Monday, July 12, 2021

Chapter 238

The sunrise in Mt. Komorebi is so beautiful!

What is Hammy getting up to in there?

Is that a disco? All of the rodents must be invited.

Lemon Pie: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Nooooooooo! Not my precious Lemon Pie!

Rest In Peace, Lemon Pie Parsons. You were a wonderful cat who will be dearly missed.

Grim Reaper: "Isn't it a bit early in the morning for this?"

Grim Reaper: "Alright, let me go down the long list of Parsons."

Rylie: "What's that?"
Tyler: "I think his name is the Grim Reaper."

Rylie: "Why does Tyler follow me everywhere?"
Tyler: "I just want some breakfast."

Rylie: "He won't stop following me!"

Tyler: "I'm not following you."
Rylie: "He's even copying me and eating an omelette!"

Maybe because Servo made omelettes for everyone.

Speaking of Servo, he's almost completed the programming skill!

Rylie: "Can you make Tyler stop following me everywhere, Bun Bun?"

Bun Bun: "Can everyone stop talking to me all the time? I'm trying to nap."

Rylie: "Hi there, kitty."

Rylie: "Gimme a hug!"

Marshmallow: "What does this tiny sim want and why won't she leave me alone?"

Finley: "Hi there, Hammy!"
Marshmallow: "You know I'm right here, right?"

Marshmallow: "Y'know... the adorable one who doesn't bite sims on the nose?"

Servo is too busy to fix the sink, so Stephanie is going to take 100 years out of her time and fix it herself.

Who said old sims can't get down?

They look so enthusiastic.

Piper: "I'm better at singing than dancing."

Look who I saw walking around the neighborhood! Hi, Lacey!

Lacey: *Ignores*

Woohoo! Servo has finally achieved level 10 of the programming skill!

Joel: "When will I achieve an A in school?"

When you achieve level 10 of the programming skill.

Finley: "Where's Servo? I don't normally cook. Is he anywhere to be seen-"

Finley: "Uh oh... I added way too much oil!"

Finley: "Maybe some pepper will fix it-"

Finley: "Oh, come on!"

Finley: "Pretend that didn't happen."

Servo's next skill to complete: the rocket science skill!

I know you're probably thinking he completed this skill in Evergreen Harbor while helping Deven go to space, but he only achieved level 6, so now is the time for him to complete it, even though the huge rocket in front of the house is a bit of an eyesore.

I'm guessing y'all didn't have the best day at work...?

Look who came over to visit: Iker!

Apparently he's now a designer of some sort.

Townie: "I brought you guys over some food!"

Drop it at the front door and leave.

Servo's rocket is coming together nicely!

Piper decided to perform a live acting performance in the middle of the neighborhood.

Piper: "I might be a little rusty, it's been a minute since I last acted."

Piper: "Maybe I'll perform a scene from one of my favorite roles: Tournament of Honor!"

Piper: "Wait... I completely forgot my lines."

Yamachan: "I'm waiting for a performance..."

Piper: "Maybe I could just try singing, instead."

I think that's a better idea.

The townies and Yamachan seem to like that idea, too.

Piper: "Come on, everyone!"

Piper: "Sing with me!"

Rylie: "Yellow crab block!"

Rylie: "The yellow crab block is the best block ever!"

Finley: "I was here first, stupid head! Get out!"

Piper: "You're the stupid head!"

Some things never change.

Rylie is playing what looks like MySims on her WabbitTablet.

Aww, this game looks pretty adorable!

Rylie: "This game is better than the yellow crab block!"

After Finley's horrible dish last night, Servo took a break from his rocket science duties to cook the Parsons some dinner.

Clam chowder? It looks delicious!

Uh... is it really a good idea to have some seltzer while you need to pee?

Stephanie: "No..."

Stephanie: "It's totally worth it, though! This seltzer Servo made is delicious!"

Stephanie: "Uh oh!"

Stephanie: "Maybe it wasn't so worth it..."

Stephanie Parsons! Did you just pee yourself?!

Stephanie: "Hush. I'm off to the shower."

Welcome hooome from work y'aaaall! Cheer up!

Looks like watching some TV cheered them up.

Joel: "This show is boring, I wanna watch the kids channel."
Yuki: "Seriously? Aren't you playing with the tablet?"

Stephanie: "You wanna sneak away upstairs?"
Finley: "That sounds like a great idea."

Servo's rocket will be finished any moment, now!

It's finished! Now, Servo can add some upgrades to it to increase his skill even more!

Piper: "Hi there, Hammy."

Piper: "You're not as mean as everyone says you are."

You've caught him on a rare occasion where he doesn't feel like biting.

