Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Chapter 194

After getting into some trouble singing in the apartment during the night last time, Servo decided to practise singing outside instead. Take that, neighbors!

Servo: "Is it the morning yet? I'm tired of singing."

Elijah: "Oh, how I love my little trash bag."

Gage: "My husband is crazy just like his family."

Deven: "Hey, we're not crazy!"

Caitlyn: "I'm crazy!"

Brynlee: "I'm the only sane sim around here."

Poor Elijah has to spend the morning watching kids shows.

Elijah: "Only 1 hour, 46 minutes and 22 seconds before I can stop watching this stupid kids show and go to work."

Elijah: "Alright, it's been 1 hour, 46 minutes and 22 seconds, can I go now?"

Yes, yes you can.

*Knock, knock*

Elijah: "Your friendly green technician is barging into your home again to upgrade your appliances with eco upgrades, don't mind me!"

Townie Kid: "Ugh, not this again."

Elijah: "What shall I upgrade first?"

Hey, hens!

Elijah began upgrading the fridge first to make it more energy efficient.

Elijah: "All done, now onto the toilet."

We already know what Elijah is adding to this toilet: a compost container.

Townie: "Why does that stupid green technician keep barging into our homes and upgrading our appliances against our will?!"

Townie: "Because he has a creepy robot that can annihilate us in two seconds if we don't agree to it."

You almost finished there Elijah?

Elijah: "All done! Can I go to the maker space, now?"

Yes, of course!

Elijah: "I love the maker space! C'mon, Servo!"

Servo: "I love the maker space, too!"

Elijah begun working on another fabricated craft.

And, Servo?

Well, he's practising his singing, of course.

Townie: "Your singing is awesome! Here's 5 simoleons."

Townie: "It really is! Here, have 10 more simoleons."

Looks like the townies are enjoying Servo's singing enough to give him some tips!

Servo: "Is this what it's like to be appreciated?"

Townie: "This robot is really good at singing! Here's 2 simoleons."

Elijah: "Why don't I get tips for my fabricating?"

Servo: "Alright! Who's ready for verse 10 of the song about a robot trapped in a crazy family with no escape?"


Hey, where did all the townies go?

Elijah: "Looks like Servo's 15 minutes of fame are up."

Townie: "Farewell, sim world."

Townie: "Why is this townie taking a nap on the ground?"

Townie: *Gasp!* "Wait, the Grim Reaper?!"

Grim Reaper: "How many more annoying townies do I have to deal with until my shift is over?"

Servo: ♫ "The Grim Reaper reaped the townie's SOOOOOOOOOOUL!" ♫

Grim Reaper: "This robot's voice isn't bad, I'll give him 50 simoleons."

How generous of you.

Servo: "Why?! Why did you have to reap the townie's soul?! I'll be devastated for 2 whole sim days now!"

Why?! You didn't even know her, you imbecile!

Welp, that's two urns now. A lot of elder townies seem to love hanging out at the maker space. Rest In Peace, random townie lady.

Servo: ♫ "I can't stop CRYYYYIN'!" ♫

Elijah: "Oh well, I hate townies."

Brynlee: "School's over and I get to come to my favorite place ever? Awesome!"

Now you get to do your homework at your favorite place ever.

Mentor: "According to the manual, that's not how you make a double bed."

Elijah: "Screw the manual, I'm almost level 10."

After Brynlee finished her homework, she got right back to knitting.

Who's this little gal? She's a puppy Monster had with another dog in the neighborhood! Introducing Nova Parsons!

Emmie, no!

Servo: "The cat scratched up the couch and I have to make the Harvestfest turkey?"

Yep, get excited!

Ew! Why the heck are these gnomes the only gnomes that appeared?

Deven: "Hahaha! The naked gnomes are so funny!"

Paisley: "Not."

Brynlee: "They're disgusting."

Elijah: "Who cares about the gnomes, I can't wait to eat the turkey tonight."

Speaking of the turkey, it's coming along nicely!

Aaand it's all done! Great job, Servo.

Servo: "Didn't you just call me an imbecile yesterday?"

Zip it!

Caitlyn: "Isn't this toy the coolest toy ever?"

Servo: "All together, now!" ♫ "I love Harvestfest turkeyyyyyy!" ♫

Pippa: "Make it stop."

Emmie: "I'm just trying to nap, here."

Elijah: "It'd be cool if Servo could play some music out of his robot body while he sings."

Paisley: "This naked gnome had better like coffee."

Naked Gnome: "Hmm..."

Paisley: "Does he like it?"

Uh oh!

Paisley: "He loves it, right?"

Elijah: "Nope, I think that means you're about to get struck by lightning."

Paisley: "Say what?"

