Friday, January 20, 2023

Chapter 267

Uh... who's this approaching the Parsons' front door?

*Gasp!* Is that Servella? Servo's alien daughter?!

Servella: "It sure is! I'm glad you remember me. I've returned from Sixam to visit my dad."

Servo: "Servella? Is that you?"

Servella: "Hi, dad!"

Servo: "I'm so happy to see you! How have you been?"

Servella: "I've been great, living on Sixam is a lot different than living here! How have you been?"

Servo: "I'm good, if you define cleaning up after unappreciative sims all day 'good'."

Servella: "That sure sounds good."

Servella: "Anyways, I kinda need your help. I know it sounds strange since I'm your daughter, but I have no skills... like, none. Living on Sixam without any skills is tough. All the other aliens are starting to make fun of me! Can you help me learn some new skills?"

Servo: "Of course I can! I'm an expert at everything!"

Servella: "True dat. That's why I knew I came to the right place."

Daphne: "Who the heck has Servo been outside talking to for so long?"

Jocelyn: "I think it's an alien with long pink hair."

First thing's first, Servo decided to mentor Servella in the knitting skill.

Servella: "Uh oh! I think I messed up..."

Servo: "Don't worry, you can always undo a stitch like this."

Servella: "I did it again!"

Servo: "Alright, that didn't go too well. Maybe just take this knitted mailbox back with you and tell all the other aliens you made it."

Emerald: "That's cheating."

Servella: "Gee, thanks dad!"

Servella: "Ugh, I'm so hungry. It was a long journey here, I haven't eaten in hours!"

Colby: "Hey! You must be Servo's daughter we've heard about."

Servella: "I sure am! Nice to meet you."

Colby: "Is it true that you're really from Sixam? That place looks awesome!"

Servella: "I am from Sixam! It's pretty awesome, but the other aliens can be a bit... judgemental sometimes."

Servella: "I heard that you're a doctor. What's that like?"

Colby: "It's exhausting, but the best job ever."

Next, Servo began mentoring Servella in the violin skill.

Servella: "Am I getting the hang of this?"
Servo: "Uh... maybe don't push down the bow so hard on the strings."

Daphne: "My ears!"
Jocelyn: "Thank gosh I'm going to school to escape that horrible noise."

Servella: "I don't think I'm very good at this, dad..."
Servo: "Don't worry, practise makes perfect."

Emerald: "My ears... my poor ears."

Rocco: "The bad music finally stopped!"

Servella: "Hey, I've got an idea!"

Servella: "Maybe you could teach me how to bake a pie! I've always wanted to learn, and I'm horrible at baking."

Servo: "Sure! That sounds like it shouldn't be too difficult."

Servo: "Alright, first thing's first, we take the ingredients from the fridge."

Servo: "Then, we mix them together in a bowl."

Servo: "Are you even listening, Servella?"

Servella: "Yep! I totally wasn't questioning what that weird creature on the wall is."

It's a spider.

Servo: "Now, we knead the dough."

Servella: "How much hot sauce was I supposed to add? I think I added way too much."

Servo: "...None."

Macaron: "That's gonna be one spicy apple pie."

Servo: "We'll add just a bit of vanilla."

Servella: "This looks delicious already."

Servella: "Uh oh!"

Servella: "That was way too much milk!"

Servo: "Knead, knead, knead. Looks like it's almost ready to go in the oven."

Servo: "Alright, time to put the pie into the oven."
Servella: "Sounds good! I'll clean the batter out of the bowl."

Now... we wait.

Two hours later, the spicy apple pie is ready!

Servella: "Sorry you can't have any, dad."

Servo: "Don't worry, I'm used to cooking meals for sims all day and not being able to eat them because I have no mouth."

Servo: "This has been a great day, Servella! I have a little favor to ask of you, though. Would you mind babysitting while I attend my university class? I'll only be gone for an hour or two."

Servella: "Sure thing, dad! I'm great with kids!"

Servo: "Thank you! Call me and let me know if you need me to come back sooner."

Servella: "I've totally got this. Babysitting is easy, he's pretty much taking care of himself while I watch TV!"

Rocco: "Green crab block!"

Servella: "I guess I should feed you now. Do you want some animal crackers, little guy?"

Rocco: "Yummy! Animal crackers!"

Servella: "Hey, this is easier than I thought!"

Until these three arrive home in a great mood.

Servella: "Uh oh..."

Delaney: "I wanna watch TV."

Dakota: "Oh, look! Our extra loud TV show is on!"

Servella: "What the heck is this?"

The most loud and colorful show on TV.