Everyone is loving the tablet lately, even Finley!

Rylie: "I'm an aeroplane!"

I thought Stephanie was too old to play aeroplane.

Stephanie: "You're right, my back is already hurting!"

Maybe reading will be a better activity.

Stephanie: "Once upon a time, there lived a sleepy bear."

Rylie: "I don't wanna read, I wanna play aeroplanes."

Stephanie: "I'm sorry, we can play aeroplanes later."

Joel: "Why is there a rocket ship being built outside the house?"
Servo: "It's complicated... it's literally rocket science!"

Yuki: "We had a great day!"
Kobe: "Guess what we did in the break room today?"

Seriously, y'all?!

Kobe: "You guessed it."

Yuki: "Maybe we can head upstairs and do it again?"


Yuki: "I love you, babe."


Don't try and be cute after what y'all just said!

Eat your pasta, you nasty, nasty sims.

Servo is working on a lot of upgrades for his rocket ship!

Rylie: "Tyler is still following me."
Tyler: "No I'm not, I'm here to age up!"

Happy birthday, Rylie!

Happy birthday, Tyler

Rylie aged up into a child!

So did Tyler!

Rylie: "Should we enact our run away plan now?"

Tyler: "No, I still want dino nuggets."

Aww, Hammy looks so adorable when he's sleeping and not biting sims.

Kobe: "Why are you judge-fully watching me play chess?"
Rylie: "Because I'm mad about not being able to run away, still."

Marshmallow looks so peaceful while she's asleep. She's a complete savage while she's awake.

Rylie looks unnecessarily angry today.

Servo's next skill he's working on: the DJ skill!

This skill seems super fun!

Finley: "Who's a good pup?"

Finley: "You are! Yes, you are! You wanna play some fetch?"

Pupcake: "I always wanna play fetch."

Uh oh, I shouldn't have had Servo fully upgrade the toilets.

Piper: "Help me!"

Stephanie to the rescue!

Servo: "I added a compost bin to the toilet again, didn't I?"

Finley: "You want the ball, Pupcake?"

Pupcake: "Yes, yes!"

Marshmallow: "Dogs are so simple minded. A simple ball keeps them entertained? Pathetic."

Finley: "Fetch, Pupcake!"

Watch out, flying pink bird ball!

Yuki's Dad: "That flying pink bird ball almost hit me!"

Finley: "Alright, enough fetch, let's go for walkies."

Finley is such a great dog dad!

Marshmallow: "Don't think you're going to escape my grasp again, pink bird ball."

Pupcake: "Cats are so simple minded. A simple ball keeps them entertained? Pathetic."

Everyone is obsessed with the tablet.

There's always someone on it.

And, there's always multiple family members watching TV.

I know y'all can't hear it, but Servo's DJ skills are amazing!

Servo: "All of my skills are amazing."

Finley: "They're making out behind me again, aren't they?"

Piper: "Hey, guys, look! It's me on TV!"
Stephanie: "Again... for the 700th time..."

Finley: "Could you tell those two to get a room?"

No, we don't need anymore babies around here.

Is the tablet really the most comfortable place to sleep, Marshmallow?

Stop that, y'all! I told you, we don't need anymore babies around here!

Rylie: "I think I've got a good run away plan, do you wanna hear it?"

Bun Bun: *Ignores*

Rylie: "Bun Bun! Can you hear me?"

Rylie: "I thought you wanted to run away from these crazy sims, too."

Bun Bun: "I do, I have my own run away plan."

Kobe: "Have you been feeling super itchy all over, too?"

Finley: "It might be the rash on your face, son."

Kobe: "Rash? I don't know what you're talking about."

Finley: "Would you like a massage, honey?"
Stephanie: "I'd love one!"

This is acceptable since you two are past the childbearing years.

Servo: "Everyone, put your hands up!"

Servo would be a great DJ for a party.

This is a message brought to you by TS1.

TS1 will always be roaming TS4 in the distance.

Yuki: "Say what?"

That was strange...

Lacey: "Hey, guys! Have you missed me? The creator still hasn't dropped the joke about me not being the second heir, isn't that funny?"

Finley: "Hehe... yeah... so funny."
Stephanie: "Very funny, sweetie..."

Yet another sim on the tablet, and another sim watching TV for hours.

Looks like Joel is watching a gaming livestream. Why is it always soccer?

Rylie: "Come here, Hammy!"

Rylie: "Hi, Hammy!"

Rylie: "Aww, you're so cute!"

Rylie: "Yes you are!"

Rylie loves animals!

Rylie: "AHHHHHH!!!"

Rylie: "Hammy, let go of my nose!"

Rylie: "Oww! Hammy, that really hurt!"