Elijah: "You'd better apologise... or else."

Paisley: "I'm sorry I gave you coffee, naked gnome! Please forgive me!"

Naked Gnome: "Alright, fine. You are forgiven."

Paisley: "Well, that was close!"

Elijah: "It would have been funnier if you were struck by lightning."

Brynlee: "Can't argue with that."

Nova: "What kind of crazy family have I been born into?"

Monster: "Nothing to see here."

There's a lot to see here!

Brynlee: "One of the gnomes almost struck me by lightning!"

Brynlee: "Luckily, everyone loves me because I'm an angel child."

Paisley: "Hey there, neighbor! Happy Harvestfest!"

Neighbor: "I still hate you, I'm just here to hear the singing robot."

Paisley: "I see you haven't let bygones be bygones."

The three musketeers are at the maker space again!
(Tina keeps trying to be apart of the gang. Sorry, no townies allowed.)

Elijah: "I wanted to eat some Harvestfest turkey, though."

You will tonight.

Elijah: "Sounds good."

Brynlee: "What did I say about being left alone to knit?"

My apologies.

Elijah crafted another bed with orange dye!

Hey, would you look at that? Gas prices are down!

Servo: ♫ "I wanted to eat some Harvestfest turkey, but I don't have a mouth, so that's quite bezerkyyyyy!" ♫

I love Evergreen Harbor so much!

Grims Quarry is so beautiful.

Alright, enough crafting, it's turkey time!

Caitlyn: "The turkey had better be good, I woke up from my nap for it!"

Elijah: "Turkey! Come get some turkey!"

Elijah: "Woah, this turkey is-"

Deven: "Delicious!"

Brynlee: "I love it!"

Servo: "I wouldn't know what the turkey tastes like, I can't eat it!"

Poor Servo.

Paisley: "Wow, that's impressive. He's a great chef who can't even taste his dishes."

Uh oh, I forgot that Gage was a vegetarian. Sorry, Gage.

Gage: "Queue the stomach gurgles."

Paisley, why are you awake? It's 4am.

Not even the animals are awake.

Of course, she's sorting through the recyclables.

Deven: "Can I hear the voice of a graceful robot downstairs?"

Why are you two awake so early?!

Servo: "Thank you all for coming out tonight, I hope you enjoyed my performance."

Paisley: "It was lovely, Servo!"
Deven: "APPLE CORE! I mean... ENCORE!"


Deven: "I love you so much."

Paisley: "I love you more, my love."

Servo: "And I'd love some personal space!"

Happy birthday, Caitlyn!

Caitlyn: "Yay!"

Caitlyn aged up into a child! She's so adorable!

She's even wearing the socks her sister knitted for her!

Deven: "We've had so many fun times here in Evergreen Harbor, huh?"

Paisley: "Yeah, I'll never forget when we met while I was voting for the neighborhood action plan."

Paisley: "I couldn't stop thinking, 'How could a sim be so cute, yet so stupid'?"

Deven: "Uh... is that a compliment or an insult?"

Deven: "I'll never forget thinking you were the most beautiful sim I've ever seen from the moment I laid eyes on you."

Paisley: "Is that so?"

Deven: "It sure is, and it still applies. It always will."

Paisley: "Right back at ya."

Gage's cold weather outfit is awesome!

Elijah: "My husband is so cute."

Have you ever seen a sim look so fly?"

Caitlyn: "Who knew Harvestfest turkey is even better the next day?"

Brynlee: "I'm off to school!"

Bye, Brynlee!

Nova: "I'm the cutest!"

Pippa: "No, I'm the cutest!"

Servo: "I'm pretty sure I'm the cutest."

The gang is back down at the maker space!

This time, instead of Brynlee, Paisley and Deven are tagging along.

Elijah: "I don't wanna use the fabricator machine."

Must we go over this everyday?

Paisley: "Hello there, my old friend."

Why can't Elijah be like Paisley?

She loves the recycling machine.

Paisley: "Crush those metal pieces! Hehehehe... EHEHEHEHE!"

Elijah: "Probably because it hasn't attacked her countless times."

Fair point.

Townie: "Stellar performance, here's 5 simoleons."

Gemma: "Deven Parsons? Is it true that you're really the most stupid sim to ever exist?"

Deven: "My speculation... I mean... reputation precedes me."

Elijah barely gets attacked by the fabricator machine anymore, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Looks like Deven and Paisley are famous out here.

Deven: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Wait... what?!

Deven: *Sigh*

Deven: "Farewell, sim world."


Deven: "Take care of my grilled cheese sandwiches and my ducky umbrella for me."

This can't be happening!

Rest In Peace, Deven Parsons. You were one of the funniest Parsons to ever exist, and your silliness will always be remembered. You'll be dearly missed.

