Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Chapter 93

Ally: "Help me, Mintie! I'm so nervous!"

Ally: "Alright, here goes nothing."

Ally: "Uh... hello? Jacob?"
Jacob: "Hey, Ally! I didn't think you'd actually call me."

Ally: "Haha, well I did!"
Jacob: "So, what's up?"

Ally: "Uh... I was wondering if you'd like to be my... date... to a wedding? I mean, only if you want to, no pressure."
Jacob: "Sure! I'd love to! Text me the details."

Ally: "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I actually just did that."

Ally: "Oh, I'm so nervous!"

Ally: "What am I gonna wear?!"

Ally: "Wait, what am I saying? I've had my dress picked out for months, and it's gorgeous! He's gonna think I look so cute."

Maya: "Ah! Did this thing just chew me up and spit me out?!" 
It's Zayn's wedding day! How do you feel, Zayn?

Zayn: "Uh... kinda nervous."

The beautiful bride and the handsome groom.

And the adorable ring-bearer.

Joey: "What a beautiful ceremony."

Servo: "Zayn's all grown up, now. I can't take this!"

Zayn started having some doubts about the wedding. He knew he loved Maya, but he was worried that the things he did in the past would happen again. He didn't want to do that to her, he felt she deserved better.

Ally: "This is so beautiful!"
Makayla: "I know right? I can't believe my baby's getting married!"

Maya: "You okay, babe? You look a little nervous."

Zayn: "Uh... yeah. I'm fine."

Maya: "You look so handsome in your tux!"

Zayn: "Thanks. You look beautiful in your... wedding... dress."

Zayn could barely even say the word 'wedding' due to how he was feeling. Something deep down inside him was telling him that he wouldn't remain faithful to her.

Maya: "You're the best."

Zayn: "Oh, stop it, you."

Kai: "Mommy and daddy are getting married!"

Purple gang.

Joey: "This is getting kinda boring."

Good job, Zayn. Right on the nose.

Maya: "You kissed my nose, silly! Hahaha!"

Zayn: "Sorry... I've just got a lot on my mind."

Maya: "About the wedding?"
Zayn: "Yeah."

He definitely had a lot on his mind about the wedding, just not what Maya was thinking.

Maya: "I promise to always love you and be by your side."

Kai: "Mommy is so sweet."

Joey: "This is such a beautiful ceremony!"

Ella: "It's alright, I guess."

Ally: "Maya looks so beautiful!"
Eva: "She really does!"

Maya: "This ring is a symbol of my love for you."
Zayn: "Yep... it sure is."

I now pronounce you, husband and wife!

Mr. & Mrs. Parsons, everybody!

Jade: "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna cry!"
Eva: "Me too!"

Ally: "I'm so happy for them!"
Makayla: "My baby is really married!"

Joey: "I'm feeling sentimental."

Ooh, fireworks!

They're so pretty!

Here comes more.

And more.

Ooh, what is that?

Is it a heart or an infinity symbol? 

I have no idea, but it's still pretty!

Zayn was watching the fireworks, but his mind was completely somewhere else.

Maya: "These fireworks are so beautiful! Just like our love for each other!"

What's wrong, Kai?

Kai: "I wanna go home and nap."

Earth to Zayn?

Everyone loved the fireworks.


Jade: "That was so beautiful!"

Ella: "What a lovely ceremony."

Jade: "My wedding was better."

Oh, they're still going?

How long are these fireworks?!

Maya: "I never wanted them to end."

Ally: "Jacob didn't even sit next to me."

Jacob: "Hey there, Ally!"

Ally: "Hey, Jacob! What did you think of the ceremony?"

Jacob: "It was great! You look stunning, by the way."

Ally: "Thanks! You too! I mean- ugh."

Ally: "But why didn't you sit next to me?"

Jacob: "Your mom made a bit of a threat for me not to sit next to you."

Makayla: "It was not a threat."

Kai: "Why is no one listening to me? I want a nap and I want it now!"

Joey: "So do I, kid. So do I."

Makayla: "I gotta pee!"

Eva: "I'm starving! Will you guys cut this wedding cake already?!"

Ally: "You need to relax."


Eva: "Finally! We can eat!"
Makayla: "When can I pee?!"

Zayn, where have you been?

Zayn: "Uh... no where."

How sweet!

Maya: "This cake is delicious!"

Maya: "I've gotta thank Servo after the reception."

Zayn: "Yeah, it was pretty good."

Finn: "Calm down, Eva. You've almost eaten the whole thing."
Eva: "I'm starving!"

Ella: "How dare you."
Ally: "What's wrong?"

Ella: "What's wrong?! You left no cake for me!"

Ella: "I'll get you guys back for this."

Zayn: "They left no cake for me either. Luckily I'm a spellcaster."

Zayn: "This is way better than wedding cake."

Maya: "Grilled cheese is better than wedding cake?"

Finn: "I look so good in my suit."

Servo: "Why didn't you guys let me have any wedding cake?"
Joey: "Me either."

Kai: "Hahahaha!"

Kai: "Weeeeee!"

Kai: "Daddy, can we play?"
Zayn: "Of course, little man!"

Kai: "I'm flying!"

Zayn: "Wait... where's Kai?"
Kai: "Hahaha! I'm here, daddy!"

Zayn: "Oh, there you are!"
Kai: "Hahahahaha!"

Zayn: "Look how high you can go!'
Kai: "I'm a plane, daddy!"

Zayn: "Are you trying to hide again?"
Kai: "Hehehe!"

Kai: "Hahahahaha!"

Zayn: "Is it a bird? Is it a plane?"
Kai: "No, it's me!"

And of course...

It wouldn't be a Parsons wedding without dancing.

Zayn: "I'm too tired to dance."
Joey: "I'm too old to dance."

Jacob: "Man, these people love dancing."

Jacob: "Did Ally's dad just try to twerk?"

Ally: "Oh my god, dad! You're embarrassing me!"

Come on, y'all. Get some enthusiasm!

That's more like it.

And they all lost it.

Damn, get it, Joey!

Maya: "This wedding has been the best day of my life!"

Servo: "Not me. I spent most of the day making your wedding cake."

Zayn: "Cheer up, Servo."
Joey: "Don't even bother, Zayn. He's a negative Nancy."

Ally: "No one's got moves like me."
Makayla: "Excuse me? I've got better moves."

Simeon: "I can't keep up with these people. They've been dancing for 3 hours straight."
Kai: "I love dancing!"

Zayn: "He's definitely a Parsons kid."

Yeah, he loves dancing, and he looks exactly like you.

Makayla: "I can out-dance anyone in here."

Jacob: "Wow, you're a great dancer."

Ally: "Oh, thanks. So are you."

Jacob: "And you're so pretty."
Ally: "You really think so?"

Ally: "There's something I've been wanting to do..."


Jacob: "Wow! I've been wanting to do that all day, too."

Jacob: "You're such a cutie patootie."

Ally: "I know."

She's her mother's daughter.

Kai: "I can finally take my nap."

Maya is pregnant again!

Zayn: "Hey, babe."

Maya: "Babe, I'm pregnant again! We're going to have another baby!"

Zayn: "Oh... that's great."

Just after Zayn was having doubts about getting married, Maya announcing that she was pregnant again really caused Zayn a lot of doubts.

Maya: "I'm so excited to have another little Kai."

The snow has taken over!

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