Thursday, October 12, 2023

Chapter 303

Pinky: "This meal contains fish, so it must be for me."

Nice try.

Blaire and Latte are up bright and early!

Blaire: "Wish us luck, Latte is about to enter her very first competition ever!"

Good luck, guys!

Esme is trying to help Servo out by crafting some mechanisms and computer chips while he's busy doing homework.

Esme: "I'll just beat this thing with a hammer a few times and it shall be complete."

Woohoo! Latte won first place at her first competition, a beginner's barrel racing competition!

Blaire: "She's already a champ, just like her mama!"

Now, Blaire needs to train Latte in the endurance skill.

She also began training her in the agility skill.

Why are you dazed?

Esme: "I may have accidentally hit myself with the hammer a few times. I see stars."

Happy birthday, Harry!

Harry aged up into a young adult! Now, get out.

Rex: "I love when sims get kicked out!"

Happy birthday, Beatrix!

Happy birthday, Cole!

Beatrix aged up into a teen!

So did Cole!

Beatrix: "I'm going to sleep before I'm forced to do my homework."

Cole: "I second that."

Rex! Were you jumping in puddles?!

Rex: "Maybe…"

Servo has been getting fan mail non stop. It's mostly nonsense, like moldy cupcakes and future cubes.

It's Harvestfest time!

Cole: "Do you ever feel like you're being watched by a horse, aunt Esme?"

Esme: "All the time!"

Esme: "…But I can't explain why."

Blaire: "Enough watching sims through the window, let's train."

Blaire is training Latte's jumping skill today.

I don't think poor Hershey is a fan of the fixer bot.

After getting tired of jumping, Blaire and Latte switched to barrel racing.

Esme: "Okay, I don't feel like a horse is watching me anymore."
Todd: "You guys feel like that, too?"


Pinky aged up into an elder! She looks traumatized.

Servo: "Oh… what's this, Raini?"

Raini: "It's a gift, just for you."

I don't even wanna know where those feathers came from.

Happy birthday, Todd!

Happy birthday, Blaire!

Duncan: "Raini, stop eating the designated birthday cake!"

Happy birthday, Duncan!

Duncan aged up into a young adult!

Aaand here we have our generation 22 heir!

Todd aged up into an elder!

So did Blaire!

Blaire: "I'm still looking mighty fine."

Duncan: *Crying* "I can't believe I'm stuck here with these crazies… FOREVER!"

The Parsons have moved to a brand new home in Newcrest! They'll be the only sims with horses in the suburbs, but oh well.

If you want to see a tour of the house, check it out on my Instagram!

Well… do y'all like it?

I hate how I spend hours building my sims a home just for them to stand in it and stare into space like this.

Hayden has also aged up and is moving on in!

Good luck, girl.

I know I already announced that it's Harvestfest time, I just wanted to show how pretty the lights look on the new house.

Evan: "As much as I love this new house, I can't wait to move away from these crazy sims someday."

Duncan: *Crying* "I'll never get that opportunity!"

Duncan: "I'll post about my despair on social bunny, I guess."

Duncan: "Are you here to comfort me, Hershey?"

Hershey: "Feed me!"

Poor Servo has to stay up all night working on his university homework.

These three are loving the suburbs already.

Latte: "My horse ball is here, so therefore, I'm happy."

Mocha: "This place is nice. There's so many other houses nearby."

Dream, don't fraternize with the creepy paparazzi!

Rex: "Even if they have treats?"

Uh… I don't think it was a great idea making lemon meringue pie for breakfast, Servo.

Esme: "I feel a huge sugar rush coming on! Now, I'm gonna be even crazier!"


Latte, are you ready to enter more competitions?

Latte: "Not until I'm done eating."

The Harvestfest gnomes are here to terrorize visit the house.

Hayden: "I like the gnomes, they're almost as adorable as all the animals around here."

Raini: "Did she just compare me to a garden gnome?"

Huh? Why the heck is it snowing during fall?

Duncan: "Hey, it's snowing!"

Hayden: "It's so pretty!"
Beatrix: "You guys don't think it's kinda weird that it's snowing during fall?"

