Friday, September 15, 2023

Chapter 295

Happy birthday, Neal!

Neal aged up into a young adult! Now, get out.

Dipsi: "Why, hello there. Prepare to be spooked."

Of all things, you choose to haunt your own headstone?

Mocha: "What's going on over here?"

Dipsi: "Nothing, I'm innocent."

Dipsi: "Zzz..."

Typical cat.

Blaire: "Everyone, look! Dream is playing with the horse ball again and it's the most entertaining thing I've ever witnessed!"

It's a Winterfest miracle! Even though it's not Winterfest.

Chase finally found the last moon print the Parsons need. Their space prints collection is complete! The plaque should arrive in the mail in a few days.

Esme: "I can't eat fish tacos for breakfast. My breath will stink like fish and everyone will make fun of me at school!"

Hooray! Dream won first place in the intermediate endurance racing competition!

Mocha won second place in the beginner show jumping competition!

A few of Servo's nectar bottles have aged long enough to be 'finely aged'. Now, he needs to begin selling them and earn 100,000 simoleons for his aspiration. The Parsons are also close to reaching 10 million simoleons, so this should be a big help.

Blaire and Dream are off to do some training again.

Dream has gotten a lot better at jumping.

Happy birthday, Brendan!

Happy birthday, Chase!

Brendan aged up into an elder!

So did Chase!

Chase: "What are we, honey?"
Brendan: "The coolest elders ever."

You're also the most helpful sims in the household when it comes to tending the garden.

I spy with my little eye...

Todd watching Blaire and Dream training nearby.

Todd: "Just because that rhymed, doesn't mean it was clever."

Dream: "BURN!"

Ooh, Jamie is here to visit!

Jamie: "Why the heck aren't I running for my life right now?"

Blaire: "Hey, babe. What are you doing out here?"

Todd: "I just wanted to come out here and admire my beautiful girlfriend."

Dream: "What about her beautiful horse?"

Blaire: "You'd better acknowledge Dream… I think she's staring at you."

Todd: "Uh… hey there, Dream!"

Dream: "Hay? Did someone say hay?"

No, he said 'hey'.


Todd: "Anyways, I just noticed the giant rocket ship in the backyard. What the heck is that thing for?"

Blaire: "Maybe I could show you."

Wow, isn't this nice of Blaire showing Todd how the rocket ship works-

Oh, come on!

Happy birthday, Esme!

Esme aged up into a young adult!

Aaand here we have our second generation 21 heiress!

Esme: "You made the right choice."

Esme has been waiting to age up into a young adult to begin working on the nectar making skill! I decided to keep her nectar bottle holders in the gardening room since it's in the basement. Apparently, nectar ages faster in the basement.

Time for Esme to get to stomping some fruit!

I hope you removed your shoes before doing this.

Esme: "Oops…"


Servo is back to training Mocha.

Servo: "Someone else can clean up the giant horse poop he just dropped."

Esme: "Woah!"

Esme: "I think I broke my butt!"

Esme: "Oh well, back to stomping!"

Well, well, well, look who’s returned from space after doing… space activities.

Why the heck are you so filthy?

Blaire: "It's not easy to maintain a good hygiene bar in space."

Todd: "Blaire, you're the love of my life. I have something to ask you…"

Blaire: "Uh… can't it wait until after I take a shower, babe?"

Todd: "It can't wait another second. Blaire Parsons…"

Blaire: "Todd… are you asking what I think you're-"

Todd: "Will you marry me?"

Blaire: "You're seriously asking this while I'm stinky?"

Blaire: "I mean… yes, of course I'll marry you!"

Blaire: "This ring is beautiful!"


After a stinky proposal, Todd and Blaire are officially engaged!

Todd: "I think you should take a shower now, babe."

Jamie: "Heya! It's everyone's favorite!"

Esme: "If you were really the favorite, you would have been chosen as the second heiress like I was."

Esme: "How's life been after getting kicked out?"

