Friday, April 2, 2021

Chapter 217

Kim has decided to light the candles she won from the Humor and Hijinks festival.

Let's see what they look like!


So pretty!

Alright, light up the spinny thingy!

Kim: "What if it hits us in the face?!"

It's so cool!

Piper: "No one established what we would do if it hit us in the face!"

Kylan: "We would laugh, wouldn't we?"

Finley: "Resist. Urge. To. Record. Video. For. Sim Tube."

Kim: "I think we need more fireworks than this."

Uh... this doesn't look too safe...


Kim: "That didn't go according to plan!"

This is the first time something bad happened without Kim planning for it to happen.

Piper: "This is gonna get me so many likes on simstagram!"

Rowan: "Can I go back inside yet?"

Kylan: "Welp... I'm gonna go back to my candle making."

These sparklers should be a little more safe.

Piper: "They're also a little more fun!"

Piper: "And they're just as pretty!"

Piper: "I think I like the sparklers more than the fireworks!"

Piper: "That was awesome."

The N.A.P. Inspectors are still ensuring all sims are eco friendly around here.

Happy birthday, Sadie!

Sadie aged up into a young adult! It's sad to see her go! Now, get out.


Lemon Pie looks so adorable while he's sleeping!

Piper, what are you doing?

Piper: "Applying for scholarships!"

Piper is planning to attend college once she ages up!

Finley: "Now that Piper is off the computer, I need to check out my competition!"

What kind of videos are trending?

Finley: "Fashion hauls. I can get on that trend, I've got the best fashion sense out there!"

Are any of your videos on the trending section of sim tube?

Finley: "They're about to be!"

Finley: "Hey, guys. Welcome back to my channel."

Finley: "You may be wondering why I look extra fly today. Well, at my meet and greet the other day, a lot of sims admired everything about me, including my fashion sense. They didn't say it directly, but they wanted to know where I got my clothes from."

Finley: "So, today is your lucky day. You're going to see my closet and where I get my clothes from."

Finley: "This is my outfit that I wear to formal events. The entire outfit is from the mall."

Finley: "Alright, let's take a look at my athletic wear!"

Finley: "Every time I go to the gym wearing this, everyone stares in jealousy. I forgot where I bought it from, but it's a great outfit."

Finley: "Alright, that's the end of the fashion haul, guys. My closet is definitely better than yours. Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!"

What kind of outro was that?

Looks like someone didn't pick up the dog poop and a trash plant grew... how the heck did it grow on the tiles?

Peach: "No one knows."

Gross! What kind of fizzy juice is this?!

Servo: "I made it especially for Kim! Hehehe..."

Kim: "For me? You shouldn't have, Servo!"

Kim: *Gulp*

Kim: "It tastes... uh..."

Kim: "Very unique..."

Kylan: "On the other hand, my franks and beans taste great."

Kylan: "Isn't that right, my little trash bag?"

Kim: "BLEUGH!"

Kim: "Ugh..."

Kim: "Did I just throw up?"

Kim: "What kind of fizzy juice did Servo make me?! I feel awful!"

The real question is, who's gonna clean this up?

Kim: "Servo is, and I'm gonna stomp on it to make it a whole lot easier for him!"

Kim, stop that!

Kim: "Take that, Servo."

Kim: "Is anyone gonna clean up this mess off the floor?!"

Kim: "This is disgusting!"

Now there's two puddles!

Kim: "Ugh! Where the heck is Servo when you need him?!"

Kim *Fart*

Kim: "Ugh, that fizzy juice is making me all kinds of sick."

Kim: "BLEUGH!"

Kim: "I puked again?!"

Gross! It even has a stink cloud!

Kim: "Uh oh..."

Kim: "I think I'm gonna throw up again!"

Kim: "BLEUGH!"


Kim: "Alright, I think I got it all out."

Finley: *Crying* "I can't believe someone left a mean comment on my latest video!"

The more famous Finley becomes, the more emotional meltdowns he's been having.

Piper's scholarship results are here! We'll have to wait until she gets home from school to open them.

Servo: "Hopefully she gets into a good college. That'll be one less sim to look after for a while."

The twins are home from school! Why are y'all so annoyed?

Piper: "My scholarship results are here? I'm so nervous!"

Piper: "I didn't get accepted for the Del Sol Valley resident scholarship?! What the heck?"

Piper: "I did get accepted for the skilled student scholarship, however, for being level 5 in the acting skill!"

Piper: "I'm definitely gonna be able to have a distinguished degree!"

Happy birthday, Piper!

Rowan: "I don't wanna get kicked out!"


Piper aged up into a young adult!

And, here we have our second generation 12 heiress!

Rowan: "Why can't it be me?!"

Piper: "Because I'm awesome."

Happy birthday, Rowan!

Rowan aged up into a young adult!

