Saturday, May 30, 2020

Chapter 157

Jaxton: "What are y'all playing? Are those nerf guns?"

Elodie: "Yikes..."

Shiloh: "You think nerf guns can make zombies bleed?"
Jakob: "What a NOOOOOOOOOB."

Starlight: "I want more kittens!"

Too bad, you already had two!

I spot two mermaids in bear hats.

Cooper: "That video game they're playing is very loud."

Shiloh: "LOUD?! WE'RE NOT LOUD!"
Jakob: "NOT AT ALL!"

Elodie: "DIE, ZOMBIES! DIE!"

Servo: "I'm just trying to peacefully read, here."

Elodie: "We're gonna lose!"

Shiloh: "It'll be Jakob's fault if we lose!"
Jakob: "Me?! What did I do!"

Vanessa: "What are you guys playing in here?"

Elodie: "DIE, ZOMBIES!"


Vanessa: "Oh, wow..."

Vanessa is literally me watching my boyfriend play a video game. 🤣

Jaxton: "I'd better clean this mac and cheese off the counter."

Starlight: "You will not escape my grip, ball!"

Cooper: "I love grilled fruit! It's my favorite!"

Mackenzie: "That's my boy."

Jaxton: "We could have had some delicious mac and cheese, but okay."

Jakob? Weren't you just playing a video game before?

John: "Hey, this is kinda fun. No wonder my son likes video games."

John: "This is some great technology right here."

Elodie: "Get John off the gaming mat, I wanna play blic bloc."

Jaxton: "Ugh, I'm so bored and lonely!"

Jaxton: "Is there literally nothing to do around here?! I'm going to the bar!"

Jax decided to go to the Rattlesnake Juice Bar in Oasis Springs.

Jaxton: "Even this place is dead too?!"

Jaxton: "Can I get some juice, please? I definitely need it."

Hey, look! It's the first customer from The Parsons Restaurant!

Jaxton: "Can someone turn the radio on? Why is this place so dead? Like, where is everyone?"

Townie: "Hey, cutie!"

Jaxton: "Never mind, let it go back to being dead."

Jaxton: "Stupid ugly townies."

Zhora: "I'll take your most 'out of this world' drink, please!"

Bartender: "Coming right up!"

Zhora: "Thank you!"

Please don't drink too many, Jax.

Zhora: "I love drinking too many."

Uh... turn up?

Zhora: "Turn up!"

Jaxton: "Who is this pretty blue sim?"

Jaxton: "My eyes must be deceiving me, there's way too many ugly townies for there to be a pretty sim in here."

Zhora: "Wanna take a picture? I'll last longer."

Jaxton: "I do, actually."

Zhora: "Will it wipe that look of your face?"

Jaxton: "Oops, sorry. I've just had a long day. I can't believe you're real."

Jaxton: "Are you sure you aren't an ugly townie?"

Zhora: "You tell me."


Zhora: "What are you so tense about?"

Jaxton: "I'm literally so bored and lonely at home. My family are a bunch of wackos, all they ever do is dance and say 'this chicken food looks delicious, can I eat it?' or 'I don't like ear wax salad, you're gross, Jax.'"

Zhora: "You've made ear wax salad? That sounds like something I would do on accident."

Zhora: "I'm a pretty horrible chef too."

Jaxton: "I didn't say I was a horrible chef!"

Zhora: "You didn't have to say it, you said it indirectly."

Jaxton: "Hey, that's not nice. You don't even know me, so-"

Zhora: "I'm about to know all about you."

Jaxton: "Eurgburkbegu!"

Jaxton: "Aajsadjsfsjf!"

Jaxton: "Ugh! Brain freeze!"

Zhora: "Yeah, these drinks are pretty cold. Anyway, Jaxton-"

Jaxton: "How do you know my name?"

Zhora: "Uh... lucky guess?"

Jaxton: "Sure it was. Wanna dance?"

Zhora has moves!

Jaxton: "Not better moves than me."

She has much better moves than you.

Jaxton: "She does?"

Zhora: "Is that even a question?"

Jaxton: "She may dance better than me, but no one can dance longer than a Parsons."

Okay, I'll give you that.

Jaxton: "Wow, she looks amazing."

Zhora: "He thinks I can't notice him staring at me. He's super cute though, so I'll allow it."

Zhora: "What kind of move is that?"

Jaxton: "You don't like my moves?"

Zhora: "Not compared to mine."

Jaxton: "Like I said, I'll be the last one standing. I can dance for hours."

Zhora: "You really think so?"

Jaxton: "I know so. You see these guns? They're from dancing for hours on end."

Zhora: "This guy is cockier than me. That's rare."

Looks like Zhora is getting tired.

Jaxton: "Have I won yet?"

Zhora: *Out of breath* "Okay, you win. You danced longer than me. Can we sit now?"

Zhora: "That was so hard!"

Jaxton: "Uh... are you okay?"

Zhora: "No, all of my muscles are worn out from that."

Jaxton: "You'll get used to it when you're living in my crazy house."

