Monday, September 21, 2020

Chapter 206

The Parsons are back down in a familiar spot today.

They're at the maker space! Elijah would be so proud.

Kylan: "I don't wanna get burnt by candle wax."

Servo: "I'm ready to use the fabricator!"

Don't you remember how evil it is?!

Before making some candles, Kylan needs to acquire some recycled materials using the recycler.

Kylan: "This is so satisfying!"

The Parsons love crushing metal a little too much.

Kylan: "Hey, check it out!"

A little recycled cube.

Kylan: "I'm ready to make some candles."

In your cold weather wear?

Kylan: "Don't judge me."

Kylan: "Alright, I've got the wick."

Kylan: "Now I just need to dip it a bunch of times."

Kylan: "Dip..."

Kylan: "Ouch!"

Kylan: "I burnt my finger!"

Kylan: "I've gotta be more careful this time."

Kylan's candle is starting to look good!

While at the maker space, Servo is taking the opportunity to work on his fabrication skill. Let's hope he doesn't get attacked like Paisley and Elijah. He's already been attacked by the fabricator machine before.

Kylan: "I finished my candle."

It looks amazing! Kylan's first of many candles!

Kim: "It feels so good to be out of the fairy world!"

Uh... who are you?

Kim: "A fairy that's been trapped in the fairy world for way too long!"

Kylan: "Who are you? You're a fairy?"

Kim: "Snap, I've been caught. This guy had better not be a secret fairy trying to drag me back to the fairy world."

Kylan: "That's awesome! Hi-5!"

Kim: "Thank gosh! Hi-5!"

I wonder how this random fairy made her way here.

Kylan: "I'm Kylan, and you are...?"

Kim: "I'm Kimberly, but you can call me Kim."

Kim: "You're not secretly a fairy trying to drag me back to the fairy world, are you?"

Kylan: "No way, my family has had a bunch of occult members. Aliens, mermaids, spellcasters, you name it, but I'm just a regular sim."

Kim: "You're pretty cute for a regular sim."

Kylan: "I know right?"

Kim: "Are you always this cocky?"

Kylan: "I'd be even more cocky if I were a millionaire! My family used to be millionaires, until they lost their mansion to a meteor. I'd love to live there again if I had the chance."

Kim: "A meteor, you say? You know... there's a chance I can bring your family's mansion back using a fairy spell."

Kylan: "Really? You would do that? I'd be forever in your debt if you did that!"

Kim: "Dang right you would. Take me to the crash site."

Kim: "So this is it, huh?"
Kylan: "Yep. Nothing left of it."

Kim: "We'll see about that in a moment."

Kim: "With this magic spell I cast, bring this mansion back at last!"

Oh my gosh!

I think it's working!

Could it really be?

The Parsons mansion with all their simoleons, plants and collections inside is back!

Kim: "Is that your mansion?"

Kylan: "Yeah... it is! Thanks!"

Kim: "You're welcome!"

Kim: "I know we just met, but I'm pretty new to the sim world and I have no where else to stay. Can I stay here with your family until I find my own place?"

Kylan: "Of course you can!"

Kylan: "It's the least I can do!"

Kim: "Great! I won't stay too long, I'll be out of your hair in no time!"

As soon as the Parsons heard the news, they rushed down to the mansion!

It feels good to have this place back again at last.

I've really missed this place.

Ah, the garden!

And the collection room!

And the invisible fish! Hooray! If you forgot what this place looked like, the full tour is on my Instagram.

You can also check out the newest gameplay video of the Parsons in this house on my YouTube channel here.

Kim: "Imagine how long it takes to clean this place everyday."

Kylan: "I didn't even think of that."

The Parsons and Kim are having their first meal in the new house: leftover Harvestfest turkey!

Kylan: "Mom, can my friend, Kim, stay with us for a while?"

Brynlee: "Hmm... I don't know, Kylan."

Kylan: "Please! She's a fairy, and if we say no, she might send another meteor our way."

Brynlee: "Say what?!"

Brynlee: "The bigger front yard leaves me plenty of room to ship my Plopsy orders. That's the best part about this place."

That's the best part? Not the huge garden, the gaming mat or the 50 bathrooms?

Servo: "Oh, how I've missed my garden."

Looks like Brynlee eventually let up and is letting Kim stay here for a while.

Milkshake: "As she should! We don't want another meteor to hit!"

Milkshake: "Now... how many rooms do I have left to explore and suss out all the sleeping spots?"

The sun room area is now dedicated to Kylan's new hobby/future career: fabrication and juice fizzing. (Don't Wake the Llama is there for some Parsons family fun.)

Kim: "Ughhh! I gotta pee!"

What the heck are you complaining about? There's 50 bathrooms around here!

Kim: "I could get used to having 50 bathrooms."

Emmitt: "Did you seriously have to use all of the bathrooms at once somehow?! You don't even live here! You're a guest!"

Kim: "The nerve of these sims after I was the one who brought their mansion back."

Kylan is working on his fabrication skill again by making some candles.

He's doing a great job!

