Saturday, July 4, 2020

Chapter 176

Jax was promoted to level 9 culinary career! Will the Parsons ever be able to finish this dang career?! This is the second attempt after Kieran. It's the hardest career to finish because they only work for 3-4 days out of the week!

Jaxton: "Can I go to bed yet?"

Elodie was also promoted to level 8 of the mixology career!

Elodie: "Just say it, I'm the best."

These solar panels are nothing but trouble. They're always dirty, and they started the huge fire a few chapters ago.

Servo is working on his logic skill. I'm going to attempt to have him max out every skill, it will be really beneficial in the long run because he's immortal.

Cashie: "That sounds hard."

Oh, it is.

Ralphie: "I'm glad I'm not Servo."

Deven: "I love Servo, he's one of my best friends!"

The Parsons may be eating eggs and toast...

But Deven is rebelling and making more grilled cheese.

Paisley: "That's why his farts smell so bad."

Paisley: "You know what else smells bad? My adorable little trash bag!"

And y'all wonder why everyone thinks you're strange.

Paisley decided to go outside and play in a mud puddle in the middle of a thunder storm.

Paisley: "Woohoo!"

Paisley: "This is so much fun! And it's eco-friendly!"

Paisley: "Woah... I think I just saw a lightning strike."

Paisley: "Maybe, just maybe, I should get inside."

Zhora: "You like my new umbrella?"

Jaxton: "I'm glad I don't have to go to work today, I can stay inside all day away from the rain and watch TV!"

Paisley: "Hi there! Do you happen to be a homeowner by any chance?"

Townie Kid: "No! I'm in elementary school!"

Paisley: "Hey there, fellow homeowner!"

Townie: "Ergh, what do you want?"

Townie: "Woah! My umbrella!"

Paisley: "At least you have a bag to keep your head dry."

Paisley: "Anyways, would you be open to the idea of me conducting an interview about the utilities you use around your home?"

Townie: "Sure, why not?"

Wow, this is the first townie that's ever agreed to an interview.

Paisley: "How many eco-friendly appliance upgrades have you installed in your home? Five? Ten?"

Townie: "Uh... zero."

Paisley: "Hmm... sounds promising..."

Paisley: "Thanks for participating in the interview! Would you be open to adding some eco-friendly appliance upgrades to your home in the future, by any chance?"

Townie: "No, no I wouldn't."

Paisley: "I'll relay this information to my boss."
Townie: "My umbrella!"

Paisley: "Hmm... it's still raining quite a lot."

Paisley: "But who needs umbrellas?! Why not just feel the rain sometimes? It feels amazing!"

Townie: "I'll pass."

Paisley: "Your loss, you're missing out on one of nature's many gifts."

Jaxton: "Woah! Oww!"

Jax, why are you outside near mud puddles? Didn't you say you're not going outside all day?"

Jaxton: "Ugh, I should have listened to myself!"

How many grilled cheeses does it take to satisfy Deven's cravings?

Three single serves.

Rosie: "I, too, need three single serves of grilled cheese to satisfy my cravings."

Deven: "Hehehe, silly Rosie."

Deven: "The grilled cheeses are mine! All mine!"

Rosie: "But I want them!"

Kaylee: "I love grilled cheese too, it's my favorite!"

Deven: "Maybe I should have another grilled cheese sandwich."

Deven: "Hey, would you look at that! I've discovered the hidden 'Grilled Cheese' aspiration!"

By eating three single plates of grilled cheese in a row, Deven has unlocked a hidden aspiration! It's perfect for a grilled cheese lover like him.

Deven: "Now I can eat all the grilled cheese I want and get rewarded for it."

Deven: "Do I look any different to you?"

No, why?

Deven: "You can't see my grilled cheese muscles?"

Jaxton: "Who's gonna tell him those aren't muscles?"

Why are you outside in the rain again?!

