Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Chapter 266

Today is a big day! Servo is hosting a dinner party for his aspiration!

Servo: "For the first course of the meal, everyone will be eating a delectable dish."

Uh... spooky cookies?

I never realised big dogs can jump up on counters until Emerald starting doing it 1,000 times a day.

Servo: "What do you mean you can't make it to the dinner party? We've got spooky cookies!"

The guests are arriving!

Colby: "I'll be over here, far away from the house hiding from the guests while reading my handiness skill book."

Well, aren't you fun at parties?

Servo: "The guests are already here? I haven't finished the main course, yet!"

Troy: "Put your party clothes on, everyone!"

Servo: "Namaste."
Guest: "What?"

Troy: "And then Servo was all like 'if you don't stop inviting random sims into the house trying to be BFF's, I won't cook you dinner tonight'. Isn't that insanity?"

Guest: "This family is nuts."

Jocelyn is ready to party!

Macaron: "Would anyone care to share their food with me?"

Servo: "Alright, the main course is complete."

Servo: "Enjoy your taco casserole!"

Colby, you're missing out. I heard Servo is about to make some grilled fruit, next.

Colby: "Grilled fruit?! I'm coming home immediately!"

Servo: "Don't mind me, just doing what I do everyday... cleaning up after sims."

It may be a dinner party, but it wouldn't be a Parsons party without some dancing!

Servo's dinner party was a success!

Since he's still in the oracle career and can't enter the culinary career yet, Servo is going to put the 'Master Chef' aspiration on hold for now.

He'll begin working on the 'Lord of the Knits' aspiration instead.

Dakota has aged up into an adorable toddler!

Colby: "She's my little twin!"

Colby: "Daphne is gonna be so jealous."

She really is Colby's twin!

Hooray! Daphne is pregnant again!

Time for Dakota to work on her communication skill.

Servo can kill two birds with one stone by completing his aspiration and working on the entrepreneur skill by selling his knitting creations on Plopsy.
Colby: "Are you ready to learn shapes, Dakota?"

Dakota: "Yes! I love shapes!"

Is this really the best spot to eat breakfast?

Dakota: "Green crab block!"

Lilliana: "That used to be my favorite block, too!"

Troy: "Come on, Macaron! You can do it!"

Dakota: "I don't want anymore yogurt!"

Two true Parsons.

Daphne: "These leftover brownies from the dinner party are delicious!"

Macaron is so cute and peaceful when he's asleep! The only time he's peaceful.

Daphne: "I have the sudden urge to dance!"

Servo is getting in some knitting time before work.

Uh oh! Servo, get back inside! We can't lose you!

Woohoo! Servo has reached the top of the oracle career!

Daphne: "Oof, I need to use the bathroom ASAP."

Daphne: "Almost there..."

Daphne: "...Oops."

Really, Daphne?!

Happy birthday, Jocelyn!

I don't understand why all my sims must go outside to age up.

Jocelyn aged up into a child!

She's definitely a mixture of both her parents.

Servo has joined his next career, the salaryperson career.

He'll be entering the 'Expert' field. He begins the career at level 8 thanks to his university degree.

Servo: "I have a knitted gift I handmade just for you."

Troy: "For me? You shouldn't have!"

Servo: "Dang right I shouldn't have, no one around here ever appreciates me."

Jocelyn: "Remember me, Blarffy?"

Jocelyn: "You taught me how to speak!"

Blarffy: "I'm honored to hear that!"

Oh no, the tree got struck by lightning!

Time to buy a new one.

Jocelyn decided to work on some crafts.

Daphne: "I think I'm in labor! Where is my husband?"

Outside crafting on the woodwork table.

Colby, would you get upstairs and support your wife? She's in labor!"

Apparently he wants us to acknowledge his wonderful creation, first.

Daphne: "Uh... hello? I'm in labor, here!"

Colby: "You're in labor?! Why didn't anyone tell me?!"

She's a pro at this by now.


It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Delaney Parsons!

Daphne: "My beautiful little bb!"

Daphne: "I love being a girl mom."

Will any boys be born in this generation?

Macaron: "Get off my sleeping spot. Now."

Emerald: "No." *Wink*

Leftover spooky cookies for breakfast! Daphne looks very happy about that.

Daphne: "Even though it took you way too long to realise I was in labor, I'll still give you a massage."
Colby: "Why, thank you, my love."

Servo: "Can I please knit in peace?"

Delaney has aged up into an adorable toddler!

Daphne: "More blue hair, just like me!"

Delaney: "Why are you happy about blue hair, mommy?"

