Sunday, June 16, 2024

Chapter 325

Heidi: "I think I have a loose tooth!"

Heidi: "What if the tooth fairy doesn't leave me any simoleons?"

We almost have half of the family here eating together at the same time!

Heidi, get out of the pool! It's freezing!

Tummy time for Augustus!

Heidi: "Everyone, gather around! I'm gonna do a puppet show!"

Everyone actually gathered around!

Sarah the Puppet: "Hey, detective Vinny! I heard there was a creature lurking around here in Granite Falls."

Vinny the Puppet: "That's right, Sarah! He usually hides away in the deep woods during the day away from other sims."

Roxxi: "Is this about The Hermit?"

Leilani: "I think it's about a sasquatch, mommy."

Servo: "Don't worry, Roxxi, it's not about one of your 70 boyfriends."
Tristan: "BURN!"

Vinny the Puppet: "Recently, sims believe he's been intentionally trying to scare them by showing up during the daytime."

Sarah the Puppet: "Or, maybe, he just wants some sunshine?"

Servo: "Good thinking, Sarah!"

Vinny the Puppet: "Who was that loud audience member?"
Sarah the Puppet: "I think it was the robot."

Even more Parsons are gathering around to watch the show.

Vinny the Puppet: "I think I see the sasquatch over there! I'm going to confront him!"
Sarah the Puppet: "Detective! Wait!"

Vinny the Puppet: "A-ha! There you are!"

Roxxi: "Aww, the sasquatch is so cute! How could anyone be afraid of him?"

Vinny the Puppet: "What do you think you're doing trying to scare other sims, you horrible monster?!"

Sasquatch the Puppet: "I'm just trying to enjoy nature! Granite Falls is so beautiful during the daytime!"

Zeke: "Poor little guy."
Scott: "I like the sasqwach!"

Vinny the Puppet: "Last time I checked, daytime is when lots of sims are trying to enjoy their camping trips here in Granite Falls."

Vinny the Puppet: "If you had any care, you'd stay out of their sight!"
Sasquatch the Puppet: "But, I think everyone should be able to enjoy the beauty of nature!"

Sasquatch the Puppet: "I've made friends with all the beautiful animals around here, so why not make friends with all the sims around here, too?"

Vinny the Puppet: "Because, you're too scary! Do you want to get thrown into the slammer, or what?!"

Sasquatch the Puppet: "The what?"

Heidi: "Warning! Fight scene!"

Sasquatch the Puppet: "Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

Vinny the Puppet: "That's it, you're goin' down town straight to jail."

Vinny the Puppet: "You're under arrest!"

Sasquatch the Puppet: "AHHHH!!!"

Kira: "This is wild!"
Zeke: "Fight, fight, fight!"

Roxxi: "Are we sure this isn't secretly about The Hermit?"

Sasquatch the Puppet: "I'm not going anywhere!"

Sasquatch the Puppet: "This is my home!"

Vinny the Puppet: "This is a tourist area. No monsters allowed!"

Vinny the Puppet: "What do you think, audience? Should the sasquatch be thrown in the slammer?"

Zeke: "I don't think he should."

Kira: "Neither do I. Granite falls is his home!"

Servo: "Are you even paying attention?"
Tristan: "Yeah... I totally wasn't checking social bunny for the last 10 minutes, or anything."

Sarah the Puppet: "Sasquatch! Are you okay?"

Sasquatch the Puppet: "No, this is awful! That detective tried to remove me from my home!"

Sarah the Puppet: "This is so sad. The detective told me of his plans! He walked away so fast before I could even stop him."

Sasquatch the Puppet: "I love it here more than any sim ever could! I love the bugs, the trees, the animals..."

Sarah the Puppet: "That's exactly why you deserve to stay here."

Vinny the Puppet: "Fine, he can stay."

Everyone: "HOORAY!"

Heidi: "Thanks for watching 'The Creature of Granite Falls'!"

Heidi: "I hope everyone enjoyed the show!"

Zeke and Roxxi are outside throwing Zeke's golden football.

Zeke: "I bet you can't catch!"

Roxxi: "Watch me."

Roxxi: "What was that rude comment you just made?"

Zeke: "I'm surprised! Maybe you're secretly athletic like me."

Roxxi: "Maybe I should join a soccer team."

Zeke: "Don't. It'll be embarrassing when you're not as awesome and legendary as me."

Kira: "Clean up on aisle 6."

Roxxi: "Hey, Nathaniel! Did you know I'm secretly as athletic as dad?"

Nathaniel: "Because you caught a football once?"

Roxxi: "That's more times than you!"

Nathaniel: "Ha! I'll have you know, I beat dad at foosball, and he still isn't over it."

Roxxi: "What?! Teach me your ways."

Zeke: "Ugh! I still can't believe Nathaniel beat me at foosball all those years ago!"
Tristan: "Grandma! Grandpa is hitting the toy unicorn again!"

Scott has maxed out his communication skill!

