Monday, December 18, 2023

Chapter 312

Deidre: "I don't like my lunch!"
So you decide to toss it in the air instead of eating it?

Juniper: "Maybe I should have removed your pacifier before trying to feed you."

The infamous squirrel painting has returned! I have no idea what ever happened to the other one.

Duncan: "Why is every book we own about a crazy family?"

Cyrus: "Because this is a crazy family. Remind me why I came over here again?"

Eloise: "I don't want peas!"

Oh, come on!

Once again, I had to expand the crafted items room. The walls are filling up so fast with paintings!

Juniper, could you please throw these sunshine in a cans in the trash? I keep seeing them everywhere!

There's a terrifying storm brewing outside!

It even woke poor Zeke! At least he can do tummy time in his crib on his own, now.

Apparently, it's meant to storm for the entire summer.

Servo: "Not on my watch."


Servo has saved the day for Newcrest!

Servo: "My neighbors had better be appreciative, but if they're anything like my family, they won't be."

Is that my gal Sunset Valley?

Duncan: "I'm coming all the way out into the front yard to put the laundry away while I check the mail."

Duncan: "Hmm... just bills and fan mail."


Tiffany: "I think I'll make a pink rose bouquet today."

Tiffany: "Will this sell well on Plopsy, though?"

Juniper: "What the heck?"

Juniper: "Ugh! Zeke had a diaper blowout!"

That's what you get for leaving your sunshine in a cans everywhere.

Deidre: "I want the blue circle!"

Deidre: "I can see through it!"

This is one of my favorite bouquets Tiffany has made... probably because it's my favorite color, pink!

Deidre: "Look at me! I'm playing music!"

Servo is now on his second day of training.

He needs to do patrol in Windenburg.

Hey! This sim just committed public littering!

Servo: "I saw that!"

Servo: "I'm writing you a ticket for public littering."

Civilian: "What do you mean you're writing me a ticket for public littering-"

Servo: "That's what I mean. Don't let it happen again, no one wants this beautiful area ruined by littering."

Civilian: "Hmph."

Civilian: "Give me that stupid ticket, then, you stupid robot!"

After finishing patrolling Windenburg, Servo is now able to assist in finding a suspect that's wanted. He has a rough enough description to be able to figure out just who it might be.

Servo: "Why, hello there, Mrs. Crumplebottom."

Agnes Crumplebottom: "What do you want?"

Servo: "Don't play dumb!"

Servo: "I know it was you who stole that rubber ducky from the store! There's no other old ladies around here that wear all grey! You even have a rubber ducky umbrella! I'm taking you down to the station!"

Agnes Crumplebottom: "I want a lawyer present before I answer any questions!"

Servo assisted in the arrest, but he can't interrogate the suspect until he finishes his training. For now, he'll help cross reference some evidence to the police database.

While being admired by all of his co-workers, of course.

Servo: "Ah, finally, home after a long day. It's also nice and sunny, thanks to me."

The twins are loving the new toys!

Juniper: "Come on, Oreo, let's get away from that horrible xylophone playing."

Deidre: "Hehehe, this is fun-"

Deidre: "Woah! That was scawy!"

Tiffany: "I hope white roses sell on Plopsy as fast as the pink roses did."

Juniper: "As much as we're both enjoying the sun, let's get back inside. I need water!"

Juniper: "Hi, Rammy! Please don't bite me."

Duncan: "A milestone! I need to take a picture! How do I work this thing?"

Zeke sat up for the first time!

Now, he can try mashed peas.

Oop- he hates them.

Are you really a Parsons elder if you don't mop up puddles on natural ground?

Tiffany: "Nice bees... don't attack-"

Tiffany: "AHHHHH!!!"

Tiffany: "I SAID 'NICE BEES'!"

Tiffany: "Hopefully this honey is worth getting stung 30 times."

Tiffany: "Ooh, it was most definitely worth it! This honey is delicious!"

Tiffany: "Let me check if I have any buyers on Plopsy."

Tiffany: "Ugh, I don't feel great after being stung by all those bees."

Juniper is up with Zeke for his morning feed.

Juniper: "You seem energized, maybe you can learn to stand."

Juniper: "Here goes..."

Servo: "Next, you can teach him to rotate his arm at a 360 angle multiple times just like this!"

Juniper: "He's doing it, he's standing!"

Yay, Zeke!

Eloise: "I want to be taken out of the highchair for the 50th time!"

Tiffany: "This glitch is annoying, isn't it?"

Yes, yes it is.

Now that Zeke can stand, next is learning to crawl.

The party bot is ready to par-tay on this beautiful summer's day.

Duncan: "A juice on the rocks? Don't mind if I do."

Duncan: "Confetti just for lil' ol' me? I love the party bot."

Even Maple gets to hear some party bot music while he eats.

Juniper: "Ah! Bees! Help me!"

Latte: "It's funny when bees attack sims."

Eloise: "Yay! There's two songs playing at once!"

Juniper: "I managed to collect some bees wax even after getting attacked 50 times!"

Juniper: "Since it's hot out, maybe you can have some ice cream."

Juniper: "Here comes the airplane!"

Zeke loves ice cream!

