Friday, May 24, 2024

Chapter 323

The Parsons are in Selvadorada!

And by 'the Parsons', I mean Servo, Zeke and Roxxi.

Servo is here to complete the jungle related aspirations, Roxxi is here to woo a skeleton and Zeke is here to help both of them clear the temples and collect treasures to add to the Parsons Omiscan treasures and artifacts collectables.

First, they need to eat some Selvadoradian meals on Servo's behalf for his aspiration since he can't eat them.

Roxxi: "This tastes pretty good."

Next, Servo needs to purchase three goods off the marketplace tables.

Servo: "Why only take three when you can take them all?"

Zeke: "I think that meal made me fat."

Zeke: *Gasp!* "Is that a bug?"

You're in the jungle. Prepare yourself to see many more of those, my friend.

Now, he needs to view the statue of Madre Cosecha.

Servo: "Very impressive."

Roxxi: "Let's get to the good stuff. Time to explore a temple!"

Servo: "We're gonna need to trek through the jungle a bit before we make it to a temple."

Roxxi: "What does he mean by that?"

Zeke: "I don't know, but let's just let him do all the work."

Clear that path, Servo!

Roxxi: "There's a lot of danger warnings on this sign. Luckily, we have Servo to keep us safe."

After some wild encounters, Servo has made it through the jungle and to the other side!

Aaand these two followed behind him, nice and safe.

Zeke: "I knew it was a good idea to let Servo do all the work!"

On the other side, there's yet another path to clear.

Fan: "I can't believe it! Am I really witnessing celebrity Servo Bot in the jungle?"

After protecting a strange egg from hungry prey, Servo has been blessed with the 'Blessing of a Personal Sun'!

Servo: "That was a close one, but it was worth it. I'm blessed!"

Looks like it's safe enough for you guys to join again, huh?

Roxxi: "Servo handled that egg encounter better than we ever could."

Servo: "And now, I'm blessed and they're not!"

Not only is Servo blessed, but he found some treasure!

Servo: "Sweet, sweet simoleons!"

Roxxi: "We already have 9,999,999 simoleons. What else is around here?"

Looks like Roxxi found a digging pile.

This is the perfect time for you guys to look for some artifacts you don't have yet in these digging piles.

Servo: "I'll have to be the one to uncover anything we find when we get home... yippee..."

Roxxi: "Wait... do you guys hear that?"

Roxxi: "It sounds like something is falling from a tree-"

Roxxi: *Gasp!*

Roxxi: "Thank gosh I have spider repellent spray!"

Roxxi: "That spider almost gave me a heart attack."

Zeke: "Ugh, how long do we have to keep digging?"

Until you find something!

Servo: "I sense danger approaching!"

Zeke: "You do? Well, that can't be good!"

Servo: "Lightning bugs?"

Servo: "The local Selvadoradians taught me what to do in this situation."

Servo: "Lightning is a naturally occurring electrostatic discharge during which two electrically charged regions in the atmosphere or ground temporarily equalize themselves, causing the instantaneous release of as much as one gigajoule of energy."

Wow, I guess that worked.

Zeke: "AHHHH!!! BEES!"

Zeke: "Get away, get away, get away!"

Zeke, where are you going?!

Zeke: "I'm outta here."

Zeke: "Finally! A bathroom!"

This helicopter has been circling non stop.

Roxxi: "If we're not going to explore a temple today, can we go back to the house yet?"
Servo: "After I finish surveying this digging pile."


Zeke: "Ugh, those bees really stung me all over."

Zeke: "Oww! It hurts!"

Roxxi and Zeke wouldn't stop complaining, so I sent them back to where they're staying.

Since Servo's needs are still good, he's going to continue exploring the jungle and looking for the temple. Riding a bike across a very old and fragile bridge looks terrifying, by the way.

Now, Servo can clear paths in peace without hearing Roxxi and Zeke.