Jamie: "Definitely a lot less crazy. Sims no longer ask me about living with a global superstar robot, the giant rocket ship in my backyard, what it's like living with so many animals and crazy sims…"

Meadow: "What the heck is this giant metal thing?"

It's a rocket ship.

Meadow: "A rocket ship? Can mini sheep go on rocket ships?"

Sorry, no mini sheep allowed.

Esme: "May I interest you in a bottle of nectar once it's aged for 9 days?"

Jamie: "As long as you washed your feet before stomping those grapes, sure!"

Haven't y'all woohooed enough today?!

Todd: "What? She invited me in here. What was I supposed to say… no?!"

Y'all are some nasty, nasty sims.

Brendan: "Why did I suddenly forget how to use my phone once I became an elder?"

Servo! Shield your robot eyes!

Servo: "Oops. I was just washing the dishes in the bathroom sink like any normal sim does, I didn't mean to witness that."

Apparently, one of the only ways to get more postcards to add to your collection is to find some penpals online.

Servo: "I hope someone answers my request soon on the penpal forums!"

Blaire is pregnant! Generation 22 is on the way!

Blaire: "Babe, guess what?"
Todd: "You wanna have some more 'space adventures' in the rocket ship?"

Blaire: "No, I can't go into space right now. I'm pregnant!"
Todd: "So, no more 'space adventures'?"

Blaire: "Not for two and a half more sim days!"

Any news about the penpal, Servo?

Servo: "I have a new penpal all the way from Appaloosa Plains!"

Amazing! Now, find another one so we can complete our postcard collection, sir.

Muffin, why the heck are you so filthy?

Muffin: "I jumped in a puddle even though I'm not supposed to and now I need a bath."

Looks like Magnus had a kitten with another cat in the neighborhood! Introducing Pinky Parsons!

Pinky: "I like it here."

Muffin also had a puppy with another dog in the neighborhod! Introducing Hershey Parsons!"

We all know the drill by now, Servo is becoming BFF's with the new pets.

Muffin: "Let me rub some of this dirt off onto you."

Hershey: "She'd better not come near me with that dirt."

Chase has woken up in a wonderful mood today.

Chase: "Leave me alone."

Blaire: "I heard there's some new pets, where are they?"

Oh, just downstairs sniffing... the toilet?

Hershey: "It smells like a toilet."

Is that a good or a bad thing?

Esme: "Toast, eggs and bacon for breakfast again?! Really?!"

Servo: "I can make nothing at all next time, if you'd like."

Blaire may be pregnant and unable to ride a horse, but for some reason, she can still compete in a horse riding competition. Do not try this at home!

The Parsons moon print collection plaque came in the mail today!

Esme: "I ran out of fruit to stomp in the nectar maker. What am I gonna do now?!"

Go pick some fruit from the garden, lady.

Esme: "I forgot we have a giant garden in the basement with every plant ever."

Esme: "Back to stomping!"

Blaire: "Dream and I won first place in the intermediate show jumping competition."

Hooray Blaire and Dream!

Dream: "Victory laps!"

Look who decided to help out in the stables today!

Brendan: "Woah! Why did I autonomously decide to do this?!"

Brendan: "I'm never doing this again!"

Esme: "The horse stables aren't the only thing that need to be cleaned. The nectar maker gets dirty fast!"

Blaire: "So does Pumpkin, but at least he's adorable!"

Blaire's pregnant belly is starting to show!

Since Blaire can't horse ride right now, she's going to read a horse riding skill book instead.

Esme: "Another bottle of nectar finished!"

Esme: "Now, to pick some more fruits."

Esme: "I'm glad I never have to pay for any nectar making supplies."

You can thank your ancestor, Joey Parsons, for that.

Muffin: "I'm tired, I need a nice ol' nap on the bathroom floor."

Chase: "What was it like cleaning up the horse stables today, honey?"

Brendan: "It was horrible. I'm traumatized!"

Blaire: "I'm glad I get a break from cleaning up the horse stables."

What are you guys doing?

Pumpkin: "We're protecting the puppy."
Meadow: "We're very scary and intimidating, aren't we?"