It'll be sad to see Rowan go, I'm gonna miss him! Now, get out.

Piper immediately got on the computer to apply for universities. We'll hear back from the universities in two days!

A random neighbor came over and offered to fix the toilet. I'm not complaining at all, be my guest!

Piper: "I'm gonna kick your butt, Dr. Robot Head!"

Piper: "I know you don't have a butt, but I'm still gonna kick it!"

Here is Kylan's Mark Of The Maker Plaque that he received in the mail!

Speaking of mail, Finley received a his very first fan mail! It's from " An Adoring Fan ". (Yes, this is an actual feature from Get Famous!)

The letter reads:

Kim: "I love watching sims get their butts kicked on the action channel!"

Is this sim trapped in a mummy temple?!

Kim: "Yes... yes she is... hehehe..."

Uh oh...

Sim: "Here comes the mummy! I'm so scared!"

Kim: "Isn't this so entertaining?"


It's a rainy day in Del Sol Valley.

Look who came to visit!

Kim: "Hey, Rowan! Did you miss me already?"

Rowan: "Kinda... but actually, mom, I came to give Servo a gift."

Kim: "You didn't come to give me a gift?!"

Rowan: "Hey, Servo, I just wanted to give you a gift to say thanks for everything you do for our family."

Servo: "That's so kind of you, you shouldn't have!"

Rowan: "Well, I did. Here you go."

Servo: "Wow, this gift is awesome!"

Rowan: "I'm really glad you like it... now... can you please come over to my new apartment and fix my broken sink?"

Servo: *Sigh* "I knew there was a catch..."

Rowan: "Is that a 'yes'?"

Lemon Pie: "I almost feel bad for Servo... wait... has he filled my automatic food bowl yet?"

Piper: "Where the heck is Servo? He's supposed to be helping me with my acting."

Rowan: "Hey, Piper! It's so good to see you again!"

Piper: "Didn't you just move out yesterday? Why are you back? You'd better not be trying to steal my place as heir."

Rowan: "Whaaat? I'd never do that!"

Piper: "Dang right you wouldn't, I'm the only heir around here!"

Uh... no you're not.

Kylan: "Being a double heir must suck. I'm glad I can't relate, it's all about me!"

Rowan: "Maybe we could do our first ever triple heir..."

Piper: "Are you out of your mind?!"

You're all out of your minds, we've been over this.

Piper: "Ugh, stupid Rowan trying to take my spot as heir."

Lemonade: "I don't care, just don't try to take my spot on this couch."

Piper: "Who said that was your spot?"

Lemonade: "I, the queen, did."

Piper: "Can't argue with that one."

Piper: "You don't think the creator would ever do a triple heir, do you?"

Lemonade: *I have no idea what this sim is talking about. I'll just stare into her soul.*

Piper: "I mean, who would ever want more than two heirs, right?"

Lemonade: *Staring into her soul isn't working... she's still talking. I might have to just blatantly jump off the couch while she's talking.*

Piper: "Do you want some scritches?"

Lemonade: "I always want scritches."

Lemonade: "I love chin scritches."

Piper: "Aww, who's a good kitty?"

Lemonade: "I am, I am!"

Lemonade: "Now, if you'll excuse me, my food bowl is calling me."

Servo: "Do you appreciate me for all my hard work around here?"

Finley: "Of course I do."

Finley: "By the way, have you washed and folded my laundry, yet?"

Servo: "Of course I have!"


Peach: "That's the best way to sleep."

Finley's sleeping pod is steaming? What the heck?

Uh oh, looks like Peach is sick. She'll need a vet wellness treat.

Piper: "Alright, time to check if I got into the university I wanted."
Kim: "I bet you did."

Piper: "Oh my gosh, I'm eligible for a distinguished drama degree at Britechester University!"

Finley: "Hooray! Piper will be out of the house for a while!"

Piper: "I can't believe it!"

Piper: "All my hard work of becoming an A+ student and leveling up my acting skill to this point has paid off!"

Kim: *Blows horn!*


Piper: "Hahaha, this is amazing! I'm really going do to a distinguished degree at university!"

Finley: "Yep... when do you start packing already?"

Piper: "See you guys on the flip side!"

Hooray! Piper is on her way to university!


  1. I love Kim's candles and fireworks. The lights are so pretty. And I support her desire to have a BIG display of them! (Minus the fire. I like Servo's determined expression as he helps to extinguish it.)

    I rather wish that Finley HAD made a video of the non-incendiary part of the show. It would have been a unique posting. Piper has the right idea, posting to Simstagram. (Did she post the light show or the fire?? XD)

    I like the sparklers! They do look like more fun than the fireworks.

    I'm suddenly curious: what does Drone do when it's not recording Finley?