After all that biting, she still feeds him a treat.

Tyler: "That's why I read books instead of playing with Hammy, books will never bite me on the nose."

Alright, y'all, enough tablets and TV!

Get outside and watch Servo perform his DJ skills!

Servo now has a crowd.

A crowd who also happens to love music and dancing!

Servo: "Put your hands up, y'all!"

Finley: "Woo! Go, Servo!"

Tyler: "Woooo!"
Joel: "Servo is the best DJ ever!"

Stephanie: "Go, Servo, it's ya birthday!"

Rylie: "Yay, Servo!"

Piper: "Servo, I'm your biggest fan!"

Rylie: "No, I'm Servo's biggest fan!"

Looks like Servo is a big hit!

I can't wait for Kobe and Yuki to get home to witness Servo's DJ skills, too!

Break it down, y'all!

Piper: "Who said old people don't got it?"

Kobe and Yuki are home! Aaand Kobe still has a rash on his face.

Yuki: "Crank it up, Servo. I'm stressed from work."

Servo: "You've got it!"

Woohoo! Servo has reached level 10 of the DJ skill!

Ooh, the Festival of Youth is in town!

Yuki: "I think I'm getting sick, my nose and ears are blocked!"

It's probably from Kobe.

Servo's next skill is the research and debate skill!

Servo: "My opponent is pathetic, unworthy, TRASH!"

What do you have to say for yourself, Servo's opponent?!

The kids decided to attend the Festival of Youth!

Rylie: "Could we please get some harajuku crepes?"

Rylie: "Why is that sim dressed like grandpa?"

I guess Finley's style is still popular, even in his elder years.

Joel: "Brr... it's freezing..."

Rylie: "Yeah... it might be too cold to be eating harajuku crepes."

Rylie: "Actually, it's way too cold to be eating harajuku crepes!"

Oh no, get back inside!

I never knew sims could freeze from eating ice cream in the cold, that was scary!

Rylie: "Luckily the fireplace is burning!"

Finley: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."


Finley: "Don't miss me too much."

Finley: "Take care of my fans and sim tube channel for me."


Rest In Peace, Finley Parsons. You were a wonderful, very famous sim who will be remembered by sim fans for a long time. You will be dearly missed.

Servo: "Would this be a good time to debate why death is wrong, and the Grim should leave sims alone?"
Grim Reaper: "Hey, don't blame me, blame old age."

Piper: "Finley?!"
Stephanie: *Gasp!* "Honey!"

Stephanie: "I can't live without the love of my life, Finley. It's time for me to go, too."

Nooooooooooo! Not Stephanie, too!

Stephanie: "I love you all dearly."

Stephanie: "Take care of my friends all over the sim world for me."

Rest In Peace, Stephanie Parsons. You were a wonderful charismatic sim who had lots of friends. You will be dearly missed.

It's a sad day in the Parsons household.

Rylie: "I can't believe grandma and grandpa are gone."

Aww, the Yamachan statue is so adorable!

This sign is so pretty! I love admiring Mt. Komrebi. It has so many pretty details.

Oh no! Another sim has passed away from old age. Rest In Peace, Hammy Parsons.

What the heck are you doing?

 Marshmallow: "What? Can't I lick my butt clean in peace?"

Ooh, this pond has a lot of koi fish swimming around!

They're so pretty!

Marshmallow: "Not as pretty as me."

Weren't you just licking your butt clean?

Marshmallow: "So?"

The kids are home from school, and somehow, Tyler is covered in dirt.

The kids brought home some school projects, too!

Rylie: "Should I make a volcano?"

Sure, that's what every other Parsons child makes.

Even Joel is making a volcano.

Joel: "How did you know?"

Rylie: "My volcano is gonna be better than Joel's!"

Joel: "Did she just say what I think she just said? That's not nice."

Tyler: "Do I have to make a volcano for my school project, too?"

Yes, yes you do.

Great-auntie Piper is here to help, once again!

Piper: "Playing with clay is actually super fun, now I know why townie sims do it autonomously all the time."

Rylie's school project is finished!

Piper: "I'd better be getting credited for this."

Let's watch it erupt!

Wow, impressive!

Kobe: "I'm so close to getting promoted again!"

Just a few more random office reports to write!

The N.A.P. Inspector is watching Servo debate.

N.A.P. Inspector: "He's not debating about anything eco-friendly. You guys will see a rise in your bills."

Servo: "Can I debate you on raising our bills?"

Kobe: "Guess who was promoted to 'Supervisor'?"

Kobe: "That's right, this guy."

Woohoo! Go, Kobe!

Yuki: "I have some great news, too!"

