Friday, August 2, 2024

Chapter 330

Roxxi: "Where the heck are we?"

Your new house in Oasis Springs!

Of course, they look completely unimpressed. If you'd like to see a tour of the new house, check it out on my Instagram!

Scott: "The air is nice and dry here in Oasis Springs. No humidity whatsoever."

Augustus: "Maybe if I do my homework, I'll be the second heir."

Servo; "We've been living here for a grand total of 2 seconds and I'm already cooking for these ungrateful sims."

Storm: "You can cook for me, instead. I'm grateful."

Now that Scott has graduated university, he can begin his career!

Scott is now in the law career: lawyer branch. He's beginning his career at level 8, thanks to his degree.

It wouldn't be a Parsons move in day without Hank the weirdo strolling on by.

Scott needs to obtain some clients if he wants to be a successful lawyer.

Scott: "Hey, pizza guy! Do you need a lawyer? You never know, a sim could try to sue you for giving them the wrong pizza."

Freddy the Pizza Guy: "I never thought of that before. Now, I'm scared."

Cooking, cooking and more cooking for poor Servo.

Hooray! Scott already has two clients!

Scott, quick! Stop this sim on a bicycle and tell her she needs a lawyer in case the crashes into another sim!

Scott: "Hey there, random sim going for a jog. You look like you're in need of a lawyer."

The moment is finally here. Servo and Bonehilda will be getting married tomorrow!

Of course, Servo is baking his own wedding cake.

Servo: "No one else can be trusted with such an important task."

He made an alien cake because not only does he have an alien daughter, but their love and marriage is very beautiful, but also very strange. A servo bot marrying a skeleton maid?! No way could they have a regular cake.

Looks like Storm had a puppy with another dog in the neighborhood! Introducing Toffee Parsons!

Looks like Kingston also had a kitten with another cat in the neighborhood! Introducing Bubblegum Parsons!

It's time for the royal wedding!

Servo: "I've been waiting for this moment for so long. I can't believe I'm finally marrying the love of my life!"

Servo seriously invited a few of Roxxi's previous flings?!

Roxxi: "Long time no see, Hermit."
The Hermit: "I've gone a long time without seeing many sims, but especially you."

Griffin was supposed to be the ring bearer, but instead, he got stuck standing like this smiling for the entire ceremony. Just try to ignore him.

♫ Here comes the bride, all dressed in a maid outfit! ♫

If your future husband doesn't look at you with heart eyes as you're going down the aisle, does he really love you?

Servo: "You look absolutely beautiful, my love."

Bonehilda: "And you look so handsome, just as you always do."

Servo: "Bonehilda, I've loved you since I first laid my robot eyes on you. You're my sun, my moon and all the stars in my sky."

Roxxi: "This is so romantic!"

I don't think this side of the crowd agrees.

Servo: "I will love you until my last breath, which is never, so I shall love you forever."

Bonehilda: "Oh my gosh, Servo! I'm the luckiest skeleton maid in the world!"

Guests: "Awww!"

Servo: "My vows were amazing, weren't they?"

Yes, yes they were.

Bonehilda: *Sniff*

Bonehilda: "Servo, I'll never forget the day we met on the Parsons farm."

Bonehilda: "It was love at first sight. I will love you forever and your daughter, Servella."

Those were some lovely vows!

Jeanette: "Ugh, how long is this gonna go on?"
Augustus: "I know, right?"

Servo: "With this ring..."

Servo: "...I thee wed."

I'm not crying, you are!

Bonehilda: "Oh, Servo!"

Bonehilda: "It's so shiny!"

Bonehilda: "With this ring..."

Roxxi: "This almost makes me wish I had a wedding!"

Bonehilda: "...I thee wed."

Servo: "Ooh, this ring is shiny, too!"

I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now-


Bonehilda: "Oww! My non existent nose!"

Servo: "I'm so sorry! Are you okay, my love?"

Bonehilda: "I'm fine, just a little dizzy. Your head is made of steel, so that wasn't fun."

Servo: "Sorry, I was just so excited. Let's try that again."


Servella: "I can't believe my dad is married!"

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Bot!

Everyone: "Hooray!"

What a beautiful ceremony!

Next up, the reception!

Servo: "I hope you enjoyed the ceremony, honey."

Servella: "It was so beautiful, dad. Congratulations!"

The ceremony is taking place down in Windenburg in this beautiful party lot from the gallery!

I actually won the Party Essentials kit in a EA Creator Network giveaway, and it was perfect timing!

Are you guys ready to PARTAY?

Heidi: "I'm always ready to PARTAY!"

Servo: "This place is incredible. I need to take a full look at it by making my head do a 360 spin!"

Servo: "Before I forget, let's cut this cake I spent hours making-"

Servo: "Whoops!"

Bonehilda: "Honey, be careful!"

