Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Chapter 180

Jaxton: "It's raining?"

Jaxton: "Hmm, I guess it's better than a heatwave."

Jaxton: "What am I saying?"

Jaxton: "It's way better than a heatwave!"

For some reason, the Parsons love the rain.

Deven: "Ugh, my belly is just getting bigger and bigger."

Deven: "It's glowing again?"

Deven: "WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

Uh... Ralphie?

Ralphie: "I'm hiding from the hooman. He's crazy."

Elodie: "It's still raining?"

Like I said, the Parsons are definitely obsessed with rain.

Elodie: "I love the rain!"

Elodie: "I'd jump in all the puddles behind me if I wasn't wearing long pants."

Aww, so cute!

Elijah: "I'd hug you more often if I didn't hate you."

Jaxton: "How adorable are my grandkids? They're almost getting along."

Paisley, why are you still playing chess? You already reached level 10 of the logic skill.

Paisley: "Because I'm the chess queen, that's why."

Elijah: "Grandpa, where's Lauryn going? I wanted to steal one of her toys right in front of her face."
Jaxton: "Lauryn, where are you going? Don't leave me here with this evil child."

She's running away from this crazy family. Smart move.

Never mind, she went to splash in the toilet.

Elijah: "Lauryn shouldn't get to eat any dinner for splashing in the toilet. Give all the food to me instead."

Jaxton: "You are one evil child."

Paisley: "My son is evil?"

Paisley: "I wonder where he gets that from. I may be a savage, but I'm not evil."

Deven: "Maybe he got it from me... but I'd never even hurt a fly. Flies are awesome! They remind me of planes. Hey, do you think flies and planes are related?"

Luckily he didn't inherit your stupidity... hopefully.

Jaxton: "He definitely inherited his evilness from you. The only thing that's preventing you from being completely evil is the fact that you're eco-friendly."

Paisley: "I guess you're right, dad."

Hey, did you swipe the couch again, Paisley?!

Paisley: "I'm embracing my evil side!"

Deven: "Ugh, my stomach!"

Paisley: "Oh my gosh! Are you okay, babe?!"

Deven: "My stomach really hurts!"

Paisley: "What could it be from?!"

Deven: "I might have ate another grilled cheese sandwich last night..."

Another one?!

Deven: "Ugh! It hurts so much!"

Deven: "Shallow breaths, shallow breaths."

Uh... it's actually deep breaths, Deven.

Deven: "Wait, something feels... weird!"

Deven: "Seriously, what kind of grilled cheese sandwich did I eat?!"

Looks like Deven's belly wasn't from grilled cheese sandwiches, it was from an alien abduction baby!

It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Xylia Parsons!

Deven: "Thank gosh it was just an alien baby, I can still eat grilled cheese sandwiches!"

Why are there so many alien abductions in Evergreen Harbor?!

Just when I wanted to limit the household size, this happens... again.

Deven: "I'll teach you everything I know... wait... I don't know anything."

Deven: "You hungry? Here you go."

Deven: "That was exhausting. I have a whole new respect for my wife for giving birth to our kids."

Looks like Evergreen Harbor is an alien abduction hot spot. Who knew?

I have no idea what happened to the bugs, they seem to have ran away.

What better time to paint the bug homes than now?

Rosie: "Where's Servo with my wellness treat?"

Lauryn: "If anyone would like to volunteer to give me your leftovers, raise your hand."

Kaylee: "Nope."

Lauryn: "How dare you."

Paisley: "Did you figure out what was making your stomach hurt so bad, babe?"

Deven: "Mmm... grilled fruit..."

Earth to Deven?

Deven: "Oh, uh... it turns out that the time I was abducted by aliens resulted in me being pregnant. Weird, right?"

Servella: "I'm not the only alien around here anymore? Sweet!"

Deven: "I didn't even know male sims could get pregnant by aliens!"

You should have learnt from Servo's mistake of following the strange light.

Paisley: "So what you're telling me is that you cheated on me with an alien?"