Next, he decided to start working on his juice fizzing skill. In order to do that, he needs to pick some fruit from the garden. He's lucky his ancestors made everything easy for him, he has every fruit a sim could ever dream of!

Kylan: "How do I use this thing?"

Kylan: "I think that's the correct button."

Great job, Kylan! I can't wait to see his first fizzy juice. He's going to make some apple fizzy juice.

Ice Cream has been jumping and rolling in puddles all day, she desperately needed a bath.

Ooh, Kylan's first fizzy juice is ready!

It looks delicious already!

Kylan: "I'll name it 'Apple Fizzy Juice'! I'd better get back down to the garden and collect some more fruit for my next juice!"

Kylan's next juice will be made from pomegranate!

Kylan: "This juice fizzing machine takes a long time to start up."

Brynlee: "You know what doesn't take a long time to warm up? Knitting needles."

Kylan's pomegranate juice looks delicious, too!

Milkshake: "Can cats have pomegranate juice?"


What's the matter, Kim?

Kim: "How dare you not let the kitty have any pomegranate juice!"

Over night, more fruits grew in, so Kylan decided to harvest all of them! Now, he has every fruit to choose from. They're all perfect quality, too, thanks to Servo (and I) taking such amazing care of the garden and fertilising the plants for so many generations.

Servo: "Oh, stop it, you!"

Y'all know how much I love Servo's rosy cheeks.

Will Brynlee be the next queen of Blic Bloc?

Brynlee: "Don't put that kind of pressure on me!"

Brynlee: "I'm just having a grand ol' time!"

Kim: "If Brynlee doesn't wanna be the next queen of Blic Bloc, I'll happily do the honors of being the next queen."

Kim: "Right after I collect some gems, of course."

I guess fairies love gems!

Servo begun upgrading the juice fizzing station for Kylan.

Ice Cream: "Man, Kylan is one lucky kid. Everything is just handed to him."

Kylan has almost finished his next candle!

It looks amazing!

To make some more candles and move ahead in his aspiration, Kylan needs to acquire some recycled materials.

He loves recycling, just like his ancestors.

Ooh, look what Kim found! She didn't find any gems, buy she found a new MySim trophy!

I hate carrots and carrot cake, but this carrot cake that Servo made looks delicious!

Kim: "How could you hate carrots? They're my favorite!"

Isaac: "Cake for dinner? Oh yeah!"

I love watching the wax slowly melt from the candles.

Brynlee: "We're glad to have you as a guest, Kim. Whatcha playing there?"
Kim: "Zombie Slasher!"

Brynlee: "Wow... it looks very... violent."
Kim: "Did you see how fast that zombie's head exploded?"

Ice Cream: "That's nasty."

Kylan: "Why didn't you play Zombie Slasher with me?"

Kim: "You were too busy making fizzy juice and candles."

Kim: "Boooring!"

Kim: "Only boring sims make candles!"

Kylan: "Hey, I'm not boring!"

Kylan: "You're the boring one!"

Kim: "Hey, that's not nice!"

Kim: "You're the boring one!"
Kylan: "No, you are!"

Kylan: "You may be boring, but you're still cute."

Kim: "Gee, thanks. So are you. You're super cute."

Kylan: "Did you just call me cute again?"

Kim: "How many times have I called you cute?! I meant to say boring!"

Kylan: "Nope, you meant to say cute. I'm cute and I know it."

Kim: "Hey, is that Simstagram you're using?"

Kim: "There was Simstagram back in the fairy world, but it went terrible!"

Kim: "There were fairies and dwarfs uploading selfies left and right! The fairy world was almost exposed!"

Kylan: "That actually sounds pretty cool."

Kim: "You think I'd be a hit on Simstagram?"

Kylan: "Of course! Who wouldn't want to follow a gorgeous fairy?"

Kim: "Grr... fairies aren't supposed to be gorgeous, we're supposed to cause mischief everywhere we go!"

Kylan: "I can't wait to collect some more fruit from the garden once I come home from school."

Servo's already on it! He needs to harvest all of the fruit and vegetables in the garden so that he can use them to bake as many treats as possible for his baking skill.

The Parsons are lucky, they get to indulge in Servo's tasty baked treats everyday.

The cowplant glitch is happening again. (Where they grow back to life, but they're not actually usable.)

One day, when the Parsons find another cowberry, they'll grow another cowplant.

Servo: "I can't wait to taste this frosting!"

How can you taste it with no mouth?

Servo: "Leave that to your imagination."

I sent Isaac for a jog, but he began jogging inside the house.

The treadmill at the gym is a much better place for him to go for a jog/run.

Back at home, Servo made some delicious lemon bars!

Looks like Isaac took a shower at the gym and returned home in his towel.

Isaac: "Dang right I did, anything to show off my buffness."

Isaac; "These lemon bars Servo baked are delicious!"
Brynlee: "They really are!"

Ice Cream! Did you really have to ruin the lemon bar deliciousness by shaking off water onto everyone?!

Isaac: "Who lives in a towel at the Oasis Springs gym?"


I'm loving these tasty treats Servo keeps baking. He made a banana cream pie! Mmm...