The gnomes must really love the bathroom. That, or they're having a secret meeting in here.

Duncan: "It's the first day of my new job in the entertainer career."

One of Duncan's tasks of the day is to write jokes on the computer.

Why must the Parsons always mop up puddles outside?

Blaire may be an elder now, but don't think that'll stop her from training Latte and entering competitions until her final hour.

Blaire: "Time for some intense agility training!"

Just don't knock over the white picket fence.

One minute, it's snowing and everyone is warming up by the fireplace...

The next minute... Todd is in his hot weather outfit?!

Todd: "It got hot out here all of a sudden."

Todd: "Hmm... more nonsense fan mail for Servo. At least it isn't bills."

The Parsons can finally have a thermostat again! They're gonna need it for this mysterious weather today.

Looks like the gnomes are worshipping the fang tree for whatever reason.

Esme: "It's boiling! I could have just sworn it was just snowing. I'm gonna put the thermostat on."

Esme: "Are you guys hot, too?"
Axane: "I'd be sweating if aliens could sweat."

Hayden: "Aliens don't sweat? That's so sad."

Why is that sad?

Blaire: "I just put my hot weather outfit on, and suddenly it's cold again."
Latte: "This weather is confusing."

Duncan: "Why the heck is it cold again? It was just boiling!"

Hayden: "Wanna go inside and set the thermostat to warm?"

Duncan: "Uh... maybe after I ask you an... important question."

Hayden: "Oh, an important question, you say?"

Duncan: "Yeah... the most important question I'll ever ask anyone in my life."

What's the weather like now?

Cole: "I don't even know anymore!"
Beatrix: "It's so confusing!"

Duncan: "Hayden... I've been in love with you ever since we first danced together at prom."

Hayden: "Duncan, that's so sweet. I feel the same way-"

Duncan: "I'm glad to know that."

Duncan: "In that case, will you marry me?"

Hayden: "Oh my gosh, yes, of course I will!"

Hayden: "This ring is beautiful!"


Hooray! Duncan and Hayden are officially engaged!

Duncan: "Looks like the weather just got even weirder... now it's raining."

Esme: "We're gonna have to do a lot of laundry after changing back and forth between hot and cold weather outfits today."

Are the gnomes now worshipping this empty glass? Who knows. They're even more mysterious than this weather.

Raini: "I had to run to the porch, I don't like the rain."

Isn't that ironic?

Esme: "It's finally turkey time, y'all!"

Beatrix: "I can't believe we had to wait all day to eat some turkey during Harvestfest."

Todd: "It was for the best. Now, we'll be full until tomorrow night."

Raini fell asleep while 'guarding' the Harvestfest turkey.

Beatrix: "It may be Harvestfest, but one thing I'm not thankful for is my homework."

Blaire: "It suddenly got cold again. Perfect excuse for me to jump in the hot tub."

That reminds me, I need Servo to fully upgrade the hot tub with all the awesome features it has.

Mocha: "Can you upgrade my feeder to be automatic and bottomless?"

Where the heck are you going, cleaner bot? You're not escaping the Parsons that easily.

Creepy paparazzi keep breaking into the backyard somehow and cheering every time they get a glimpse of Servo through the window.

Uh oh... Servo tried to appease the gnome and failed!

Servo: "AHH!!!"

No! Don't break the TV, gnomes!

Servo: "I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

Servo: "And please stop breaking our appliances, they're expensive!"

Servo: "Thank gosh... I've been given mercy."

Hayden is pregnant! Generation 23 is on the way!

Hayden: "Can you believe it, babe? We're gonna have a baby!"

Duncan: "You don't find that scary considering how crazy my family is? It's genetic, you know? GENETIC!"

Servo has built the final utility bot: a party bot!

Now, the Parsons have a utility bot army.

Looks like the party bot is playing some encouraging tunes while Esme uses the porcelain throne.

Esme: "I'd rather it not do that."

It has confetti!

Ooh, the party bot can even bring drinks to sims!

Esme: "Hey, that's pretty cool. I love eating and drinking in the bathroom."