Deven: "What? Cheated?"

Paisley: "You really think I don't know how babies are made, Deven? We have three."

Deven: "What? I've never cheated on you, I would never do that!"

Paisley: "You don't have to lie to me, I'd rather you tell me the truth."
Deven: "I'm not lying!"

Deven: "I... I don't know exactly how I got pregnant by that alien, but I definitely didn't cheat on you, pasty... I mean... Paisley."

Zhora: "He's lying! That's what they all say! How could you, Deven?!"

Kaylee: "Why would you cheat on mommy, daddy?!"

Paisley: "Ugh, why am I being so nice?! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, DEVEN! WE'RE OVER!"

Paisley: "I never wanna see you again!"

Deven: "Huh... it's been a while since I've heard that."

Deven: "You don't mean it, babe, you'd never kick me out-"

Deven: "I'm screwed."

Jaxton: "I'd reveal what really happens in the UFO during abductions, but every time I try, I seem to forget what I'm saying- wait... what was I saying again?"

Rosie: "Get out, hooman, I need to use the litter box!"

Paisley: "Ugh, I can't get the image of Deven and that alien out of my head!"

Paisley: "You sound hungry, little one."

Paisley: "Here you go."

Paisley: "Aww, you're actually pretty adorable!"

Paisley: "I may be mad at your dad, but you're such a cutie pie!"

Paisley: "I feel like you're trying to make me less mad at Deven with your adorableness."

Xylia: "Ma-ma?"

Paisley: "You're making it really hard to stay mad right now."

Elijah: "Oh no!"

Elijah: "My blocks!"

Elijah: "I spent such a long time building that tower!"

Townie: "Stupid neighborhood action plans, it's way too green around here!"

Elodie: "Did you just buy that shirt? I love it!"

Jaxton: "I don't know, it just appeared when I aged up into an elder."

Jaxton: "You really like it?"

Elodie: "I love it! I'm definitely not just trying to improve my charisma skill by saying that or anything."

Lauryn: "You don't really like grandpa's shirt, do you, great-auntie Elodie?"

Elodie: "Zip it."

Paisley: "Wow, that's a great bag!"

Townie: "Gee, thanks."

Paisley: "No problem! I'm your friendly neighborhood civic planner! Do you mind if I conduct an interview?"

Townie: "Wait... you're the civic planner enforcing all these new neighborhood action plans?"

Paisley: "Uh... is there a problem?"

Townie: "Yeah, there is! You're the one who's changing my lifestyle drastically. My life used to be so much easier when this place was industrial without all these new laws!"

Paisley: "Don't you think you sound a little selfish?"

Townie: "How dare you call me selfish! You'll be hearing from my lawyer!"

Jaxton: "Remind me when we're buying another couch?"

Not until I stop being petty about the fact that Paisley swiped the last couch... and the one before that.

The Parsons have some new bugs! They decided to get some grubs and crickets this time.

Paisley: "They'd better not cheat on me with another sim like my stupid husband!"

Paisley: "Who would cheat on me? I'm the hottest sim in Evergreen Harbor."

Elodie: "Come here, my lovely niece! How are you feeling?"

Paisley: "I love you, aunt Elodie!"

Paisley: "I'm feeling pretty great!"

Elodie: "That's good, I'm glad you're not upset."

Elodie: "Deven is horrible for what he did. Who would cheat on you? You're one of the prettiest sims in Evergreen Harbor!"

Paisley: "That's what I was thinking!"

Break it up, you two!

Speaking of breakups...

Paisley: "Deven?"

Paisley: "Where the heck do you think you're going? You don't live here anymore."

Paisley: "It's still raining? It's been raining for days now!"

Deven: "You wanna share my ducky umbrella, my lovely lady?"

Deven: "Gimme kiss."
Paisley: *Rolls eyes*

Deven: "You still taste like blueberries."
Paisley: "Thanks, cheater."

Deven: "Listen, I don't know what you think happened up there in that UFO, but the alien and I... we didn't... you know..."

