Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Chapter 178

Elijah aged up into a toddler! Oh my gosh, he's so adorable! He's a mini little Deven!

Paisley: "Come to mommy, Elijah!"

Elijah: "No one walks better than me."

Paisley: "He may look like Deven, but he has my confidence!"

Why are you giving side-eye?

Elijah: "I wasn't!"

He's so adorable!

Elijah: "Hi, crickets!"

I guess he likes the crickets.

Elijah: "I love them! They're so cute!"

Elijah: "I can take care of them all by myself, too!"

Elijah: "How much food do crickets eat?"

Be careful, Elijah.

Don't tip the entire bottle in there.

Great job!

Elijah: "I hope I gave the crickets enough food."

He's definitely his mother's son.

Elijah: "Can you hear the crickets chirping?"

Elijah: "It sounds like music."

While Elijah was being good and feeding the bugs, Lauryn decided to spill paint everywhere! Come on!

Elijah: "Can you hear the crickets from here, Mr Woofkins?"

Mr Woofkins: "Yes, it's annoying."

Elijah: "Do you like airplanes, Mr Woofkins?"

Elijah: "Wait, did you just call the crickets annoying? That's not nice, Mr. Woofkins."

Mr Woofkins: "I speak the truth and only the truth."

Elodie: "Mr Woofkins is a straight up savage."

Servella is having a blast exploring around the outside of the house.

Deven: "May I have this dance, Ralphie?"

Ralphie: "Yes, I love dancing!"

Oh my gosh, this is so adorable!

Deven: "Do you like the harbor, Elijah?"

Elijah: "I love it almost as much as I love the crickets!"

Deven: "That's the spirit! Just don't fall in the water, I've done that a few times."

Elijah: "I have a great idea, daddy!"

Elijah: "Wanna play wrestle?"

Deven: "Look at the look on his face, he really thinks he can beat me... he probably can."

Deven: "Alright, let's play wrestle!"

Elijah: "Yay!"

Elijah: "Weeeeeeeeee!!!"

Deven: "Where do you wanna fly to, pilot?"
Elijah: "Away from my crazy family!"

Deven, that doesn't look safe!

Deven & Elijah: "Hahahahaha!"

This is so adorable!

Deven: "Hey, where did Elijah go? Paisley is gonna kill me if I lose him."

Elijah: "Mwahahahaha!"

That's a very creepy evil grin.

Elijah: "I won, I won!"

Even though there's a heatwave, Elijah still seems happy.

Deven: "Hey there, little guy! Did Elijah feed you enough food today?"

Townie: "Sorry to bother you during this heatwave, but do you think I can maybe use your recycler? I'll even give all the recycled materials to you."

Paisley: "A townie willing to recycle?!"

Paisley: "Of course you can use our recycler, knock yourself out!"

The more recycling there is around here, the better.

Lauryn: "Can I recycle my annoying brother?"

Elijah: "Say what?!"

Servella: "That's none of my business..."

Deven: "I know we've been eating a lot of different meals lately, but grilled cheese will always be your favorite, right?"

Kaylee: "Of course it will, daddy!"

Servella: "I don't wanna age up. Being a toddler is a lot more convenient."

Happy birthday, Servella!

Servella aged up into a child! She's so adorable!

Servella: "I told you I didn't wanna age up!"

Elijah: "I'm not in any rush to age up."

Good, please stay this little and adorable forever!

Deven: "Do you like grilled cheese sandwiches, neighbor?"

Neighbor: "I don't know how to say this, but I hate grilled cheese sandwiches with every fibre of my being."

Deven: "How could anyone say that?!"

What a lovely sunset!

Jax is so close to reaching the top of his career!

Jaxton: "This career is taking so long to complete!"

You're telling me.

Speaking of promotions, Elodie was promoted to level 9 of the mixology career! She's so close to the top too!

Elodie: "And then you'll never look back at the culinary career, right?"

Correct. The culinary career can stay far, far away.

Uh oh...

Deven: "Hey, what's that strange light outside?"

Deven, no! You of all sims should not investigate that weird light outside!

Deven: "Huh? Is that a UFO?"

Yes, yes it is!

Deven: "Uh... there's a weird beam of light trying to suck me in."

Deven: "I'm about to get abducted, aren't I?"

Please don't abduct Deven! He's too dumb to carry the next generation of the alien race!

Deven: "Woah, this feels so weird!"

Deven: "I wonder if they'll have grilled cheese in the UFO."

If Deven does get pregnant, hopefully he won't hide his pregnancy like SOMEONE.

Servo: "I can hear you, you know?"

Servella: "I won't be the only alien around here anymore?"

You're not the only alien around here either way!

Phew, the UFO is finally bringing Deven back!

Deven: "Asjnasefnegkguhe."

Deven: "Finally, back on solid ground!"

Deven: "I think those aliens zapped my brain and made me even more dumb than I already am."

Deven: "I didn't think that was even possible."

Deven: "They didn't even have any grilled cheese up there."

Deven: "But at least I can have some grilled cheese now that I'm back home."

Paisley: "Those aliens better not have impregnated my husband."

Zhora: "These sausages are absolutely insane! You have to believe me!"

How exactly are the sausages insane, Zhora?

Zhora: "Because they're speaking to me! Therefore, they're insane!"

I think that means that you're the insane one.

Paisley: "When will my mother realise that she's the insane one?!"

You're insane too.

Elijah: "I'm glad I'm not insane!"


