Friday, July 9, 2021

Chapter 237

Marshmallow, what are you doing?

Marshmallow: "Oh, nothing, just trying to lure the hamster to... become friends..."

Stay away from Hammy!

Finley: "So this is the hamster everyone in my family has been obsessed with, huh?"

Finley: "Aww, I can't blame them, he's actually pretty adorable-"

Finley: "Hey!"

Finley: "AHHHHH!!!"

Finley: "Get off, get off, get off!"

Finley: "He bit my nose!"

Finley: "That hurt a lot, Hammy!"

After all that nose biting, Hammy needs to exercise on the hamster wheel.

Yuki is working on her programming skill while Kobe works on his charisma skill.

The Parsons decided to purchase Lin-Z! A home assistant! They had one back in generation 1, but I thought it was evil for some reason, but it's back because I wanted to give it another chance, I think I judged it too harshly.

Finley: "Lin-Z."

Lin-Z: "How can I assist you?"

Finley: "Hmm... let's see... how can you assist me..."

Finley: "Could you tell me a joke?"

Lin-Z: "You."

Finley: "Excuse you?"

Finley: "Lin-Z, could you play some music, please?"

Lin-Z: "Playing pop music."

Finley: "Hey, she actually listened to me!"

There can't be music playing without the Parsons dancing, of course!

Kobe: "You wanna hear my next friendly greeting, mom?"
Stephanie: "I'm just trying to read my book."

Joel: "Hi there, Bun Bun!"

Bun Bun: "What do you want?"

How's the programming skill going, Servo?

Servo: "It's going great! I can now make mobile apps!"

Finley: "I heard there was a festival coming up, but I want to be sure."

To the noticeboard!

Finley: "Hmm... the Festival of Snow is on today! We'd better get down there quick before we miss it."

Man, they don't call it the festival of snow for nothing. It's a whole blizzard!

Watch out everyone, the crazies are approaching!

Looks like the blizzard cleared up. That was quick.

Kobe went straight to the festival clothing machine to purchase the Festival of Snow outfit.

The outfit looks great! Only one thing...



Kobe: "Hey, Yamachan, let's get another selfie!"

Yamachan: "Selfieee!"

Another selfie to add to the Yamachan selfie collection.

Lacey: "It wouldn't be a snow festival without skiing!"

Lacey: "Here goes nothing..."

Lacey: "Hey, I'm actually pretty good at this!"

Piper: "She's got nothing on me, I snowboarded for hours on end."

Stephanie: "You ready to go sledding, Joel?"
Joel: "I don't want to play in the snow, grandma."

Kobe: "Why don't we go for another hike down to the caves this time?"

Yuki: "Sure, that sounds great, babe!"

Yuki: "We should go on another hike later with the rest of the family."

Kobe: "If they can handle it."

They'd probably act crazy and complain the whole time.

Finley: "Oww, my back!"

Why would you go sledding by yourself when you're at risk of throwing your back out?

Kobe: "I hope I don't get attacked by any creatures, we were lucky we didn't get attacked last time."

Yuki: "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for creatures."

Kobe: "AH!"
Yuki: "Come on, slow poke!"

Kobe: "Ugh!"

Kobe: "My back!"

Kobe: "Can you help me up, babe?"

Yuki: "You'd better hurry up before you get left behind!"

Yuki: "This is a beautiful hiking trail."
Kobe: "Yeah, it is."

Kobe: "Have you heard that when you talk into the caves, there's a huge echo?"

Yuki: "Yeah! You can also offer a token in exchange for good fortune!"
Kobe: "Luckily we have a robot with tons of tokens in his inventory we can borrow."

They made it to the caves!

Look at the monkeys!

Time to test out the cave echoes!

Yuki: "I'm in love with a crazy sim!"

*Echo* "I'm in love with a crazy sim!"

Kobe: "Seriously?"

Yuki: "Hey, you can't be mad at the truth!"

Kobe: "My girlfriend drools a lot in her sleep!"
Yuki: "Hey!"

*Echo* "My girlfriend drools a lot in her sleep!" "Hey!"
Yuki: "Seriously, Kobe? I don't want the monkey statues to hear that!"

Yuki: "I'm starving, I'm gonna eat a pear from Servo's garden."

Yuki: "This pear is immaculate."

You can't go hiking to a famous site without doing one thing...

Taking pictures!

Kobe: "I think it's time to offer my token in exchange for good fortune."
Yuki: "It had better be a good token, these monkeys aren't easy to impress."

Kobe: "Here's a fruit from my robot's garden, it's perfect quality."

Kobe: "I don't think the monkey liked my token."
Yuki: "I told you they were hard to impress."

Kobe: "Oh well, at least I can still take a selfie with the monkey."

What a great monumental selfie.

For the next hike, Kobe and Yuki invited the rest of the family! (Except for Piper, I forgot about her for some reason.)

Kobe: "You guys ready to go hiking?"

Stephanie & Finley: "Yes!"
Lacey: "No!"

Kobe: "You guys will love it, you'll get some fresh air and exercise."