Daphne: "Because you all look like daddy, so at least you have my hair color to resemble me."

Of course, Delaney needs to work on her communication skill with Blarffy.

She'll reach level 5 in no time.

Lilliana: "It may be a heatwave outside, but I wanna go to the food stall."

Looks like all that woodworking while Daphne was in labor was slightly worth it. Colby reached level 10 of the handiness skill!

Troy and Lilly took the grandkids with them down to the nearby food stall.

Lilliana: "It's hot out here."
Troy: "Hahaha! You wanted to come out here, dear."

Aww, sister hugs!

Dakota: "I want a snack from the food stall!"

Delaney: "Me too!"

Lilliana: *Gulp*
Troy: "This lemonade is delicious!"

Delaney: "Why can't we have lemonade, gramma?"

Lilliana: "Because water is good for you, lemonade has too much sugar!"

Dakota: "But you just drank some lemonade, gramma!"

Emerald: "I want some lemonade!"

Who's gonna pick up these empty sippy cups?

Guess who was promoted?

Daphne: "Spoiler alert: it was me."

Happy birthday, Colby!

Colby aged up into an adult!

So did Daphne! I accidentally didn't get a picture of her blowing out the birthday candles. Oops!

Cake for dinner... what a wise choice.

Macaron: "Tell Servo to get off my couch so I can sleep."

Daphne is pregnant again!

Daphne: "Guess what, babe?"

Colby: "Another baby?"

Jocelyn: "I can't wait to have another sibling!"

Happy birthday, Dakota!

Dakota aged up into a child!

Daphne: "Oof! I forgot about this morning sickness!"

We all know which block she's about to pick.

Delaney: "Green crab block!"

Troy: "Everyone's favorite!"

Dakota began making some summer crafts!

Colby: "It's a nice day out, I think I'll go for a bike ride."

Surprisingly, riding his bicycle around all day long has Colby in great shape and he's almost maxed out the fitness skill.

Dakota's crafts are adorable! They shall be hung above the front door.

The Parsons decided to visit the nearby library.

Delaney looks very happy about that.

Lilliana: "She'd better not have brought the blocks with her."

She did!

Dakota: "I think I'll read The Art of Narwhals."

Troy: "Twelve or So Swatches of Woohoo? Sounds interesting. I wonder what it's about."

Colby skipped out on reading to ride his bike around yet again.

Jocelyn took this as an opportunity to catch up on her homework.

Townie Kid: "What's 'homework'?"

Dakota: "I don't know. I haven't been to school yet."

Jocelyn: "Can you help me with my homework, dad?"
Colby: "I'm a bit... tired..."

Colby: "Zzz..."

Please don't throw your food off the highchair like your sisters.

Daphne got promoted again! She's exhausted, though.

Oh lawd, the TV broke!

Looks like these two will have to dance instead while they wait for Servo to fix the TV.

Colby: "Why couldn't I fix the TV? I'm level 10 at the handiness skill."

Lilliana: "All that handiness skill and you still can't be trusted to fix the TV."

I managed to capture a picture so beautiful, it looks like a loading screen picture. 😎

Daphne: "Don't be so full of yourself."

Delaney: "Cereal is the best!"

Lilliana: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Noooooooooo! Lilly!

Troy: "I have to go with her."

Noooooooooo! Troy!

Lilliana: "Take care of my vet clinic for me."

Rest In Peace, Lilliana Parsons. You were a wonderful sim who loved animals, and you will be dearly missed.

Troy: "Take care of my neighborhood BFF's for me."

Rest In Peace, Troy Parsons. You were the friendliest sim ever who was loved by all. You will be dearly missed.

Grim Reaper: "So, uh... you guys got any leftover snacks? I heard you had a dinner party the other day."

It's a very sad day in the Parsons household.

Troy and Lilly will truly be missed by all.

Colby: "I can't believe mom and dad are... gone!"

Grim Reaper: "So... no snacks?"

Servo: "The only thing that will make me feel better right now is knitting."

Delaney: "Can I have some more cereal?"
Grim Reaper: "Don't ask me, I can't even get any snacks around here."

Daphne is ready to pop any day now!

Poor Jocelyn and Dakota. They miss their grandparents so much.

Daphne: "Ugh, I need to pee!"

Daphne: "Wait a minute... I don't need to pee, I'm in labor!"

Colby: "This is so scary!"

How do you get less and less calm each time?

You've got this, Daphne!


It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Rocco Parsons!

Daphne: "He's perfect!"

At last, we have a boy!