Elodie: "How many more times do I need to talk to myself in the mirror to max out the charisma skill?!"

Elodie: "How is talking to myself going to increase my social skills at all?!"

There may be a thunderstorm, but the laundry baskets are both full. Jax decided to take one for the team and wash the laundry in a metal bucket during the thunderstorm.

Deven: "Isn't grilled cheese the best?!"

Servo: "You do realise that I can't eat, right?"

Deven: "Aww, man! That must suck! Grilled cheese is amazing, heck, all food is amazing. I love eating cake, and pizza, and fries, and-"

Servo: "Don't think I won't hesitate to lean over this chess table and choke you right now."

Oh no! The lightning struck the clothesline! At least it wasn't Jax that it struck, but it looks like it came close.

Kaylee: "No one else is allowed to touch the green crab block except for me."

Try telling that to any past or future Parsons child.

Deven: "Isn't grilled cheese the best?!"

Elodie: "You really interrupted me talking to myself in the mirror to tell me this?"

Deven: "You bet I did!"

Elodie: "If you don't get out of my sight, I'll use your grilled cheese sandwiches to make a cocktail drink."

Not only did Jax finish washing the laundry during the thunderstorm, he also hung it out to dry. He's the real MVP of the household today.

Deven: "Isn't grilled cheese amazing?"

Landon: "I mean, yeah, I guess it's alright."

Deven: "Wrong answer."

Landon: "How can an opinion about grilled cheese have a wrong answer?"

Deven: "Don't listen to him, cheesy."

Deven decided to make even more grilled cheese. He'd better share some, he's been eating them all non-stop.

Deven: "What do you mean I have to share?! This is supposed to be a party sized plate, and since I'm the only one who appreciates grilled cheese around here, I wanna have a grilled cheese party all by myself!"

Servo: "Uh... I think I'm in labor."

What do you mean you think you're in labor?!

Servo: "Ahh! This hurts!"


Servo: "Would you be quiet?! I'm trying to give birth here!"

Elodie: "Did I just hear that correctly? Servo is giving birth?!"

Wow, he wasn't kidding.

Servo: "Look at my beautiful little robot-alien baby!"

It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Servella Bot!

Servo: "I never thought it was possible to feel a love this strong."

Servo: "Are you hungry, little one? Here you go. I have taken care of lots of babies, so this should be easy."

Elodie: "I don't mean to sound weird... but, like... how did Servo... you know... give birth?"

I have no idea.

Servo: "You are the most perfect thing I've ever laid my robot eyes on."

As weird as this situation is, I can't lie, she's pretty adorable!

Servo: "Daddy loves you so much, Servella!"

Elodie: "Am I the only one who didn't know Servo was pregnant?"

Nope, no one knew, not even me!

Paisley: "Woah, it's raining hard out here! I think I can see a bunch of lightning, too."

Paisley: "Luckily I'm wearing a helmet!"

This house is absolute chaos right now! This is just one of the many appliances that are broken, everything's dirty, there was a surprise alien-robot baby, I'm trying to level up sims skills and careers left and right, the bugs needs to be fed and nurtured, there's a glitch where the adults keep walking away while Kaylee is potty training so it's taking forever to potty train her and she keeps using her diaper and needing baths all the time, the animals keep jumping in puddles and getting dirty, the laundry needs to be hand washed... it's madness!

Jaxton: "Make it stop! There's too much going on!"

Zhora: "Were you aware that the sink is broken?!"

Yes, I am well aware, Zhora! Servo is too tired to fix everything after giving birth, so zip it!

Oh, and Kaylee continues to spill paint all over the floor because she knows I'm not looking because so much is going on.

Deven: "Ugh, could you hurry it up, babe? I need to pee!"

Paisley: "I'll let you pee in a second, babe. I have some exciting news, first."

Paisley is pregnant!

Yay for more Parsons babies!

Paisley: "Did you hear that babe? I'm pregnant!"

