Saturday, November 13, 2021

Chapter 247

Honey, stop playing with the chicken food!

Bessie is now an elder, I'm not ready to lose her!

So is Larry. How will the sim world continue on without these two icons?

Even Cluckers is getting old. He somehow outlived his children, though, so he might live a bit longer than expected.

With Yuki no longer around, Myles decided to take Murphy for a walk.

Why are all the animals getting older?! Let them be immortal!

Rylie: "Hey, what about us?"

How can we continue the legacy if you're immortal?

Oops, looks like I spoke a little too soon. Looks like Cluckers is leaving us. Nooooo!

This is so sad!

Rest In Peace, Cluckers Parsons.

Happy birthday, Kelly!

Happy birthday, Ruby!

Kelly aged up into a teen!

Ruby aged up into a young adult!

Aaand here we have our generation 15 heiress!

Ruby: "Wait, I'm the heiress?"

Yes you are!

Ruby: "I knew it. I'm the best."

Later on, sometime around midnight, the Parsons were awoken by lights flickering throughout the house.

Ruby: "Huh? What the heck was that?"

This is totally not creepy at all...

Kari: "Are you kidding me? This is terrifying!"

Rylie: "Honey, did you see the lights flickering, too?"

Myles: "Uh... yeah... what the heck could it be?"

Honey: "It's the house telling you to feed me."

Ruby: "The lights flickering look a little familiar... too familiar. Could it be from the time I visited that haunted house?"

I was excited to witness Servo's 'scared' emotion, only to find out he just completely turns faceless when he's scared.

Kelly: "Ah! The lights are flickering again! Make it stop!"

Ruby: "Oh my gosh, this is all my fault! I have to do something!"


What the heck are y'all doing?

Myles: "Screaming! Half because we're trying to scare any ghosties away, and the other half because we're terrified."


Ruby: "Could it be that after communing with the departed, they could have possibly... followed me home?"

Ruby: "This can't be right... there has to be some kind of explanation for this."

Myles: "Oh my gosh, the lights are even flickering in the hallway!"

Kari: "Quick, Kelly, let's hide under the sheets!"
Kelly: "Good idea!"

I guess you can't see the lights flickering if you hide under the sheets.

Oh my gosh, what the heck?! A creepy doll?!

Ruby: "Something is definitely going on here, I'm gonna try to sense the energy of this house. This will let me know if any ghosties are roaming around."

Ruby: "Ghosties, are you there?"

Ruby: "Uh... there's a ton of ghosties! What have I done?! I should have never visited that haunted house!"

Ruby: "Get out of here, you creepy doll!"

Ruby: "UGH!"

Woah, I wasn't expecting that.

Midnight: "That poor dolly."

Claudio: "That creepy doll got what it deserved."

Ruby: "Ghosties, I have a question to ask you."

Ruby: "The lights are flickering again? All I wanted to ask is what the heck are you guys doing here?"

Ruby: "Hmm..."

What's the matter?

Ruby: "Well, the ghosties are happy, but they're here to stay, this place is haunted. Some specters might even begin popping up."

Myles: "I guess drinking golden milk first thing in the morning isn't such a good idea."

You're sparkling!

Kelly: "Did you guys hear that?!"

Why the heck are y'all eating spaghetti for breakfast at Ruby's séance table?

Just two sims doing homework.

Myles: "Who wants to take a look at the goldster?"

That's what you're calling yourself now?

Ruby: "I can't believe this place is haunted and it's all my fault! This is so creepy!"

Ruby: "Ghosties, I need to talk with you."

Ruby: "Wow... one of the ghosties told me all about her life. She said she once lived on a farm, just like this one. It may be creepy, but maybe being able to commune with the departed isn't so bad after all."

I can't handle that these two are elders, it's so sad!

Ruby: "Mom, can you help me commune with the departed? We'll have a stronger connection with the two of us."

Rylie: "Oh... uh... sure. Hi, ghosties?"

Rylie: "Am I doing this right?"

