Saturday, July 20, 2024

Chapter 329

Here we aaare!

Scott is here at Britechester univeristy to earn a degree in Language and Literature!

He's staying in university housing instead of a dormitory. This should be fun!

Bonehilda is the maid around here?

Scott: "Bonehilda! It's great to see a familiar face around here. What are you doing here?"

Bonehilda: "Servo sent me to keep an eye on you, so I'm the Britechester university maid."

First things first: purchasing university apparel.

It's the man, the myth, THE LEGEND... Darby the Dragon!

Show us what you purchased, Scott!

A bicycle, of course.

Good job, Scott. Take down those stupid Foxbury posters and replace them with Britechester posters.

Scott also purchased some decorations for his room and a laptop.

Do you really need to ride the bike indoors?

Scott: "Hey there, roomie!"

Roomie: "Hey. I just need to warn you, I stink for no apparent reason a lot."

Typical roomie.

Scott: "Are you guys excited to start off the year, or what?"
Roomie: "Not really..."

This university housing wouldn't be complete without a roomie constantly cleaning around the TV for no reason at all.

Scott: "A fellow perfectionist like me, I see!"

Roomie: "Not really... I just really like cleaning TVs."

Fair enough.

Scott is off to tutor a class for his aspiration.

He needs to tutor a total of 5 classes.

Is that really the best place to do your homework?

It's better to do your homework at the dining table in front of a pink cake.

Without Servo, Scott has to make his own meals for the first time.

Scott: "Oww! My finger!"

That sandwich didn't turn out too bad.

Scott: "Who needs Servo, right?"

The family stalking has also begun.

Roomie: "Uh oh!"

Roomie: "I didn't make it to the bathroom in time!"

Let the stinkiness begin.

Scott is up bright and early for his first ever university class!

Scott: "I'll just eat a bowl of cereal and be on my merry way."

Off he goes!

Scott did amazing in his first ever class!

This roomie wasn't kidding when she said she'll start stinking for no reason.

Scott: "I'm so glad my first class went so great. I'd better head over to the Debate Guild meeting so I can ask to join the club.

Scott: "I think that's the club leader."

Scott: "Say hello to your newest member of the Debate Guild! ...I hope."

Hooray! Scott was accepted into the Debate Guild! His first task is to research any topic on the archive machine.

Things are getting pretty intense in this debate.

Scott: "Can you believe it? I'm apart of the Debate Guild!"

Roomie: "Wow, that's awesome, Scott!"

Scott: "I know, right?"

Scott: "I was so busy with my tasks of the day that I forgot to eat. I'm starving!"

Scott: "Thank gosh for ham and cheese sandwiches and Power-Sip Llamaberry drinks."

Don't forget about your homework, young man.

Scott: "What a day. I'm exhausted."

Scott's next class is pretty early in the morning.

Scott: "Knowledge is power."

Scott has to practice debating for 2 hours. He can debate by himself in the mirror.

Hey! Stop using Scott's laptop, roomie!

Scott: "One sweet bread, please. I don't have my robot to cook for me, and I'm starving."


Why are you screaming, sir?

What was that about... 'who needs Servo'?

Scott: "I do. I need Servo."

More homework on a random roomie's bed!

It's Harvestfest, and the gnomes are out and ready to terrorize.

In between classes, Scott is working on his presentation of the semester.

The TV is clean... you can stop that, now!

Now, Scott has to study for his upcoming exams.

Why aren't you studying, too?

Roomie: "Can't you see I'm busy drinking water and eating flirty heart cookies?"

Scott: "I think I've had one too many Power-Sip Llamaberry drinks today."

The Debate Guild is having a get together down at the local bar!

Scott: "One salty llama and some fish with fries, please."

Finally, Scott can eat something other than sandwiches and cereal.

His next batch of tasks have come in. He needs to watch the news channel.

Scott: "Hey, mom."

Scott: "I'm so exhausted. I barely got any sleep last night. What should I do?"
Roxxi: "Coffee!"

Scott: "Two coffees and a chocolate croissant, please!"

Scott: "I'm feeling better already."

Scott: "Maybe coffee is the next best thing since sleep doesn't seem to be an option right now."

On top of all of his university work, Scott is in a club and is completing an aspiration. There's zero time for sleep... poor guy.

He doesn't even have time to join these shenanigans.

I guess chicken nuggets are a better option than having a sandwich for dinner, again.

Scott: "Can't forget the coffee, of course."

Roomie: "Sorry! I didn't mean to pee myself right next to you!"
Scott: "Grant me the strength..."

We respect a ghost king trying to get an education!

It's spooky day!

Scott: "I'm a superhero chicken!"

I know you should be wearing a helmet, but I'm a bit disappointed you took off the chicken mask.

It's back on. Thank you.

Scott's next club task is to win a debate.

This is going to be hilarious witnessing a superhero chicken debating another sim!

Hey, it's Servo Bot! Our Servo Bot! What are you doing here?

Servo Bot: "I came here to witness some amateur debates."

