Friday, June 4, 2021

Chapter 227

Piper: "After a long day of acting, I can't wait to enter my peaceful home-"

What the heck is going on here?!

Didn't I say the Parsons were never allowed to cook?!

Finley: "Servo was busy and we were hungry, okay?!"

Welp, there goes the barbeque.

Stephanie: "You guys need a little more extinguishing help?"

Finley: "Nope."
Servo: "It's too little too late for that."

Servo: "These sims are getting on my last nerve, and no one wants to be on my last nerve."

Kylan: "Let me just relax on the pool floatie and pretend that never happened."

Kylan: "You think the next generation will be just as crazy as this one?"

The Parsons only get crazier and crazier, so yes.

Whatcha doin' there, Piper?

Piper: "Checking out my social media platforms. My fans seem to love me a lot!"

Piper: "I'm gonna have to increase my comedy skill for my next audition. I'm auditioning to be a pharmacist for the Preclinical Pharmaceuticals commercial."

Piper: "What should you do if you're from a crazy family?"

Piper: "Post all about it on blogger!"

...I think you'd better keep working on your jokes instead.

Piper: "Can't I keep breaking the fourth wall instead of writing jokes?"

Finley: "Hey, guys, I'm back at it again with another livestream."

Finley: "I may have barely survived the last one, but you've gotta get those fame points somehow, right?"

Pupcake loves watching Servo building his skills.

Kylan: "I love watching Servo cook my dinner."

Servo: "Didn't I tell these sims that they're on my last nerve? They'd better not mess with me!"

Pupcake: "Is Servo's next skill gonna be kicking everyone's butts? I wanna see that!"

Finley: "Alright, guys, I'm gonna end the stream here."

Finley: "Stay tuned for the birth of my child, the entire thing will be streamed, even the sparkles!"

Piper: "My audition is in a few hours, how the heck am I gonna remember all of those prescription medication names?"

For anyone wondering about the garden: it is still thriving better than ever!

Lemonade aged up into an elder! I don't like seeing her old and grey!

Lemonade: "I don't like it either."

Lemonade: "How am I supposed to run around now?"

Finley: "My fans demanded a 24 hour livestream, so that's what they're gonna get."

Drone: "How will you achieve that?"

By streaming himself sleeping, apparently.

Finley: "What's the matter, drone?"

Drone: "You need to get back to the streaming station, I've been streaming you sleeping for hours, I need a naaaaaaap... zzz..."

Finley: "Alriiight... but, I'll need a little sooomething before I get back to the streaming station."

Normally, a ghost would be startling, but Kim's ghost is completely expected. It was only a matter of time.

Kim: "Don't ask me how I'm holding this lump of clay."

Kim: "Ugh, it's still so hot!"

Kim: "I knew I'd be hot for all of eternity, but this isn't what I meant!"

Kim: "On the bright side, this lump of clay has inspired me to cause havoc to my family in my ghost form."

This is your way of staying awake?

Finley: "Yep, coffee is a sure fire way to do the trick."

Uh oh...

It looks like a pet sickness is going around. Servo will need to hand out the pet wellness treats ASAP.

Finley: "You really couldn't have taken one for the team and streamed me sleeping for a few more hours?"

Drone: "Give me some better batteries and we might be able to negotiate."

Kylan: "Did I just see Kim walking around here as a ghost or am I going crazy?"

You're already crazy.

Kylan: "You're right."

Lemon Pie: "I never thought Kim could get any scarier until I saw her as a ghost."


Kylan: "Somehow, your lips are still warm, honey."

Kim: "Probably because I died of overheating in the sauna."

Kim: "That reminds me, I'm so hot, I've gotta take another selfie."

Kylan: "Will a ghost even show up in pictures?"

Kim's ghost has a fire burning inside of her since that was her cause of death. That's great detail in TS4!

Kylan: "Don't get lonely in the afterlife, I'm getting old, I'll be there with you soon."

Kim: "Just make sure you enjoy every moment before that happens, sweetie."

True soulmates!

Stephanie: "Speaking of soulmates, where the heck is Finley?"

