Sunday, December 22, 2019

Chapter 51

Makayla: "Welp."

Makayla: "I'm pregnant again!"

Makayla: "Joey, guess what?!"
Joey: "The police are here after the gardener reported me for stealing his flowers?"

Makayla: "No, silly! I'm pregnant again!"

Joey: "Oh, thank god!"

Joey: "Are you ready to learn to potty, little guy?"

Zayn: "Poopy?"
Joey: "Yep!"

Joey: "Let me not make eye contact so he can focus."

Joey: "Never mind, is he using the potty?"

Joey: "Yes! No more stinky diapers!"

Kalani: "You want some baked potato, Servo."

Kalani: "Never mind, you can't have any. Hahaha!"
Servo: "I can ruin you."

Makayla: "I like your thinking, Servo."

Zayn: "Mommy and Servo are scary."

Blocks time!

Zayn: "I like this block!"
Everyone does, it's the only block the game lets you pick up.

Loki: "I want to go outside and mate!"
Kalani: "I would spay this dog in a split second if it didn't cost 100 simoleons."

Kalani: "Let your genius grandma help you with the blocks, sweetie."

Kalani: "That one is purple like your hair."

Zayn: "Tis block gramma?"
Kalani: "No, that's the color of the rest of the room."

Let's hope this painting is actually good.

Ella: "Blocks are a very complicated thing."

Ella: "There's so many things you can do with them."

Ella: "You can stack them, you can line them, you can even-"

Reece: "I'm the block king."

Loki is so cute that she makes you not notice the huge dog poop in the background.

Reece: "The blocks king is here."
Kalani: "You're a bit late, it's dinner time!"

Zayn: "Gramma..."
Kalani: "Yes, sweetie?"

Kalani: "What's the problem?"

Zayn: "Gramma, you look scary."

Kalani: "How dare you."

Kalani: "Wait... what's this rash?"

Zayn: "I told ywou gramma."

Zayn: "I wanted a ham and cheese sandwich."

I hope that's not your urine that you're playing in.

Loki: "It is."

Cameron: "How was your day at school, son?"

Cameron: "Did you make any new friends?"

Reece: "How can I? Everyone thinks I'm crazy when they find out my last name is Parsons."

Time to upgrade the washer and dryer. Hopefully they will stop breaking all the time.

You are adorable!

Zayn: "I know."

This is the Flower Bunny without the costume.

Idk how, but she's friends with everyone and keeps asking to go out to lunch all the time.

Aunty Ella is the best!

Makayla: "She sure is!"

How was work?
Joey: "Don't."

Aww, this is so cute!


Makayla: "Outta my way, I'm pregnant and have to pee every second."

Joey: "I don't even want to LOOK at a garden after today at work."

Too bad.

Makayla: "I'm glad I'm not a gardener."

Joey's plantain tree is growing a lot!


  1. I cant wait to see joey and makayla's new baby! omg loki playing in her pee got me hahahahah!!!! great chapter :D

    1. Me either! Yay for purple hair babies! And hahahaha Loki is wild! Thank you so much for the support!