Heidi: "Are we supposed to be princesses?"

Leilani: "No. We're queens."

Heidi: "We're so awesome!"

Zeke, are you seriously watching the washing machine? ...I guess it's better than hitting Uni, so continue.

Servo: "Do you think I'll win a Starlight Accolade tonight?"

Let's find out!

Servo is back down at the Starlight Accolades!

He'd better win an award tonight.

Are you kidding me? The exact same celebrities that won awards last time won them all again!"

How dare they snub poor Servo yet again.

Host: "Come back next time, folks, so witness the exact same sims winning the exact same awards in the exact same location!"

Zeke of all sims is up for the midnight feed!

Ooh, it has started snowing here in Copperdale!

Hey! You shouldn't be cooking, Roxxi!

Uh... Roxxi?

Roxxi: "Try and stop me."

Excuse me?

Roxxi: "I'm kidding! Please don't tell Servo I'm cooking."

Luckily, Roxxi's cooking didn't result in any fires or burnt food.

Winterfest is approaching, which means it's tree decorating time!

The party bot is clearly very excited about this news.

Kingston: "I don't like the party bot."

But, it has confetti, Kingston!

Finally, this puddle will be cleaned up.

Bonehilda: "I was just about to get to it."

Servella: "These robots are so cool, dad."

Servo: "Not as cool as me, though, right?"

Servella: "Of course not!"
Jeanette: "They're way cooler!"

Bonehilda: "How does it feel to be upstaged by a utiliti bot now, Servo?"

Roxxi: "Need any help, mom?"

Kira: "Sure, honey. The more, the merrier."

Jeanette: "I can help out too, mom!"

Kira: "Okay, now too many family members are volunteering and the tree is gonna look a mess."

Roxxi: "Only her favorite child can help out, sorry Jeanette."

The cleaner bot is doing all the jobs no one wants to do."

Uh oh...

Bonehilda: "Can it do dishes? I didn't think so."

It's a stand off!

Another puddle?

What do you have against puddles, Bonehilda?

Bonehilda: "I like to clean all the dirty dishes, first!"

Kira: "Finally, we finished decorating the winterfest tree!"

Until I accidentally reset all the decorations... oopsie...

Now, everyone will need to pitch in so it can be redecorated as fast as possible!

Kira: "I can't believe you did that!"

I'm sorry!

Finally, the winterfest tree is now decorated and the lights are twinkling!"

Roxxi: "It's not fully complete without some gifts underneath, first."

Oh my gosh, get inside before you freeze!

Anything to avoid homework, clearly.

How the heck do you keep getting in the house?!

Oh, she's doing dishes. Never mind.

Roxxi: "Come on, Augustus! You can do it!"

Hooray! Augustus sat up for the first time!"

Poor Servo is outside in the freezing cold meal prepping for the Parsons.

Let's see if Augustus likes ride porridge.

He loves it-

Oop- never mind.

Augutus: "WAAAA!!!"
Zeke: "Oh, come on!"

Zeke: "Maybe learning to crawl will be more successful."

Now that Servo is done meal prepping regular meals, he can meal prep the grand meal for Winterfest.

Please don't make a complete mess like all your siblings!

Hooray! Augustus is now crawling!

Zeke: "I'm the best mentor ever!"

It's Winterfest time! 🎄🎅🎁

Storm ran away and came back within less than 24 hours.

Roxxi: "Don't ever run away again! Let's get you into a bath."

Storm: "Okay!"

Storm even has flies coming off him!

Servo: "Lin-Z!"
Mochi: "Who?"

Lin-Z: "How can I assist you?"
Servo: "Can you play some winter holiday music?"

Heidi: "Ugh, all this winter holiday music is giving me a headache!"

Servo: "Now you know how I feel, this family gives me a headache all day everyday."
Heidi: "Can you turn the music off?"

Servo: "But, it's so jolly!"

Mochi: "It's annoying."

Tristan: "How long do we have to listen to winter holiday music?"

Until winterfest ends.

Beware of the scary guard cat at the door!

Scott: "He's very scawy!"

Every now and then, Patchy likes to enter the Parsons house and eat their food while completely avoiding eye contact with Roxxi.

Thank gosh for the fixer bot. Something breaks around here at least once a day.

Heidi: "Since we're queens, we need to build a castle!"
Leilani: "Great idea!"

Do they not have computers on Sixam, Servella? You're always coming here to use the Parsons' computers!

Let's hope Augustus can learn to stand before he ages up.

Off he goes!

Roxxi: "I'm so proud!"

Yay, Augustus!

He's also dancing to the winter holiday music! At least someone other than Servo likes this station.

Happy birthday, Leilani!

Leilani aged up into a teen!

Leilani: "I'm still awesome."

Storm, stop that! You just had a bath!

Mochi: "Dogs never cease to horrify me."

It's the moment the party bot has been waiting for; winterfest!

Oh come on! You don't need to ride your bike around the house!

Time to open gifts! Wait... where's the party bot with the winter holiday music?