Here he is!

Finley: "I'm drinking an energy drink to stay awake for another 24 hour livestream!"

Piper: "Do you really think it's healthy drinking energy drinks and coffee to stay awake for 24 hours for these stupid livestreams?"

Finley: "Gotta do what you gotta do for those fame points. I'm already a three star celebrity thanks to this!"

Stephanie: "He's starting to interrupt my sleep too, which I can barely get any as it is while pregnant!"

Kim: "It's been far too long since I've played a prank... and by far too long, I mean five minutes."

Kim, don't possess the coffee machine!

Kylan: "I've missed my wife's pranks."

You're the only one.

Kim: "Can I prank the neighbors in my ghost form?"


Kim: "Fine, I'll be annoying and leave glasses of water everywhere."

*Sigh* She just has to cause havoc somehow.

Kylan: "Isn't she great?"

Kylan: "You think I should play a prank on someone?"

Kim: "You? Pulling off a successful prank?"

Kim: "HAHAHA! Good one!"
Kylan: "I may not have pranks, but I've got jokes, at least!"

Finley: "I'm energized after drinking that energy drink! I think I have about three hours of energy until I pass out."

Drone: "Oh, brother."

Servo: "Save my soul."

You don't have a soul, you're a robot.

Finley: "The stream shall continue and the fame points shall keep rolling in!"

Even in the afterlife, the forums are not safe from Kim's trolling.

Kim: "Trolling the forums is the greatest joy a sim can receive."

Finley: "Guys, why do you keep commenting everything twice?"

Finley: "Wait a minute... am I seeing double from my exhaustion?"

I think Finley needs to take a break from the 24 hour livestreams, but I don't think he'll want to until he reaches 5 star celebrity status.

Kim strikes again. She's even scaring the cats!

Lemonade: "What the heck is that?!"

Pupcake: "Don't worry, Lemonade, I'll protect you!"

Pupcake: "Stay away from my family, floating coffee machine!"

Townie: "What a cute guard dog."

Who the heck are you and how did you get in the house?

Finley: "Alright, my energy is wearing down, it's time for another coffee."

Oh, come on! This isn't healthy!

Finley: "I'm starting to get a headache."

Gee, I wonder why.

Kylan: "You were jumping in puddles again, weren't you?"

Pupcake: "No comment."

Finley: "I can't wait to go to sleep, these coffees won't keep me awake much longer."

Lemonade: "Man, I couldn't imagine not taking 7 naps a day. That reminds me, time for a nap."

Finley: *Yawn*

Finley: "Has it been 24 hours, yet?"

Yep, you can finally take a nap, now!

Finley: "Forget that, I'm a four star celebrity now! That livestream earned me a whole lot of subscribers!"

Finley: "I'm a proper celebrity now, I don't walk like peasants, I walk like a celebrity."

You also sparkle?

Finley: "Yes, yes I do."

Finley: "Are you jelly?"

Stephanie's belly is getting huge, it looks like twins in there!

(If you look in the background, you'll see the automatic pet feeder with no bowl. This glitch has been happening to me for so long, the pet food bowl always disappears for no reason, and I have to keep re-buying it!"

Piper's audition for Preclinical Pharmaceuticals is today!

A pregnant sim eating franks and beans? Those farts are gonna be wild.

Uh... Finley, what the heck are you doing standing on the cat condo? That's for cats!

Finley: "Mind your business."

Piper: "Remember, side effects of this medication may include uncontrollable laughter, llama cough, freezer bunny tongue, plumbob headache, tragic clown sadness, and death!"

Piper: "I finally remembered the line! I'm so ready for this audition!"

Stephanie: "I'd better work on my introductions for my charisma skill before attempting to make a bunch of friends."

Stephanie: "Any ideas?"

Ask Servo, he's a master of everything.

Piper: "I got the part, now I have to remember all those listed side effects, again."


Is it go time?!

Stephanie: "No, I just need to pee!"

Is that a bunny shirt? Or, should I say, a Bunniee shirt?

Finley: "Shut up."

