Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Chapter 297

Blaire: "Hey, everyone! Look! Dream is playing with the horse ball again!"

You still think it's the most entertaining thing ever when Dream plays with the horse ball?

Blaire: "Yes, yes I do."

Off to another competition!

Esme's nectar making skill is increasing by the day. She can now make potato nectar!

With a new member joining the household, you know what that means. They can help out in the garden!

How did it go?

Blaire: "Our first expert competition didn't go so well!"

Blaire: "We got third place in the expert barrel racing competition! Third place?! Seriously?"

Aww, man. That sucks.

Since he has enough time on his hands again, Servo is enrolling back in university. He will he studying a distinguished degree in history.

That means back to doing homework for Servo!

Hershey: "Don't mind me, just watching my mom sleep."

That's not weird, or anything…

Another day, another training session.

Pinky: "I will annihilate this mouse ball… and eventually… the entire sim world!"
Hershey: "I'm scared."

Pinky: "I should have never let the dog hear my master plan."

Esme: "Woah!"

Axane: "That was embarrassing… better post about it on social bunny."

Axane: "So, what exactly is it that you're doing?"

Esme: "I'm making nectar, of course."

Esme: "Don't tell me I've never told you I'm working towards being an expert nectar maker."

Axane: "I can't say you have, babe."

Esme: "Nectar making is my number one hobby! It's so easy, all you do is stomp fruit until there's enough juice to fill up an entire bottle."

Axane: "That actually sounds pretty cool. Mind if I give it a try?"

Esme: "Uh… sure, be my guest."

Axane: "Let's just hope I don't do it better than you."

Esme: "Don't worry, that's never gonna happen."

Esme: "Okay, so remember what I told you?"

Axane: "Yep! Just stomp the fruit until-"

Axane: "Woah!"

Esme: "Oops! I guess I forgot to tell you how slippery things can get sometimes."

Axane: "It's fine, I'm fine! Everything's fine!"

Esme: "Not bad, you're actually getting the hang of it. I'm impressed."

Axane: "This is the third time I've surprised you by being good at Earth activities. Maybe I'm a natural."

Todd: "I keep autonomously using the computer, but I feel like I'm forgetting I'm meant to be doing something else…"

You're meant to be taking care of your son, Todd!

Esme: "Either you're a natural, or I'm just a great teacher. I'm gonna go with the former."

Axane: "Hopefully I stomped enough juices out to fill up this entire bottle."

Axane successfully made some apple nectar!

Axane: "We'd better do a taste test just to make sure I did it right."

Axane: "You wanna try some, babe?"

Esme: "Duh! We need to make sure it's not better than mine."

Axane: "Of course it won't be… but it might be."


Esme: *Gulp*
Chase: "Wow, honey! That nectar you made looks amazing!"

Esme: "I didn't make it, dad. Axane did."

Esme: "Hmm… not bad, babe."
Axane: "It's definitely not bad. It's great!"

Chase: "Is it better than Esme's?"

Brendan: "Don't answer that. If you answer wrong, she might kick your butt!"

Esme: "No, no, no, he can answer, dad."

Axane: "Uh… it's… no where near the standards of your nectar, but it's still… good?"

Esme: "Good answer."

All of Dream's skills are increasing yet again. It's definitely not an easy task getting every skill maxed out on a horse, though.

Todd: "I might try some of that nectar Axane made."

Todd: *Gulp*

Todd: "Hey, not bad!"

Blaire: "Another training session in heels completed!"

Blaire: "Here's some prairie grass for all your amazing hard work, girl."

What in tarnation is going on here?!

Esme: "Huh? What is that thing?"

Esme: "Is that a… spaceship?!"

That's certainly what it looks like!

Esme: "I shouldn't have followed the pretty lights!"

Never follow the pretty lights!

Blaire: "Can you hear something?"

Servo: "Nope. Can't hear a thing. All I can hear is homework."

What does homework sound like? Probably sadness.

Axane, do something!

Axane: "Zzz…"

A few hours later, Esme has returned.

Hopefully safely?

Esme, what the heck happened up there?

Esme: "Things cannot happened be that up there explained."


Esme: "I said what I said. I'm going to bed."

Blaire: "Hey, that rhymed!"

Why does no one ever tell me what happened on the spaceships?!

Servo's stan is outside stanning while Hershey eats trash.

Another thing he seems to keep doing is stealing all the horse balls! They're always going missing!

Either that, or aliens are abducting them. Now, the Parsons have to buy an excessive amount of horse balls and keep the extras in their inventory at all times for the next time one goes missing.


Magnus aged up into an elder! He looks traumatized.

Magnus: "Age me back… age me back, I said!"

Hershey: "Ha-ha! Magnus is an elder!"

It'll be you, one day.

Whether it's a horse or a sim, someone's always watching poor Servo through the window!

