Saturday, July 18, 2020

Chapter 182

Paisley headed back down to Conifer Station!

Paisley: "Time to rally up some voters. Do you think they'll cooperate today?"

Probably not.

Townie: "That crazy blue-haired sim is back again?"

Paisley: "Hey there, don't you just love eco-friendly appliance upgrades?"

Townie: "Not really. Gotta dash, see ya."

This is what he had to 'dash' to do... dumpster dive.

Paisley: "Come on, let's all vote for eco upgrades in all homes in Evergreen Harbor together!"


Uh... looks like Paisley isn't having too much luck in Conifer Station. It's time to head elsewhere.

Paisley headed down to Grims Quarry instead.

Paisley: "Ugh, this place is empty too. Looks like I'm not gonna have much luck here either."

Paisley: "Hey, Nina! Are you interested in eco upgrades to your home by any chance?"

Nina: "Nope, couldn't be any less interested either."

Paisley: "Hmm... interesting... well, what about..."

Paisley: "NOW?!"

Nina: "Eughdbvdkbrebfejbw!"

Paisley: "So what do you say, are you interested in eco upgrades to your home?"

Nina: "You know what, I suddenly am really interested."

Paisley: "Great to hear!"

Nina: "Could you lead the way to the noticeboard so I can cast my vote for eco upgrades to all homes?"

Paisley: "Here you go! I'm glad you suddenly had a change of heart."

Nina: "Hmm... I'm starting to get suspicious of this sim. She's very strange."

Elijah: "You wanna play chess with me? I saw mommy playing it and it looks really fun."

Kaylee: "Chess? I'd rather eat grilled cheese sandwiches instead!"

Elijah: "I guess I'll just play by myself."

Elijah: "Hey... do you think I could make a fort out of these chess pieces?"

Please, remain smart like your mother, don't join the dark dumb side like your father!

Poor Zhora got stuck cleaning the toilet.

Uh... never mind, she oddly seems to be enjoying it...

Paisley is practising her charisma skill again. Gotta rally up those sims somehow. Ignore the filthy sink.

Kaylee: "All I can think about is grilled cheese sandwiches... hehehe..."

Uh oh... looks like Kaylee has inherited Deven's stupidity.

Deven: "Hehe... that's my girl."

'Green Initiative in Port Promise' has been fully implemented!

It took a while, but all of the new trees have finally been planted! Unfortunately, the eco-footprint still seems to be plummeting down because of the neighbors. Paisley is not gonna let it slide, though. She'll do whatever it takes to increase the eco-footprint again.

Deven: "I love you more then grilled cheese, hot dogs, and chocolate combined!"

Paisley: "Aww, babe, that's the sweetest thing ever!"

Evergreen Harbor looks gorgeous with all the new plants.
I want to fight the neighbors for ruining the eco-footprint.

Elijah: "Hey there, little bugs!"

Elijah: "Are you guys hungry?"

Elijah may look like his dad, but his personality is so much like his mom.

I'm getting desperate! These solar panels may have cost a lot of simoleons, but I don't care! What will it take to increase this eco-footprint again?!

It may not look like it, but Servo has just achieved level 10 of the mixology skill!

Servo: "That stupid drink deserved to be dropped!"

Uh... I think Servo is tired of mixing drinks. At least now he can move on to the next skill.

Jaxton: "Make him do the cooking again! I'm tired of cooking!"

But you're literally a chef!

I stopped being petty and bought another couch. Upon looking at this picture, I just realised it's the wrong color.

Servo: "You took way too long to buy another couch, we've been watching TV while standing for weeks!"

It's fall time!

All of the trees are changing colors!

Evergreen Harbor is definitely one of my favorite worlds.

Xylia: "I wanted grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast."

Deven: "So did I."

Deven: "Where are all the grilled cheese sandwiches, kitty cat?"

Kitty Cat: "If you want grilled cheese sandwiches, make them yourself!"

Jaxton: "Yeah! What she said! I'm tired of doing all the cooking around here!"

Deven: "I thought you'd be on my side, kitty cat."

Paisley: "Kitty cat is my spirit animal!"

Paisley: "Are you gonna make some grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner, babe?"
Jaxton: "Or better yet, make them for breakfast, lunch and dinner every single day! Hehehe!"

Deven: "I'm no expert, but I think you guys are trying to trick me into cooking for you so that you don't have to do it yourselves. Let me ask kitty cat."

Deven: "Ow! What was that for, kitty cat?!"