Aww, man. Looks like Scott won't be debating in the superhero chicken suit, after all.

Scott and this sim are going to be debating 'Are Gnomes Cute or Creepy?'

Scott: "Gnomes are for sure creepy. It was Harvestfest only a few days ago, and I'm still having nightmares about that green alien gnome!"

Student: "The bunny gnome was adorable, though."

Scott: "What about the grim reaper gnome?"

Student: "That gnome is extra creepy."

Student: "As long as you appease the Harvestfest gnomes, they'll leave free seed packets everywhere! That's so cute!"

Scott: "What about if you don't appease them? They'll destroy your entire house."

Things are getting intense!

Scott: "If you kick one, they'll become even worse!"

Student: "Maybe don't give them bad gifts or kick them, then?"

Students: "Here, here!"

Scott: "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I lost!"

Welp... that was embarrassing. Next, Scott and this student will be debating 'Are Swimming Pools Inherently Deadly?'

Scott: "Of course swimming pools aren't deadly. They're designed for fun!"

Student: "Then, why do so many sims die after a while once you remove the pool ladder? ...Wait... that doesn't apply anymore, does it?"

Scott: "YES! I won my first debate!"

Student: "That was humiliating."

Now that the debates are over, the superhero chicken costume can return!

Scott is down at the library trying to complete all his homework. The library has a special lot trait that helps you complete homework faster.

Librarian: "Nice costume! What's it supposed to be?"

Scott: "You've seriously never seen a superhero chicken before?"

Townie: "That's one crazy costume."

Not as crazy as that blush.

Now that Scott has finished all his homework, he can begin working on his term paper.

Townie Teen: "Trick or treat?"
Scott: "Treat!"

Scott is being very nice, unlike his grandpa.

Scott: "I'm starving!"

Scott: "Mmm... sandwiches always fill me up. At least that's what I keep telling myself since Servo isn't around to cook for me, right now."

Scott is back down at the library!

He can now submit the final copy of his term paper.

He also needs to complete his presentation.

Scott: "This is a deep dive into the history of simlish."

Everyone looks very excited.

Scott: "My brains hurts from all this studying!"

Finally, Scott needs to research anything on an archive machine for his club task.

Alright, enough studying.

Scott: "Oh, come on! Where the heck is all the food?!"

Scott: "Please give me the biggest salmon possible."

Scott: "Mmm... not bad."

Since Scott has some time on his hands because it's the weekend, he travelled down to the Starlight Accolades with Servo so he can possibly win, finally.

Scott isn't famous enough to enter this celebrity-only club, though.

Scott: "Oh well. I'll just study and listen from outside the door."

Host: "Welcome to the Starlight Accolades!"

Will tonight be the night Servo wins a Starlight Accolade?

Nope. Poor Servo sat here for hours. Once again, he did not win an award.

Scott: "Welp, that sucked. Now, I only have a few hours left to sleep before class tomorrow."

The next day, Scott is up bright and early- heading to class in his pyjamas?!

Seriously, Scott?

Scott: "What? It was more comfortable."

Coffee, coffee, coffee!

Scott: "And some more sweet bread."

This is the cat that was hanging around canoodling with Kingston a few chapters ago!

Even one of Scott's roomies is exhausted and sleeping on a bench.

Scott: "Finally, class is over."

Scott also reached level 10 of the charisma skill during that class! Hooray!

Scott: "I'll spice things up and have a microwaved dinner."

Wow. Very exciting.

Scott: "Don't even think about stealing my microwaved dinner. I know you stole one of my coffees from the fridge."

Roomie: "How'd ya know it was me?"

Scott is off to tutor a class for his aspiration, once again.

Scott: "I still have some time to spare to finish my homework. Who needs sleep when you have coffee?"

After this, poor Scott will only have 4-5 hours left to sleep.

I don't blame him for being in his pyjamas again today.

Scott: "Where's that food stand? I'm starving!"

Coffee, coffee, coffee! (It's a chant, at this point.)

Scott: "Zzz..."

Uh... Scott?

Scott: "Huh? I'm awake! I'm awake!"

Scott: *Gulp*

Scott needs to win another debate for his club task. They're debating 'Healthy Food vs. Comfort Food'.

Scott: "Comfort food is the best. I've drank about 6 coffees today, and it's the only reason I'm even able to stand here and speak in front of you all!"

Student: "That's extremely unhealthy. You need some sleep."

Scott lost that debate miserably.

Maybe he can win a debate against this sim he lost against miserably last time?

Hooray! He won this time!

Scott: "Too many coffees. Need to tinkle."

Scott: *Yawn*

Scott: "Nothing a coffee can't fix." *Gulp*

Scott: "Alright, now I can finish all my homework."

Did you really need to leave the coffee cup on top of the toilet?

Surprisingly, Scott is not ordering any coffee from this food stall. He's ordering chilli.

Scott: "I still have some time in between classes to finish my homework."

Oop- looks like that kitty does not like this sim at all.

