Monday, May 20, 2024

Chapter 322

Happy birthday, Tristan!

Tristan aged up into a toddler!

Tristan: "I don't like being a toddler!"

Townie: "You wanna fight?"
Servo: "Do you wanna fight?"

I wouldn't wanna fight Servo in a million years.

Zeke: "Servo's not all that. You should be scared of me."

Oh, snap!

Townie: "How dare you throw a drink in my face!"

Servo: "But, wait, there's more!"

Servo is really going the extra mile to make sure this sim hates his robot guts.

Somehow, Servo lost the fight.

Townie: "Now, time for my payback!"

Townie: "Hahaha! Uh..."

Servo: "What's the matter? Is your cup filled with jelly instead of liquid?"

Townie: "Huh? How did you..."

Servo: "HAHAHA! Who has the last laugh, now?"

Now that two sims hate Servo, he needs to send spam emails and play prank calls on sims.

Servo: "That sim really kicked my butt... anyway, back to spam emailing and making prank calls."

Servo: "Hello, is this Kyle Kyleson? I saw your advertisement online for a three-legged llama. I'd like to come pick it up right now."
Kyle: "What are you talking about? I didn't place an ad for a three-legged llama! And, no, you can't come pick it up!"

Servo: "One spam email... two spam emails... three spam emails..."

Servo: "Hello, is this Dimitri Parsons? The shipment of 100 llamas you ordered is on its way to your house right now."
Dimitri: "A shipment of 100 llamas is coming to my house? I didn't order that. There must be some kind of mistake!"

Servo: "Must... follow... pretty... lights..."

Servo, don't follow the pretty lights! Don't you remember what happened the last time you did this?!

Servo: "Is that a spaceship?"

Oh, plumbobs.

Why, oh why did you have to follow the pretty lights, Servo?

A few hours later, Servo has returned... hopefully not pregnant this time.

Welcome back, Servo. What happened up there?

Servo: "I don't remember... oh, wait! I remember, now! ...But it suddenly slipped my mind."

Servo: "Anyway, back to making prank calls. ...Hello? Is your refrigerator running?"

Roxxi: "I can't believe we're having franks and beans for breakfast. It's gonna be a stinky morning."
Zeke: "But, franks and beans are so good."

Nathaniel: "You guys didn't leave any franks and beans for me, now I have to have a hotdog for breakfast. Is this really a balanced diet, dad? Is it?!"

Zeke: "Woah! Who spoiled your cereal this morning? Oh, wait..."

Kira: "Servo looks so creepy while he sleeps."

You look even more creepy watching him sleep.

I guess Tristan was the only member of this household who got cereal for breakfast today.

Tristan: "I wanted fwanks and beans!"

Of course, Tristan needs to level up his communication skill by babbling to this toy bunny 700 times.

Servo needs to clog drains in 3 different homes for his aspiration. Looks like this home is Servo's lucky first victim!

Servo: "I'm sorry, poor innocent toilet."

Hmm... that didn't work.

I guess they mean sink drains?

Townie: "What's this robot doing here and why is he tampering with my sink?"

Uh... no reason!

Home number two...

Aaand home number three!

Great job today, Servo!

Servo: "I'm just glad that for once, an appliance is broken and I don't have to fix it."

Why must you guys cook every time I'm not around?

Roxxi: "Because it's funny to see your reaction when you get back."

Those look BURNT.

Roxxi: "Aww, man."

Roxxi - 0
Bunniee Sims - 1

Servo's last and final task for his aspiration is to perform voodoo 5 times.

Servo: "I bind this voodoo doll to Zeke Parsons!"

Zeke: "Hehehe... Servo thinks he's the only one with a voodoo doll..."

What's that supposed to mean?

Servo: "Let's hope Zeke likes water."


Zeke: "Oof... I just suddenly felt cold water run down my back. How am I gonna get Servo back for this one?"

Anything but splashing water. We can't lose him!

Zeke: "Maybe a little poke will do justice, then?"

Zeke: "Is this too mean, though?"

Zeke: "Nope... MWAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Servo: "I'm suddenly feeling sharp pains all over."

Servo: "Is it something to do with the voodoo?

Servo: "Woah, Nelly!"

This might just be a sign, Servo...

Servo: "Maybe you're right."

Zeke: "Thank you for not doing anymore voodoo on me, Servo."

Zeke: "I knew you wouldn't go too far."

Servo: "I need to complete my aspiration task, so maybe I'll just have one more run with the voodoo doll."

Servo: "Poke, poke, poke!"

Zeke: "Oww! Seriously, Servo?!"

Servo: "How did he know it was me?"

After performing voodoo 5 times, Servo has completed his aspiration 'Chief of Mischief'! I'm so proud of him!

And, it was just in time for the next Starlight Accolades!

Will Servo win a Starlight Accolade this time around?

