Thursday, June 13, 2024

Chapter 324

Since Servo is working on the 'Leader of the Pack' aspiration at the moment, he has joined a chess club called 'Knights of the Hedge'. They're having a club meeting at Von Haunt Estate in Windenburg.

Woah... there's a huge maze here.

Servo has to be at this club event for a total of four hours! It's currently 4AM, so I guess he got an early start.

Servo: "Shall we do our secret club handshake?"

Servo: "Cross, cross, point."

Club Member: "With a bit of elbow."

Servo and this knight are the only members of the club.

He also needs to perform 10 club activities. The only real club activities seem to be playing chess and exploring mazes.

Club Member: "Bring it on! I'm level 5 in the logic skill."

Servo: "This should be easy, then."

Paparazzi: "Servo! Over here!"

Club Member: "Wow, you're pretty good at this."

Fan: "I can't believe I'm witnessing the Servo Bot playing chess!"

Servo: "Now that I won chess a few times, I'll go complete the maze. The paparazzi and fans will never find me there."

Servo should complete this maze with ease!

Servo: "Hmm..."

Servo: "Where the heck am I?"

See that little blue dot right by the end of the maze? That's Servo.

Servo: "I think I'm lost."

WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! The end of the maze is right here!

Servo: "Now, I'm completely lost again."


Paparazzi: "I'm dizzy trying to find Servo Bot in this maze."

Servella: "I guess my dad can't do it all, after all. He sucks at mazes!"

Maybe he should just stick to something he knows best; playing chess.

There's a fight happening outside the Von Haunt Estate? I thought this was a fancy establishment.

Servo has now been at this club gathering for a total of 12 hours. It's time to head home away from all these paparazzi and fans.

Not without making a wish by the fountain, first.

Servo: "I wish the paparazzi would leave me alone!"

Paparazzi: "I heard that! Now, your wish will never come true!"

Back at home, Roxxi is still blessed with her own personal sun.

Roxxi: "That sad cloud has nothing on my sun!"

Poor Kira is still cursed with the curse of torpid needs.

Kira: "I ate two entire cakes and a bowl of pasta, and I still can't fill my hunger need!"

Tristan had two choices, and of course, he chose grilled fruit. A true Parsons.

Tristan: "This grilled fruit smells great through my snorkel."

Since Servo can now craft the camping mascot, he's going to do just that so he can add it to the crafted items room.

Kira: "I may not be able to fill my own hunger, but I'll always make sure my grandkids are all taken care of."

Roxxi: "This steak should fulfil your hunger, mom. It's scrumptious!"

Aww! The mini camp mascot sculpture is so adorable! It fits in perfectly, too.

Kingston: "Is it more adorable than me?"

Of course not.

How does this stan keep getting into the house?! It's driving me nuts!

Zeke: "Milestone alert!"

Hooray! Heidi sat up for the first time!

Zeke: "You're making my mean side come out again, I see. Get out of my house, or else!"

Stan: "Did the superstar athlete, Zeke Parsons, seriously just insult me?!"

Zeke: "I sure did, and I'll insult your mother while I'm at it. She's a llama!"

*Gasp!* The worst insult a sim can possibly hurl at another sim!

Leilani: "Food is fun!"

Hey, don't fling your food!

Mochi: "I volunteer to eat any food a sim flings or doesn't want."

Storm: "The oven is so scary!"

Servo: "Relax, Storm. I'm just making eggs and toast for these ungrateful sims once again."

Uh oh, is it go time?

Roxxi: "Uh... not quite!"

Roxxi, did you just pee yourself again?!

Roxxi: "It was an accident!"

Poor Heidi is scooting away as fast as possible!

Kira: "Woah!"

Kira: "Thank goodness, the curse is finally gone!"

Tristan: "I think I have a loose tooth!"

Roxxi: "Could I have some of your eggs and toast, dad? I'm eating for two."
Zeke: "Not a chance."

Tristan: "Grandpa, I lost my tooth! Can I get some toys for that?"

Zeke: "That's the tooth fairy's job! And, besides, you have enough toys already!"

Tristan: "Please, please, please!"

Zeke: "No way! The tooth fairy will leave you five simoleons, that's all you need."

Heidi is trying baby food for the first time! Ignore the filthy high chair.

Kira: "Are you ready to try some oatmeal cereal, Heidi?"

Kira: "Here comes the airplane!"

Roxxi: "Mommy is gonna teach you some manners, Leilani."

Leilani: "What are manners, mommy?"

Roxxi: "That's a good question. I'll have to look it up."