Servo: "Ow, ow, ow!"

Servo: "I hurt my fingy."

Servo: "Can you kiss it better?"

Bonehilda: "Let's just cut this cake."

Servo: "This is the clumsiest I've ever been!"

Everyone is impatiently waiting for some cake.

Bonehilda: "I can't wait to try it, it looks delicious!"

Father Winter: "It's about time, I'm starving!"

Father Winter is getting some major side eyes from the Parsons.

Looks like everyone is enjoying the cake!

Bonehilda: "This is the most scrumptious cake ever!"

Time for the first dance!

Bonehilda: "I can barely move, I ate too much cake!"

Servo: "I'm just glad you got to enjoy it before these crazy sims consumed it all."

Roxxi: "What do you mean I can't have another slice of cake? I want a fifth! I'm starving!"

We need some more party lights!

That's more like it.

Break it down, old man with skater hair!

Servo: "Uh oh!"

Servo: "It looks like the dance floor is infected with dance fever!"

Oop- Servo tried to do a front flip and failed miserably.

Servo: "...I'm okay."

Nathaniel: "Servo needs to get it together."

Everyone has second hand embarassment.

Servo: "Roxxi, I challenge you to a dance off!"

Roxxi: "Excuse you?"

Jeanette: "Never challenge a Parsons to a dance off."

Servo: "What? Are you scared?"

Roxxi: "No way! I just don't want to embarrass you yet again."

Servo: "Embarrass me?"

Servo: "Where's the sim who's going to embarrass me? I can't find them."

Servo: "Don't make me bring out the big guns."

Oh no, Servo has brought out the lights!"

Servo: "I bet you can't beat that!"

Go Servo, it's your birthday!

Roxxi: "You're right, I can't! That was amazing!"

Servo: "You really just gave up that easily?"

Servo: "It was for the best. No one has dance moves like me."

The Hermit: "I hope he doesn't challenge me next!"

Servo: "Now, gather around and watch."

Everyone: "Go, Servo! Go, Servo!"

Roxxi: "One granny smash, please. I just lost a dance battle with Servo."

This bartender has skills!

Scott: "I'm unimpressed."

Bonehilda: "He's almost as talented as Servo!"

Roxxi: "Servo is a different level of talented."

What's going on here, Scott?

Scott: "Don't judge me."

Servo has been dancing for hours with no end in sight.

Roxxi: "I'm just glad I got to experience a wedding and it didn't have to be my own."

The boys found an arcade machine in one of the party rooms.

What a wonderful ceremony this was! It's time to head home.

Augustus: "Why don't we have an arcade machine, mom?"
Griffin: "That sounds like a great idea, right mom?"

Roxxi: "Maybe if I pretend I don't hear them, they'll stop mentioning the arcade machine."

The Crystal Creations pack was on sale, so I bought it!

This pack is right up my alley. I love crafting and skills! Servo is now working on the new skill: the gemology skill. There's also hundreds of new craftable items to add to the crafted items room with this pack. He's also going to complete the new aspiration from the pack, of course.

Before aging up into an elder, Roxxi is going to try and summon the Night Wraith one last time.

Roxxi: "Despairio!"

Townie: "Huh?"

Now, the entire neighborhood is sad thanks to Roxxi's spells.

Ooh! Servo's first piece of jewelry is complete.

Toffee: "Can I wear it?"

Nope, sorry.

It's going straight in the crafted items room.

Roxxi: "I've caused enough sims despair to become very close to overcharged."

The university cat is still up to its old antics, I see.

Roxxi: "One last spell and I should go into full overcharge. Despairio!"

Servo: "Ha-ha! It didn't even work."

Roxxi: "Ah..."

Roxxi: "AHHHHH!!!"

Roxxi: "...Am I still alive?"

The good news is that Roxxi is still alive... the bad news is that she still hasn't been cursed with the curse of the Night Wraith, so she won't get to woo him before aging up into an elder.

Happy birthday, Roxxi!

Happy birthday, Augustus!

Augustus aged up into a young adult!

Now, get out.

Roxxi aged up into an elder!

Roxxi: "Isn't my hairstyle fabulous?"

Scott: "Watch this, I can move this plant with the power of my mind!"

Roxxi: "Well, you are a spellcaster, so maybe you can."

The household is getting small again. It's peaceful, but we can't leave it like this for too long, can we?

Scott: "I'm off to find more clients."

Servo needs to gift some jewelry to another sim for his aspiration.

Servo: "I'll make a ring for Roxxi, since she'll clearly never get a ring from another sim."

Scott: "Hey there, random stranger. Do you happen to need a lawyer?"

Kirsten: "Oh my gosh, how did you know?"

Scott: "How did I know what?"

Kirsten: "That I'm in desperate need of a lawyer!"

