Friday, June 21, 2024

Chapter 327

Now that the oversized crops have fully grown, it's time to enter them in the Finchwick Oversized Crop competition!

Only one sim can submit an entry at a time. Good thing we have a house full of sims, right?

Here we are!

The Parsons are ready to submit their entries.

First, we have an oversized pumpkin weighing in at a whopping 32.29 kg.

Next, an oversized lettuce weighing in at 3.53 kg.

An oversized watermelon weighing in at a whopping 45.78 kg.

An oversized aubergine weighing in at 14.85 kg.

And, finally, an oversized mushroom weighing in at 3.95 kg. All of the oversized crops are also perfect quality, so the Parsons should have this in the bag. (Besides the fact that they took up all the entry slots.)

Mrs. Crumplebottom is offering some pretty sweet gardening deals since it's fair day!

Sims are already checking out the Parsons' oversized crops.

Meanwhile, the Parsons are, of course, cowpoke dancing.

Uh oh, the fans have found Servo.

Roxxi: "Yeehaw!"

Servo found a quiet spot to continue knitting clothes.

Augustus: "Maybe I'll find some voidcritter cards in the trash!"

Newsflash... Augustus found nothing.

Townie: "Are all these entries by the same family? That shouldn't even be allowed!"

Mayor: "As long as they're all entered by separate sims, there's no rules being broken."

Oh my gosh, I completely forgot there's also a pie competition happening, too!

Luckily, Servo found a kitchen in the pub.

Hurry up and bake that pie before it's too late!

Servo made an impeccable lemon meringue pie!

This pie should wipe the floor.

Ooh, it looks like the final judgements are happening!

Maybe it's not too late to enter another pie?

Hurry up, Servo! Time is running out!

Meanwhile, the Parsons are having some dinner in the pub.

Servo managed to bake an impeccable apple pie in the nick of time!

He entered it when there was literally one sim minute left to enter.

The results are in! The mushroom won first place, the lettuce won second place, the pumpkin won third place, the lemon meringue pie won first place, the apple pie won second place, and everything else won a participation ribbon!

That's a whole lot of ribbons to add to the Parsons Finchwick Fair Ribbons collection!

The dust continues to pile up.

Servo: "Here's a dust snack for my new little dusty friend."

The dust bunny now has a name: Truffles!

Happy birthday, Christopher!

Happy birthday, Leilani!

Leilani aged up into a young adult!

Now, get out.

Christopher aged up into a child!

I know I say this all the time, but he's looking even more like Father Winter by the day.

Ooh, there's another dust bunny upstairs!

Christopher: "It's so cool!"

These plates are stinky!

Storm: "They smell fine to me."

Roxxi: "Oof, my back!"

Roxxi: "I've gotten this far in life with barely anything to show for it? I want to learn more skills!"

Looks like someone is entering a mid-life crisis.

You can learn the gardening skill, then.

Roxxi: "Why does it have to be this skill?"

Someone has to plant those oversized crops.

I spot a dazed Leilani walking around Copperdale!

Now that all the oversized crops are planted, the only thing left to do is fertilize them and let the gardening bot take care of the rest!

Roxxi: "And give birth."

It's go time?!

You've got this, Roxxi!


It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Griffin Parsons! (There's so many boys being born this generation.)

Heidi: "Hehehe... I'm gonna wake Augustus up."


Augustus: "Was that supposed to be funny?"

Heidi: "Uh... now, I'm scared..."


Augustus: "Now, back to my nap."

Heidi: "Little brothers are so annoying."

Griffin aged up into an infant! The dust bunny and Kingston are both very excited, clearly.

Tummy time for Griffin!

Heidi: "Aww, who's this little cutie?"

Heidi: "You're so adorable!"

I don't think it's a good idea to hold a dust bunny that close to your face, Heidi.

Griffin rolled over for the first time and had an entire proud family gather around to witness it!

Roxxi: "Hi there, sweetie."

Roxxi: "Great job for rolling over already, Grif!"

Servo: "If it isn't my new little BFF."

Servo: "Hello, Truffles!"

Truffles has now officially been befriended by the Parsons! Now, she'll be able to survive even the cleanest of environments. She'll also find rarer items when searching for valuables.

Servo: "Did you find anything good?"

A cool collectable item (which I forgot to check what it was)? Awesome!

Servo: "You're one of my favorite beings to ever exist."

Poor Griffin had a diaper blowout. It's an inevitable moment for a Parsons child, at this point.

The laundry has been piling up like there's no tomorrow.

Hooray! Servo has FINALLY knitted every single clothing item!

Now, he can get started on cross stitching every single pattern.

Do you really have to cross stitch on the toilet?