He made it through once again.

Hello, old friend!

Only one more path to clear.

You can do it, Servo!

Hooray! Servo finally made it to the temple!

Servo: "While I'm here, I might as well try and open some of these temple gates."

Servo: "Hmm... looks like these skeletons won't open the gate."

Servo: "I think this statue likes jokes."

Servo: "Why did the statue break up with his girlfriend? He couldn’t stop putting her on a pedestal."

Statue: "I've heard that one a million times, but I'll let you through."

The first gate is open!

Okay, enough exploring the temple for today. Let's go back to the house for now.

Back at the house, Roxxi is grilling, even though she shouldn't be.

Must you always insist on cooking?

Roxxi: "Yes."

Get a good night's sleep. You're gonna need it for tomorrow's temple adventures.

Good morning, Roxxi!

Roxxi: "I hope we find a skeleton in the temple today!"

Servo is up early cooking breakfast.

Servo: "Get away, bugs!"

I don't want to hear any complaining from you or Roxxi in the jungle, today.

Before these three head back into the jungle, they're gonna need more jungle supplies.

Zeke: "There's still bugs here?"

Roxxi: "Where else would they be, dad? We're in the jungle!"

Now that you two have eaten, I don't want to hear another complaint.

Servo: "We're gonna need all of this."

Into the temple they go.

Zeke, you can't ride your bike into the temple. There's stairs.

Zeke: "So?"

Before you guys go deeper into the temple, survey those dig piles!

Servo needs to assemble a mystical relic as part of one of his aspiration tasks.

Servo: "Looks like it's working!"

Servo: "Perfect! Now, only one thing left to do."

Servo: "Refine a crystal to insert into it and activate it."

Roxxi: "I'm tireeed."

Well, that's too dang bad!

Servo: "Alright, here goes..."

Servo has successfully activated this mystical relic!

Now, he can look for more artifacts in this digging pile outside.

Meanwhile, Zeke and Roxxi are inside the temple attempting to open the gates.

Roxxi: "And then, he was like-"

Roxxi, get off the phone and start observing these booby traps!

Roxxi: "Fine..."

How do you even have service in here?

Servo: "I'm glad I don't have to disassemble any booby traps right now. For once, I have the easy job!"

Zeke: Why did the old man fall down the well? He couldn’t see that well."

Statue: "Hahaha! I love a good dad joke!"

Zeke opened the second gate!

Zeke: "There's more booby traps? This is making my head spin."

Zeke: "I'm too tired to survey them. I'm just gonna take a wild guess."

That's one of the worst ideas ever.

Uh oh...

Zeke: "AHHH!"

Wait a minute... Zeke has been spared?

Zeke: "Phew! That was a close one."

Roxxi: "Okay, I'm pretty sure if I step on this plate while I'm confident, the third gate will open. This gutsberry should help with that."

Let's hope this works.

Roxxi: "Hey! It did!"

Hooray! Roxxi opened the third gate!

Only one more gate to open until they reach the treasure.

Zeke: "I found a digging pile. That gives me an excuse to stay away from the booby traps and let Roxxi handle it."

Servo: "These are some fireflies if I ever saw them!"

Servo: *Clap, clap!* "Be gone!"

Servo's Selvadoradian knowledge has helped him avoid disaster, once again.

Roxxi: "Oww! Did this dart just pierce my neck?!"

Uh oh! Poor Roxxi got poisoned by a poison dart.

That means this skeleton is the only option left.

Roxxi: "Hey, that worked!"

Hooray! The final gate is open! Servo needs to be the one to open these treasure chests for his aspiration. I'll send him back down to the temple tomorrow.

For now, these three are looking for more artifacts for their collection and to make more mystical relics for Servo's aspiration.

Servo: "Get away, mosquitos! I have no blood to give!"

Is that a snake?!

Zeke: "A what?!"

Uh... nothing...

Zeke: "Wait a minute... I hear something..."