It can also bring food to sims! That's good news for Servo. This means less cooking for him.

Beatrix: "This is my favorite bot, it just made some toast and eggs for me."

Cole: "Now, I can have a chocolate muffin for breakfast and no one can stop me!"

Raini: "It doesn't produce cat food, so I'm not impressed."

Esme: "Thanks for the irresponsible breakfast, party bot."

Blaire: "Where's the party bot?"

It's literally right behind you.

Blaire: "Cookies for breakfast? That definitely calls for confetti."

It's Spooky Day time! 🎃👻🍂

Esme and Todd are outside carving some pumpkins.

I want them to carve every pumpkin in every color. Soon, they'll have a pumpkin army!

The welcome wagon is here a day late.

Neighbor: "What's with all the robots these neighbors have?"

Duncan needs to use the DJ booth today for his career task.

The party bot is the only one excited for the welcome wagon, since it's technically a social gathering.

Two pumpkins down, many more to go.

Welcome, I'd run right out the door if I were you.

This is the most exciting day of the party bot's life, clearly.

Esme: "I hope the neighbors will like our unofficial carved pumpkin collection once it's complete!"

Hershey: "Something stinks."

It's the fruitcake.

After finishing his work tasks of the day, Duncan can go back to practising his guitar.

Axane: "This party bot is making me wanna cowpoke dance!"

Party Bot: ♫ "Spooky scary skeletons!" ♫

Esme: "I have a headache from all that carving and party bot music."

This is my favorite carved pumpkin so far.

Too bad the party bot can't make party sized meals, Servo had to cook dinner tonight.

It's still amazing, though. Who wouldn't want to eat spaghetti while music is blasting in your ears with a dog staring at you?

The orange pumpkin collection is coming along nicely.

Esme: "I'll begin carving some light orange pumpkins, now."

Hayden: "How the heck did you get in here?! Get away, you creepy stan!"

Stan: "I just wanted to ask Servo a question!"

Latte: "Mom! Dad! Look what I can do!"

What in tarnation is going on here?!

Blaire: "What do you mean?"

I mean the animal fight occurring right behind you.

Hershey and Pinky! Don't ever fight again!

Pinky: "I'm too old for this."

Now that the Parsons are back in a smaller neighborhood, they can continue to collect sugar skulls. The Day of the Dead Celebrators should actually spawn and be easy to find, now!

Chase didn't respond to Servo's sugar skull offering. Let's see if he responds to Esme's.

Esme: "I don't think that worked."

Oop- it worked for Blaire. I guess this proves who his favorite daughter is.

Hooray! The Day of the Dead Celebrator spawned and was easy to find!

Servo: "Hey there bestieee! Can I have a sugar skull?"

Day of the Dead Celebrator: "Sure."

Servo: "Yes! It worked on the first try!"

Now, the Parsons have 'Kevin'.

It's Spooky Day! (I couldn't stop laughing at Todd's costume while playing.)

Todd: "I'm some kind of sea creature!"

Esme: "Why is Todd's sea creature costume better than my astronaut costume?!"

Hayden: "I'm a zombie apocalypse survivor."

Duncan: "That's accurate, surviving in this family is like surviving an apocalypse."

Hayden: "Let's hope our baby isn't as crazy as everyone else around here!"

They will be.

Axane: "I'm something from Star Wars... I think."

Guess where everyone got their breakfast from today?

You guessed it: the party bot. I love this thing!

These two are well rested and ready to carve some more pumpkins.

Latte is back to working on her agility skill. She only needs one more point to max it out!

Hayden: "Ah!"

Hayden: "That creepy candy bowl scared the living daylights out of me!"

Never go near the creepy candy bowl! It may look innocent, but it's not.

Hayden: "Hopefully this candy was worth that jump scare."

Hayden: "Hey, it was!"
Duncan: "I'll play a celebratory song!"

Hooray! Latte has reached level 10 of the agility skill!

Now, time to work on the endurance skill. Nothing to see here, folks, just a horse trotting down the sidewalk!

And an old lady (Mrs. Crumplebottom) on a bicycle!

Have you ever seen someone with this many pumpkins on their porch? They're only just getting started, too.