Servo: "Don't judge me."

Servo: "I'll cross stitch a cheese pattern."

Nap time for Griffin!

This is a nightmare!

Finally, you're cross stitching in a normal location.

Kingston: "Tell Servo to stop cross stitching and make me a wellness treat!"

Griffin: "WAAAA!!!"
Roxxi: "I thought you'd be less fussy. You just took a nap!"

Christopher: "I have a loose tooth!"

Christopher: "Oww!"

Christopher: "Hey! I lost my first tooth!"

Servo's cross stitches are coming along nicely.

Why is there a family reunion going on in here?

Happy birthday, Augustus!

Augustus aged up into a teen!

Gross! The clothes on the floor are starting to stink really bad!

Somehow, this still isn't considered a 'dirty house' by the game.

Is that your bestie I see, Servo?

It is! Yamachan!

At last! The house is now 'dirty'! Now, it just needs to become 'filthy'. I'm scared.

Roxxi: "Look who's awake at the crack of dawn!"

Roxxi: "Gross. It's so dusty and stinky around here."

Heidi: "This is awful."
Scott: "I know, right? Can Servo just complete this horrible aspiration already?"

Roxxi: "Guys! Milestone alert!"

Hooray! Griffin sat up for the first time!

Griffin: "WAAAA!!!"
Roxxi: "You ruined it with your loud noises and confetti, party bot."

Now, Griffin can try his first baby food.

Roxxi: "Let's see if you like sweet potato puree."

He loves it!

Roxxi: "I'm surprised. Sweet potato puree sounds gross."

Augustus: "Are you kidding me?!"

What's the matter, Augustus?

Augustus: "There aren't enough clothes lying around on the floor! You call this a 'dirty house'?!

Patchy: "Why the heck does it stink so bad in here?"

Tristan: "I don't know what's scarier... that dirty house, or this dangerous thunderstorm!"

Christopher: "This place looks even worse than when we left!"

Trust me, townie, you do not want to come inside this house.

What's for dinner, Servo?

Servo: "An old favorite."

Franks and beans? Are you kidding me?! Now, it's gonna be even stinkier around here with everyone farting!

Roxxi: "Uh... I don't think Griffin is up for crawling right now."

Servo: "Do you guys think we need more dirty plates lying around?"

Augustus: "Duh! That'll really help the feng shui around here."

Scott: "Are you kidding me?"

Hooray! Griffin is now crawling!

Scott: "I can't even sleep in here! There's too many dirty clothes everywhere!"

Poor Scott is a perfectionist, so he's really on struggle street right now. On the bright side, the house is finally considered 'filthy', so Servo's aspiration task is now complete!

Where do you think you're going, Grif? It's your birthday!

Happy birthday, Griffin!

Griffin aged up into a toddler!

I've never been happier to see you, Bonehilda.

Bonehilda: "They need me! They really need me!"

Now that the house is already filthy, Bonehilda can start cleaning up some of these plates. The house cleanliness probably won't change unless someone vacuums. The house still needs to remain filthy since Servo still has a few more aspiration tasks left.

It's waaay better, but there's still a few plates left, ma'am!

Speaking of aspirations, Roxxi is trying to complete her aspiration 'Serial Romantic'. She needs to kiss 10 sims. Somehow, she's apparently only kissed 6 sims despite having babies with 7 different sims.

She's a master of seducing sims at this point, so this shouldn't be too difficult.

While the house is still considered 'filthy', Servo needs to invite over a guest. I feel bad for whoever that poor soul is.

Surprisingly, Roxxi is having a difficult time. Sims keep rejecting her or leaving!

Townie: "If she does this face, she'll be able to seduce any sim!"

I'll let her know that, thank you.

Since it's leisure day, the kids decided to have a water balloon fight.

Scott: "Miss!"

Augustus: "How did I miss that?!"

Nathaniel: "She's still doing this?"

Yes, yes she is.

Nathaniel: "She's already onto the next. Barf."

Okay, that's enough for today. Maybe she'll have better luck later on.

Of course, the Parsons need to light fireworks for leisure day!

I don't think these are the fireworks that go up in the sky.

They're still pretty, though!

Roxxi: "We need the ones that go up in the sky."

You're right!

Up they go!

Ooh, a plumbob!

Another plumbob!

So pretty!

It wouldn't be complete without the sparklers, of course.

What a wonderful leisure day!


  1. Heya! This chapter isn't in your chapter list. I noticed 327 missing and just changed the URL.

    Those crops are HUGE! So many Ribbons awarded haha

    1. Thanks so much for letting me know! It's been fixed, now. :)

      It's wild that sims can fit up to 45kg worth of stuff in their inventories, hahaha! xD