Paisley: "Gross, Deven! You really think I wanna hear the details of this?"

Deven: "I didn't cheat on you, Paisley. The alien and I... we didn't... woohoo."

Paisley: "Well, what the heck did you guys do then, huh?"

Deven: "It's hard to explain, but she poked and prodded me... she injected me with something... she even made me drink her alien saliva."

Paisley: "Oh my god, Deven! Gross!"

Paisley: "Eugh, that's disgusting! Now I can't get that image out of my head!"

Deven: "Ha-ha! An alien getting grossed out by alien stuff!"

Paisley: "You're right, and I know that alien stuff can be really weird. I know you'd never cheat on me."

Deven: "You do?!"

Paisley: "Of course you wouldn't, who would? I'm the hottest sim in Evergreen Harbor!"

Deven: "Wow, this was a lot easier than I thought. I'm so glad you believe me, I swear I'm telling the truth, babe."

Deven: "And you're the hottest in the entire universe!"

Paisley: "Now that's what I like to hear."

Paisley & Deven: "Hahahahaha!"


Scared you, didn't I? MWAHAHAHAHA!

Deven: "You wanna make another human baby?"

Paisley: "Not a chance. We have enough already."

Paisley: "Don't forget that you're the hottest dad in Evergreen Harbor, too."

Deven: "Who, lil ol' me? What about the smartest?"

Paisley: "Let's not push it."

Mr Woofkins: "You're stupid."

Deven: "No, you're stupid!"

Mr Woofkins: "No, you're stupid!"

Lauryn: "Daddy is silly."

Deven: "You know what?"

Deven: "You don't have a brain and I do!"

Mr Woofkins: "I wouldn't be so sure of that."

Deven: "What does he mean by that?"

Elijah: "Mr Woofkins is right, daddy definitely doesn't have a brain!"

Paisley: "I feel like I don't have a brain either after talking to myself in the mirror for 5 hours straight."

Elijah has been running around all day after reaching level 5 of the movement skill.

Servella: "What a showoff."

Kaylee: "He's gonna be the next heir, isn't he?"

Deven: "What makes you say that? He may be the creator's favorite, but you still have a 0.01% chance to be the next heiress."

Zhora: "Hello? It's me, Zhora."

Zhora: "I'm sick of this stupid job, I quit! All you do is make me work all day and say 'Zhora do this, Zhora do that'! You can take this job and stick it up your-"

Zhora Parsons! Language!

Zhora: "Thank gosh, I'm finally retired."

The only way to retire is to do exactly what Zhora just did.

Zhora: "This is what I get for all that hard work? Not even getting to watch TV on a couch? Get Paisley in here, I wanna kick her butt for swiping our couch!"

Deven: "You know I think you're the most beautiful sim to ever exist, right?"

Paisley: "Yes, Deven, you've told me 100 times in the last hour. I know you didn't cheat on me, you're forgiven."

Zhora: "Can I kick Paisley's butt yet?"

After she fixes the sink.

Paisley: "Am I the new Servo?!"

Kaylee, no!

Deven: "Oh come on! Really?!"

Deven: "Time out. Now!"

Kaylee: "Hmph!"

Kaylee: "You'll forget you put me into a timeout, anyway. You have horrible memory and a 1 second attention span!"

Kaylee: "I love you, trash bag."

Paisley: "That's my girl. Let her out of timeout right now."

Happy birthday, Lauryn!

Lauryn aged up into a child!

While the Parsons sleep, Servo is still practising his mixology skill. He's getting pretty good.

Elijah seems very happy this morning.

Deven: "Because we're having grilled fruit! Mmm... grilled fruit..."

Paisley: "My mom is having a crazy attack again next to me, isn't she?"

Zhora: "It's here again! Can't you guys see it?!"

Zhora: *Hiss!* "Get away before I kick your butt!"

Xylia aged up into a toddler!

She has some interesting genetics! Green skin with blue hair!

Townie: "Get out of my face!"

Xylia may not be a biological Parsons child, but she still loves green crab block.

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