Lacey: "What if I don't like either of those things?"

Kobe: "Just when I thought you couldn't get anymore stupid."

Finley: "I forgot to put my long distance glasses on, but this will still be a fun adventure!"

Over the bridge!

It's great to see everyone hiking together.

Kobe: "This is the part of the trail where creatures regularly attack sims."
Stephanie: "What did he just say?"

Finley: "I think he said 'This is the part of the trail where creatures regularly attack sims'."
Yuki: *Gasp!* "I hope we don't get attacked!"

Lacey: "Can I hike home?"

Kobe: "Come on, guys, be brave!"

Finley: "We can do this!"
Yuki: "We've got this, no creature will get us down!"

Everyone: "Woohoo!"

Kobe: "We can fight off any creature, right?"
Lacey: "Wrong!"

What happened to that pep talk confidence?

Lacey: "AHH!"

Lacey: "Oww! Can someone help me up?"

Finley: "Man, this is a beautiful hiking trail."

Seriously, Finley?!

Finley: "Yeah, seriously. The moon is shining so bright tonight!"

...I have no words.

Stephanie: "AHH!"

Stephanie: "My back! I don't think this is the best activity for an elder sim!"

Finley: "Speak for yourself, I'm having a grand ol' time!"

Ooh, are those forest spirits?

Kobe: "Woah!"

Kobe: "Did someone say forest spirits?!"

Kobe: "Don't mind if I do."

Looks like the Parsons have started a forest spirit collection.

Ooh, now that the lights have come on, the Festival of Snow looks even more beautiful!

It's so pretty!

The dino is orange!

The Parsons became hungry after that hike, so they all wandered over to the food stall.

Everyone: "Could we get a Tri-Color Dango, Veggie Yakisoba, Tamago Nigiri, Fish Yakisoba, Ikayaki, Beef Yakisoba, Tuna Nigiri and a Salmon Nigiri?"

Vendor: "That's... a lot of requests... and a lot of sims."

The vendor needs an award for feeding this huge family.

All while making the food super delicious!

Stephanie: "It really is delicious!"

Yuki: "Ugh, I'm not sure if the baby likes Beef Yakisoba."

This has been a great Festival of Snow! However, it's time to head home.

Back at home, Joel is being babysat by Piper and dancing to some music being played by Lin-Z! Did I forget to mention that it's New Year's Eve?

The poor Parsons can't head straight to bed after their hike, they need to stay up and watch the New Year's TV!

Time for the countdown!

How was it babysitting Joel?

Piper: "He was an angel! And I didn't have to go hiking!"

This is probably what Lacey pictured the hike would be like after creatures were mentioned.

Everyone: "Shashoobee!"

Everyone: "Happy New Year!"

TV fireworks! (Do not try this at home.)

Aww, a New Year's kiss!

Lacey: "Happy New Year, mom!"

Each New Year, Piper is reminded of Case. I then remind her what a jerk he is.

Servo made some super salad for everyone to celebrate.

Servo: "I've almost finished making my app, too."

Joel: "Yellow crab block!"

Stephanie: "I think the yellow crab block has officially taken over the green crab block."

Pupcake has been begging for a walk lately.

Finley was more than happy to take her for a walk!

Yuki's programming skill is increasing super fast!

Where the heck are y'all?

Finley: "We're pretty far from home."

Finley: "Pupcake... I have a feeling we're not in Mt. Komorebi anymore."

You're still in Mt. Komorebi.

Finley: "I was trying to be dramatic."

Lacey has been watching some gaming livestreams lately.

A soccer game livestream? Really?

Finley: "I walked all the way over to this tree to encourage Pupcake to do her business, but she didn't want to."

Woohoo! Piper has reached level 10 of the charisma skill!

Happy birthday, Piper!

Piper aged up into an elder!

Piper: "I'm still hot."

Pupcake: "I love walks so much!"

Pupcake: "Hey, what's that behind me?"

Pupcake: "Have you been following me this entire time?!"

Pupcake: "Get away. Now."

Ma'am, that's your tail.

Finley: "Can we go home, yet? I'm ready to take a nap!"

Servo: "I'd like to take a nap, too, but I've been programming for hours straight!"

Calm down, sir.

Servo: "Don't tell me to calm down!"

Kobe: "Tense Servo could kick all of our butts."

Kobe: "Lin-Z."

Lin-Z: "How can I assist you?"
Kobe: "Stop playing this trash music."

Lin-Z: "I have stopped playing the trash music."

Is this a fan fiction?

Lacey: "Yes, yes it is."

Aww, Stephanie and Joel are playing!

Joel: "I'm an aeroplane!"
Stephanie: "I think I'm too old to play aeroplanes."

Piper: "Look, everyone! It's me on TV again!"
Lacey: *Ignores*

Finley: "In that case, I think it's time to change the channel."

Piper: "Look, it's me again!"

Finley: "Ah... every TV show has been ruined."

Yuki: "I think the baby is coming!"

Yuki: "Kobe, the baby is coming."