After a few hours of watching many sims get awards, Servo discovered he was not one of those sims. Poor Servo. What does it take to get a Starlight Accolade?!

Servo: "Now, I'm gonna break this venues fancy golden toilet for not giving me an award."

Dimitri: "Hey, guys! I'm in a good mood today, so I decided to come here and visit to ruin it!"

Shall we attempt the 'Bodybuilder' aspiration again?

After running on the treadmill for hours on end, Servo still isn't tired. *Sigh*

Roxxi: "Another unhealthy meal for dinner... delicious."

Jeanette: "Oh my gosh, Lady! You got me a gift?"

Lady: "It's actually a dog toy... for me!"

Kira: *Sigh* "I'm gonna have to handle this, aren't I?"

Still not tired, Servo?

Servo: "Nope!"

Kira: "Let's get rid of your stinkiness."

Kira: "Ah! Lady!"

Lady: "I'm all clean again!"

Maybe being energized will help Servo out?

Servo: "Hmm... I feel confident, now."

That was a confidence scent?!

Okay, I give up. Servo is not going to get tired no matter what he does.

Since Servo can't complete the 'Bodybuilder' aspiration, he's moving on to the 'Eco Innovator' aspiration. He needs to vote on 1 neighborhood action plan.

He's also going to work on the 'Neighborhood Confidante' aspiration. Hopefully he can invite some sims over and successfully influence their lives.

Jeanette: "Ugh! Who left that stinky plate out here all night?"
Zeke: "That would be me."

Dimitri: "What the heck does Servo want? I'm already annoyed from coming here last night."

Servo: "If it isn't my favorite spare!"

Dimitri: "What do you want?"

Servo: "I was just wondering if you'd ever considered expanding your family."

Dimitri: "You know what? That sounds like a great idea!

One down... twenty to go.

Tristan: "Mommy, why do you never eat cereal for breakfast?"

Roxxi: "Because Servo will get mad at me if I leave leftovers in the fridge, and Servo is scary when he's mad."

Kyle: "Servo invited me over? I love that robot, man!"

Zeke: "Is that my best friend, Kyle visiting?"

You have friends? I thought everyone hated you.

Kyle: "Hey, robot bro."
Servo: "Hey... bro! Uh... would you consider starting a new career?"

Kyle: "I don't do careers, dude. I need an excuse to couch hop."

Servo: "Uh... what about expanding the family... dude?"

Uh oh. Bonehilda isn't gonna be happy about this.

Servo: "Would you please just consider expanding your family?!"
Townie: "How many times are you gonna ask me that?"

Kira: "Training voidcritters is so hard! I need a break!"

Servo is just inviting sims in and out, trying (and mostly failing) to influence their lives.

Bonehilda: "What do these sims think I am? A maid?!"

Uh... you kind of are, though.

Zeke is swimming around the pool at light speed because of his maxed out fitness skill!

Woah, Judith Ward has aged!

Don't fall asleep too long, Zeke. You don't want to get a sunburn.

Zeke: "I won't. It'll be a golden suntan."

Zeke: "I'm gonna bring some lemonade on my floatie."

Happy birthday, Nathaniel!

Happy birthday, Jeanette!

Nathaniel aged up into a young adult!

So did Jeanette! Now, get out.

Alright, Zeke, enough tanning. Anything beyond this point and you're just asking for a sunburn.

Tristan is already using a spoon! They grow up so fast.

Roxxi: "Uh oh! I just peed myself!"

Seriously? There's a bathroom right in the other room!

Roxxi: "I think I'm in labor, now. I need to post about this on social bunny."

You've got this, Roxxi!


It's a girl! 💗 Introducing Leilani Parsons!

Servo is so close to knitting every single knitted item!

Roxxi: "I'm exhausted after all that peeing myself and giving birth."

Grandpa Zeke reading to Tristan is too adorable!

Servo: "Hello? I'd like to get the heck out of here and into the wilderness."

Servo and Roxxi are in Granite Falls for two reasons and two reasons only.

Servo: "To collect bugs!"

Roxxi: "And, to woo The Hermit."

Oh, come on!

Servo: "There's no time to waste."

All the Parsons need to complete their insect collection is a katydid and some dust spirits.

Uh oh, these fans might recognize Servo.

Fan 1: "Servo! Over here! Look, I have confetti!"
Fan 2: *Stares*

Servo is off into the deep woods.

Nothing to see here, just a ghost stargazing in the deep woods.

Ooh, there's The Hermit's house!

There he is!

While he's here, Servo might as well continue working on the 'Outdoor Enthusiast' aspiration, too. He needs to befriend The Hermit for one of his tasks.

Servo: "Hey there!"

The Hermit: "Hi."

Servo: "I know you don't take too kindly to strangers, but what do you think about being friends with a robot?"

The Hermit: "Sure..."

Quick, Servo! Some bugs!