Kylan's candle burnt out!

Milkshake: "Or, did it...?"

Kim: "My first day of school in the sim world was awful, it's even worse than being in the fairy world. Are humans always like this?"

Kylan: "Ugh, I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow."

Looks like everyone brought home a school project.

Oh noooooooooooo! Not our precious Emmie!

Rest In Peace, Emmie Parsons. You were a wonderful, unique looking cat, and you will be dearly missed.

Grim Reaper: "Good to see the Parsons are back in this mansion. I remember this place. How did they get back here?"

Long story short, they met a fairy who brought their house back with a magic spell.

Servo made some delicious bread pudding!

Isaac: "Sorry, Servo, your bread pudding sucks."
Servo: "How could you say that?"


Servo: "I'd better start working on my mischief skill soon, he really got me. That was so embarrassing!"

Kim: "I can't believe you, Kylan!"

Kylan: "Oh, so now you're deciding to speak to be after giving me the silent treatment all day at school?! What the heck is your problem, Kim?!"

Kim: "Don't act stupid, Kylan! You know exactly what my problem is, you were flirting with that ugly girl during maths class! Weren't we just flirting yesterday, two-timer?!"

Emmitt: "Oh, snap."
Jasmine: "Kylan and his girlfriend have some dramaaa."

Kylan: "Me? A two-timer? You're not even officially my girlfriend! I'll do whatever I want! It's not my fault you caught feelings so fast!"

Kim: "You know what? Screw you, Kylan! If you don't have feelings for me, then why are you letting me stay in your house?!"

Kylan: "You're right, why the heck am I letting you stay here? Pack all of your stuff and leave!"

Kim: "Fine, I will!"

Jasmine: "This drama is better than reality TV. Where's the popcorn?""

Dwayne: "I can't decide which dessert I wanna eat, they're both so delicious!"

After the huge fight Kylan and Kim had, Kim collected her things and left.

She knew, being a guest, that she would have to leave the Parsons house eventually, but she didn't expect to be kicked out so soon. She didn't want to go back to the fairy world, but she had no where else to go.

Nooooooooooooooooo! Not our precious little Nova, too!

Rest In Peace, Nova Parsons. You were such an adorable, smart little dog, and you will be dearly missed.

The footprint in Acquisition Butte, Oasis Springs is green, so there's an aurora! Y'all know how excited I get about auroras.

While the Parsons sleep, Servo is baking yet again.

The Parsons will have some delicious treats to wake up tp.

Kylan: "Kim seriously left?"

Kylan: "I mean... good. Who the heck does she think she is?"

Servo really outdid himself this time, he made a delicious rainbow cake!

After that he broke out the weed sucker 9000 to remove some of the weeds in the garden. He never stops!

Kylan: "I'd better not see Kim at school today. She's so annoying... but so cute."

Uh oh, it's that time again, y'all!

Yep, it's Winterfest time! 🎄🎅🎁

Brynlee: "I'm the tree decorating expert here! Got it, babe?"

Isaac: "I can't put my input into the tree, too?"

Brynlee: "No offense, babe, but your input at decorating sucks compared to mine."

Isaac: *Gasp!* "How could you say that? I know about decorating, the gym is very nicely decorated with gym equipment!"

Servo: "Don't worry, Milkshake, I'll protect you from these crazy sims."


  1. You get knitting *and* candle-making in TS4?! You're so lucky! :)

    And FAIRIES?! Are fairies part of the game, or is Kim the result of fabulous custom content? I'm so impressed that she was able to restore the family mansion! It's an epic homecoming for the tenth generation.

    Following the meteor link was a blast from the past. It was nice to see Elodie and Paisley in their younger days! Nice to see the hamburger-shaped birthday cake, too. ;)

    Oh my gosh, your gameplay video!! :D I so enjoyed watching the Parsons in action. This is the first time I've seen TS4 gameplay. I loved watching Servo. I didn't realize he makes noises! His jet pack and vocal sounds. And I so admire you for playing without (much) pausing. I'm always stopping and starting. Do you plan to make more gameplay videos?

    Hey, this is neat! Back at the blog, I can picture the mansion so well, having done a 'walk-through' with the video. And some of these shots look familiar. Were you prepping this update while shooting the video? You took us behind the scenes! :D

    *gasp* Those lemon bars! :O They look so good. Lucky Parsons, living with a baking Servo! All of his desserts impress me.

    Nooo, Emmie! :( I'll miss her funny face.

    Oooh, interesting relationship heating up between Emmit and Kim. Your other couples have been all cute and lovey-dovey. 'Kimmit' bring the edge! XD

    What, no -- Kim *left*?? This really is a soap opera (in the best possible way).

    And now Nova leaves us, too! :( This might be your most heart-wrenching update yet. She really was the cutest little dog. I loved seeing her in her little onesie.

    Oh, yeah. I'm totally into the Parsons again. :D

  2. BIG OOPS! I just realized that Kim is shooting off sparks with *Kylan*.

    Too bad. Kimmit was a pretty neat couple name. ;)