Yuki: "Stop panicking, it's making it worse!"

Yuki: "This hurts even more than last time!"

Kobe: "I won't mention my own pain this time."


Yuki: "Something feels weird..."

Kobe: "You want a glass of milk or something?"
Yuki: "Seriously..."


It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Rylie Parsons!

Yuki: "She's perfect! But, wait... there's more..."

Twins?! It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Tyler Parsons!

Kobe: "Twins?"


Yuki: "Twins?"


Luckily, they quickly got used to it.

Great-auntie Piper is here to help out with the babies!

Piper: "I'm also here to help with collecting the dishes for Servo to clean."

How sweet of you.

Joel: "I love my superhero toy!"

I always click on a random toy for the kids to play with, and for some reason, it's always the superhero toy.

It appears that Pupcake convinced Finley to take her on another walk.

Time for work for these two after a weekend of gaining skills, snow festivals and having babies.

While these two relax.

Piper is texting in the Parsons family groupchat?

It looks like it's crazy. Would we expect anything less?

Since Finley is no longer streaming, his new job is walking Pupcake, apparently.

This area is beautiful!

The lake looks so pretty both when it's snowing and when it's not snowing!

Finley: "You want a treat for being a good girl, Pupcake?"

Pupcake: "Yes, yes I do."

Finley: "Here you go!"

Happy birthday, Joel!

Happy birthday, Lacey!

Lacey aged up into a young adult!

Lacey: "Is this where you tell me I'm gonna be the second heir finally?"

Nope, get out.

Joel aged up into a child!

Aaand, of course, he's sad, just like every Parsons ever after aging up into a child.

Speaking of aging up, the twins aged up!

Rylie aged up into a toddler! She's so adorable!

Tyler also aged up into a toddler! He looks just like Yuki!

Marshmallow, stop that! That's the Parsons cake they've been using to age up for a few generations!

Aww, so cute!

Rylie: "I suspect these sims are crazy."

Tyler: "Me too."

Tyler: "Should we try to run away?"

Rylie: "Yes, let's go!"

Excuse me, what do you two think you're doing?

Rylie: "Nothing..."
Tyler: "We've been caught!"

Rylie: "Quick, let's run!"

Tyler: "Are you sure? Who's gonna feed us dino chicken nuggets?"

Tyler: "I love dino chicken nuggets!"

Rylie: "We can eat peas instead, I don't like eating chickens, chickens are friends."

Tyler: "I'm not running away, then."

Rylie: "My escape plan from these crazy sims didn't go too well, Bun Bun."

Rylie: "Have you ever tried to run away?"

Bun Bun: "Yes, but I can't move."

Rylie: "I'll think about running away again after lunch time!"

You two had better not try running away ever again!


  1. The twins are adorable! Rylie is such a nice name

    1. I'm happy you like them! Thank you so much for reading!

  2. > Finley: "AHHHHH!!!"

    Oh my gosh! :O Hammy is really going in for the kill on this nose-bite. I suddenly remember what rodent teeth are like. XD

    > Yuki is working on her programming skill while Kobe works on his charisma skill.

    Ahhhh! :3 It's so cute to see them skilling alongside each other.

    Yuki and Kobe are my favourite Parsons couple! <3 I love how their childhood friendship grew into a romantic partnership.

    > Lin-Z the home assistant

    Oh, cool! :) It's fascinating to see current stuff in Sims games. TS2, as you know, is stuck in a time warp.

    After its first exchange with Finley, I can see that Lin-Z belongs to the Servo school of AI. XD

    > Man, they don't call it the festival of snow for nothing. It's a whole blizzard!

    Hahaha! XD The festival does not disappoint.

    > Ooh, are those forest spirits?

    So cool! :O Mount Komorebi is the BEST neighbourhood, hands down. :)

    > Looks like the Parsons have started a forest spirit collection.

    You can just... take them home??

    > TV fireworks! (Do not try this at home.)


    > Aww, a New Year's kiss!

    Ahhhhhhh! :3 These two are the cutest. <3

    > Each New Year, Piper is reminded of Case. I then remind her what a jerk he is.

    It's good to keep up traditions.

    Do you know, I'd actually forgotten about him?

    > Piper aged up into an elder!

    Oh my gosh! Time is moving on. I like Piper's elder look. Age-appropriate and still trendy. And she's still got her celebrity strut! :D

    I forgot to say, I like Stephanie as an elder too. She has a true grandmotherly look. :)

    > Introducing Rylie Parsons!

    I'm so happy that Kobe and Yuki have a daughter now! :) Welcome to the world, Rylie!

    Yay for twins!! :D A big ol' Parsons family welcome to you, too, Tyler!

    > Time for work for these two after a weekend of gaining skills, snow festivals and having babies.

    Geez, my own weekends are never that productive. XD

    They look very dapper in their work clothes!

    > birthdays!

    I love the twins' hair colour! :3 Tyler's hairstyle, in particular, is fierce. :)

    I'm happy to see the two toddlers getting along so well. :3

    Another great update! :) Thanks for posting!
