Thursday, December 26, 2019

Chapter 53

Zayn: "One day, I wanna be a superhero!"

Zayn: "With a purple cape to match my hair!"

Part of Joey's garden is in season. Time to fertilise.

You wouldn't expect a bunch of crazies to be simply watching the weather channel.

Cameron: "Don't you kids just love the smell of fruit salad?"
Ella: "No."

Cameron: "Come on, it has a lot of health benefits!"

Makayla: "This weather channel sure is interesting, huh son?"

Zayn: "Fruit salad!"

Makayla: "You don't have to pretend to like it. I can get a burger for you later if you want! I know random townies always make them and you can sneakily take them!"
Not on my watch.

Ella has begun working on her school project.

Ella: "I'd rather be listening to my jam."

Kalani: "I don't want to listen to your jam anymore. It's torture."

I keep finding random objects outside that were destroyed by the storm. It's very expensive to fix them!

Get inside before you get destroyed too!

Jade aged up into a toddler!

How adorable is she?! 😍

Jade: "I don't want to eat fruit salads."

Makayla: "I know where we can find burgers-"
Drop it.

Reece aged up into a young adult!

Reece: "Wow, I'm dressed to impress."

Reece: "Time to get out of this crazy house!"

I thought you would be more happy to get out of here.

Wait! I don't want you to leave!

Goodbye Reece!

Jade: "I want uncle Reece to come back!"

Zayn: "I just want to eat my fish tacos!"

Servo: "I miss Reece. He was the only normal one here."

Kalani: "I'm getting empty nest syndrome!"

This nest is far from empty, there's still 9,384 sims living here.
Kalani: "You're right. At least there's one less sim taking up the bathroom, I gotta pee!"

Cameron: "I gotta pee too! Kalani, how long will you be in there?!"

Jade: "This is why I love using diapers! I don't have to wait for the bathroom!"

Makayla: "Oh, you don't have to wait for the bathroom, you say? Time to change that."

Jade: "I don't want to have to wait in line for the bathroom."

Makayla: "Too bad! Mwahahaha!"

Pudley: "You're evil. I like it."

Jade: "You'll pay for this, mommy."

Makayla: "No more poopy diapers!"

Jade: "There will be much worse in store for you."

Makayla: "Wait, what?"

Joey: "Zayn always disturbs my sleep. Time for me to disturb his."

Joey: "Ah, sweet revenge."

Zayn: *He thinks I can't hear him. I'm plotting my revenge as he speaks.*

Cameron: "This is why I stay away from my evil family."

Cameron: "I'm just peacefully eating my fruit salad, no one is planning revenge on me."

Cameron: "I've even gotten used to the taste."

Uh oh...

Potty training didn't go well at all.

Jade: "I was going to make mommy clean it, but she's making me clean it! Time to plan a new revenge."

Keep dreaming, Pudley.

Servo: "Pudley, leave the poor fish alone!"
Jade: "Servo, clean my potty or I'll cry!"

Jade: "Pwease..."

Ella: "I'm going to be stuck here for a while eating fruit salads."

Makayla: "Breakfast time!"

Makayla: "You'll never plan a revenge on me again."

Found another thing destroyed by the wild ass storm.
More upgrades!

Servo: "I feel like you treat me like I don't have feelings."

Ella: "School time. Eight hours away from these crazies, yes please!"

Jade: "I'm not crazy!"

Jade: "Peanut butter jelly rain storm!"

Makayla: "Don't even try it. You'll be cleaning it again."

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