The Parsons have one more space geode to collect from Sixam.

Esme has volunteered as tribute.

Esme: "I shall return!"

Esme: "Woah... this place is so cool!"

Esme: "I'll take that."

The crystal collection is already complete, you need space geodes!

Esme: "Is this a space geode?"

Yes, yes it is.

Esme: "Hmm... looks like we have that one already. I wonder where I can find some more."

Oh, look, there's an alien. Maybe you can ask him where there's more geodes?

Esme: "Suly, suly!"

Axane: "Huh?"

Axane: "Oh... wait! I know what that means!"

Axane: "Suly, suly! I'm Axane. You must be from the countryside on Earth."

Esme: "I'm Esme, and I sure am! I'm from a wonderful town called Chestnut Ridge."

Axane: "Hey, I've heard of that place before!"

Axane: "I've heard there's lots of horses there. I've never seen a horse in real life, but I'd love to some day. We don't have horses on Sixam."

Esme: "Maybe one day you'll be able to travel to Earth and see one. Hey, do you know where there might be any geodes by any chance?"

Axane: "Now, geodes are something I see every single day. Follow me, I'll show you where they are."

Esme: "Why thank you."

Esme: *Are all aliens this cute?*

Axane: "Nope, just me."
Esme: "Did you just read my mind?!"

Let's hope this guy knows where he's going.

Esme: "Hey, I see one over there!"

Axane: "See, I did know where I was going."


Esme: "I'll take that."

Esme: "We already have that one, too."

Oh, come on!

Axane: "Did you find what you were looking for?"

Esme: "Well, technically I found a geode, just not the right one."

Esme: "Maybe I can come back later and you can show me where the one I'm looking for is!"

Axane: "It would be my pleasure."

Esme: "I'd better get home before my family is all like 'YoU'rE hOgGiNg ThE rOcKeT sHiP'."

Axane: "Hahaha! Your family uses the rocket ship often?"

Esme: "Oh my gosh, all the time! It's so annoying, it draws so much attention to our ranch."

Axane: "Lucky you, you'll draw all that attention when you land back on Earth."

Esme & Axane: "Hahahahaha!"

Esme: "It was nice meeting you, Axane! I'd also better get home before the bar downtown opens. I've never been there before, and I wanna go cowpoke dancing tonight!"

Axane: "Did you just say 'cowpoke dancing'?"

Axane: "I've always wanted to try cowpoke dancing, but the other aliens around here would make fun of me if I tried to learn."

Esme: "Well, no one would make fun of you for cowpoke dancing in Chestnut Ridge!"

Esme: "Say, do you wanna join me tonight? It'd be fun!"

Axane: "I'd love to! I'll go fire up the rocket ship and meet you there!"

Esme: "Perfect! See ya soon, Axane!"

Axane: "Can't wait!"

Back through the wormhole to Earth.

Until next time, Sixam!

Esme: "What the heck just happened?"

You just went to Sixam and invited a random alien stranger to go cowpoke dancing with you tonight, duh.

Esme travelled down to The Oak Barrel!

Esme: "Yeehaw! I'm ready to cowpoke dance!"

Esme: "I'm also ready to try some nectar. I know it won't be as wonderful as mine, though."

Esme: "One strawberry nectar, please!"

Bartender: "Coming right up!"

Esme: "Hmm..."

Esme: *Gulp*

Esme: "Eugh! No where near the quality of my nectar."

Ooh, look who it is!

Axane: "Suly, suly!"

Esme: "Suly suly, Axane! I was starting to wonder if you were coming at all."

Axane: "Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss the opportunity to learn to cowpoke dance for the world!"

Esme: "I thought you also came here to hang out with me."

Axane: "Of course, that too."

Esme: "Wanna try some juice? It might make you a little bit juiced... like I currently am."

Axane: "Juice, you say? Sure! I'll try anything Earth related tonight!"

Axane: "One juice, please!"

Bartender: "What kind, honey?"

Esme: "He'll have a 'salty llama'."

Bartender: "Coming right up- woah!"

Bartender: "That was close!"