Hershey is still obsessed with the fireplace after all these years.

Hershey: "It's so warm!"

Evan: "Ahh!"

Evan: "Can I still eat candy with this mask on?"

Beatrix: "I saw the pumpkin collection outside, and I'm thoroughly impressed. Good job, guys."

I heard the Festival of Snow was on, so I brought the Parsons down here so they can collect some simmi capsules that are only available here!

Watch out, here comes the conga line of sims... AKA the Parsons household.

Yamachan is here!

Alright, who's gonna spend the next couple of hours buying simmi capsules?

Hayden: "Please don't let it be me!"

Blaire has decided to sacrifice her time buying the simmi capsules.

Blaire: "This thing can't fall on me, right?"

...Not right.

Blaire: "Alright, here goes..."

Turns out that was the wrong machine. This is the correct one. Get buying!

Esme: "The food here is good!"

Hayden: "Yamachan! I'm such a huge fan! Can I get a selfie?"

Yamachan selfie!

Hayden: "I love it! Thanks, Yamachan!"

These fireworks that go off at random times scared the living daylights out of me!

Cole: "This is terrifying!"

Relax, it's the beginner's slope.

Duncan: "What if I fall on my butt?!"

Be careful, Todd!

Blaire: "Ugh, the capsule is stuck!"

Beatrix: "I'll stay on the bunny slope. It's way less scarier."

You already know Servo is going down the ludicrous slope.

Servo: "I'm too tired for this!"

Esme: "Ah!"

Esme: "I just risked my life!"

Going down the beginner slope?

Servo: "Is she serious?"

After all those snow activities, everyone was hungry and ordered some food.

Servo: "Say, now that I'm energized, I wanna attempt to climb to the top Mt. Komorebi again. Wanna come with me?"

Duncan: "Sure, sounds fun!"

Servo has purchased some gear and is ready to go.

This is the first trek up the mountain.

Duncan: "Are you kidding me?"

Servo: "What? This wall is easy to climb!"

Servo: "Alright, there's the guide. Duncan, where are you?"

Somehow, Duncan and Servo made it to the next stage of the mountain.

Now, they need to make it to the resting spot.

Servo: "I'll be back, I'm gonna go inspect the rock climbing wall conditions."

Duncan: "Knock yourself out, I'm taking a nap."

Servo: "Hmm..."

Servo: "Looks pretty stable to me."

Servo: "Up I go..."

Servo: "Wait... there's a blizzard approaching!"

Poor Duncan had to 'fertilize' this bush.

Duncan: "That was disgusting! I should have never agreed to this!"

Duncan: "Great... now there's a blizzard. When the heck is Servo coming back?"

Here he is!

Servo: "Alright, there's a blizzard, but I think we can make it up the mountain."

After climbing up the mountain again, the blizzard has subsided.

Duncan couldn't climb up the mountain, though, which means Servo and Duncan have to cancel this climb and Duncan risked his life for nothing. Hopefully, Servo can try again one day with someone that's more advanced at the rock climbing skill. I would have brought Adam's ghost, but he was culled!

Back at home, it's go time!

Hayden: "Ow, ow, oww!"

Hayden: "This hurts a lot!"


It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Rory Parsons!

Duncan: "I guess we made it back home just in time for me to witness the birth of my son."

Hey, get out of here, you weirdo!

Servo: "If you sneak in here one more time, you'll be sorry!"

Stan: "Wow, you're so rude to your fans. I'm posting about this on social bunny!"


  1. Congratz on Duncan being the Gen 22 Heir! How do you pick the heir? Is it just who you like the most?

    Todds costume is great! I've never seen it before haha

    I've learnt so much about the sims collectibles from reading your story, like the skulls and the plushies in the Christmas poppers. Can't wait to read more!

    1. Thank you! It isn't always an easy decision, but yes, I tend to just pick whoever I like the most. Some generations are easier than others.

      I have a mod for more costumes, but I've also never seen Todd's costume before, hahaha!

      I adore the sugar skulls, they're probably my favorite! I also really love the fish and the snow globes. Thank you so much for reading!