Roxxi: *Typing* "What... are... manners?"

Zeke may be getting a little too old to play actual soccer, but good thing he'll never be too old to play foosball.

Woah! This random dog outside looks identical to Ice Cream, only without the fur pattern.

Zeke: "Who said I'm too old to play soccer? Off to work I go."

For one of the last times until you retire, that is.

Roxxi: "It's a shame you can't eat these garlic noodles, Servo. They're delicious!"
Servo: "It's a shame you can't do even a quarter of the things I can do."



Okay, now it's go time.

You can do it, Roxxi!


It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Scott Parsons!

Now that Heidi can sit up, she can learn to crawl!

Kira: "My grandbabies are growing up so fast."

Hooray! Heidi can now crawl!

The Parsons are getting into the fall spirit!

Roxxi: "Are you Patchy the Strawman? I've heard so much about you!"

Roxxi: "You're only the coolest strawman to ever exist!"

Patchy: "Why, thank you."

He talks?!

Roxxi: "I have a joke... why did the scarecrow win an award? ...Because, he was outstanding in his field! HAHAHAHA!"

Roxxi: "Hmm... I guess that joke wasn't funny enough."

Roxxi: "Well, when you wanna hang out with the most awesome sim ever, you know where to find me."

Now, all Heidi needs to learn is how to stand.

Welp, that was fast!

Kira: "How do I work this thing? The camera is facing me."

The Parsons Omiscan artifacts collection plaque arrived in the mail today!

That reminds me, the Parsons also need to continue looking for marbles to complete their marble collection.

Ooh! Roxxi found 'Princess Cordelia's Lost Marble', a rare marble!

Zeke found a 'Servos Steel' marble!

Kira: "Zeke and Roxxi got the easy job. Training voidcritters is hard work!"

Heidi learned to grab!

Roxxi: "Right before her birthday."

Happy birthday, Leilani!

Happy birthday, Heidi!

Heidi aged up into a toddler!

Leilani aged up into a child!

Scott aged up into an infant!

Of course, grandma Kira is here to take care of him right away.

Heidi: "I don't like birthdays!"
Servo: "Thankfully, I don't have that issue."

Storm: "Servo's gonna live forever? Yay!"

Poor Scott hates tummy time.

Roxxi: "Once upon a time, in the dinosaur era, there lived a crazy dinosaur named 'Parson'."

Mood x2.

Kira: "Sweet dreams, Scott."

Scott is giving some major side eye.

This is the cutest thing ever. Heidi had a nightmare and Tristan comforted her with a hug.

Kira: "Servo had better be making the grand meal. I'm starving."

Woah, someone woke up in a bad mood.

It's Harvestfest time! 🦃🍁🍂

The gnomes are back!

Zeke: "Scott had a diaper blowout. Could someone else take care of this?"

Servo's too busy making the Harvestfest turkey.

Kingston, no!

Servo: "Kingston, we don't eat the Harvestfest turkey that I spent 3 hours slaving over. It's for ungrateful sims only."

Bonehilda: "Did someone say 'Harvestfest turkey'?"

Roxxi: "Please come hang out with me. We have Harvestfest turkey!"

Kira: "Here's a treat for you, sweetie."

Heidi: "Thank you, gwamma!"

Aww, so sweet!

Zeke: "The creepy alien gnome likes future cubes!"

Alien Gnome: "Now, I can see into the future."

That's... uh... not how future cubes work.

Roxxi: "The spring gnome would like a garden salad, right?"

Roxxi: "Is that a good sign?"

Spring Gnome: "Horrible gift. I shall now unleash my wrath."

Roxxi: "Woah, that was unexpected!"

Roxxi: "Please, forgive me, spring gnome! I thought you'd like garden salad!"

Roxxi: "Phew! I guess that worked."

AHHHHHHHH! Patchy is alive and walking around!

Uh oh, here comes Roxxi.

Roxxi: "Was that enchanting enough?"

Patchy: "It sure was!"

Roxxi: "I'm so romantic!"

Roxxi: "Do you like what you see?"

Patchy: "I must say, I do."

Roxxi: "Your straw hands are surprisingly soft."


That was fast, even for Roxxi.

Zeke: "Ugh, stupid Uni!"

I guess Zeke takes out his anger on poor Uni since he can't be mean to other sims anymore.

Oh, come on!


Roxxi: "Well, that was fun."

No surprises here, Roxxi is pregnant once again!

Roxxi: "Uh... I know you dislike children, but I'm pregnant."

Patchy: "What?! This is awful!"