Yuki: "I was just promoted to 'Expert'."

Woohoo! Go, Yuki!

Happy birthday, Kobe!

Happy birthday, Yuki!

Happy birthday, Joel! Marshmallow thinks it's her birthday, too, apparently.

Marshmallow: "I should be celebrated just for existing. I'm a queen."

Kobe aged up into an adult!

So did Yuki!

Joel aged up into a teen!

Kobe: "We kinda look like twins, don't we?"

Joel: "I was thinking the same thing!"

Marshmallow: "Why aren't you all paying attention to me on your birthdays?

Yuki: "Kobe and Joel are definitely twins, Rylie is a mixture, and Tyler is my twin!"

1 comment:

  1. > The sunrise in Mt. Komorebi is so beautiful!

    What a sky! :) Mount Komorebi is lovely in the springtime.

    > Is that a disco? All of the rodents must be invited.

    Hamster discos are the BEST discos! :D :3

    > Lemon Pie: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

    Noooo! I can't believe his time has come so soon! :(

    Farewell, Lemon Pie. You were an adorable cat. I'll never forget your blue-and-yellow fur and your bobtail.

    I can't bear pet deaths, in real life AND the Sims. :( :( :(

    > Finley: "Maybe some pepper will fix it-" *drops shaker in pot*

    My goodness! I've never seen that sort of thing happen before. I like TS4's 'bad at cooking' animations! :)

    > Servo's next skill to complete: the rocket science skill!

    This should be good! :D Building a rocket in the Japanese-themed neighbourhood is perfect. It's like Servo is building a mecha! :)

    > helping Deven go to space

    Oh, now that I must read! :) At some point, I want to read the Parsons legacy from the beginning.

    > Stephanie Parsons! Did you just pee yourself?!

    Oh my goodness! We don't usually see that sort thing from the Parsons.

    > Servo: "It's complicated... it's literally rocket science!"


    > birthdays!

    Ahhh, the twins look so cute. :3 I like Rylie's new outfit.

    > Uh oh, I shouldn't have had Servo fully upgrade the toilets.

    Toilet upgrades cause spontaneous combustion?! :O I remember something similar happening in an earlier generation.

    > Stephanie to the rescue!

    Oh, thank goodness! :O

    Dying in a toilet-related fire is no way to go. XD

    > Finley is such a great dog dad!

    He is! :) I like to watch him having fun with Pupcake.

    > I know y'all can't hear it, but Servo's DJ skills are amazing!

    I believe you! :) I'd rock out to Servo's tracks any day.

    > Servo: "ALL of my skills are amazing."

    I never doubted them. XD

    > Finley: "They're making out behind me again, aren't they?"

    Kobe and Yuki are just two crazy Sims in love. They can't hide their feelings! :)

    > Is the tablet really the most comfortable place to sleep, Marshmallow?

    This picture is completely true to life! Right down to Marshmallow sprawling on her back. :D :3

    > This is a message brought to you by TS1.
    > TS1 will always be roaming TS4 in the distance.

    Good grief, what happened?! :O

    > Looks like Servo is a big hit!

    A Parsons dance party! :D Love it! And it's good to see Servo getting the appreciation he deserves. :)

    > Rylie: "Why is that sim dressed like grandpa?"

    Finley's still got what it takes! XD

    > Finley: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

    Nooooo! :( No matter how old they are, Sims leave us too soon.

    I really admire Finley's dedication to climbing the fame track. I enjoyed watching his SimTube videos and following him on celebrity jaunts. His accomplishments will live on in his videos and social media posts.

    > Not Stephanie, too!

    I did wonder how long she would survive Finley. :(

    Stephanie fell in love with Finley the Sim, not the celebrity. She brought a welcome sense of groundedness to a household obsessed with fame. She was a good mother and grandmother. I'll miss her, too. :(

    > Rest In Peace, Hammy Parsons.

    Not Hammy, too!! :O Losing Hammy is the biggest shock. I wasn't expecting it at all.

    Time passes too quickly in this household. :( I barely recover from one death before someone else breathes their last. Please interpret this remark as me becoming so terribly attached to your Sims. :)

    > Marshmallow: "Not as pretty as me."

    There is more truth than vanity in this statement. XD

    > The kids brought home some school projects, too!

    The school projects are fun homework assignments. :)

    > birthdays!

    For a split second, I worried that Yuki and Kobe were aging up to elders. I'm not ready to let them go, yet! Thank goodness they're still adults. They look great. :)

    I see that Kobe lost his eyebrow ring and gained some hair on his chin. Looks good on him! I like Yuki's new specs, too. :) Joel is a handsome teenager!

    What a great update! :) Thanks for posting.