Servo needs to collect any bug he sees so that the dust spirits can hopefully spawn. He also needs to collect 10 bugs as part of one of his aspiration tasks.

Servo: "Come here, Will-O-Wisp!"

Where the heck did you come from, Roxxi?

Roxxi: "Hey there. You must be the handsome hermit I've heard so much about."

The Hermit: "Oh, thanks. Most people just call me 'The Hermit'."

Roxxi: "Well, I'm not most people."

Roxxi: "Nice little place you've got here."

The Hermit: "Thanks! I built it myself."


After interacting with The Hermit, Roxxi reached level 10 of the charisma skill! It also looks like things are getting romantic over here.


Roxxi: "Shall we take this indoors?"

Roxxi sure does move fast.

Servo: "I've been here all night, and still no dust spirits. Roxxi, are you ready to leave?"

Roxxi: "Just a minute!"

Roxxi is pregnant once again!

Roxxi: "I've gotta go."

The Hermit: "Will you be back?"

She most definitely won't.

Roxxi: "Am I catching feelings for The Hermit? ...Nah!"

Servo: "Do you have any katydids or dust spirits in there?"

Uh oh, it's raining. Servo, run!

Apparently, Servo can learn to make a mini version of this giant sculpture of the Granite Falls mascot if he does a special interaction called 'Learn Woodworking Schematic', since he's level 10 of the woodworking skill.

Servo: "Cool beans! I'll craft it later on."

Servo: "More bugs!"

Get inside, it's raining!

Servo: "I'll continue adding onto our knitting collection while I wait for more bugs."

Hey, Kyle!

Kyle: *Ignores*

Even while Servo and Roxxi are in Granite Falls, Bonehilda still doesn't get a break.

Hank the creep never takes a break from being a creep, either.

Ooh, some fire ants!

Servo: "Oww! They stung me!"

Servo: "Where, oh where can I find some katydids, Granite Falls mascot?"

Servo: "Get away, bugs!"

Weren't you just asking for the location of bugs two seconds ago?

Servo also has to spend the night in a tent for 5 nights total.

Servo: "That was horrible."

Servo: "Ooh, fireflies!"

Hank the creep is way more creepy at night time in the woods.

After searching high and low all night throughout the forest, Servo finally found some katydids once it hit sunrise! Just in time for the end of this vacation, too.

Where is it?

Oh, there it is. FINALLY! Now, the Parsons just need to find some dust spirits. I've never seen them in all my years of playing TS4, but we won't give up!

Leilani aged up into an infant!

Roxxi: "You're adorable, just like mommy."

Roxxi is down in the magic realm to gather some collectable items from Casters Alley.

Let's see what they have today, shall we?

The magical artifacts collection is filling up fast!

Roxxi: "It should be complete in no time."

Kira, you seriously waited until it started to get hot outside to workout in a non air conditioned room?

Kira: "I want to be summer ready!"

Roxxi: "That looks uncomfortable."

It's Leisure Day! Servo is grilling up some steak on the BBQ for everyone.

Servo: "Everyone except me, of course."

Looks like Leilani likes tummy time so far!

Oh come on!

Seriously, Lady?

Lady: "How do you know that was me?"

Roxxi: "This steak is delicious, Servo."
Servo: "I'm sure it is."

Nap time for Leilani!

Roxxi: "I want to spend my entire Leisure Day on this floatie."


After knitting all the rugs, Servo has now knitted every single knittable item!

Next, he's going to knit all of the knitted clothing items.

Roxxi is definitely asking for a sunburn.

Lady: "I need to go potty."

Please, go outside this time!

Mochi: "A cat would never go potty inside."

Uh... litterboxes?

Mochi: "At least it's not on the ground. We're civilized creatures."

Looks like Mochi had a kitten with another cat in the neighborhood! Introducing Kingston Parsons!

Looks like Lady also had a puppy with another dog in the neighborhood! Introducing Storm Parsons!

Storm: "I'm adorable."

You sure are!

Aww, Kingston is taking a nap by Leilani!

I guess Tristan was extra tired after finishing dinner.

Roxxi: "I just peed myself again!"

Right in front of the toilet?!

Servo: "Thank gosh I don't have those problems since I have no bladder."

Roxxi: "Look who's awake in the middle of the night."

Roxxi: "Uh oh, I think it's go time."

You've got this, Roxxi! ...Again.


It's a girl! 💗 Introducing Heidi Parsons!

Zeke: "I have a new granddaughter? I'm gonna go meet her."

Do you really need to ride your bike indoors to do that?

I don't know how, but the paparazzi and fans have managed to sneak into the Parsons' backyard again.

Roxxi: "I know I saw some marbles we don't have yet in here!"

Happy birthday, Zeke!

Happy birthday, Kira!

Happy birthday, Tristan!

Zeke aged up into an elder!

So did Kira!

Tristan aged up into a child!

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