Lauryn: "What do you mean 'yet'?"

The kids are refusing to make eye contact with Zhora because she's crazy.

Zhora: "They'll all realise that I was right all along... one day."

Lauryn: "This hotdog smells delicious."

Elijah: "How long do you think it'll take for me to turn crazy?"

Probably a shorter amount of time than usual, since this family just gets crazier and crazier.

Servella: "Good thing I'm not related to them."

Your father is insane too.

Speaking of Servo, he finally reached level 10 of the logic skill!

Paisley is off to work!

Her first task of the day is to persuade the townies into voting for 'Green Initiatives in Port Promise'.

Paisley: "These townies look like they can be persuaded easily."

Paisley: "This should be a piece of cake."

Paisley: "I'll have their votes in no time."

Paisley: "Hey, how awesome are trees? Right, guys?"

Townie: "Uh... yeah! Trees are pretty awesome!"

Townie: "But are they as awesome as 'Neighborhood Brawl'? Are they?"

Paisley: "They're even more awesome than 'Neighborhood Brawl' will ever be!"

Paisley: "Think about it, planting more trees around here will increase the eco-footprint so much! It'll be 'green' around here in no time! Doesn't that sound awesome?"

Townie: "Well, I guess if you're an eco-friendly weirdo, it does."

Paisley: "Then you guys are half way there! You may not be eco-friendly, but you're all weirdos!"

Townie: "Excuse me?"

Paisley: "Come on, what do you say? Let's make Evergreen Harbor a better place for all! Let's make the air cleaner and the sky more blue!"

Townies: "Hmm... well..."

Paisley: "Let's make Evergreen Harbor thrive like it never has before! Planting more trees is one of the most important steps to insuring that! Who's with me?"

Townie: "I am! Let's plant more awesome trees!"

Paisley: "That's the spirit! You're all contributing to something absolutely wonderful!"

Lauryn: "I love you Mr Woofkins!"

Elijah: "I'm Mr Woofkins' favorite!"

Townie: "I can't wait to see this place become more green when we plant more trees, it's gonna be amazing! 'Green Initiatives in Port Promise' is officially my vote!"

Paisley: "That was easier than I thought. Hopefully the townies don't read the fine print and realise that it's gonna cost them a small fee every week to plant more trees."

Elijah: "I'm your favorite, right Mr Woofkins?"
Mr Woofkins: "Whatever you say, kid."

Elijah: "I told you I was his favorite!"

The water valves broke! This may seem like a bad thing, but Servo needs to upgrade/repair 5 things to complete his aspiration, so it's actually a good thing.

Elijah: "Meow, meow!"

Rosie: "Are you mocking me?"

Paisley: "Before you leave, do you have a moment to partake in a quick interview regarding the utilities you use in your home?"

Townie: *Sigh* "Sure, why not..."

Townie: *Gasp!* "I thought we agreed to never partake in any eco interviews! They're trying to report us to the N.A.P. Inspectors and get us in trouble!"

Paisley: "How often do you recycle?"

Townie: "Uh... I don't think I've ever recycled anything before."

Paisley: "Really? You wouldn't consider recycling that ugly eyeball ring at least?"

Townie: "Hey, my eyeball ring is not ugly!"

Eyeball Ring: "Even I know that I'm butt ugly."

Paisley: "How many eco-upgrades have you added to your home? Five, ten?"

Townie: *Sigh* "Zero. I'm so ashamed."

Paisley: "You should be. Do you understand the impact your utilities can have on the ecosystem-"

Townie: "I get it, okay?! Stop shaming me!"

Paisley: "Great interview, thanks for partaking."

Paisley: "I can't wait to submit this to my boss, these townies are gonna get in so much trouble."

At least Servo is recycling.

Servo: "This water generator doesn't fit in around here. It isn't very eco-friendly."

Zip it, Servo.

Deven: "This book has a lot of weird tiny pictures all over the page."

Those are called words, Deven.

Elijah: "Will I turn out as dumb as my dad, Mr Woofkins?"

Mr Woofkins: "If you keep talking to stuffed animals past the child stage, then yes, you'll be exactly like him."

Lauryn: "Dance, dance, dance! You don't need music to dance!"

A true Parsons child.

Sprinkles: "I must catch the water drops!"

Rosie: "The water drops smell like clean laundry."

Probably because they're dripping down from the clean laundry.

Nothing to see here, just Servo upgrading the shower.

And by doing so, Servo completed his aspiration 'Nerd Brain'! I'm so proud of him!

Now, he can instantly add all of the upgrades to an object! The cool down time is about 24 hours, but I love this reward trait!

Lauryn, you're in big trouble!

Elijah: "It's gonna be hilarious seeing Lauryn get in trouble."

You are one evil child.

Deven: "Lauryn, why did you spill paint all over the floor?"

Lauryn: "Because you pay more attention to grilled cheese sandwiches than me, daddy. I wanted your attention."

Deven: "Huh? How could she try to make me pick between her and grilled cheese sandwiches?"

Elijah: "Green crab block!"

To no surprise, the green crab block is Elijah's favorite already.

Elijah: "It's better than Mr Woofkins!"

Paisley is very close to reaching level 10 of the logic skill!

Deven: "You look so beautiful while playing chess. Actually, you always look so beautiful."

Paisley: "Thank you, babe! Wanna be my opponent and watch me beat you in 5 seconds?"

It's still a heatwave! It looks like it'll be a hot summer in Evergreen Harbor.

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