Elodie: "Do it again, kitty cat! That was awesome!"

Deven: "Why is everyone so mean around here?"

Elodie: "Team kitty cat for life!"

Paisley: "Hopefully a townie will allow me to conduct an interview today."

Paisley has been having a bit of a rough time with the townies lately. They refuse to cooperate.

Paisley: "Hey there!"

Tina: "Oh, it's you, the sim who kicked my butt."

Paisley: "Dang right I did, and I'll do it again."

Paisley: "Anyway, do you have a moment to discuss the utilities you're currently using in your home?"

Tina: "Sure, I guess I have some time today."

After an intense interview, Paisley gathered all the information she needed.

Tina: "Did you really have to ask all those questions? Including my credit card details?"
Paisley: "Uh... yep! It was absolutely necessary!"

It's Spooky Day time! 🎃👻

Paisley: "Time to ride down to the neighbor's houses and convince them to add some eco-friendly objects to their homes. That should increase the eco-footprint in Evergreen Harbor immensely!"

Paisley rode down to her neighbors house, and low and behold, Landon lives here!

Paisley: "Landon! My long lost cousin! I haven't seen you in so long!"

Landon: "It's good to see you, Paisley!"

Paisley: "This is a pretty nice house you got here."

Landon: "Gee, thanks. It's pretty small, but it's great."

Paisley: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, anyways..."

Paisley: "Switching to the topic of eco-friendly objects..."

Landon: "Oh, gosh... here we go..."

Paisley: "Would you consider starting small and adding some bee boxes to your home?"

Landon: "No, I hate bees. I also don't want to add any eco-friendly objects to my home."

Paisley: "Uh... that didn't go as planned. I guess I'll need to build up my relationship with him before I try to convince him to add some eco-friendly objects to his home."

Landon: "I'm sick and tired of all these eco-friendly wack jobs around here trying to tell me what to add to my home!"

Paisley: "Hey, why don't we start off fresh?"

Landon: "Ugh... fine. Alien handshake?"

Paisley & Landon: "Flarzoob zanoobee..."

Paisley & Landon: "Washoop junixaserp..."

Paisley & Landon: "Wap, wap, wap..."

Paisley & Landon: "Boop."

Paisley: "That's the Landon I used to know and love!"

Landon: "I'm glad we're restarting on the right foot this time!"

Paisley: "You also look exactly like the Landon I used to know and love. You're still rocking the same sweater as always?"

Landon: "Hey! What's wrong with my sweater?"

Paisley: "You know what, I'll give you some fashion advice later, I have more important business to worry about."

Landon: "Uh... anyway... wanna come inside?"

Paisley: "This is such a nice house you got here, Landon!"

Landon: "Gee, thanks, Paisley! It may not be the most eco-friendly house in Evergreen Harbor, but it's still pretty 'green' thanks to all the plants."

Paisley: "HAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHA! That's the funniest thing ever! You're so funny, Landon!"

I don't think that's how you're gonna win sims over, Paisley. Come on, now, I thought you were getting better at the charisma skill!

Paisley: "Oh, hi there! You must be Landon's roommate!"

Roommate: "Yep, I sure am. You're another one of those eco-friendly maniacs, aren't you?"

Paisley: "You're another one of those environment ruining, land filling, selfish maniacs, aren't you?"

Paisley: "Listen to your roomie, Landon! He's so proud of himself, he's all like 'Hey, look at me, I LoVe RuiNiNg ThE EnViRoNmEnT bEcAuSe I'm ToO sELfiSh AnD igNoRaNt To ChAnGe My LiFeStYLe'."

Landon: "I mean, I kinda agree with him."

Paisley: "What's it gonna take to get through to these sims?"

Paisley: "Eco-friendly living will make the world a better place, don't you ever think of how amazing that would be?"

Landon: "I mean... I guess so... but what's wrong with the environment the way it is?"

Paisley: "Haven't you heard the eco-footprint in Evergreen Harbor is plummeting again?"

Paisley: "To increase it, all it would take is some small improvements around your home to make this place consume less energy and water."

Landon: "That sounds pretty complicated, though."

Landon: "Shouldn't it be enough with just you doing this by yourself?"

Paisley: "It's. A team. EFFORT!!!"

Calm down, ma'am.

Paisley: "So, what do you say? Will you add some bee boxes to your backyard as a small start?"

Landon: "A small start? I'll add some bee boxes, but what more do I need to add? I feel like you're scamming me now."

Paisley: "Ugh, I've been here trying to convince him to add some bee boxes to his house all day! I really gotta pee!"