Juniper: "Hopefully he doesn't get a sugar rush, Parsons babies are already cray cray enough!"

Juniper: "Hey, look! Zeke's crawling!"

Hooray Zeke!


Latte aged up into an elder! She's still just a beautiful as ever!

Juniper: "Oh gosh, the party bot is behind me playing loud music, isn't it? Do you think it'll wake Zeke?"

It most certainly did.

Duncan: "Don't mind me, just waiting for my chicken nuggets."

Uh... I don't think that's how you hold chicken nuggets.

Zeke learned to grab! He's reached so many milestones today!

Tiffany: "I've been down here in the garden all day, I need to tinkle!"

Juniper: "This toy is the best color of all time."

I wonder if Zeke will love green as much as Juniper.

Duncan: "I've lived a long life but it's time for me to go."

Noooooooooooooo! Duncan!

Duncan: "Take care of my guitar for me."

Oreo: "I don't want Duncan to go."

Rest In Peace, Duncan Parsons. You were a wonderful, creative sim who loved playing the guitar. You will be dearly missed.

Tiffany: *Gasp!*

Tiffany: "Dad?!"

Servo: "Duncan?!"

It's a sad day in the Parsons household.

On a happier note, Tiffany is pregnant again! She's also very stinky.

She's so stinky that she stunk out the laundry basket after changing clothes!

Eloise: "Zeke, let's play!"

Juniper: "Are my children getting along?"

Eloise: "I can dance and you can't!"

Deidre: "Zeke can't dance, Zeke can't dance!"
Zeke: "WAAAAAAA!!!"

It's a horrible stormy day down at the police station.

However, Servo has finished training and can now finally solve cases on his own!

Servo: "Aha! A clue!"

Servo: "Let me collect some DNA samples while I'm here..."

Servo: "Did you happen to witness anything pertaining to the crime?"

Townie: "No... I was too busy visiting Sixam. It happened while I was gone."

Servo: "Alright, what other kind of evidence could be around here?"

Servo: "More mysterious gnome graffiti!"

Servo: "I'll cross reference all of this evidence into the police database."

Servo: "Done! That should help us find the perp."

Servo: "Next, I'll analyse these DNA samples."

Poor Servo got wet from the rain and needs a little self-repair before he continues gathering evidence.

Servo: "I almost have enough clues to perform an arrest!"

Back at home, Tiffany has just sent off lots of Plopsy orders.

Tiffany: "Ugh, how am I gonna continue making bouquets with this horrible morning sickness?"

Eloise: "Look, my food is flying!"

Tiffany: "Ah! Stop it, bees!"

Tiffany: "Hey! Did one just sting me on the butt?!"

Tiffany: "Maybe you guys are enraged because your hive is full of honey-"

Tiffany: "NOPE! You're still enraged!"

Now that Zeke can grab, he's obsessed with the rattle.

Juniper: "I went outside for two milliseconds and now I'm already wilted and depraved of water."

Happy birthday, Zeke!

Happy birthday, Deidre!

(I accidentally forgot to take a picture of Eloise blowing out her birthday candles.)

Deidre aged up into a child!

So did Eloise!

Zeke aged up into a toddler!

Tiffany: "He looks more like me than I look like me."

Zeke: "Ooh!"

Zeke: "I'm making a song!"

The poor cleaner bot has it's work cut out for it today. The Parsons bathroom curse is back with a vengeance.

Deidre: "I'm going to do my homework here to annoy Zeke so he can't sleep."

Servo is back down at work and has figured out enough clues to perform an arrest.

The perp must be down here in Windenberg. Who knew this was such a crime-ridden town?

This sim matches the description!

Unfortunately, the game glitched and she disappeared. Servo needs to search for her again.

This time, she was last seen in Chestnut Ridge. She moves fast!

Have you seen her, weird Star Wars man?

What about you, Hank the Weirdo?

There she is again!

Fan: "I love you, Servo!"
Servo: "I'm undercover. I'm trying to be a bit discreet here."

Servo: "Aha! Caught you! You're the sim who committed the gnome graffiti fiasco!"

Servo: "You're heading down to the station for questioning."

Criminal: "It wasn't me, I swear!"

Once again, the game glitched after Servo took her back to the station. Apparently, according to the internet, she should be at the station the next time Servo heads to work and he can interrogate her then. Let's hope so!

Deidre: "I'm a royal princess!"

Eloise: "And I'm a queen. Look at my wave."

Deidre: "You call that a royal wave? Ha!"

Deidre: "I know fake royalty when I see it!"
Eloise: "Woah! Who made you the royal authority?"

Guess who's awake from his nap solely so he can eat ham and cheese sandwiches?

Deidre: "I won the battle of the royalties. Look at my crown."

Eloise: "You're still going on about that? I've moved on from that a whole 5 minutes ago!"

Tiffany: "Man, working as a gardener while pregnant isn't easy."

Hi, Timmy!

Timmy: *Ignores*

Juniper: "I'm gonna go for a sunshine walk. Call me if you need me."

Zeke: "Can we be friends?"

Bun Bun: "No. My eyes are closed for a reason, to avoid any social interaction."

