Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Chapter 326

Thank goodness the gardening bot is so attentive with the oversized crops. They require so much care!

Roxxi: "I think I'm in labor... again."

You've got this, Roxxi!


It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Christopher Parsons!

Scott: "We built our own block town!"
Heidi: "Isn't it awesome?"

Heidi: "There's a car driving by!"

Kira: "The only car we'll ever see in TS4."

Augustus is having a blast playing the xylophone extremely loudly.

Kingston: "You can't escape me, birb."

Kingston: "I'm a true hunter!"

You're a house cat who falls asleep 5 times a day and has an automatic food bowl.

Christopher aged up into an infant! He is literally Father Winter's twin. Roxxi's genes didn't even try.

He's liking tummy time, so far!

The festival of snow is in town, so I'm sending Servo down here once again to try and collect the last two simmies the Parsons need to complete their simmies collection.

Not without letting Servo do the mountain move with his bestie Yamachan, of course.

Okay, now he can spend the next few hours buying simmi capsules.

Once again, it was all in vain. Servo barely found any rare simmi capsules.

Servo: "This is ruining my life more than my family's ungratefulness. When will I finally find these last two simmies?!"

Servo made it back home just in time for the New Year's countdown to midnight.


Everyone: "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Even Christopher was up until midnight.

Do you really all need to be in here?

Oop- Christopher hates tummy time today.

It's finally the weekend! Tristan is reading an e-book while Heidi reads an actual book.

Meanwhile, Zeke is trying to encourage the oversized crops to grow.

Zeke: "Please grow, please grow, please grow..."

Were you splashing in the toilet, Augustus?!

Augustus: "No!"

Kira: "The party bot is my favorite. It just brought me an apple pie and isn't judging me for eating it in the bathroom."

Even Jeanette loves the party bot.

The kids decided to play Don't Wake the Llama.

Leilani: "Whoever wakes the llama is an idiot, a loser and their mother is a llama!"

Scott: "We may all have different dads, but we all have the same mom, so that would apply to all of us."
Leilani: "Touché."

Heidi: "Don't get too intimidated, Tristan."

Tristan: "Who? Me? I'm not intimidated. I'm focused!"

Leilani: "Oh, plumbobs!"
Heidi: "Leilani woke the llama!"

Leilani: "I guess that means-"

Scott: "You're an idiot, a loser and your mother is a llama!"

Zeke: "I can't believe the grandkids are playing Don't Wake the Llama without us."
Kira: "There's only four seats, honey."

Leilani: "Maybe I'll have better luck with simbles!"

Heidi: "Not a chance."
Scott: "You're still an idiot, a loser-"

Okay, we get it, Scott.

Will Servo get snubbed of a Starlight Accolade once again? Let's find out together, folks!

Host: "Welcome to the 160th annual Starlight Accolades!"

Sim stole my look!

Once again, the exact same sims won all the awards. The only difference is that they're all elders, now.

I can't believe they snubbed poor Servo yet again!

I scoured the internet for answers, and apparently, sims have a better chance of winning a Starlight Accolade by selling a masterpiece painting, publishing a book and publishing a song. The awards are still pretty random, but these increase the odds, apparently.

Okay, Servo just finished this 'masterpiece'. Hopefully this helps once he sells it to the museum.

Happy birthday, Augustus!

Happy birthday, Heidi!

Kingston: "We interrupt this program so I can scratch my ear."

Heidi aged up into a teen!

Augustus aged up into a child! Why is he so creepy?

Now that Servo has sold his masterpiece painting, he can start working on writing and publishing a book.

He's writing a romance novel titled 'To my Love, Bonehilda'. The incense is burning a 'romantic' scent, so it should help-

Are you kidding me?!

Roxxi: "FIRE!!!"

At least the party bot is here to help lighten the mood?

Servo to the rescue!

Welp... there goes the entire desk. Every time I buy an incense, this happens!

Servo: "So, why do you keep buying them?"


Maybe this incense will be a bit more safe?

Hey, stop that, Kingston! No kittens, right now!

Kingston: "That thing is terrifying!"

Why are you so scared of every single slightly complex object to ever exist?