Zhora: "Say what?"

Zhora: "Could you please stop interrupting us, townie? I'm trying to take this cute boy home with me."

Townie: "I wanna take him home too!"

Jaxton: "Why do townies keep hitting on me?"

Jaxton: "I'll race you to the bathroom."

Zhora: "This guy is hot! I've gotta make my move."

Jaxton: "She's hot, but I'm getting kinda hungry. Maybe I should order some chips and salsa from the bar."

Zhora won the race to leave the bathroom.

Jaxton: "Oh, hey there."

Zhora: "Hey, cutie. I've been waiting for you."

Zhora: "You are so fine."

Jaxton: "Oh, thanks. So are you!"

Zhora: "Oh, I already knew that."

Jaxton: "You're so fine that I just wanna..."


Zhora: "Wow, you're a great kisser."

Jaxton: "I know, right?"

Jaxton: "I'm an all round great romanticizer."

Zhora: "Oh, you most certainly are, Mr. Parsons."

Zhora: "Don't ask how I know your last name."

Jaxton: "You know my first and last name? That's not creepy at all."

Looks like Jax wasn't that creeped out.

Y'all need to get a room.

Zhora: "Wait... I really wanna continue, but before I do, I have to tell you something. Don't freak out. I'm an alien."

Jaxton: "And I'm a mermaid. That's definitely not gonna scare me off."

Uh oh...

Zhora: "What do you say we..."

Jaxton: "Didn't we just meet four hours ago?"

Zhora: "Come on, it'll be fun."

Zhora: "Ooh!"

Jaxton: "Get your fine self in the bush, then."

Jaxton: "Can we have a moment of privacy?"


I'll just wait here.

Um... that's totally normal.

Zhora: "Woah, that was fun."

Jaxton: "I hope I camouflaged in the bush."

Zhora: "Hopefully no one saw us."

For once, no one actually did.

Jaxton: "Ugh, now I'm tired."

Zhora: "Really?"

Jaxton: "I know this is fast, but do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

Zhora: "Yes! Of course I do!"

Jaxton: "Yes! I'll finally no longer be bored and lonely!"

Zhora: "I'm so excited!"

Jaxton: "I love my new girlfriend!"

Zhora: "Uh... is it too late to change my mind?"

A few days later back at home, Zhora has been feeling pretty sick lately.

Zhora: "You really never give us any privacy, huh?"


Now we know why Zhora has been feeling sick, Zhora is pregnant! Generation 8 is on the way!

Zhora: "Babe, we're gonna have a baby! I'm pregnant!"

Jaxton: "You're pregnant?"

Jaxton: "How much fun did we have in that bush?"

Zhora: "Way too much fun!"

Jaxton: "I can't wait to have a crazy Parsons baby!"

Zhora: "Crazy? How bad can they be?"

Honey, you've got a big storm comin'.

Jaxton: "C'mere my love."
Zhora: "Woah!"


Jax really is the romanticizer. 

Alright, that's enough, y'all.

Zhora: "Isn't Jax so romantic?"

Jaxton: "I'm hungry! Is there any ear wax salad left?"

That's one way to kill the romance.

I guess the only options were mac and cheese or ear wax salad.

Jaxton: "I'm already tired just thinking about having a Parsons child."

You look scared.

Jaxton: "I am."

Servo: "He doesn't need to be scared, it's me who will be forced to take care of it."

You couldn't have at least made it to the bed?

Zhora: "He's weak. I made it all the way through this huge house and up the stairs."

Mackenzie: "I think this piece goes here."

Servo: "Is it really possible for a sim to be this stupid?"

Servo: "If you don't let me out of here, I'll unleash my wrath."

Mackenzie: "Should we be afraid?"

Zhora: "That robot thing is creepier than any alien I've ever encountered."

Vanessa: "I'm staying away from Servo for now."

Vanessa: "Any froggies down here?"

Opie loves some attention, luckily Cooper is here to give him some pets.

Elodie: "I don't know what this is, but it smells good."

Vanessa: "Who spilt water all over the floor?! The dog keeps playing in it!"

Kyrie: "I'll just pretend it wasn't me."

Jaxton: "For once, someone is getting in trouble and it's not me."

Kyrie decided to play with the arcade.

Kyrie: "I love this thing!"

Kyrie: "Ugh, stupid spaceship."

Kyrie: "Wait, let me not say that. Zhora might hear me."

I think she's a bit busy right now.

Zhora: "Are pregnant sims supposed to throw up all the time? Aliens usually fart a lot while they're pregnant."

Zhora: "Ugh, now I gotta clean this mess I've made."

Cade: "How did the toilet get that dirty?"

And here we have yet another moody Parsons teenager.

Shiloh: "I'm not moody!"

Shiloh: "I'm about to get out of here?!"

Happy birthday, Shiloh!

Shiloh aged up into a young adult!

Shiloh: "I bet you're gonna miss me."

I really am! It's so hard to let Shiloh go, but I can't have three heirs. I'm gonna miss him so much!

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