Zeke: *Freezes*

Oh no! Zeke doesn't have any spider repellant!

Zeke: "AHHHH!!!"


Roxxi: "What's his problem?"
Servo: "Who knows."

Zeke: "That spider bit me! It tried to crawl in my ear, too!"

Zeke: "I need to go to the bathroom, and I don't see any bathrooms in sight."

Really, Zeke? You're gonna go to the bathroom in a bush?!

Roxxi wasn't having any of that. She walked all the way through the jungle to find the bathroom.

Zeke: "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

That's so gross!

Zeke: "What? When you've gotta go, you've gotta go!"

Roxxi and Zeke are heading back to the house to sleep while Servo stays back to survey more dig piles.

He's gonna have so many artifacts to uncover when he gets home.

Well, well, well, look who it is.

Servella: "Toto, we're not in Sixam anymore."

Servella: "Argh! I was stung by bees on my way over here!"

Finally! A skeleton has been spotted in the temple!

Servo: "Hey there! I like your crystals."

Skully: "Thanks! I bedazzled myself to make myself more interesting."

Skully: "I've never seen a robot down here in the temple before. I'm Skully Ribstein."

Servo: "That's because I'm the most awesome robot to ever exist. I'm Servo Bot. It's been a pleasure, but I'll be on my merry way, now."

Get up, you guys! It's time for the final day of exploring! (For now.)

Zeke: "These plantains are delicious."
Roxxi: "Thanks. They're the only ones I made that didn't burn to a crisp."

Zeke: "Get away from my plantains, mosquitos!"

Roxxi: "Now that I'm poisoned, mosquitos leave me alone, so I guess that's a positive."

Servo looks ready for another day of exploring!

Servo: "Let's see if we can find the final fossils we need to complete our fossil collection while we're here."

Good idea!

Kyle, is that you?

Kyle: "What, man? Can't a dude explore the jungle in peace?"

This mysterious path just opened. Let's see what's inside, shall we?

Ooh! The Omiscan Royal Baths!

Alright, explore this dig pile and then get back to the temple.

Day three of temple exploring!

Not without surveying any dig piles they find on the way, of course.

After Zeke and Roxxi went home again, Servo made his way back to the temple to open the treasure chests before the trip comes to and end.

Servo: "Hello, bee friends. Please don't sting me."

Servo: "I have been spared!"

Servo: "There's the treasure chest waiting for me."

Servo: "Let's see what's inside."

Hooray! An Omiscan treasure the Parsons don't have yet was inside the chest!

Another skeleton is in the temple!

Servo has no time to befriend it, though. It's time to head home.

The Parsons are back in Copperdale!

Here's the treasure they found!

Happy birthday, Leilani!

Leilani aged up into a toddler!

Heidi aged up into an infant!

Kira: "Your little onesie is the cutest thing ever."

Bigfoot? Is this an ode to The Hermit?


Storm aged up into an adult!

So did Kingston!

Now that Servo is home, he can authenticate the artifacts he found and hopefully complete the Parsons Omiscan artifacts collection.

Zeke is up before sunrise to care for Heidi!

Zeke: "She's not tired at all, so let's do some tummy time."

Kingston: "Who needs tummy time? I could walk as soon as I was born."

Heidi seems to like tummy time so far!

Servo: "Hmm... seems like this is authentic."

Ooh! Even though it's poor quality, this is the final artifact the Parsons needed to complete their collection! Hooray!

I had no idea it was the last one, but now all the Parsons need to do is find all of the Omiscan treasures.

Mochi: "This dog is stinky."
Storm: "Jumping in that puddle outside was too tempting."

Servo: "I'm not bathing Storm, I'm too busy."

Servo's right. He needs to activate a mystical relic 5 times.

Roxxi: "Grilled fruit for breakfast?!"
Tristan: "This is horrible."