Why aren't you enjoying your grilled fruit?! Should I be concerned?!

Stephanie: "Something doesn't feel right."

Piper: "Did someone say grilled fruit?"

Kylan: "I've had way too much grilled fruit in my lifetime."

You can never have too much grilled fruit!

Stephanie: "Uh... something hurts..."

Finley: "Do you need a massage, babe?"

Stephanie: "No, I think I'm in labor!"

Finley: "What?! You're in labor?!"

Stephanie: "Yes! Oof, this hurts!"

Finley: "What do we do, what do we do?!"

Finley: "Why aren't you freaking out dad?"

Kylan: "I've had six kids, you really think I get freaked out anymore?"

Finley: "Wait, let me get the drone!"
Stephanie: *Sigh*

This is really your priority right now, Finley?!

Finley: "Try to smile for the stream, babe."
Stephanie: "I'm in labor here, you idiot!"

Stephanie: "Oww! Ooh, this hurts!"

Drone: "484,289 current viewers."

Finley: "Perfect! Even more viewers than our wedding!"
Stephanie: "OWW!"

Finley: "You okay there, babe?"
Stephanie: "What do you think?!"


It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Kobe Parsons!

Stephanie: "He's perfect!"

Finley: "He sure is... don't you agree, viewers?"

Even the drone is rolling it's eyes at Finley.

Stephanie: "Giving birth on stream wasn't as horrible as I expected."
Finley: "That's the spirit!"

Since Piper has mastered her acting skill, she's working on her singing skill to become a double threat.

Piper: ♫ "This is the craziest sim household ever, you'd better run for your life if you're clever!" ♫

Servo is knitting a baby outfit for the new arrival. Brynlee would be so proud!

Kylan: *Sigh* "Kim would have loved to have met our grandson."

Kylan: "He's gonna be so adorable when he ages up, just like his grandpa."

Kylan: "I can't believe I'm getting so old, it feels like just yesterday I was a young sim making candles."

Stephanie is pregnant again!

Stephanie: "I think it's the Parsons craziness seeping into me, but for some reason, I have the urge to have as many kids as possible!"

It doesn't get anymore Parsons than that... besides being crazy.

Stephanie: "Babe, we're having another baby! I'm pregnant again!"

Finley: "Did you catch that, drone?"

Finley: "Wait a minute, wasn't our son just born a few days ago?"

Stephanie: "Yeah, I don't know what's come over me, but I want as many kids as possible as fast as possible!"

Piper: "The world can't handle too many Parsons at once!"

Piper: "How has it managed to handle as many as it has so far?"

That shall remain a mystery to all.

Stephanie: "Oh well, the world can handle a few more crazy Parsons."

Kobe is loving his knitted outfit that Servo knitted for him!

Servo: "Maybe I should start a Plopsy account!"

Servo: "Should I start a Plopsy account, Kobe?"
Kobe: "Goo goo, gaga!"

Servo: "What the heck does that mean?"

Kobe's diaper days have flown by and he has aged up into an adorable toddler! He looks exactly like Stephanie!

Stephanie: "You're mommy's little twin, aren't you?"

Kobe: "I am?"

Stephanie: "Yes you are!"

Kobe: "I wuv you, mommy."

Stephanie: "He's exactly like me in every way, maybe he won't be crazy like the rest of the Parsons!"

Kobe: "Don't get too excited."

Kobe: "Where's mommy going? Is she afraid of the crazy?"

Every sim is!

Kobe: "I'm used to it already."

Because you're a Parsons.

Since Kobe has aged up, it's time for him to work on his skills.

First thing's first, the communication skill.

Stephanie: "Piper, you've gotta help me! I think Kobe might end up crazy like the rest of you guys!"

Piper: "Hey! We're not that crazy!"

Pupcake, why are you watching Lemon Pie sleep?

It's getting creepy, now...

Very creepy.

Lemon Pie: "Why were you watching me sleep?"

Pupcake: "Because I wuv you."

What is going on here?!

Finley: "Donating to my viewers earns me a whole lot of fame points. Don't ask me where the safe went... hehehe..."