Deven: "We're gonna have another crazy blueberry baby?"

Paisley: "Yep, another one!"

Deven: "How am I going to care for more babies while trying to eat my grilled cheese sandwiches?"

Deven: "Oh well, it's worth it, I love being a dad!"

Paisley: "I can't wait for another blueberry baby!"

As if there wasn't enough chaos, another Parsons baby is on the way. I want a boy this time, but my game loves to give me the opposite every time.

Amidst all the craziness around here, the N.A.P. Inspector decided to show up tonight.

Zhora, would you be so kind to invite the N.A.P. Inspector inside?

Zhora: "You really wanna interrupt my TV show right now? I'll get you back for this."

Kaylee: "Grandma is scary!"

Zhora: "Ugh... so, uh... you wanna come inside?"

N.A.P. Inspector: "What a lovely attitude."

Zhora: "My watermelon umbrella!"

This guy is gonna see this place and run for the hills.

Zhora: "Good. The less time he interrupts my TV show, the better."

N.A.P. Inspector: "Wow... this place is, uh..."

I see multiple grilled cheese sandwiches, a sleeping robot tired from giving birth to an alien-robot baby, cats on the counters everywhere, and, if you look extra close, a broken kitchen sink.

Elodie: "How precious. The N.A.P. Inspector thinks this is crazy? This is just a normal day for us!"

N.A.P. Inspector: "Uh... yep, good job, you pass the inspection. Your bills will be lowered, now get me out of here!"

Poor guy didn't even check around the house before running for his life.

This breakfast scramble has been sitting on the BBQ for days, gross!

Paisley: "Another day of work, here I come!"

Yep, totally normal. Nothing to see here.

Paisley: "Hey there, fellow homeowner!"

Townie: "What do you want?"

Paisley: "Uh... I just want to conduct an interview-"

Townie: "Ugh! Seriously?!"

Townie: "Stop right there, I don't want any part in your stupid interviews. I'm sick of you eco-friendly sims trying to tell me how to live, it's not happening."

Paisley: "Well... that went exactly how I expected it to."

Paisley: "These townies really don't like listening, huh?"

Paisley: "How can I convince them to add some eco-friendly upgrades to their homes?"

Paisley: "Maybe I could let them know that the less eco-friendly we are, the more doomed the sim race is."

I don't think they'd really care. Townies aren't the brightest.

Paisley: "Hmm... there has to be another way."

Kaylee: "Can I smell grilled cheese? Why didn't anyone bring some up to me?"

The couple who eats grilled cheese together, stays together.

Paisley is off to do her next task of the day for her job!

Checking the notice board.

Paisley: "Let's see what the sims of Evergreen Harbor have been posting on the notice board lately."

"The end is nigh."

Paisley: "Welp."

Paisley: "Off to my last work task of the day."

Paisley's last work task of the day is to upgrade an appliance in the house using eco-friendly upgrade parts.

Paisley: "This should be a piece of cake."

First, she needs to create some eco-friendly upgrade parts using the fabricator.

Paisley: "I think I'm getting the hang of this."

Paisley: "Uh oh..."

Looks like Paisley spoke too soon.

Paisley: "Don't... move..."

Paisley: "Nice little fabricator machine... let me just slowly put you back where you belong... there you go..."

Paisley: "Huh? Is this thing even on?"

Paisley: "Ah! I guess it is!"

Oh no! Paisley!

Paisley: "Ugh!"

Paisley: "Come here, you stupid fabricator machine!"

Paisley: "You think you're a tough guy, huh?!"

Paisley: "Not so tough now, are you?!"

Paisley: "Dye, fabricator machine, DYE!"

I see what you did there.

Paisley: "This thing is stronger than I thought!"

Paisley: "This is gonna hurt."

Paisley: "Ugh!"

Paisley: "That was so scary!"

Paisley: "You're really gonna make me use this thing again?"