Esme: "After you try some juice, we can try cowpoke dancing if you want."

Axane: "You read my mind... but not literally. Only aliens can read minds."

Axane: *Gulp* "Not bad!"

Now, for the moment we've all been waiting for... cowpoke dancing time!

Esme: "Looks like you're getting the hang of it, Axane!"

Axane: "I sure am! Yeehaw!"

Axane: "Uh... what's the next step?"

Some townies appear to be joining in on the fun!

Esme: "He's a natural!"

Esme: "Not as good as me, though. I can do all kinds of dancing. I'm a Parsons."

Axane: "This is the most fun I've ever had!"

Axane: "The best part is, no one's making fun of me!"
Esme: "Of course not, you're a pro!"

Axane: "I am? You're not just saying that?"

Esme: "Of course not. Now, where's the restroom? I drank too much juice!"

Esme: "Uh... I'll be right back."

Axane: "Sure thing, take your time."

Axane: "I'll just be here having the time of my life!"

Esme: "Ugh! Why the heck is the bathroom all the way up a flight of stairs?!"

Esme: "Is it just me, or is there no light in this bathroom?"

Esme: "I'm back. Hey, Axane is still cowpoke dancing."

Axane: "Yeehaw!"

He has a whole lot of stamina.

Esme: *Gasp!* "Why are there so many ghosts here?"

It must be ghost happy hour.

Esme: "Did you have a good time tonight, Axane?"

Axane: "The best time ever. I can't thank you enough, Esme."

Esme: "Now, you can teach all your alien friends to cowpoke dance!"

Axane: "Or, I can text them and rub it in their faces that they'll never be as good at cowpoke dancing as me!"

Esme: "Ah! There's a ghost at our table!"

Ghost: "This sim is afraid of ghosts, but not aliens?"

Axane: "It's getting pretty late, maybe we should head out."

Esme: "Yeah, I'm pretty tired after all that cowpoke dancing."

Axane: "I'm starving! I'm gonna have some cheesy eyeballs when I get home."

Sixam has the most disgusting interesting food.

Esme: "This night has been great!"

Axane: "It really has."

Esme: "Hopefully we can hang out again soon."

Esme: "I can even show you my pet horses!"

Axane: "That'd be awesome!"

Axane: "Do you think you'll stop by Sixam again anytime soon?"

Esme: "If my creator sends me to look for more geodes, sure! I'll see you later, Axane."

Esme: "I need to get home before I pass out from exhaustion!"

Esme: "Finally, I made it."

Blaire: "Ooh! Does Esme have an alien boyfriend?"

Chase: "Little does everyone know that we're all part hybrid-alien."

Pinky: "I caught a bird and I brought it inside."

Aww, there's an adorable frog on the lily pad in the pond outside!

Esme: "Eggs, toast and bacon for breakfast? Hooray!"

Chase: "Weren't you just complaining about this exact breakfast just yesterday?"

Brendan: "We'd better appreciate it before Servo threatens not to make us breakfast again."

Blaire: "If Servo doesn't make us breakfast, maybe I can!"

You almost burnt the entire house down the last time you cooked.

Speaking of breakfast, these two are up bright and early for theirs.

Blaire: "I'd better eat up before another horse competition today."

Esme: "Hey there, Servo. How's nectar making going?"

Servo: "Just swell."

Magnus: "Save some nectar for me!"

Sorry, not for cats.

Esme: "You'll never guess what happened last night."

Esme: "I went to Sixam and met an alien who said he's never seen a horse and never been cowpoke dancing, so I took him cowpoke dancing last night, and he out-danced me!"

Servo: "That sounds like a lie."

Esme: "It's not a lie, Servo. I swear I'm telling the truth!"

Servo: "Aliens don't care about cowpoke dancing, they only care about abducing sims! The last time I had an encounter with a non-hybrid alien, I ended up pregnant, and that's how Servella was born."

Hooray! Blaire and Dream won the intermediate western pleasure horse riding competition!

Blaire: "Another competition won. I'd better post on social bunny about this."

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