GET OUT! You guys are not true Parsons for saying you hate grilled fruit!

Leilani: "I love grilled fruit!"

Finally, a true Parsons.

Servo: "I've assembled this mystical relic!"

It turns out, activating a mystical relic means using it on another sim.

Servo: "I get to curse other sims around me? I'm in!"

Servo: "My first victim is this paparazzi!"

Servo: "Let's see what this relic does!"

Paparazzi: "Woah! What just happened?!"

Apparently, this paparazzi is now cursed to see the ghostly images of Selvadoradian food? I have no idea what that means.

Kira was the only one to volunteer to bathe Storm.

Servo: "Let's see what this combination does, shall we?"

Servo: "Hehehe... sorry, Roxxi."

Roxxi: "Do I hear Servo behind me?"

Roxxi: *Gasp!*

Roxxi: "What the heck did you just do, Servo?!"

Servo: "Oh, nothing..."

Poor Roxxi has been afflicted with the curse of the sadness cloud.

The sadness cloud will follow her until she finds a way to become happy again.

Servo: "That's what you get for never appreciating me. This is the best day of my life!"

Servo: "Well, well, well, if it isn't my next curse victim."

Kira: "What did you just say, Servo?"

Servo: "I said stare into the crystal belly of this mystical relic!"

Kira: "What's going on?!"

Poor Kira has been cursed with the curse of torpid needs. All of her needs are slowly decreasing, but if she can increase all of them to an excellent state, she can reverse the curse... or just wait 3 days.

Roxxi: "Yippee!"

Roxxi: "Who knew showering in the actual rain could make me this happy?"

Looks like Roxxi has found a way to become happy, but not happy enough to get rid of the sadness cloud.

Kira: "That was the longest shower I've ever had. My needs are still dropping."

Ooh, look who's at the door! It's Skully Ribstein!

Tristan: "Argh! I see a skeleton at the door!"

Roxxi: "Hey, are you Skully? Servo told me all about you!"

Skully Ribstein: "That's me! What did Servo say about me?"

Servo: "He told me you bedazzled your whole skeleton body all by yourself. That explains why you're so cute."

Skully: "Woah, I've never heard that one before... thanks!"

The classic Roxxi rose is out again.

Mochi: "Roxxi is a-"

Hey! Don't say that!"

Kira: "Not even the pool floatie is helping my needs to stop decreasing."

Roxxi: "I feel a sudden wave of sadness. Please excuse me."

Skully: "Uh... okay?"

Roxxi: "Dang sadness cloud! I need to play outside in the real rain to be happy again."

Leilani is close to maxing out the communication skill already!

Roxxi: "Where were we?" *Blows kiss*
Servo: "Why must I witness this?"

Roxxi: "Your crystals are so shiny."
Skully: "I know, right?"

Leilani: "Look what I found!"

Why the heck is there a frying pan in a book bag?

Kira may not be able to solve her decreasing needs on the floatie, but at least she gets to take a nice nap.

Whoomp! There it is!

Roxxi: "Hey, the curse is gone!"

Roxxi has now been blessed with her own personal sun, just like Servo was.

Roxxi: "Take that, Servo."

Of course, Roxxi and Skully have found their way into the shower.

Did you just pee yourself again?!

Roxxi: "Maybe..."

And you're pregnant again?!

Roxxi: "I'm pregnant! That means you'll never have to see me again!"

Skully: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Zeke: "This is the most delectable steak I've ever had, Servo! You're the best! Please don't curse me..."

Servo: "It worked! They're afraid of me, now!"

Nice knowing ya, Skully.

Kira: "Tell Servo I love this steak, too... and to please reverse the curse he put on me."

Heidi is up before sunrise, yet again.


Mochi aged up into an elder!

Leilani, did you just throw your food on the ground?!

Leilani: "Hehehe!"

Mochi, don't eat that!

Kira: "I leave the room for two seconds!"

Storm, stop that!

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