Finley! You donated the safe?!

So, you're just gonna keep donating these tiki bars to your viewers?

Finley: "Yes, yes I am. The more expensive the item, the more fame points I earn. Luckily, we're rich!"

Finley: "Hey, it worked! I'm a five star celebrity!"

Hooray! I'm so proud of Finley! He's now a 'Global Superstar'!

Speaking of achievements...

Servo has finally mastered the fabrication skill! It took so long!

Now, onto the next skill.

The piano skill. He's already mastered the guitar and the violin, so this should be a piece of cake.

Finley: "Man, being a five star celebrity feels great! I get attention all day long!"

Kobe: "Daddy is famous?"

He's very famous. Maybe even too famous.

Piper: "I've gotta study the playful emotion before filming begins, I only have a few minutes!"

Piper: "Is this comedic enough, dad?"

Kylan: "Isn't the the same face you made last time?"

Aww, man. The time ran out just before it was time for Piper to head into work.

Piper: "Oh, hey there!"

Crew Member: "Hey, Piper! You ready to begin filming?"

Piper: "You tell me! Is this face good enough?"

Crew Member: "You know you're playing a pharmacist and not a clown, right?"

Hair and makeup time!

Piper: "Do I look like a pharmacist?"

You look like a gothic pharmacist.

Excuse me, are those scissors?

Piper: "Say what?"

Makeup Artist: "Ta-da! This is my best hairstyle yet!"

You gave her an exact replica of your hairstyle!

Now that the hair and makeup is finished, it's costume time!


The set looks great!

Once again, the same co-star is playing the patient.

Looks like these two are practising some lines. The co-star is getting very into it.

Piper: "I think I've finally memorised all of the side effects perfectly!"

Piper: "Are you ready to head to the stage?"

Co-Star: "I'm ready when you are!"

Director: "Hey, guys, it's like déjà vu, we're all on set together again. Are you ready to begin filming?"

Director: "Preclinical Pharmaceuticals, scene one, take one! LIGHTS!"

Director: "CAMERA!"

Piper: "Aaand... ACTION!"

Piper: "I am now a pharmacist."

Pharmacist: "Hey, there! Have you ever had problems with flailing arms?!"

Pharmacist: "Well, boy, have I got the prescription medication for you."

Pharmacist: "That's right, the brand new 'Llama Spit' medication is just perfect for you!"

Pharmacist: "It'll cure flailing arms in just weeks!"

Director: "CUT! Next scene!"

Piper: "Wait a minute... do I remember all of those side effects?"

Director: "Scene two!"

Director: "ACTION!"

Pharmacist: "Our patient here has had quite a few issues with his flailing arms, especially during the night time. He's also been suffering with a fever."

Pharmacist: "Open wide and say 'ahh'."

Pharmacist: "Did you know, 'Llama Spit' can also cure a fever? It can cure pretty much anything!"

Director: "CUT!"

Piper: "I did a great job, didn't I?"


Director: "ACTION!"

Pharmacist: "So, if you're looking for the cure to flailing arms, fevers, or just about anything, 'Llama Spit' is the prescription medication for you!"

Pharmacist: "Why does it cure everything, you ask? That's because it's a placebo medication!"

Pharmacist: "Ask your doctor about 'Llama Spit' today!"

Pharmacist: "Remember, like any medication, 'Llama Spit' can cause some side effects."

Pharmacist: "These side effects can include uncontrollable laughter, llama cough, freezer bunny tongue, plumbob headache, tragic clown sadness, and death!"

Pharmacist: "So, what are you waiting for? Try some 'Llama Spit' today!"

Director: "CUT! That's a wrap!"

Piper: "Phew, I never have to list all those side effects again!"

Director: "Unless I hire you to play a pharmacist again."

The crew members are enjoying some food. Piper would join, but it's time for her to head home.

Piper: "I wonder how I did! Wait, I think Well Suited Talent Agency is calling me."