Everyone on campus is in the Winterfest spirit!

Is this cat just going around attacking everyone?!

Darby the Dragon: "Who's ready to get into the Britechester spirit?"
Scott: *Ignores*

Scott: *Gulp*

Coffee, coffee, coffee!

So he can study, study, study!

Scott: "Finally, I've finished all my homework."

This sim has his priorities in check. The TV must be spotless!

A rare moment of Scott actually sleeping instead of drinking coffee.

Uh oh! Who's gonna fix this?

This roomie is the savior we all need.

Scott is back down at the library.

For more homework and studying, of course!

Next, he needs to debate for his club task, again. They're going to be debating 'Are Cowplants Cows or Plants'?

Scott: "Cowplants are plants! They literally grow out of the ground!"

Student: "But, 'cow' is in the name. They're cows."

Scott: "'Plant' is also in the name! I win!"

After that win, Scott is now in a great mood and can study some more!

Hey! Stop stealing Scott's coffees from the fridge!

Looks like Scott made it back home from the library just in time for the countown to midnight.

Everyone: "Shashoobee!"

Everyone: "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Scott: "Hi, is this Zoomers Food Delivery? ... I'd like some spaghetti, please! I'm tired of eating microwaved meals."

This Zoomers Food Delivery guy looks oh so happy.

Scott: "Hmm... not quite as good as Servo's spaghetti, but still good!"

While working on his presentation, Scott reached level 10 of the research & debate skill! Hooray!

Scott: "My presentation was presented without a hitch!"

Scott found a grill near a lake. He can finally make some food that's not microwaved!

Scott: "They're not burnt, so I'd call this a smashing success."

Another Parsons stalker has arrived.

Roomie: "Oh my gosh, we're both so stinky!"

Scott: "You guys just noticed? You know there's a shower in the next room, right?"

Roomie: "There is?"

What happened to all those burgers?

Scott: "The roomies ate them all. Looks like I'm back to sandwiches."

Scott: *Gulp*

I forgot Scott had this boombox in his inventory. Listening to music in the library might be rude, but if his favorite music is playing, his fun need will go up, so the townies will just have to deal with it.

Scott: "I need to pee, I had way too much coffee, again!"

Scott has been in the library all day catching up on homework, but he's finally finished!

Scott: "I'm starving after tutoring that class!"

What kind of meal is this? A bowl of peas and a Power-Sip Llamaberry?

Scott: "It's all I could find."

Heidi: "For once, I'm glad I wasn't picked as heiress!"

Student: "How many students does it take to screw in a light bulb?"

Scott: "Uh... one?"

Student: "I think he's right!"
Scott: "What kind of debate is this?"

Roomie: "Where the heck is that shower this guy keeps talking about?!"

Look who's hanging around the campus for Egg Day!

Scott: "All this pollen is giving me a headache."

How many times are you going to turn up here, Heidi?

Flower Bunny: "Nice day outside, isn't it?"
Scott: "You betcha."

Roomie: *Yawn* "I need a nap."

You need a shower!

This is a little emotional... this is Scott's final university debate ever! They'll be debating 'Could Everything Be a Simulation?'

Scott: "Everything is most definitely a simulation. We're in a game called 'The Sims'!"

Crowd: "Ooh, ahh..."

Scott won his final university debate!

His final Debate Guild task is to research any topic on an archive machine.

Hooray! Scott is now a Senior Member in the Debate Guild! He worked so hard for this.

Study time!

Oh, look who it is!

Griffin: "Hi, Scott!"
Scott: *Ignores*

Griffin: "Why are you ignoring me? I know you hear me!"

Finally, Scott has completed all of his coursework of the semester. The only thing left is to take his final exams.

Next, he needs to contribute knowledge to an archive machine for his aspiration.


Scott: "Woah... that was intense!"

His last meal in the university commons!

Scott: "Pretty average salmon... but, definitely not bad."

Scott: "Look at my fancy pre-exam acai bowl. Look at it!"

Scott did amazing on his exams! His results will be in by the evening!

Scott: "Pizza rolls to celebrate? I think so."

I was wondering who kept putting up Foxbury banners up outside the stadium every night, and I think I may have just found the culprit.

Hooray! Scott's final GPA is in and it's an A+! The only thing left to do now is graduate tomorrow!

This is so exciting!

Scott: "Can you believe we're about to be university graduates?"
Student: "No! This is amazing!"

Good luck, guys!

I'll wait out here.

Ladies and gentlemen...

The Britechester class of 2024!

Scott has earned a degree in Language and Literature with a GPA of A+!

Why the heck are you guys still doing homework? You've graduated!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for catching up! :) That sucks that your game isn't working right now, it seems that updates break the game every single time lately, don't they? :(

    I can't believe it either, I never thought I'd make it this far, hahaha!

    I don't know why, but I've had lots of luck in my game with collectables recently. I've been able to find some stuff I've been looking for for years! Having a collectable items room makes it easy to store and keep track of everything. :)