Ruby: "Somehow, yes. The ghosties are ready to commune with us."

Rylie: "Ghosties, please help me out with my garden."
Ruby: "It doesn't work that way, mom!"

Well, well, well, look who's been jumping in puddles.

Murphy: "Who? It wasn't me, that's for sure."


I just realised, after the chicken fair, Matilda must have passed away of old age somehow before the Parsons travelled home. I can't find her in anyone's inventory. That means all of the chickens are now gone, this is so sad!

Rylie: "Maybe we can get seven more chickens?"

That's a lot of chickens!

Kelly: "What the heck is Ruby doing?"

Ruby: "Communing with the departed, of course. You should try it sometime."

Uh... Ruby... your chair is floating!

Ruby: "That's what happens when your energy is strong."

Kari: "I've gotta take a selfie next to Ruby's floating chair."

Ooh, what's this? Looks like a specter has appeared!

Ruby: "Perfect. Just what I was trying to achieve."

Specter: "Hi there, I'm a happy specter!"

Kari: "Hehe, the happy specter got some specter dust on me! Hehe! I can't stop giggling now!"

Kari: "Happy specters are the best!"

Kelly: "Hehe! I think I got some of the specter dust on me, too! Hehe!"

Ruby: "Hey, why didn't the specter sprinkle any dust on me?"

It did, silly!

Ruby: "Hey there, little guy! How are you liking this place?"

Specter: "This place is one of my most happy haunts yet!"

Ruby: "I'm glad you like it! I've tried to make sure this place has good energy so that you'll remain happy."

Ruby: "You think you'll remain happy here?"
Specter: "Definitely! Just don't make me angry, you won't like an angry specter haunting this place!"

Specter: "Yipee!"
Ruby: "Maybe next, I could try to summon a certain skeleton maid I've been hearing about..."

How could you look so sad while being sprinkled in happy specter dust?

Doing seances drains Ruby's energy pretty fast. While getting some much needed rest...

The house decided it's not ready to rest. Another creepy doll has appeared!

Midnight: "Nope. I'm outta here."

Ruby: "Uh... is it just me, or are the lights flickering again?"

Kari: "I've gotta post these creepy flickering lights on Simstagram, this is gonna get even more likes than the floating chair selfie!"

Ruby: "Another creepy doll trying to bring bad energy into the house?"

Ruby: "Not on my watch!"

Ruby: "Take that, creepy doll!"

Ruby: "Alright, that should be enough creepiness for tonight, right?"

Wrong, there's a creepy puddle in the bathroom!

Honey: "Get it out of here, it's trying to watch me use my litterbox."

Puddle: "ARGHUUHDF!"

Ruby: "Nope, get outta here!"


Ruby: "Alright, I think all the bad energy has been erased from the house for now."

Kari: "I wonder when our house became haunted all of a sudden?"
Ruby: *I'll just pretend it's not my fault.*

The creepy floating chair has returned.

Midnight is just like his dad, he loves sleeping outside for some reason.

Ruby: "Oh my gosh, I think I did it..."

Ruby: "I managed to summon Bonehilda!"

*Gasp!* Bonehilda is here!

Bonehilda: "Ooh, why hello, there."

Bonehilda: "Did somebody summon a beautiful skeleton maid?"

Ruby: "I did! It's an honor to meet you, Bonehilda."

Bonehilda: "It's an honor to meet you too, young paranormal investigator."

Ruby: "Hehe! Bonehilda said it's an honor to meet me!"

Bonehilda: "This is a beautiful farm you guys have here."

Ruby: "Thanks! We could really use your help around here."

Ruby: "We have a servo bot, but he's a little busy with university, maxing out skills, completing aspirations... all that fun stuff."

Bonehilda: "Wow, that sounds like an incredible robot. I can't wait to meet him."

Ruby: "Do you mind cleaning up the bathroom a little? Everyone else around here seems a little busy right now."
Bonehilda: "Of course, that's what I'm here for!"