Storm ran away yet again. When will he learn that there's no automatic food bowl in the wild?

It took almost dying in a fire, but Servo has completed his romance novel.

Now, he can submit it to literary digest and hopefully increase his chances of winning a Starlight Accolade.

Yorier is now fully trained!

Next up is Wisp!

Roxxi: "This takes so long!"

Storm: "I'm home!"

Kira: "Please stop running away, Storm. We all love you so much."

Oh, come on!

Zeke: "We can't reach the fire."

What do you mean? It's right there!

Zeke: "We still can't reach it!"

Everyone, remain calm! The fire department is on their way!

A rare sighting: a good looking townie!

Don't just stand there, put the fire out!

Firefighter: "I put the fire out with the power of my mind!"

Somehow, he's not lying.

Okay, no more incense. Just please write a good book.

Christopher can now do tummy time on his own!

Zeke: "I have so many grandkids that I don't even have anywhere to sit... and I love it!"

What an adorable grandpa Zeke is.

Servo has finished a mystery novel. Apparently, mystery and science fiction have a better shot at getting him nominated for a Starlight Accolade.

Servo: "If this book doesn't win me an award, I don't know what will."

This creepy stan has been trying to see Servo through the window for hours, now. Go away!

Servo is now getting started on the science fiction novel.

That's an interesting outfit, Servella. Are you going skiing, to school or to an early 2000's party?

Hooray! Christopher sat up all on his own!

Servella: "No thoughts. Just vibes."


Roxxi: "Crawl to mommy, Christopher! You can do it!"

Hooray! Christopher is now crawling!

Roxxi: "I need to tinkle!"

Get to a bathroom, stat, before you pee yourself for the 50th time!

It's Love Day time! 💋💘💌

Servo's science fiction novel is complete!

One way to gather all of the Parsons around is with grilled fruit.

Leilani: "Not me. I'm a rebel!"

Kira: "Oh no, Christopher!"

Kira: "Why must this always happen when I'm in charge of the grandkids?!"

I'm not sure if this will work, but apparently, hosting a successful meet and greet gives sims a Starlight Accolade. Let's see if that's true.

The Hermit: "What the heck is this place? I've never been to a place with this many sims and this much concrete in all my life!"

Dimitri: "I can't believe it. It's really Servo Bot!"

...You literally lived with him.

Servo: "I don't blame him. Who wouldn't be impressed with me?"

Get to signing those autographs for fans so this meet and greet can reach gold level!

Skully: "I'm next in line for an autograph."

Dimitri: "Eeeee!!! This is so exciting!"

What a wonderful selfie!

Servo's meet and greet went off without a hitch and earned gold!

He may not have earned an actual Starlight Accolade for this event, but he still earned some kind of award that's been added to the household inventory, so at least he got something.

Ooh! The oversized crops are starting to grow more and more!

Happy birthday, Christopher!

Christopher aged up into a toddler!

He's looking more and more like Father Winter.

Kingston: "I'll scratch these chairs while everyone's distracted."

Kingston, stop that! You have an entire cat house!

I was wondering where the heck the cleaning bot was. Turns out, it's been stuck in the stairs all day.

Kira: "Hmm... junk... junk... a plaque... junk-"

A plaque? Hand it over!

The collectable marble plaque has finally arrived!

Kira: "Servo really receives so many fan letters... it's ridiculous."

What the heck?! Storm!

He's getting away!

Kingston, if you just ignore the dishwasher, it won't be so scary.

Bonehilda: "The dishwasher is the best thing in my life. I don't have to wash all these dishes in the sink!"

Behold... the many emotions of the Parsons kids arriving home from school.

Scott: "I can't wait to do my homework!"
Augustus: "Who the heck gets excited for homework?!"

At least they have each other to talk to while they finish their homework.

I spot a familiar skeleton in Copperdale!

Happy birthday, Tristan!

Tristan aged up into a young adult!

Now, get out.

Happy birthday, Scott!

Scott aged up into a teen!

I finally did it... I waited for Bust the Dust to go on sale, but it never did, so I just decided to buy it.