Juniper: "Hey, Rory! Wanna come inside?"

Rory: "Sure. I wanna see if it's as crazy as I remember around here."

I think this room might need to be expanded yet again. The paintings fill up the walls so fast!

This is supposed to be a special channel for smart kids, but it's just as weird and annoying as the original channel.

Servo: "I'm awake at the crack of dawn, ready to do nothing but wait on my ungrateful family hand and foot!"

The pumpkins look a bit spooky when the crafted items room is dark.

Tiffany: "I think it's go time."

Tiffany: "Oww! It's definitely go time!"

You guys seem calmer than usual this time around, especially Juniper.

Juniper: "AHHHH!"

I spoke too soon.


It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Angie Parsons!

Tiffany: "That's the last one... right?"

Who knows...

Zeke, why the heck are you awake in the middle of the night?!

Servo: "Hello, my little best friend."

Deidre: "I think I have a lose tooth!"

Deidre: "Oww! I got it!"

Tiffany: "Don't grow up too fast and start losing your teeth just yet."

Oreo: "I love our daily walkies!"

Juniper: "Me too. It's a chance to get away from all of those cray cray sims for a few minutes."

Deidre: "Who's he calling cray cray?"

Eloise loves drawing just like her mom!

Juniper: "Ugh, I've been outside for too long. I need water!"

Angie aged up into an infant!

She loves tummy time so far!

The Parsons have purchased a marble jar and are ready to add to the brand new marbles collection! They've mostly been able to find different marbles by buying them through the computer, so far.

Eloise: "Prepare to lose."

Deidre: "In your dreams!"

Eloise: "Boop!"

Eloise: "Welp... that didn't work out."

Juniper: "Can I stay out here in the sunshine?"

Nope, sorry. Angie is awake from her nap!

Eloise: "I think I have a loose tooth, too!"

Eloise: "Got it!"

What an adorable toothless smile!

Zeke: "Look at me! I'm dancing!"

Servo: "This is my jam! Should I do the rumbasim?"

Please don't because then I won't stop laughing for a whole hour.

The twins decided to play some hopscotch!

Deidre: "I'm gonna win at another game!"

Deidre: "Woah!"

Eloise: "I can't look! You're gonna fall and embarrass our entire bloodline!"

Deidre: "I couldn't pick up the rock!"

Eloise: "Watch and learn."

Eloise: "Woah!"
Deidre: "You're a loser, just like me!"

The marble jar is already filling up! It doesn't show the actual marbles that are inside of it, though.

Juniper is back outside for his daily sunshine walk.

He has Angie joining him, this time.

Hooray! Angie sat up for the first time all on her own!

Eloise: "She's gonna be smart just like her big sister... me!"

Deidre: "I think you mean me. I just won at hopscotch by default, after all."

Juniper: "When did the twins become so competitive?"

Juniper: "Let's try some applesauce."

She loves it!


Oreo aged up into an elder!

Looks like Maple had a kitten with another cat in the neighborhood! Introducing Smoothie Parsons!

Looks like Oreo also had a puppy with another dog in the neighborhood! Introducing Pancake Parsons!

Smoothie: "I'm adorable and I know it."

Pancake: "What about me?"

You're both adorable!

Servo is back down at the police station!

Alas! The internet was correct and the perp is in the cells waiting to be interrogated.

Servo: "Hello there, I'm Officer Servo. I'll be questioning you regarding the gnome graffiti fiasco today."

Criminal: "Can we make this quick? I did nothing wrong, and I deserve to go back home already! Do you know how uncomfortable those cell beds are?!"

Servo: "Oh, you can leave... once you prove you had nothing to do with any of the evidence against you in these files."

Servo: "This is a closeup of your fingerprints found in one of the victim's homes."

Criminal: "Uh... coincidence...?"

Servo: "This is a blurry security camera image of you leaving the victim's home... carrying a spray can!"

Servo: "And finally, these are all of the victims of your gnome spray paint extravaganza. You've spray painted a total of 10 homes. How does it feel to be a monster?"

Servo: "Unless you can prove it wasn't you, of course."

Criminal: "Err... it... I would never do something like that!"

Servo: "Hmm... is that a bit of sweat dripping from your forehead?"

Servo: "Do you know what they do to sims who spray paint gnomes in other sims homes in jail?! If you confess now, you could have a way lesser sentence!"

Criminal: "Argh!"

Criminal: "Fine! I did it, okay?! I spray painted the gnomes in those sims houses!"

Servo: "Doesn't it feel good to finally say the truth?"

Servo: "Now, your fate is in the judges hands. Even though you confessed, I've seen sims who spray paint gnomes in other sims houses get locked away for a long, long time. The maximum sentence is three days."

Criminal: "Three days? Are you kidding me?! That's so long!"

Servo: "You should have thought of that before you grabbed that spray can."

Servo: "Now that you've confessed, I'm taking you back to your cell, you hooligan!"

Criminal: *Sigh*

Criminal: "I can't believe this."

Servo: "Have a nice day."
Criminal: "Oh, I won't."

Now that Servo has solved his first case, he needs to solve four more in order to be promoted.

He'd better get to work!

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