Ruby: "Wait a minute... what's Bonehilda gonna do when she finds out about the Parsons bathroom curse?!"

Bonehilda: "The what?"

Bonehilda: "Are you kidding me?!"

Bonehilda: "What is this?!"

Bonehilda: "This is the filthiest bathtub I've ever seen in my life!"

Apparently, Bonehilda has a tablet?

Thank you for cleaning the filthiest bathtub you've ever seen in your life, Bonehilda.

Ruby: "I wonder which ghosties I can summon."

Oh my gosh, Yuki!

Ruby: "I summoned grandma?"

Ruby: "Hey, grandma! It's great to see you! I've missed you so much."

Yuki: "I've missed you guys, too. Has anyone been taking care of my Idle Llama app like I asked?"

Ruby: "Uh... I'm not really good with technology. Maybe you could help me commune with the departed, instead? You know, since you're... departed."

Just when I thought things couldn't get any creepier.

On the non-creepy side, Myles made this amazing cross-stitch of the living room!

Bonehilda is doing push-ups in the kitchen... in other words, just another normal day in the Parsons household.

Ruby: "Oh my gosh, that ghostie's life story was so gross! They bathed in peanut butter and jelly every night?!"

Aww, so cute! Ignore Bonehilda's creepy skeleton leg.

Servo: "Oh, who's this pretty skeleton maid?"

Bonehilda: "Hehe, I'm Bonehilda, nice to meet you. You must be the talented servo bot I've been hearing about."

Servo: "Analysis. Analysis."

Bonehilda: "He's analysing me. That's so cool!"

Bonehilda: "So, what did you find in your analysis, Servo Bot?"

Servo: "I found out that you're a lovely lady with some wonderful traits, of course."

Bonehilda: "Oh, did you, now?"
Servo: "I sure did. I'd love to stay here and talk to you, but I really need to get to class. I'll definitely talk to you later on."

Servo: "How will I be able to focus in class? I can't stop thinking about Bonehilda!"

This ship has officially sailed!

Rylie: "Bessie, I know you're getting older, so I just want you to know I love you so much and you've made my life on the farm so wonderful."

Rylie: "Exactly the same to you, Larry. You guys are the best animals any sim could ever ask for."

Rylie: "Your sassiness is one of a kind, Larry."

Rylie: "And your friendliness is beyond compare, Bessie."

Bessie: "Why, thank you!"

Myles: "I can't believe the animals are elders already. Time flies by so fast."

Rylie: "I know, right? Pretty soon, it'll be us who are the elders."

Ruby: *Yawn* "I'm pretty tired after all of those seances."

Charlie came over to visit!

Charlie: "What the heck is going on around here? Why are there specters flying around all over the place?"

Specter: "This is our home now, too!"

Ruby: "I think I heard a specter outside."

Ruby: "Hey there, specter! How would you like it if I offered you a piece of my soul?"

A piece of your what?!

Specter: "Ooh, that would be great!"

Ruby: "What will I get in exchange for this deal?"

Specter: "Good energy and happier specters!"

Ruby: "Sounds like a good deal, here you go."

That does not sound like a good deal!

Ruby: "Are you guys happier, now?"

Specter: "Super happy! You have a great soul!"

Welp... this is a piece of Ruby's soul, I guess?

Ruby: "I kinda miss that piece of my soul, now. How long will it take to grow back?"

Probably a few hours.

Huh? Who's this?

Guidry: "Claude René Duplantier Guidry, but you can call me Guidry!"

Guidry: "I'm a bit of an expert in the paranormal, and I'll never turn down a chance to help someone in need! I've been chasing after the unknown all my life, and afterlife. Let me know if you need any help!"

Ruby: "I do, I need help."

Guidry: "Sure thing! What did you need help with?"

Ruby: "I kinda gave away a piece of my soul to the specters, but now I miss it. How long will it take to grow back?"

Guidry: "Don't worry, that piece of your soul will be back within 2-48 hours!"