Paisley: "Hmm... while sitting on this neighbor's toilet, I've come up with another idea! I'm gonna need some help, though."

Servo: "Ah, it's such a beautiful day outside."

Paisley: "Huh... Servo seems to be enjoying himself. Do I really wanna ruin that?"

Paisley: "Of course I do! Ohhhhh, Servoooo!"

Paisley: "I need your help."

Servo: "Oh, what's this?"

Paisley: "This is what we call 'Plan B'."

Paisley: "'Plan A' has failed miserably. Trying to convince sims to add eco-friendly objects to their homes is not only difficult in itself, it's also not nearly enough to have enough impact on the environment."

Paisley: "That's where 'Plan B' comes into action!"

Servo: "Sounds interesting. So, what exactly is 'Plan B'?"

Paisley: "I'm glad you asked!"

Paisley: "'Plan B' is simple. You and I will barge into our neighbors homes and upgrade their appliances with eco upgrades! This should increase the eco-footprint in Evergreen Harbor in no time! So, are you in?"

Servo: "Heck yeah! Let's do this!"

Servo: "Incoming! Your friendly neighbors are here to barge into your homes and upgrade your appliances!"

Paisley: "Let's try not to be rude and knock first, Servo."

*Knock, knock, knock*

Paisley: "I'm barging in to upgrade your appliances! You can't say I'm rude, I knocked first!"

Servo has begun adding eco upgrades to the neighbors homes! He started by adding a water recycler to the bathroom sink.

Paisley: "I'm a genius."

Next, Servo begun adding eco upgrades to the shower.

Paisley: "Hey there, Landon. I hope you like recycled water!"

Landon: "Oh... uh... sounds great..."

Paisley: "That's the spirit!"

Wow, Landon's kids are so well behaved.

Paisley: "Grilled cheese? Don't mind if I do."

Paisley: "You don't mind if I eat this grilled cheese, do you, Landon?"

Landon: "Of course not, why wouldn't I? I mean, you did just barge into my home and force me to have my appliances upgraded to be eco-friendly by a creepy robot."

Servo: "Did he just call me creepy?"

Servo: "I'll add an extra surprise to his toilet once I upgrade it... hehehe..."

Paisley: "This grilled cheese sandwich is good, but my husband makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches."

Paisley: *Sniff, sniff* "Ah, it smells delicious."

Toddler: "I wanted that grilled cheese sandwich!"

Paisley: "You snooze, you lose, kid."

Xylia: "Did someone say grilled cheese sandwiches?!"

You are definitely your father's daughter. I'm surprised he's not right behind you trying to get home grilled cheese sandwiches.

Paisley: "May as well brush my teeth while I'm here."

Paisley: "Ugh, it's so much hard work trying to increase the eco-footprint!"

You're not even doing the hard work right now!

Servo is!

Servo: "As usual! Anyway, I think I'm done for the day, I've ran out of upgrade parts."

Paisley: "Did Servo just say he ran out of upgrade parts?"

Paisley: "What kind of robot runs out of upgrade parts?"

Servo: "What kind of civil designer doesn't do the home upgrades herself and makes a robot do them instead?"

Paisley: "Today has been a pretty successful day, I'm quite proud of myself."

The other buildings around town are becoming more eco-friendly too!

Paisley has done a lot of planning to rebuild and redesign the buildings to ensure they're all eco-friendly.

Paisley: "Being a civil designer isn't easy, but it's rewarding."

Uh oh, a fire has started!

Paisley: "Why the heck were you cooking, Kaylee?!"

Kaylee: "Why the heck weren't you watching me, mom?!"

Zhora: "A fire, a fire, there's a fire!"
Deven: "The smell of smoke interrupted my nap!"


Paisley: "I think I can see it, dad! Why doesn't someone help me extinguish it?!"

That was a close one.

Elodie: "Thank gosh the fire is out."


The fire is out now, Jax.

Paisley: "Why pay to replace the objects when you can just use the smog vacuum instead?"

Instead of paying money, all the Parsons need to pay is recycled bits and pieces thanks to the smog vacuum.

Deven: "My wife is so awesome, she extinguished a fire and now she's helping us save money by vacuuming the soot!"

Paisley: "One object down, one to go."

The bed was burnt, but somehow, the light was completely fine.

The kids still had to do their homework even though there was a fire. They were not happy about it.

Since Servo has maxed out the mixology skill, he's back to the writing skill! He should max it out in no time!

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