Don't blame me, blame your career.

Paisley: "Next time, I'm making Servo do this."

Looks like the fabricator is finally doing it's job.

Paisley: "I got my revenge on the fabricator machine, anyway."

What's that supposed to mean?

Paisley! What the heck?!

Paisley: "Now it knows not to mess with me ever again."

You'll be the one fixing it, so the fabricator machine has the last laugh.

Paisley: "Why couldn't I have the last laugh just once?"

Fabricator Machine - 1
Paisley - 0

Deven, can you please check the mail?

Deven: "But I'm trying to eat my grilled cheese sandwich!"

Deven: "My ducky umbrella!"

Deven: "How dare you make me come out here to check the mail and cause me to break my ducky umbrella."

Deven: "Hey, on second thought, the rain actually feels pretty nice!"

Deven: "I love the rain!"

Deven: "Wait... was that lightning? I almost had a memory of the last time I was struck by lightning."

Deven? Why are you showering in the rain?!

Deven: "Why not, is the question."

Deven: "It's eco-friendly, right?"

Can't argue with that.

Paisley can finally add the eco upgrade to the sink using eco-upgrade parts for her job.

Paisley: "This is harder than I thought it'd be. Where's Servo when you need him?"

Kaylee: "I don't want my new brother or sister to play with green crab block."

Deven: "Can I go inside yet? I've almost been struck by lightning 5 times... wait... 5 comes after 7, right?"

Paisley! Did you just swipe your own couch?!

Paisley: "Don't judge me, okay?!"

Paisley: "I forgot it was my own couch, I think Deven is making me stupid."

I checked the family inventory, I checked Paisley's inventory, the couch as no where to be seen, so I had to buy a brand new couch. Good job, Paisley, you wasted a bunch of money. Are you proud of yourself?

Paisley: "Very proud."

Paisley decided to light the candle she bought from the marketplace!

Paisley: "It's a cheery chrysanthemum, now it smells nice and cheery in here."

What the heck does 'cheery' smell like?

Deven: "Hellooo? Can I go inside yet?"

No one's stopping you from going inside!

Deven: "Ah, finally, warm and dry."

Landon: "He left out 'stupid'."

Deven: "Hey, I heard that!"

Jaxton: "It smells too cheery in here, what's going on?"

I have no idea what cheery is supposed to smell like, but apparently it's a very distinctive smell according to my sims.

Deven: "I love the cheery chrysanthemum candle!"

Deven: "Just try saying chrysanthemum quickly five times. It's so funny! You can't do it! Chrysanthemum! Chrysanthermum! Chrysanthernmum! Chrysanthymememem! Chrrrrrrrrrysanthernemuuuuuuuuum! See?"

Deven: "You know, you look pretty hot eating that grilled cheese sandwich."

Paisley: "Why, thank you, my love. I always look hot, though!"

Landon: "Would you two stop with the lovey-doveyness? I'm trying to watch TV."

Paisley: "Relax, he was just complimenting me eating some grilled cheese."

Deven: "You're hotter than a thousand grilled cheeses."

Landon: "Ugh, disgusting! Get me out of here!"

Paisley: "Ha! Take that! There's no coming back from that!"

No coming back? No one was even there to start with.

The grilled cheese twins.

The candle is melting, I repeat, the candle is melting!

Will I keep documenting the progress of this candle? You betcha.

Aww, man. The candle is officially out. Why was I so impressed by the progress of that candle? No one knows.

Servo decided to recycle the used candle.

Somehow, it turned into a bunch of random metal components.

Servo: "Did I accidentally recycle a piece of my robot body?"


  1. I'm assuming that it is mod related but my jaw dropped when Servo gave birth - never seen that happen before - actually, I've never built and played with one yet!

    1. I seriously have no idea how it happened, I think it was a massive glitch or something. I swear, I had no idea Servo was pregnant until he gave birth, I was beyond shocked!