Servo is back!

Servella: "Dad! You're finally home!"

Servo: "How was babysitting? Were the kids fine?"

Servella: "They're great! They behaved like little angels. I'd better get going now."

Servella: "Thanks so much for teaching me everything today, dad. I really appreciate it!"

Servo: "You're more than welcome, come back any time you want."

Until next time, Servella!

Servo: "Phew, today was exhausting."

Looks like Servo needs a nap.

Daphne: "So do I."

Happy birthday, Jocelyn!

Jocelyn aged up into a teen!

Jocelyn: "Look out high school, here I come!"

Jocelyn: "Dad, why is this apple pie spicy?"
Colby: "I have no idea, I thought that was just me who could taste it."

Daphne: "It's so spicy it's giving me a headache."

Delaney: "I can't wait to try it!"

Happy birthday, Rocco!

Rocco aged up into a child!

And, for some reason, he had to go outside to age up.

Since these two aren't at school today after aging up, they can work on their homework together.

Jocelyn: "Remember Rocco, 1+1=?"

Rocco: "A window?"

Jocelyn: "Exactly!"

Rocco: "You don't actually think that's correct, right?"

Colby: "Who wants some expert genius help with their homework?"


Rocco: "Finally, I've finished my homework and I can play!"

Why must Servo always do his homework in the same spot?

What the heck is going on here?

Macaron: "The oven broke and I'm sitting on a bowl of mac and cheese. Duh."

Did you break the oven by any chance?

Servo to the rescue!

Happy birthday, Dakota! Macaron wanted to join in on the fun.

Dakota aged up into a teen!

She still looks a lot like Colby.

It's Harvestfest time!

Servo's favorite time of the year.

Servo: "I just love spending three hours straight in the kitchen cooking a turkey."

Dakota: "It takes three hours to make a turkey?!"

Jocelyn: "Who cares? We don't have to make it, we get to just eat it!"

Delaney: "I feel bad for Servo."

Colby: "Never feel bad for Servo."

Apple pie for the grim reaper gnome?

Colby: "Does he like it?"

He loves it!

Colby: "Thank gosh I didn't get attacked by the gnome!"

Looks like the creepy naked gnome is happy, too.

Colby: "Apparently, he loves coffee."

Servo is going all out this year!

Daphne: "Who made all the gnomes so happy?"

Colby: "That would be me, the gnome genius."

The turkey is ready! No one can eat it until dinner, though.

Daphne: "Let's see if I can make the gnomes happy."

Daphne: "The bunny gnome loves salad!"

Daphne: "Does this make me a gnome genius, too?"

Servo is still working on his knitting aspiration. This aspiration is taking forever and a day!

The gnomes keep dropping seed packets everywhere because they're happy.

Macaron: "I thought they were cat treats."

So. Many. Seed. Packets!

Dakota: "Get them out of here, they're everywhere!"

Jocelyn: "Maybe happy gnomes aren't so great after all."

Delaney: "It's almost turkey time!"

Dakota: "Thank gosh, I'm starving!"

Daphne: "Turkey time!"

Servo is working on his university coursework while everyone eats the Harvestfest turkey.

Could you lighten up, please?

Colby: "Ugh, I need some Harvestfest turkey after a long, stressful day of work!"

Servo: "Who's gonna clean up all these seed packets? Please don't say me."

Oh my goodness.

They're everywhere!

Macaron: "All these seed packets and not one cat treat?"

It's Spooky Day time!

Why do y'all always look so mad after school?

Happy birthday, Delaney!

Delaney aged up into a teen!

Delaney: "I have to go to high school with my sisters now, don't I?"

Yes, yes you do.

Delaney: "Oh well, I can't wait to make new friends!"

Delaney: "Bring on the high school years!"

It's Cheerleading Team Sports day down at Copperdale High School!

You look very excited.

Dakota: "I hate sports. I hate cheerleading. I hate football."

Daphne: "I can't wait. I wanna enter the cheerleading try-outs!"

There's a lot of students down here.

Everyone: "Go Womp Womps!"

Student: "Is this where the cheerleading try-outs are?"

Hopefully Delaney can impress the head cheerleader.

Daphne: "2, 4, 6, 8! Who do we appreciate?"

Dakota: "Me!"

Jocelyn: "Was that supposed to be funny?"

Head Cheerleader: "Hmm... not bad!"


Delaney: "Thanks! Was it good enough to make the cheer team?"

Head Cheerleader: "Not quite, you still need to prove yourself a bit more than that."

Delaney: "What else do I need to do to prove myself?"