Stan: "I just want him to come out and talk to me."

Go away!

Poor Harry had his first diaper blowout.

Chase: "Did you guys hear anything strange last night? It almost sounded like a spaceship!"

Axane: "A spaceship? I never heard a spaceship."
Pinky: "While the imbeciles are distracted, I'll steal their food."

Chase: "Come on, you should be an expert at hearing spaceships!"

Brendan: "Were you planning to abduct us all?"

Axane: "For the last time, I didn't hear a spaceship. All I heard last night were my dreams."

No kidding, you were dead asleep while your girlfriend was being abducted.

This unorganized room was driving me crazy, and probably all of you guys, too. Fear not, because I finally organized the collection room!

It took me so long because I didn't think everything would fit, but it actually does! For now.

Three volunteers stepped forward to clean up after Mocha, yet none of them actually wanted to do it once they arrived.

Paige, what the heck are you doing here again?

Mocha: "That ghost is creeper than the skeleton maid, alien and robot combined."

Bonehilda: "Whatcha doin' there, honey?"

Servo: "Oh, nothing, just looking for my third penpal! I'm trying to help complete our postcard collection."

Paige: "Speaking of collectibles, did my family finally get around to completing the space prints collection?"

They actually did, you should be very proud.

There's a whole lot of different life states in this one picture.

Hooray! Harry is finally sitting up!

You know what that means… time to learn how to crawl!

Pinky! Were you about to drink from that puddle?"

Pinky: "Busted! I mean… of course not!"

Pumpkin: "Hey, I wanted first dibs on drinking from the puddle!"

Since Harry is sitting up, he can now sit in the high chair and try his first food.

He seems pretty undecided about mashed carrots.

The Parsons collectible alien plaque arrived in the mail!

Will Harry learn to crawl today?

Todd: "Well, he is my son. He should learn in no time."

Blaire and Dream have redeemed themselves in the expert category!

They won first place in the expert show jumping competition!

Who is this fabulous horse strolling on by the Parsons ranch?

Blaire: "Aww, you guys are adorable! Maybe you could have a foal sometime in the future?"

Chase: "Yay for more horses that I don't have to care for!"

Servo's bottles of nectar are finally 'finely aged' and he can now sell them for lots of simoleons. Since he has earned a total of 100,000 simoleons selling nectar, Servo completed the 'Expert Nectar Maker' aspiration! I'm so proud of him!

Speaking of achievements, Blaire and Dream won first place in the expert western pleasure competition! Where the heck did those dirty plates come from, though?

Servo: "Don't mind me, I'm just off to class."

After the competition, it's back to training for Dream and Blaire.

Axane: "I've been gardening all day, I'm exhausted!"

Exhausted? You need to be prepared to do this every single day.

Chase is such a good mini goat grandpa!

Hooray! Harry is now crawling!

He's almost reached all of his big milestones!

Harry: "Aaa!"

Yay! Blaire has reached level 10 of the horse riding skill! She's come such a long way from the first time she rode Dream.

Now, the Parsons have another expert horse riding sign to proudly display on the ranch sign.

Brendan: "Everyone is achieving so much, but what have I done with my life?!"

Chase: "Is this an end-of-life crisis?"

Chase: "Come on, Harry! It's time to learn how to stand all on your own."

Brendan: "He's about to do it!"

Yay! Harry stood up all on his own!

So many achievements! After making BLT sandwiches for everyone for breakfast, Chase reached level 10 of the cooking skill! He's maxed out the most random skills in his lifetime... charisma, singing, rocket science, cooking. Servo has competition!

Magnus: "Get away from me. This is harassment!"

Hershey: "What do you mean?"

Hershey: "I just wanna play!"

Axane took Esme down to this beautiful bridge near the ranch to ask a very important question...

Axane: "You know how much I love you, right?"

Esme: "Of course I do. I love you more."

Axane: "You do?"

Esme: "Yeah! I almost love you as much as I love myself."

Axane: "Esme Parsons..."

Esme: "Axane... I forgot your last name because it's a strange alien last name and it's really long-"

Esme: "Wait... what are you-"

Axane: "You're the love of my life."

Axane: "Will you marry me?"

Esme: "Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"


Axane and Esme are officially engaged!

Axane: "Now, can we get back inside? I'm freezing out here!"

Esme: "Seriously?"

What the heck happened here? Why are there a bunch of random burnt piles?

It's birthday time for Harry!

The cake glitched so many times, I had to age him up manually. Harry aged up into a toddler!

He looks a lot like his mommy, but I can see a lot of his dad, too!

Pinky, don't even think about it!

Pinky: "Don't think about what?"

Pinky: "I'm just stretching."

Mhm... you're not slick.

Dream and Blaire are back from another competition!

Blaire: "We almost won. We'll get 'em next time!"

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