Piper: "Hello?"
Well Suited Talent Agency: "Prime Time, no, that was Piper Time! You are a star buby. Everyone says so. Keep this up. You are on track for a Starlight Accolade nomination."

Woohoo! Piper did a great job in the Preclinical Pharmaceuticals commercial!

1 comment:

  1. > Piper: "After a long day of acting, I can't wait to enter my peaceful home-"

    Peaceful, lol. XD I can already see where this is headed!

    > Welp, there goes the barbeque.

    Turn your back for two seconds--! :O I'm relieved there were no fatalities.

    > Piper: "My fans seem to love me a lot!"

    That is no surprise. :) <3

    > Piper: "What should you do if you're from a crazy family?"
    > Piper: "Post all about it on blogger!"

    Ba-dum tiss! XD

    > Servo: "Didn't I tell these sims that they're on my last nerve? They'd better not mess with me!"

    It's good to see Servo showing some edge. The Parsons shouldn't take him for granted!

    > Finley: "Stay tuned for the birth of my child..."

    Oh, Finley. ;) I admire his dedication to the fame track, but I cringe a bit at his lack of boundaries. Come to think of it, that's probably why his channel is so successful! :D

    > For anyone wondering about the garden: it is still thriving better than ever!

    The garden looks fantastic! Very luxuriant. Good work, Servo!

    > Lemonade aged up into an elder!

    I feel a little sad, now. Too many pets have died in recent updates!

    > Kim's ghost

    Oh my gosh!! :O I think this is the first time I've seen a Parsons ghost. Of course, it would be Kim. XD I like her spectral fairy wings.

    > ghostly kiss

    Ahhhh! <3 I'm glad that Kim and Kylan are able to kiss. They didn't get to say a proper goodybe at the spa.

    Finley: "I'm a four star celebrity now!"

    Congratulations, Finley! :) He's been working so hard to win those points.

    > You also sparkle?

    That's so cool! :3

    > Is that a bunny shirt? Or, should I say, a Bunniee shirt?

    Hahaha! XD

    > Stephanie: "No, I think I'm in labor!"

    Here they come!! (I'm assuming it's twins, too.)

    > Finley: "Perfect! Even more viewers than our wedding!"

    Oh my goodness, Finley. XD

    > It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Kobe Parsons!

    Welcome to the world, Kobe! It's nice to have a boy after so many girls in the last generation.

    > Even the drone is rolling it's eyes at Finley.


    > Servo is knitting a baby outfit for the new arrival.

    Ahhhhhh! Just when I think Servo can't become any more amazing, he goes and does something like this. <3

    > Servo: "Maybe I should start a Plopsy account!"

    Do it!! XD

    > Toddler Kobe

    Toddler Kobe is so cute! I'm glad that he inherited Stephanie's hair colour. It looks good on him.

    > Kobe: "I wuv you, mommy."

    Ahhhhhh! :3

    > Kobe: "Don't get too excited."

    Hahahah! XD It's the perfect snapshot and the perfect caption.

    > Pupcake: "Because I wuv you."

    Double ahhhhhhh! <3 :3

    > Global Superstar

    YAAAAY!! Congratulations, Finley!

    And hurrah for Servo mastering the fabrication skill! The Parsons are full of win in this update.

    > He's very famous. Maybe even too famous.

    Good point! I'm curious to see what Finley does with his five-point fame.

    > You gave her an exact replica of *your* hairstyle!

    Hahaha! XD That's how she knows it's the best hairstyle.

    Piper looks so professional in her lab coat and ready-for-work hairstyle.

    > Pharmacist: "Hey, there! Have you ever had problems with flailing arms?!"

    Bwhahaha! XD Every Sim can relate to this symptom.

    > Pharmacist: "Why does it cure everything, you ask? That's because it's a placebo medication!"

    No false advertising here. XD

    The whole commercial is hilarious. You interpret what your Sims are doing and saying so creatively! :)

    > Well Suited Talent Agency: "You are on track for a Starlight Accolade nomination."

    YAAAAY!! I'm thrilled that Piper's hard work is getting industry recognition.

    Magnificent update! :D Thanks for posting.