Paisley: *Gasp!*

Paisley: "Deven?! Deven, no!"

Paisley: "This can't be happening!"

Paisley: "I can't go on without him."

Paisley: "It's time for me to go too."


Paisley: "I've left my footprint in this sim world, and that footprint is green. I hope it remains that way for generations to come."


Please, not Paisley!

Paisley: "Take care of Evergreen Harbor for me."

Rest In Peace, Paisley Parsons. You were one of my favorite Parsons ever, all you wanted to do was make the sim world a better place, and you did. You'll be dearly missed.

'Till death do them part.

Elijah: *Gasp!*

Elijah: "Mom and dad?!"

Elijah: "The Grim Reaper?!"

Grim Reaper: "Yes, that's me. Are we naming things today?"

Grim Reaper: "Hmm... not gonna lie, I'm kinda sad about reaping these two sim's souls."

Elijah: "This can't be happening!"

Off they go.

Paisley's alien headstone is pretty cool, just like Zhora's.

Everyone is devastated. Paisley and Deven were known all around Evergreen Harbor.

It's a sad day in the Parsons household.

Especially for poor Elijah.

Elijah: "I guess I have to keep crafting, it's what they would have wanted."

Elijah didn't feel motivated at all, but he carried on.

Grim Reaper: "Great job, Servo. Here's 50 more simoleons."

Servo: "Gee, thanks, Grim. It's nice to be appreciated."

Grim Reaper: "I wouldn't know anything about that, everyone hates my services."

Elijah: "I guess I'll draft my next invention, too."

Elijah: "Hey, I have a great idea."

Elijah: "Mom would have loved it..."

Elijah: *Sigh* "I can't stop thinking about them."

Brynlee heard the news about her grandparents as soon as she came from school.

She was absolutely devastated.

Deven was her biggest role model for knitting, who was going to mentor her now?

Brynlee: "I can't believe grandma and grandpa are gone."

Nova: "At least I'm still adorable, right?"

Yes, yes you are.

Caitlyn was devastated, too.

Brynlee couldn't stop thinking about her grandparents.

But, at least one thing brought her closer to her grandpa again, and that was knitting.


  1. Bravo, Servo, earning tips for singing! :) It's nice to be appreciated.

    Oh, no, another elder death in public! :/ How is that supposed to be realistic, EAxis? At least Servo was there to sing a sad song for her.

    Welcome, Nova! :) You're a cute little dog. And my gosh, but TS4 pets get around! ;D

    Happy Harvestfest! Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday, so I'm happy to see it in the game. But seriously, 'naked gnomes' was the best idea EAxis had for celebrating? *Punitive* naked gnomes, judging from Paisley's near miss? ;D

    > Gas prices are down!

    Do the gas prices really change?? That would be a subtle touch of realism!

    I loved Paisley's and Deven's (and Servo's) romantic interlude in the early morning. :)

    Caitlyn aged up well! :) I like that hairstyle on her, and the mismatched socks. It's so cute that Brynlee knitted them for her!

    Gage's cold weather outfit is awesome because it looks like he's wearing a Santa hat. :D

    NOOO, Deven! :( That makerspace is a deathtrap for elders. At least some of his family were with him.

    NOOO, Paisley! :( The only good thing about losing Paisley is that she and Deven are together, again.

    *sigh* It was too soon. I thought we'd have more time with Paisley and Deven as seniors. :(

    Brynlee knitting and thinking of her grandpa was the best way to end this chapter. :)

    1. Servo rarely gets appreciated by the Parsons, so I'm glad the townies are appreciating him a little. xD

      The maker space has had so many deaths, I'm about to turn it into a cemetery!

      They really do get around, I wonder who will be pregnant next, I never know with them! xD

      Hahahahaha, usually there's a variety of gnomes during Harvestfest, but for some reason, only the naked gnomes decided to join this time. (And a Grim Reaper gnome that I forgot to take a screenshot of!) If you don't appease them with the right object, they strike your sims with lightning! They also go around breaking all of your appliances until they forgive you, it's wild!

      I don't believe the gas prices change in the game, I'll have to keep a close eye on it to see if they do. xD

      I wanted to capture some final moments with Deven and Paisley, because I knew they were getting old. :(

      Caitlyn still looks exactly like Elijah! I love that the socks Brynlee knitted for her matched her outfit, too!

      I thought the exact same thing about Gage's outfit, I couldn't help but think he looked like Santa Claus!

      I literally almost cried when Deven and Paisley died, I loved their love story and personalities so much, I'm gonna miss playing them and writing their dialogue so much! :( I thought we'd have more time with them too!

      It's great that Brynlee can still be close to Deven in some way!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