(I also tend to accidentally call it 'Dust the Bust' often... I have no idea why. My brain just always breaks when trying to say the name of that kit.)

As soon as Servo wakes up, he can upgrade the new vacuum and start working on the 'Fabulously Filthy' and 'Perfectly Pristine' aspirations.

Okay, recharge time is over. Upgrade that vacuum, Servo!

I'm going to have Servo work on the 'Fabulously Filthy' aspiration first, since the 'Perfectly Pristine' aspiration will be easier to complete if the house is already dirty. Servo's first task is to leave some food out to spoil.

We're also gonna have to put the cleaner bot away for a little while.

This also means most messes will have to be left the way they are since any cleaning interaction affects the cleanliness of the entire house, not just vacuuming.

See you soon, friend.

Augustus has the 'slob' trait, so he will probably be the only one comfortable with an unclean house.

Uh oh, the dishes are piling up already.

Somehow, the neat freak, Servo, is unbothered by this.

Servo: "I'm just glad I get a break from cleaning up after this family."

Scott: "The bathroom is a nightmare!"

As a neat freak myself, this is very much bothering me!

Scott: "Ugh, there's so many dirty plates and clothes everywhere."
Kira: "Phew! It stinks in here!"

Servo: "I don't have to smell it because I have no nostrils!"

Servo: "Ah, this is gonna be fun."

Scott: "Tell Servo to stop making fun of our suffering!"

You guys kind of deserve it for always disregarding Servo's feelings, though.

Scott: "Feelings? He's a robot!"

With feelings!

Scott: "Ugh, it smells awful in here!"
Kira: "Don't you smell it, honey?"

Zeke: "I do, but I also enjoy watching sims suffer."

I thought you dropped your mean side!

Kira: "Hey, Bonehilda. I know Servo sent you a memo saying we don't need your services for a little while, but could you please come inside and clean anyway?"

Bonehida: "Servo sent that? I didn't see it! Sorry, I'll be back here when Servo gives the 'OK'."

Kira: "Are you kidding me, Servo? Bonehilda can't clean just a few dirty dishes around here?"

Servo: "Sorry, I'm trying to be fabulously filthy, so no Bonehilda."
Zeke: "This is the best day of my life. Everyone's suffering!"

Roxxi: "ThiS iS tHe bEsT dAy Of My LiFe, EvErYoNe'S SuFfEriNg."

Zeke and Kira decided to play simbles.

Kira: "Hmm..."

Kira: "I think this is a word."
Zeke: "It's not."

Kira: "What would you know, smarty pants? You didn't even finish college."

Zeke: "Probably because I was too busy being an athletic superstar."

Scott is beginning to work on his research & debate skill since he dreams of being a lawyer some day.

Oh my gosh, this is disgusting!

On the bright side, the oversized crops are looking amazing!

The gardening bot has done such a good job caring for them.

Wisp is now fully trained!

Next up is Pleuro.

Zeke: "I know you're bluffing!"

Kira: "Who? Me?"

Kira: "Never."

Zeke: "I'm holding."

Zeke: "I'd better not lose. I hate losing!"

Patchy: "Mind if I join you guys?"

Storm: "Can I join, too?"

Patchy has the ultimate poker face.

Storm is definitely taking advantage of the fact that the house has to be dirty right now.

Kira: "Storm, we don't eat trash."

Storm: "But... but... it's fun."

Augustus: "Trash stomp!"

This is the only time I will allow this in the house.

Heidi: "Did you just see Augustus stomping on that trash? He's disgusting!"

Leilani: "Not as disgusting as Scott. No particular reason, though... he just is."

Scott: "How did I get dragged into this?"

Oh my gosh, the dishwasher is not that scary! I promise.

Zeke: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Zeke: "I know my fans will miss me, but they'll be okay."

Nooooooooooooo! Zeke!

Zeke: "Take care of all my trophies for me."

Rest in Peace, Zeke Parsons. You were a wonderful sim who was super athletic and kinda mean, but did make an effort to be nice. You will be dearly missed.

Kira also passed away! (Zeke and Kira both had pretty glitchy deaths.) Rest In Peace, Kira Parsons. You were a wonderful, sassy sim. You will be dearly missed.

