be right back, my beautiful chessboard."

Elodie made a 'Sunset Valley' drink! (The Sims 3 nostalgia is strong.)

Is that a carrot?

I have no idea what that is, no matter what angle I look at it.

Elodie: "Whatever it was, it was delicious!"

Zhora: "You again? Don't you townies remember what happened the last time you were on my property?"

They're getting flashbacks of all the craziness they've witnessed.

Deven decided to have a 'Sunset Valley' too.

Why would you drink juice in front of the pregnant sim?

Paisley: "I'm too focused to think about juice right now."

You're also too pregnant.

Elodie: "Man, I don't miss being pregnant. Imagine not being able to drink juice?"

Servo: "Yasss, plant. That's the pose, give it to me."

Elodie: "I'm so happy that we eat grilled cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner!"

Deven: "Hey, me too!"
Zhora: "Grant me the strength."

Deven: "I think I'm gonna make us all another plate of grilled cheese."

Zhora: "For the love of aliens, please, NO!"

Jaxton: "How much more grilled cheese can we possibly have?"

Paisley: "It's making me gassy!"

Deven: "If you don't want anymore grilled cheese, I can finish the rest for you."

Paisley: "When did I say I don't want any more?" *Munch, munch*

Welp... I guess Paisley was tired.

Rosie: "What are you looking at, peasant?"

Zhora: "Who you calling peasant, peasant?"

Deven: "There's about to be a showdown."

Paisley: "That grilled cheese sandwich definitely didn't agree with me..."


Paisley: "But, I'm tired."

Deven: "What do I do, what do I do?!"

Deven: "How long will it take for her to vomit out the baby?!"

Paisley: "Does he really think that's how sims give birth? Has he not seen a birth video? They appear out of nowhere while we sparkle all over."

Paisley: "Ugh, this hurts!"

Paisley: "Deven, why the heck did you wake me up?!"

Paisley: "I could have had a peaceful sleeping labor!"

Paisley: "Ooh, this really hurts!"

Paisley: "Deven, where the heck are you going?!"

Deven: "We need to find out where sims give birth to babies! Is it in the dumpster? That's where we made the baby!"

Paisley: "We need to go to the hospital, dummy, not the dumpster."

Deven: "I forgot which direction the dumpster is in! I can't think! I can never think! HELP!!!"

We stan a pregnant queen going down a ladder while in labor.

Good luck, Paisley!

Paisley: "If the baby turns out as stupid as Deven, I'm gonna need it."

It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Kaylee Parsons!

The first baby of generation 9 is a girl!

I'm not gonna lie, I kind of wanted a boy. I hope they have a boy later on.

Paisley: "You're so perfect, just like your mama."

Zhora: "I'm too young to be a grandma."

More grilled cheese?!

Paisley needs to do some more blueprint drafts for her job!

You know it's serious when she whips out the drafting pen.

Interesting... a line and a circle.

Paisley: "I'm only just getting started."

Paisley: "That was fun, hopefully my boss likes those blueprint drafts."

Uh oh... y'all cannot be trusted near dumpsters!

Paisley: "Relax, we're diving for some sweet deals."

Paisley: "I see a whole bunch of treasure in here!"

Deven: "Hopefully you find some cake! Mmm... cake..."

Deven: "Little does Paisley know why I brought her here... wait... why did I bring her here again? Oh, yeah. To propose."

Deven: "You know I love you more than anything, right?"

Paisley: "Of course I do, babe. I love you more than anything, too."

Deven: "You do?"

Paisley: "Of course I do, sweet face."

Deven: "I'm glad you do."

Deven: "You're my blueberry."

Paisley: "And you're my stupid head."

Deven: "As many times as we've broken up, just know, I could never live without you."

Paisley: "Aww, Deven, I feel the same way."

Deven: "I want you to know why I brought you down here today."

Paisley: "You want me to know why you brought me down to the dumpster?"

Deven: "Yeah... our favorite spot ever. Paisley Parsons..."

Deven: "You're the light of my life."

Deven: "Will you marry me?"

Paisley: "Oh my gosh!"

Paisley: "Yes, yes, yes! A million times yes!"

Paisley: "Of course I'll marry you!"

Paisley: "Oh, Deven, it's so beautiful!"

Deven: *I wonder how long it'll take her to figure out that the ring is made of candy.*


Paisley: "I love you."
Deven: "I love you more."


Deven and Paisley are engaged!

They decided to get married right on the habor, just the two of them.

Uh... Deven... are you sniffing her hands?

Paisley: "Do my hands smell like blueberry?"

Deven: "They do, can I eat them?"

Say what?!

Paisley: "You're so cute when you're joking around... you are joking around, right?"

Deven: "Hehehe... I totally was joking... not like I've tried to eat your blueberry hair before."

Paisley: "You're so adorable."

Paisley: "I know it may not have seemed like it, but I've been in love with you since the moment I laid eyes on you."

Paisley: "And since you gave me a candy ring, I wanted to give you your own candy ring."

Deven: "This is so thoughtful! You know how much I love candy rings, they're one of my favorite candies ever!"

Paisley: "Which is exactly why I got it for you, my love."

I now pronounce you, husband and wife! May you live happily ever Parsons.

Paisley: "Thanks for marrying my crazy butt."

What a beautiful little ceremony! Deven and Paisley are definitely one of my favorite Parsons couples ever!

Paisley: "Brrr... that wedding dress was freezing!"

Deven: "I can't wait to eat my wedding ring!"

Well, that's not something you hear everyday.

Kaylee's diaper days have flown by and she has aged up into a toddler!

