Monday, July 6, 2020

Chapter 177

Servella has aged up into a toddler! Aww, she's such an adorable little alien!

Servo: "You ready to learn how to walk?"

Servella: "I don't want to learn how to walk, daddy."

Servo: "Come on! You can do it!"

Servo: "Yay! You did it, I'm so proud of you!"

She's so adorable! I wonder where her pink hair came from.

Servella: "Did my alien mommy have pink hair?"

Servella: "Hi, daddy."

Servo is too busy sleeping standing up to answer.

Uh oh, it's the battle of the food bowl!

Sprinkles: "Back away from the food bowl and no one gets hurt."

Ralphie: "You already ate half, the rest is mine!"

Cashie: "Save me!"

Deven: "I'm glad I don't have to fight over my grilled cheese sandwiches."

I'm surprised Deven hasn't morphed into a grilled cheese sandwich at this point.

Paisley is ready to pop!

Deven: "And I'm ready to embark on yet another grilled cheese adventure."

Ralphie: "Can I embark with you?"

Oh no! Elodie's bar was struck by lightning during the thunderstorm!

Deven: "Do you think there will be another thunderstorm today?"

Deven: "It still seems to be raining."

While Servo is busy caring for Servella and levelling up other skills, Paisley is the new gardener around here.

She can't complain, she's only taking care of one plant.

Imagine if she had to take care of the old garden.

Kaylee: "Remember, if you touch my grilled cheese, I'll get you."

Servella: "Say what?"

Paisley: "Aww, I love you my little bombardier beetle!"

Paisley: "You're just so cute, even though you've lit me on fire a few times."

Paisley: "Aren't the bugs adorable?"

Paisley's first task of the day for her job is recycling!

Paisley: "My favorite task ever!"

Paisley: "What's my other favorite task, you ask? Rigging the neighborhood action plan votes by voting multiple times with multiple family members!"

Paisley's second task of the day is to acquire an eco-upgrade part using the fabricator.

Let's just hope history doesn't repeat itself.

Paisley: "The fabricator machine won't mess with me ever again, I kicked it's butt last time."

Sure you did...

It's Love Day time! 💌💘🥰

Elodie: "It's also turn up time! TURN UP!"

Surprisingly, things seemed to have gone pretty well this time with the fabricator machine.

Servella, no!

Kaylee: "We don't splash in the toilet, Servella. That's gross."

Servella: "But it's so much fun!"

Paisley: "Who's that gorgeous thang in the mirror?"

Paisley: "Oh, yeah..."

Paisley: "It's me."

Paisley: "The most gorgeous blueberry ever."

Deven must have a very good metabolism.

Servella: "I smell grilled cheese sandwiches, I want one too."

Paisley: "I'm so tired."

Paisley: "But it looks like you're ready to come into this world tonight, huh, little one?"

Deven is sound asleep.

Paisley: "Seriously?!"

Paisley: "Would somebody wake this dingus up?! I'm in labor here!"

Paisley: "He's so stupid sometimes! Wait, what am I saying? He's so stupid all the time!"

He's apparently a heavy sleeper, too. I can relate.

Paisley: "Ooh, this really hurts."

Deven, you're finally awake!

Deven: "My wife is in labor?!"

Deven: "Why didn't anyone tell me?!"

Paisley: "Oof! I tried to tell you, dummy!"

I can explain...

The laundry has been drying for days because of the thunderstorms, so now the laundry is piling up fast.

Paisley: "That laundry had better be gone by the time I get back."

It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Lauryn Parsons!

Paisley: "You're so cute! Just like your mommy!"

Paisley: "Are you hungry? Here you go."

It's getting worse!

Jax was abducted by aliens yet again.

Jax, why must you always follow the weird light?

Jaxton: "Because it's pretty, okay? Leave me alone."

Deven: "What's going on here?!"

Deven: "This place is turning into a complete mess! Look at of all the laundry all over the floor!"

You know it's bad when Deven is complaining, he usually never notices anything.

Paisley: "Ugh, when will the clothes on the clothesline finally be dry?"

Never mind that for a moment, Paisley is pregnant again!

Paisley: "Babe, we're gonna have another blueberry baby!"

Deven: "Didn't you just give birth a few hours ago?"

Paisley: "Yeah, and now there's another one on the way!"

Deven: "How did this happen?!"

It takes two to tango, Deven. Shut it.

The laundry is piling up so much that the cats are sleeping in it!


Deven: "One day, you'll be able to eat grilled cheese sandwiches just like daddy."

Deven is a bad influence when it comes to diet.

Seriously?! It's raining again?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Paisley: "It seems pretty funny to me."

Shut it, or else I'll buy a washer and dryer.

Paisley: "But that's not eco-friendly!"

BuT tHaT's NoT eCo-FrIeNdLy!

Paisley's task for her job today is drafting blueprints on the electronic drafting tablet again.

Paisley: "This will be my greatest creation yet."

Wow, impressive.

Paisley: "Shut up, I'm just getting started."

Paisley: "Now, all I gotta do is submit it."

Paisley: "Ugh! The blueprints won't fit in the mailbox!"

It's voting day!

You already know exactly where Paisley is headed.

Down to the community board.

Paisley: "I voted for 'Green Initiatives in Port Promise'! With this action plan in place, we can expect to see not only trees and bushes sprouting, but we'll also see Port Promise's eco footprint become more green as well! Sure, there'll be a weekly bill increase to donate to the cause, but it'll be worth it!"