    Happy Birthday, Sadie! :) I must confess, I forgot about her at one point in the chapters. I wish her well in her adult life!

    That's a cute sleeping pose for Lemon Pie. :3 I keep forgetting to comment on his bob-tail. That's a nice feature for him!

    > Piper is planning to attend college once she ages up!

    I'm so excited for that!! I haven't seen TS4 college in the Parsons updates I've been reading (I believe you sent earlier generations to college).

    > Are any of your videos on the trending section of sim tube?
    > Finley: "They're about to be!"

    That's the right attitude, Finley! :D I love his fashion maven look. <3

    > Looks like someone didn't pick up the dog poop and a trash plant grew...

    OMG trash plants!! XD That's something else we don't have in TS2. I'm moderately intrigued by it.

    > How the heck did it grow on the tiles?

    The mystery of Sim nature. xD

    > Gross! What kind of fizzy juice is this?!
    > Servo: "I made it especially for Kim! Hehehe..."

    Your Sims are determined to disgust you in this update. XD

    Also, I get such a kick out of Servo's attitude. :D It's so true that 'no man is a hero to his valet'. After taking care of them for so long, Servo knows exactly what the Parsons are like, and he's not over-awed by them! XD

    What *is* that flavour, by the way? Also, the vomit sequence is truly disgusting. :P :P :P Well done, Servo! XD

    > Kylan: "Isn't that right, my little trash bag?"

    Ahhh, the trash bag makes an appearance, again! :)

    > The more famous Finley becomes, the more emotional meltdowns he's been having.

    That's interesting. I can't tell if Maxis is being empathetic about celebrities (the pressure of fame) or making fun of them (drama queens). What's your take on it?

    > Piper's scholarship results are here!

    Hurrah! It's neat that TS4 sends the results by mail. Seems almost old-fashioned, especially in the TS4 world.

    It's so random that Piper got denied the resident scholarship. Boo, game! But hurrah for the skilled student sholarship! I'm glad that her hard work (and Servo's) paid off.

    > And, here we have our second generation 12 heiress!

    YAY!! I was hoping that Piper would be co-heir.

    So all these Sims who get kicked out as young adults -- does the game continue to play them for you?

    > A random neighbor came over and offered to fix the toilet.

    Wow, that's convenient! XD

    > Finley received a his very first fan mail!

    That's so exciting!! I love the colourful text and the charming message.

    > Look who came to visit!

    It's so touching that Rowan came to visit! He must be homesick. Do your moved-out Sims often stop by? Also, I love the umbrella!

    I'm so impressed that Rowan is giving Servo an appreciation gift. Servo deserves it! And I'm so disappointed that it was just a bribe to get Servo's help. :/

    > Mood.

    Another cute sleeping pose from the Lemon Pie! :3

    > Piper: I'm eligible for a distinguished drama degree at Britechester University!

    Hurrah! Congratulations, Piper! I'm really looking forward to seeing you at college.

    > Kim: *Blows horn!*

    hahaha, that's so random! XD I'm glad that she's celebrating Piper's good news, too.

    Thanks for posting ! :)

    1. I love fireworks in The Sims! Except when they catch on fire, which is about 50% of the time!

      Piper definitely posted about the fire instead of the actual light show! Tragedies get more views, right? xD

      The sparklers are so pretty! They're always a must buy whenever my sims purchase fireworks. :)

      When the drone isn't recording, it usually takes a much needed break from the Parsons and sits on the floor somewhere and recharges, hahaha.

      Poor Sadie is apart of a long line of forgotten about spares.

      Trash plants are equally unique and annoying! They grow once you leave trash or dog poop anywhere for too long. It's almost as if the game is insulting you for leaving trash out for so long when they grow. xD

      Servo is for sure one tough cookie. He's the only one in the world who has been able to handle the Parsons for so long!

      I think the disgusting fizzy juice is made from trash plants or bad combinations? It really does look horrible, doesn't it? My sims accomplished their mission of disgusting us all!

      The trash bag makes an appearance every now and then to remind us of Paisley. :)

      I think the constant emotional meltdowns are definitely Maxis making fun of celebrities. xD Sims also have a 'refined food palette' which makes them only crave excellent quality food.

      I love how sims can receive their university results by mail! They can view them on the computer, too, but by mail is so much more fun!

      Usually, the sims who get kicked out just roam the neighborhood! There's a mod for TS4 which allows them to get married and have kids on their own, too! They stop by pretty often, but I don't always let them in because they love helping themselves to the leftovers in the fridge which Servo works so hard to make at 4AM while everyone sleeps.

      The fan mail is always so cute! Except for when they send rotten cupcakes or fish. xD

      Servo can never receive a genuine gift, the poor guy.

      The cats sleeping poses give me life! :D

      Sims get way too excited when someone is accepted into university, hahaha!

      Thanks for reading! :)