It's in the bathroom encouraging its utiliti bot friend to fix the toilet, instead.

Tristan: "Someone on social bunny got a gaming mat for winterfest!"

Kira: "So did I! ...Oh, wait... it's just a phone cover."

Scott: "I got a toy train!"

Tristan: "I'm gonna make everyone on social bunny jealous with all of our gifts."

Heidi: "Some more puppets? Awesome!"

Zeke: "Is this another soccer ball?"

Leilani: "Coal? Seriously?"

Roxxi: "This sounds expensive!"
Kira: "That's because it is!"

Servo: "A new tablet? Finally, I got something good!"

What a great bunch of gifts!


Everyone is building a snowpal!

Except for Roxxi, who's having the time of her life making a snow angel, instead.

I wonder what kind of snowpal Servo and Bonehilda will make?

Scott: "This is fun!"

Heidi: "You're ruining my amazing snowpal, Scott!"

I bet this will be a punk rock snowpal.

Zeke: "I'm stealing that idea."

Wow! What a dapper young snowpal!

(This is officially one of my favorite pictures of Servo.)

Zeke most definitely stole my punk rock snowpal idea.

Looks like I was right about Tristan and Leilani's snowpal!

Aww, this snowpal is adorable!

Even though Augustus can't build a snowpal, he's still having fun playing with the rubber ducky toy.

Roxxi: "That's the spirit! Winterfest is all about fun!"

Heidi doesn't have as much of an audience for her puppet show this time around.

The poor gardening bot has been trying to rid this plant of bugs for hours.

I found a mod that will now make Servo and the utiliti bots waterproof! First, Servo needs to craft some mechanisms and computer chips before he can begin the upgrades.

Roxxi: "Now, we don't have to worry about Servo breaking down in the rain!"

That's right!

Kingston: "What is that thing? It's terrifying!"

It's just a dishwasher, Kingston.

Zeke: "Gather around for the grand meal, grandkids!"

And Patchy, apparently.

Tristan! Is that the designated birthday cake?! Why didn't you just eat the grand meal?

Tristan: "Hehehe..."

Father Winter has arrived!

Roxxi found him in the blink of an eye.

Father Winter: "Before we continue this interaction, I need to at least place some gifts under the tree.

Roxxi: "You look so handsome while placing gifts under the tree."

Father Winter: "Why, thank you!"

Roxxi: "Oh, look, a mistletoe! Looks like we have to kiss, now."


Things are getting a bit steamy.

Okay, now they're about to get really steamy.

Why must it always the be shower, though?

Father Winter: "That was a bit strenuous."

Once again, our fertile queen is pregnant!

Roxxi: "I have the ultimate winterfest gift for you... I'm pregnant!"

Father Winter: "You're what?!"

Roxxi: "You don't seem as excited as I do."

Happy birthday, Scott!

Happy birthday, Augustus!

Augustus aged up into a toddler!

Scott aged up into a child! He immediately went outside to look at the snow.

I think this neighbor is a fan of the punk rock snowpal.

Servo is getting so close to almost having knitted every single clothing item!

Zeke: "Go, Servo!"

Confetti for Servo!

Meduso is now fully trained!

Time to train Yorier, next.

Roxxi: "A fire type? Awesome!"

Looks like Scott has a loose tooth!

Scott: "Oww! Got it!"

The poor repair bot keeps wandering aimlessley, waiting for something to break.

Roxxi: "Uh oh..."

Did you seriously just pee yourself again...

Roxxi: "You try making it to the bathroom while having to sleep in the treehouse enclosure because there's not enough beds left!"

At least the cleaner bot is on the case in the background.

Roxxi: "This is so embarrassing."

Kingston must be a heavy sleeper. Not even the party bot's loud music can wake him up.

It's New Year's Eve time! 🎉🥳🎊

Time for Augustus to work on his communication skill!

Kira: "This rash is awful."

Servo: "Thank gosh you can't pass that onto me."

Hooray! The Parsons have found the final marble they needed to complete their marble collection!

Once again, I found another cool mod! This mod lets you plant oversized crops indoors!

The only issue is that these planter boxes don't match the rest of the hydroponic planters in the gardening room, but oh well.

All the oversized crops need is some fertilizer everyday. Hopefully the gardening bot will take care of the rest.

The kids are home from school!

Leilani: "I can't believe we didn't get a snow day."

Patchy: "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the patchiest of them all?"

That tuna casserole looks delicious!

Not only is Servella obsessed with the computer, it looks like Patchy is, too.

Now that everyone's had dinner, it's homework time.

Mochi: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Noooooooooo! Mochi!

Rest In Peace, Mochi Parsons. You were a wonderful cat with a hilarious attitude. You will be dearly missed.

Servo: "Hey, Grim. Do you think I could join the Soul Reaper Society I've heard about through the Federal Bureau of Spooky Investigation that I'm in?"

Grim Reaper: "Trust me. You don't want this job."

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