Back at home, Paisley's Parsons bathroom curse continues to haunt her.

At least she can find some appliances in this pile. Man, this house is a pig sty right now. The Parsons need to get it together.

Paisley: "Ugh, this rash is horrible! Where the heck did it come from?!"

Deven: "Hey, babe."

Paisley: "Ugh, Deven! You're the one who gave me this rash?!"

Deven: "Oh, this thing? I got it from wrestling a rat in the dumpster!"

Paisley: "YOU WHAT?!"

Servo is going to attempt to build a rocket ship. It'll help both Servo and Deven come one step closer to completing their aspirations.

Paisley has betrayed the grilled cheese sandwiches by consuming some hotdogs!

Zhora: "Hey, look at me! I'm still loyal to grilled cheese!"

Aaand of course, the shower broke. This place is a mess.

Servo is off to a good start.

Yep, that looks like it should do the trick.

Paisley: "I can't wait to sneak in the rocket ship."

Paisley: "I'll fly far, far away from my crazy family."

Lauryn aged up into a toddler!

She got Paisley's blue hair and skin!

She also got Deven's blue eyes.

Paisley: "Come to mommy! You can do it!"

Happy birthday, Kaylee!

Kaylee: "Yay!"
Paisley: "Yaaay, Kaylee!"

Kaylee aged up into a child!

Happy birthday, Landon!

Landon aged up into a young adult! Now, get out.

Paisley is at the vet to buy some wellness treats for Rosie.

Paisley: "I remember coming here when I was little."

Paisley: "In case you're wondering, I still love the doggy park!"

Paisley: "You know what I don't love?! This morning sickness!"

Paisley: "At least I can go home now and throw up."

Not before giving Rosie her wellness treat so that she stops throwing up first.

Paisley: "Pspsps, come here, Rosie! You want a treat?"

Rosie: "Food? GIMME!"

Servo is still hard at work on his rocket ship.

He's been building it for hours. Luckily, he has a lot less needs than a human sim.

FINALLY! The laundry dried and more laundry can now be washed!

Deven is the volunteer yet again.

He doesn't mind, though. He's already ate his grilled cheese sandwiches for the day, so he's happy.

The rocket ship is coming along nicely!

And so is the laundry, thank gosh!

Servella, no! She's clearly not as neat as her dad, he'd go nuts if he saw this.

Wow, Servo managed to build a rocket that high all the way from the ground.

Servo: "I'm just cool like that."

Deven: "Can you hear Servo building outside?"

Kaylee: "Yeah! I wonder what he's building!"

Steak?! What happened to the grilled cheese sandwiches?!

Come on, Servo. You're taking your sweet time.

Deven: "Did she just say what I think she just said?! I'm so proud!"
Paisley: "I'm impressed."

Kaylee: "Yep, I did just say I'd rather have grilled cheese than a steak any day."

The rocket ship is so close to being complete!

Just a few more nuts and bolts.

Servo: "I spent all day building this thing and I have zero energy, but I did it!"

Looks like Servo won't be the first one to take a trip on the rocket ship.

Deven: "Is that a rocket ship? This is what Servo was building all day?"

Deven: "Hey! I just thought of a genius idea! I'm gonna be the first sim ever to eat a grilled cheese sandwich in space!"

Deven: "Woah..."

Good luck, Deven!

Deven: "So long, sim world! When I return, I'll be the first sim to have ever eaten a grilled cheese sandwich in space!"

There he goes.

Let's hope he comes back.

Wow, he's so high up! He's definitely in space by now.

A few hours later...

Deven has returned.

Deven? Are you in there?

Deven: "Here I am!"

Deven: "I successfully completed my mission!"

Deven: "I am now the first sim to have ever eaten a grilled cheese sandwich in space!"

Deven: "Ah! My head!"

Deven: "I think all the pressure from space is making my head hurt somehow even though I'm back on earth!"

I'm just glad you came back in one piece.

Even Father Winter is sporting a bag on his head!

Uh oh, we all know what time it is.

Paisley: "Ooh! The baby's coming!"

Paisley: "This hurts as much as the last two times."

Deven: "And it's just as scary as the last two times!"

Deven: "What do I do?! WHAT DO I DO?!"


Paisley: "Oh my gosh!"

Paisley: "I think the sparkles are about to appear!"

Paisley: "See, I told ya!"

Paisley: "Look at my little bb!"

It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Elijah Parsons!

Finally, a boy! I didn't think we'd get a boy for gen 9 because my game doesn't like me.

Paisley: "You're so perfect."

Deven: "Here you go, son, some blended grilled cheese in a bottle."

Paisley: "I needed to pee the entire time!"

Servo: "Finally, I get to be the first one to use my rocket ship."

Yep... you're the first one...

Please come back in one piece, Servo! The Parsons need you!

Servo: "So long, sim world! I shall return!"

Off he goes!

Please don't die, please don't die, please don't die.

A few hours later, Servo has returned!

Servo: "That was awesome!"

There were a lot of malfunctions with the rocket ship during Servo's trip into space, so he has to perform some upgrades before he takes off again.

Zhora, is that a hotdog? Didn't you just say that you're loyal to grilled cheese?

Zhora: "Did I say that? I must have forgotten!"

Lauryn: "Meow, meow."

Cashie: "I did not give you permission to imitate me, child. You'll be hearing from my lawyer."

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