Ruby: "Okay... let's hope it's not 48 hours."

Ruby: "Anyways, I have another question. I've been thinking about becoming a paranormal investigator... how do I do that?"

Guidry: "After reaching level 5 of the medium skill, you'll be offered a paranormal investigator licence."

Ruby: "That sounds awesome! I guess I'll have to keep working on my medium skill, then."

As Ruby gets some much needed rest, Guidry is playing some very loud video games on the computer.

However, Ruby can never truly rest lately. The ghosties like to come out at this time, apparently.

Ruby: "Ugh, come on! I'm tired!"

Ruby: "Wasn't giving a piece of my soul enough to have some peaceful sleep tonight?"

Guidry: "Come on, a paranormal investigator must be on call 24/7."

Ruby: "Ugh, maybe I should have just been a mailwoman instead!"

Specter: "Weeeeeeee!"

Specter: "Yipee!"

Myles: "What the heck are those green things outside the house?!"

Specter: "Relax, we're friendly!"

Specter: "We also watch you tinkle!"

Ruby had to get up and mop up this creepy print on the floor.

Guidry: "Are you guys liking it here?"

Specter: "Yes! This is my favorite house to haunt!"

It's a stormy night in Henford-on-Bagley.

Guidry: "Wow, there's a lot of animals around here."

Guidry: "Aren't you two just adorable?"

Midnight: "What the heck is that?"
Murphy: "Don't look the creepy ghostie in the eyes, son."

Claudio: "I'll stare into his soul."

Claudio: "Never mind, that was too creepy."

Rain, hail or shine, the animals need to be fed and brushed.

Rylie: "What about lightning?"

That, too.

What the heck is going on here?

Ruby: "I managed to turn myself into a pink skeleton maid!"

Myles: "This isn't creepy... not at all."

Rylie: "Uh... what's going on in here?"

Ruby: "Are there any more skeleton maids I can summon?"

A bunch of the new plants have evolved into perfect quality!

Rylie is taking great care of them, that's for sure.

Servo: "Gotta get inside before-"

Servo: "Uh oh..."

Oh no, Servo is malfunctioning from the rain!

In other news, the storm brought this lovely gem to the Parsons' front yard! Another one to add to the collection!

Thank gosh the repairwoman is here!

Servo will live to see another day.

The Harvestfest gnomes really like the coconut tree.

Ruby: "So do the ghosties, they say it's their favorite tree in the garden."

Looks like the repairwoman is fixing some other appliances while she's at it!

Kari: "She shouldn't try to repair a broken pen, it's pointless!"

Kelly: "...Really?"

Charlie: "What the heck has been going on around here since I moved out? Is this place really... haunted?"

Bonehilda is back!

Servo: "It's great to see you back, lovely lady."

Bonehilda: "I'm happy to be back, too. I've missed you, I can't stop thinking about you."

Ruby: "Aww, I take full responsibility for bringing this amazing ship together!"

Ruby: "Alright, back to seancing."

Ooh, things are escalating!

Servo: "We may both be naturally cold, but this hug is giving me warm fuzzy feelings."

Servo: "Bonehilda, I know we haven't known each other for all that long... but..."

Servo: "Uh..."


Bonehilda: "Oh my gosh, I was hoping you'd do that!"

Servo: "You were?"

Kari: "How the heck did you guys kiss? Neither of you have lips."

Servo: "Mind your business."

Servo: "Is it too soon to declare I'm head over heels in love with Bonehilda?"

Servo: *Kiss* "Maybe we should take this somewhere a little more private."

Uh... wait... what?

What is going on here?!

Welp... I wasn't expecting this.

There's even fireworks?!

Are y'all officially boyfriend and girlfriend?

Bonehilda: "Of course we are!"

Ruby: "I can't wait to finally get some much needed rest-"

Ruby: "Uh... Servo? What are you doing in here?"

Servo: "Huh? Nothing! I was just... taking a nap!"

Looks like she took his word for it.

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