Kirsten: "I can't really talk about this out here, though."

Scott: "Uh... maybe we can exchange numbers and you can come over to my house to discuss this later? I kind of have to go to my first day of work in an hour."

Kirsten: "Perfect!"

Scott: "Looks like I have another client... but I wonder what she desperately needs help with..."

Kirsten: "Okay, here's my number. I'll be over tomorrow afternoon."

Scott: "Perfect! I'll be there."

Kirsten: "Thanks for your help!"

Scott: "Welp, that was easy."

Scott: "Off to my first day of work I go."

Servo: "Roxxi! Come here!"

Servo: "I have a gift just for you."

Roxxi: "For lil' ol' me? You shouldn't have!"

It's simple, yet beautiful.

Roxxi: "Why is there always fan mail for Servo and never any fan mail for me?"

Bubblegum: "I should be getting fan mail, too."

Kingston: *Hiss!* "What is that thing doing here?!"

The dishwasher or your kitten?

Servo has cut his first gem using a fire opal!

Next, he's going to craft a seed-shaped gemstone. This can be planted in the Parsons garden and grow into a crystal tree!

Is that the newly wed I see?

This seed-shaped gemstone is huge!

Ooh, Truffles has made her way to the Parsons new house!

After Servo crafts another hydroponic planter, he can plant the seed-shaped gemstone.

Roxxi: "Who wants a dusty snack?"

Griffin: "School was so boring today."

Since Servo is busy, Roxxi has been reluctantly trusted to cook dinner.

Roxxi: "I didn't start a fire!"

Finally, the seed-shaped gemstone is ready to be planted!

Servo: "It's been a long time since a new plant was planted down here."

Scott: "Why did no one tell me being a lawyer was so hard?! It's like those university debates, but all day long!"

Scott: "At least my boss was impressed with my work performance today, though. I should be promoted in no time."

There's some new metals and crystals in the new pack! Hopefully the Parsons will be able to find them soon. Servo also needs to find 5 crystals or metals for his aspiration. Luckily, Oasis Springs usually has lots of digging spots that spawn each day.

Scott: "I'm gonna keep wearing my suit all day because I look extra important in it."

Bubblegum is in her feels.

Servo has been outside all afternoon looking for the new metals and crystals, with no luck.

Bubblegum: "Who wants to share their food with me?"

Every single pet is begging for food and the Parsons aren't happy about it at all.

Storm: "Please..."

Griffin: "Mom, can we add fireworks to the new treehouse?"
Christopher: "And maybe a bowling alley?"

Roxxi: "No and no."

Roxxi has been building the treehouse all by herself all afternoon.

Apparently, if this gemstone becomes fully charged on this plate, it'll offer benefits to all sims in the house!

Griffin: "If the treehouse is built this way, there'll be plenty of room for an arcade machine inside!"
Christopher: "That would be so cool!"

Scott: "Why are these two offering suggestions but not helping out?"

Ah! The crystal tree has sprouted!

Servo has been working day and night cutting some new gemstones.

I'm a dingus and just realised that the charging plate not only has to be outside to work, but also only charges during the night. Hopefully the gemstones will charge now that I figured this out.

Kingston aged up into an elder!

Kingston: "I don't like being an elder. Age me back!"

I know it's crazy, but Servo is going to have to cut every single gemstone shape using every single crystal for the crafted items room. Afterwards, he's going to do the same with all the jewelry. *Sigh* This is going to take forever.

Roxxi: "Do you guys smell that?"

Scott: "Yeah, it stinks almost as bad as when our house was filthy!"

It's Toffee! He must have been jumping in puddles.

Scott: "Hello?"

Scott: "Oh hey, Kirsten ... Yes, you can still come over this afternoon. I'll see you then."

The Parsons now have a dog bath outside! This is very much needed, since Parsons dogs love to jump in puddles 10,396 times a day.

Scott: "You guys, yesterday I had to defend someone in court because he got sued for looking like bigfoot and scaring everyone!"

Christopher: "That's not fair, it's just like what happened in Heidi's puppet show!"

Griffin: "Did you win?"

Hooray! The Parsons have found a jade and moonstone crystal, two of the new crystals! Now, all they need to find is an amber crystal, which is rare.

I think Toffee and Bubblegum want Servo's attention.

Of course, he immediately pet them.

Bubblegum: "What do you want?"

Storm: "Let's play 'run around the house 100 times'!"

Aww, the pets are all waiting for the kids to get home from school!


  1. Yay servo and Bonehilda wedding finally! Such a beautiful ceremony!

    Congratz on winning the new kit :) The party looked like good fun

    Looks like Servo has a lot of crafting to do!

    1. It's been a long time coming for this wedding, hahaha! :)

      Thank you! I was shocked, I usually never win giveaways. :D

      Thanks for reading!