Aaand she already loves the green crab block.

A true Parsons if I've ever seen one.

Cashie aged up into an elder!

Cashie: "Can't I age back?"

Paisley: "Hmm... how will I beat my invisible opponent?"

Paisley: "That should do it!"

Simmie: "I've barked many barks and jumped in many puddles, but it's time for me to go."

Nooooooooooooooo! Simmie!

Servo: "He's behind me, isn't he?"

Servo: "I'll just act like I'm not immune to death."

Servo: "Why can't Simmie be immune to death too?! WHY?!"

Kaylee: "What's happening downstairs?"

Jaxton: "The Grim Reaper is taking one of our pets again?! Tell him to go away!"

Kaylee: "Whatever it is, it made grandpa very mad."

Grim Reaper: "Another Parsons soul."

How dare you!

Rest In Peace, Simmie Parsons. You were a lovely dog, and you will be dearly missed.

Deven: "Super Sim is gonna save the world!"

Kaylee: "Tell daddy to stop playing with my toys!"

Deven: "OW!!!"

Deven: "I think that awakened something in my brain, I can suddenly remember the time I drank paint so that my farts would be rainbow and almost died."

Deven: "Why would you make me remember that, Super Sim?"

Super Sim: "To remind you how stupid you are!"

Deven: "I didn't need you to remind me, my wife reminds me every day."

Deven: "Super Sim is my second favorite toy ever! My favorite is the llamacorn, of course!"

Kaylee: "My daddy is crazy, isn't he?"

Mr Woofkins: "Your entire family is crazy, kid."

Jaxton: "Look! They're joking about chicken butts again on TV!"
Elodie: "Anyone want some juice? TURN UP!"

Kaylee: "Mr Woofkins was right, my family is crazy."

Landon: "Send me back to school so that I don't have to deal with my crazy family."

Kaylee: "Grilled cheese is the best!"

You're definitely your father's daughter.

Nothing to see here, just a celeb on a bike.

Paisley: "Thank you for agreeing to be my new chess buddy. It's gonna be a piece of cake beating you."

Servo: "What's that supposed to mean? I may be a robot, but I have feelings, you know?"

Deven: "I challenge myself to eat this entire plate of grilled cheese."

Paisley: "What are you so upset about? I've only beat you 5 times."

Servo: "You aren't taking my feelings into account! Why don't you let me win just once to show me that you care about my feelings?!"

The new policy "We Wear Bags' has been enforced!

Erick: "I wonder how this policy won."

Townie: "I suspect foul play from the Parsons once again. They have so many family members that it's impossible to beat them in the voting!"

Deven: "'We Wear Bags' is my new favorite vote that's been enforced."

Speaking of votes, the Parsons also won the vote on what to turn the community space into!

It has been turned into a marketplace and it is absolutely beautiful!

Paisley: "Not bad, my blueprints look even better after they've come to life."

Deven: "I wonder if they'll sell any edible candles. The last candle I ate wasn't edible."

Deven: "I guess if it smells good, it doesn't taste good... hehehe..."

Paisley: "I bet this place is just as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside!"

Paisley is right! This place is so beautiful inside too!

Time for Paisley and Deven (and the random bag wearing townie) to check it out for themselves!

I kind of want the Parsons to wear bags on their heads too.

Seller: "Candles, candles! Come get your homemade candles!"

Wow, these candles are beautiful!

Seller: "Come get some even better candles over here! Get them while they're hot!"

I see what you did there.

Paisley decided to purchase a blue candle for obvious reasons.

Deven: "Can you taste the candle and let me know if it tastes like blueberry?"

Paisley: "Do you get more dumb by the second, babe?"

Seller: "Come get some fizzy juice! I mean... if you want to... no pressure. I'm not nervous at all, why do you ask?"

Paisley: "Hey, instead of tasting candles, let's taste some fizzy juice instead."

Deven: "That sounds like a great idea!"

Paisley: "Deven, I know what you're thinking. Stop thinking about eating the candles."

Deven: *Mmm... candles...*

A vendor with fresh produce opened in the marketplace too!

Paisley: "I'm tired."
Deven: "Let me ask the vendor if she sells edible candles."

No one sells edible candles, Deven!

Deven: "Do you sell edible candles by any chance?"

Vendor: *Gasp!* "Say what?!"

Deven: "I know someone must be selling them somewhere."

Seller: "Not only do I sell fizzy juice, I sell kombucha too!"

Deven: "Did he just say kombucha? I have no idea what that is! I want it!"

Paisley decided to take a nap on one of the couches at the marketplace.

Deven: *Gulp*

Deven: "Eugh, what the heck is this stuff? It tastes worse than the candle I ate."

Seller: "Uh... hi there, you're really pretty... hehe... I'm glad you can't see me blushing."

Townie: "Why, thank you."

Deven: "Why are you so sad, townie? You want some kombucha?"

Townie: "I'm sad because I just had some kombucha and it tasted horrible."

Even though it tasted horrible, Deven still finished the entire jar.

Deven: "Paisley would kill me if she saw me wasting something."

Deven: "That kombucha made me feel focused. How focused? Focused enough to eat a candle and ignore the taste."


Paisley: "That was a nice nap I had at the marketplace."

Paisley: "I never got to drink my fizzy juice, though."

Paisley: *Gulp*

Paisley: "This tastes horrible!"

Paisley: "Surely someone can make some better fizzy juice."

Someone will one day... somewhere down the line. 😉

Deven, why are you awake in the middle of the night? Were you trying to sneak around and eat the candle Paisley bought?

Deven: "Maybe..."

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