Daphne: "No more babies at least for a few more days!"

Colby: "Are you ready to read Charlotte's Pig, Delaney?"

Delaney: "Yes, dad! I love books!"

Colby has a lot more time to spend at home with the kids, now.

Rocco aged up into an adorable toddler!

Another one of his dad's clones.

Dakota invited over the kid from the library!

Rocco: "I want another ham and cheese sandwich as soon as I finish this one!"

Dakota: "We'd better not be about to have a water balloon fight-"


Dakota: "Ugh! Jocelyn!"

Townie Kid: "Hahaha! You got her!"

Jocelyn: "Hahahahaha!"
Dakota: "It's not funny!"

Townie Kid: "Watch out!"

Dakota: "Miss!"

Dakota: "Of course it misses her but hits me!"

Townie Kid: "Ugh, I can't believe I missed!"

Jocelyn: "Look out!"

Townie Kid: "Not even close!"

Rocco: "Can we make Delaney clean up the potty, daddy?"

Delaney: "Say what?"

Macaron: "I'm glad I don't have to clean it. I never have to clean anything. I'm royalty."

It's peanut butter jelly time!

Aww, Macaron are outside playing side by side!

Macaron: "My ball!"

Rocco: "Green crab block!"

Of course.

Cuteness overload!

Daphne: "My babies are the cutest babies ever."

Servo has reached level 10 of the salaryperson career expert branch! Woohoo!

Now, he'll be enrolling back into university to earn his Culinary Arts degree.

Happy birthday, Delaney!

Delaney aged up into a child!

Surprisingly, she doesn't look mad about having to go to school now. That's rare!

Servo has a lot of homework to complete.

Daphne just finished creating her first mobile app 'Freezer Bunny Hop'!

Delaney: *Sigh* "If only there was a festival where we could make crafts."

Lucky for Delaney, the Festival of Youth is on today!

Daphne: "Are you an airplane?"
Rocco: "We're both airplanes, mommy!"

Colby: "Hey guys, did you know there's a ton of events on in Mt. Komoerbi? Why haven't we been here before?"

Delaney and Dakota started making some crafts!

Servo: "Hey, Yamachan! I'm super energized today!"

Servo: "Let's do the mountain move!"

Daphne: "This sushi isn't as great as I expected."

Hip bump!

This is my new favorite selfie ever.

Servo: "Thanks, Yamachan! I'm your biggest fan!"

Rocco: "Me and superhero toy love the Festival of Youth!"

Townie Kid: "Whatcha making there?"

Delaney: "Some awesome fall crafts!"

There's a contest to see who can spot the most voidcritters! Jocelyn already found one!

Colby: "You don't look like you're enjoying that sushi, honey."

Daphne: "I'm not, but I paid a lot of simoleons for it, so I must finish it."

Ooh, a simmi capsule machine!

Colby: "I'm gonna buy some simmi capsules."

Colby: "Uh oh, one of them got stuck."

Colby: "Come on, you stupid thing!"

Colby: "Give me my simmi capsule!"

Colby, don't do that!

Colby: "But, it won't give me my simmi capsule!"

Colby: "Finally, it dropped it!"

Colby: "I need a cupcake after all that."

Delaney: "I made some awesome spooky crafts!"

Dakota: "Your spooky crafts look better than my rainbow drawing."

Dakota: "I'm gonna go look for some voidcritters instead."

Servo took this time to work on his university presentation.

Daphne: "Aren't these Harajuku crepes awesome?"

Townie: "I wouldn't know, you bough the last one!"

Dakota: "I found a voidcritter!"

Dakota: "I found another one!"

Back at home, Servo is having a grand ol' time riding Colby's bicycle around.

Pizza Guy: "Why is there a robot riding a bicycle around?"

Daphne: "That guy needs to mind his own business!"

Woah... what's got you so annoyed today?

Servo's presentation is complete! It looks great!

The kids hung up their crafts they created at the Festival of Youth on the kitchen wall!

Rocco: "Yummy, cereal!"

After school, the girls brought home some science projects to complete.

Dakota: "I wonder what we should make."

Jocelyn: "I'm crafting the planets in our solar system!"

Delaney: "Cool! I'm gonna make a volcano!"

Daphne: "Aren't my babies so smart?"

Servo decided to do his homework here instead of on the table upstairs.

Delaney: "My volcano is complete!"

Delaney: "It looks so awesome!"

Dakota: "I copied your idea and made an awesome volcano, too!"

Jocelyn's solar system project looks awesome, too!

Colby was feeling the Foxbury school spirit today for some reason.

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