Head Cheerleader: "Join in with us during our cheer routine and I'll see if you can hang."

Delaney: "Can't I just be apart of the team?"

Head Cheerleader: "...That's not how it works."

Delaney: "What if I told you I have 20 social bunny followers?"

Student: "Are you guys having fun?"
Dakota: "No! Remind me why we came here again, Jocelyn?"

Jocelyn: "Because our stupid little sister forced us to come here!"

Everyone: "2, 4, 6, 8!"

Everyone: "Who do we appreciate?"

Delaney: "Womp Womps!"

Head Cheerleader: "Womp Womps!"

Cheerleader: "Why the heck is our team name 'Womp Womps'?"

Delaney: "Gooo Womp Womps!"

Hooray! Delaney made the cheer team!

Cheerleader: "Thank you all for coming out tonight to support the Womp Womps!"

Delaney: "I bet my 20 social bunny followers will be so jelly that I'm a Womp Womp cheerleader, now."

Dakota: "Can we finally leave?!"

Delaney: "That was so much fun, right?"
Jocelyn: "Wrong."

Speaking of afterschool activities, Rocco decided to join the scouts! He's currently a Llama Scout.

Since Servo is busy at university, Daphne is being trusted with breakfast.

Daphne: "I haven't started a fire, so that's a start, right?"

Sure it is...

Jocelyn: "Why is mom allowed to cook breakfast? Where the heck is Servo?"

Rocco: "He's too busy for us nowadays."

Hooray! Rocco earned the Scholarly Aptitude scouting badge!

He has been promoted to a Griffon Scout!

It's Spooky Day!

Jocelyn: "I'm an astronaut!"

Dakota: "I don't know what the heck I am!"

Rocco: "I'm Yoda!"

Daphne: "I'm Princess Leia!"

Colby: "I'm something from Star Wars!"

Delaney: "I'm a cheerleader!"

How ironic.

The Parsons decided to go to the neighbors house to trick or treat.

Rocco: "Trick or treat?"

Delaney: "Why did they let us inside? This isn't how trick or treat works."

Dakota: "If anyone can guess what my costume is, I won't ask for any candy."

Townie: "Hey, I think we go to the same high school! Is your costume meant to be an adorable sim?"

Jocelyn: "How sweet!"

Townie: "Sorry, we don't have any treats. We don't celebrate Spooky Day."

Rocco: "Well, that's a disappointment."

Delaney: "Can we get out of here, yet? They don't even have treats!"

At least the Parsons can have some treats from the evil candy bowl.

Rocco: "Lin-Z, play some spooky music!"

Lin-Z: "Playing spooky music."

Colby began carving some pumpkins for the front doorstep.

Jocelyn: "Oh, come on!"

Jocelyn: "This candy had better be worth that scare."

Jocelyn: "Blueberry! My favorite!"

Delaney is practicing her cheerleading before practice tomorrow.

Colby: "Who the heck practices for practice?"

It wouldn't be a Parsons holiday without dancing.

Jocelyn: "This spooky music is my groove!"

Colby's pumpkin looks great!

Jocelyn: "Why couldn't I go for a jog in my spooky day costume?"

Delaney: "Biking is way better than jogging!"

Colby made another pumpkin! They look great!

Oh, snap!

Daphne: "That was so scary!"

Daphne: "Grape? Not my favorite, but oh well."

Emerald can smell candy, but doesn't know where it's coming from.

Colby: "I told you I can be trusted with making dinner."

Is that why it's burning?

Colby: "Ah! I didn't even notice!"

Rocco is back from his scout meeting! It went great!

Dakota: "Spooky scary skeletons!"

Another university term means another presentation.

Looks like Colby's mac and cheese turned out just fine.

Hooray! Daphne reached level 10 of the programming skill!

Servo: "Can you please give me some feedback on my culinary presentation?"

Colby: "What the heck would I know about anything culinary? Did you not just see me trying to make mac and cheese?"

Servo: "Aren't you a college graduate?"

Colby: "Aren't you? You should already know all this stuff by now!"

Like father like daughter. Looks like Delaney is obsessed with the bicycle now.

Daphne needs to work on her charisma skill now that she's ranking higher in her career. That skill always come back to haunt me.

What's going on here? Why is Dakota crying?

Jocelyn: "Because I'm mad and want to insult anyone. Do you want to be insulted next, Delaney?!"

Delaney: "No, I'd rather not."

Rocco is trying to earn his 'Give Back' scout badge by donating the many items Servo has knitted to charity!

Should you really be outside riding your bike when it's pitch black?

What a wonderful Spooky Day!

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