Grim Reaper: "Hello, it's me... again."

Roxxi: *Gasp!*

Roxxi: "Mom and dad?!"
Grim Reaper: "Sorry... it's the cruel circle of life. We're born. We die."

Roxxi: "Unless we're awesome and immortal like you. I'm Roxxi, nice to see you again."

Grim Reaper: "Wow, not too many sims say that. I'm Grim... but, you probably already knew that."

Roxxi: "Oh, I sure did. You're kinda famous."

Grim Reaper: "Not for the right reasons."

Roxxi: "What do you mean? You guide sims into the next stage of life. That's admirable."
Grim Reaper: "I guess I never thought of it like that."

Stop fighting, you two!

Roxxi: "You're also super handsome."

Grim Reaper: "That's not something I hear a lot."

Roxxi: "Here, have this rose... just don't let it die."

Grim Reaper: "This is almost as beautiful as you. Thanks!"

We interrupt this program to inform you that it's Egg Day time! 🥚🐇🐰

Storm: "Yay for Egg Day!"

Okay, back to Roxxi seducing the Grim Reaper.


She sure does move fast.

I can't tell if Grim's outfit is glitched or if this is just his actual shower wear.

I'll just wait here.

Seriously, party bot?

Roxxi: "That was fun!"

Roxxi: "Where is he going?"

Roxxi is pregnant yet again!

Roxxi: "Before you go, I need to tell you something. I'm pregnant!"
Grim Reaper: "What?!"

Grim Reaper: "I'm outta here!"

Christopher: "Is the Flower Bunny here?"

Patchy: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Flower Bunny: "I'm already ahead of you, friend."

The white cake glitch is still going on?!

Thanks, guys... but we really don't need any white cakes.

The rays of sunshine are home from school!

Tristan: "I'm here for one reason and one reason only."


You too, Servella?!

The filth continues to pile up and my stress level continues to rise as a result.

The Flower Bunny also left flowers all over the lawn.

They're very pretty, but we have enough flowers in the Parsons garden.

Servo: "YES! The house is almost officially 'dirty'!"

Servo: "After that, we'll be on the road to it becoming 'filthy'!"

You're way too excited about this.

Servo: "Let's make it even more stinky around here." *FART!*

Are you kidding me?!

Storm continues to take advantage of the fact that the house needs to be unkept right now.

Servo: "A puddle? Why mop it up when you could stomp on it instead?"

Servo: "There's nothing you can do about it, either."


Leilani: "Ugh, it's even more disgusting out here than it was yesterday."
Augustus: "Isn't it beautiful?"

Roxxi: "It's not that bad."

Roxxi: "I take that back. It stinks around here!"
Scott: "I'm trying to smile through the pain."

Heidi: "How long has that plate been sitting there?"
Leilani: "Clearly way too long."

Augustus: "I see no problems here."

Kingston: "This thing keeps following me."

The kids decided to hangout outside today away from all the stinky plates.

The party bot is here to partay!

Heidi: "The filth is following us outside!"

Roxxi: "Please tell Patchy to leave."

How could I do then when he's vibing to the music?

A dust pile! We're finally getting closer to the house going from 'dusty' to 'dirty'.

Oh my gosh, this dust bunny is absolutely adorable!

Roxxi: "Hi cutie! Do you want a dusty snack?"

Dust Bunny: "Yes, yes!"

Roxxi: "Here you go."

The dust bunny can also look for valuables!

Roxxi: "15 simoleons? Score!"

Roxxi: "Tristan, my first born! Are you gonna move back into the nest by any chance?"

Tristan: "Mom, I love you, but I'd rather die."


  1. I hope servo can get a Starlight Accolades award soon!

    Bye Zeke and Kira! You will be missed!

    Grim reapers baby? I will be interested to see how they come out! I don't know how you can handle so many sims haha

    1. Starlight Accolades are unfortunately extremely random, so poor Servo keeps getting snubbed. :(

      This generation was one of the most difficult by far, I'm glad Zeke and Kira lived for a long as they did, or I don't know how I would have gotten through it!