Roxxi: "Yeah... so... you can go back to your tree, now."


Roxxi: "That was a dramatic exit if I ever saw one."

Tristan: "Where's the turkey?"
Zeke: "Oops! I've been distracted by being on the phone with my old friend Kyle for two hours. I almost forgot about the turkey."

Zeke: "Turkey time!"

Leilani: "It's about time!"

The turkey looks delicious!

Dimitri: "I hate being here, but I want some turkey."

Lady: "Is there any left for me?"

Servo managed to appease the last gnome without being struck by lightning!

Scott can now do tummy time on his own!

Leilani: "I have a loose tooth!"

Leilani: "Got it!"

It's Spooky Day time! 🎃👻🍬

Zeke: "Hey, Bonehilda, think you can beat my record of kicking the ball 424 times?"
Bonehilda: "Not a chance."

Scott sat up for the first time!

Kira: "He's so smart! He gets it from his grandma."

Zeke: "Was that an insult?"

Roxxi: "Why isn't Servo doing this? I hate taking out the trash."

Keep looking for those marbles, guys! We're so close to completing the collection.

Welp... this is awkward.

Roxxi: "I'll just pretend I don't see him."

Roxxi: "Who's ready to try some baby food?"

Scott does not look very excited at all.

Roxxi: "Here comes the oatmeal cereal choo choo train!"

Does Scott like oatmeal cereal?

He hates it.

Scott: "WAAAAA!!!"

Roxxi: "Okay, okay, here's some ice cream, instead."

Scott has had enough of trying new foods.

Roxxi: "Crawl to mommy! You can do it!"

Finally, a Parsons child who's not making a complete mess while eating in the high chair!

Roxxi: "Oof, my back is killing me."

Could it be twins?!

Zeke: "Look, boss, I know you said I'm being too stubborn and I should retire... and I really don't want to... but I think now is the time."

Zeke has finally retired!

Zeke: "I still had way more games left in me. Old age never killed anybody."

Uh... yes, it has.

Hooray! Scott is crawling!

It's Spooky Day!

Zeke: "I'm a Grim Reaper who needs to tinkle."

Tristan: "I'm Yoda!"

Kira: "I'm a detective!"

Leilani: "I'm a cool pumpkin!"

Leilani: "Hey, stop that, Kingston!"

Kingston: "Fine, I'll be good today."

Roxxi: "I'm a boring camper."

Roxxi: "This butternut squash is delicious!"

The Grim Reaper Zeke is teaching Scott to stand!

Kira: "Look, a leaf pile!"

Leilani: "This is so much fun!"

Kira, you can climb a ladder while holding an umbrella? Impressive.

Tristan: "Let's play pirate explorers!"
Kira: "Why did I come up here? How am I going to get down?"

Hooray! Scott is standing for the first time!

Roxxi: "Thanks to me, the greatest mentor there is."

Heidi: "Yay, Scott!"

Mochi: "Get the tiny hooman away from me."

Aww, this is the cutest thing ever! Scott is taking a nap with Kingston and Storm!

The cuteness didn't last long before tragedy struck.

Rest In Peace, Lady Parsons. You were a wonderful, smart dog. You will be dearly missed.

Grim Reaper: "Is that... an imposter?!"

Zeke: "I can barely see with this hood covering my eyes. Who just called me an imposter?"

Zeke: *Gasp!* "I'm not impostering! It's just a Spooky Day costume, I swear! Please, don't take me with you!"

Patchy: "Why does no one ever dress up as me for Spooky Day?"

Patchy: *Gasp!* "Is that the actual Grim Reaper?"

Get out of the house, creepy stan!

It's go time yet again for Roxxi.


It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Augustus Parsons!

Happy birthday, Roxxi!

Happy birthday, Tristan!

Roxxi aged up into an adult!

Tristan aged up into a teen!

Zeke: "Boo!"

Zeke: "Hahahahaha!"

Zeke still hasn't fully lost his mean side, I see."

Trick or Treater: "Trick or treat?"

Zeke: "Trick, of course. That's why I just tricked you... duh!"

Leilani: "That was hilarious, grandpa!"
Zeke: "Maybe one of my grandkids will turn out to be mean just like me. I would be so proud."

Look out world, Scott pulled to stand in his crib all on his own!

He's reached all his milestones so fast!

So many birthdays! Happy birthday, Heidi!

Happy birthday, Scott!

Heidi aged up into a child!

Scott aged up into a toddler!

Augustus aged up into an infant!

Roxxi: "Are you ready for bed time?"

Roxxi: "Sweet dreams!"

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