Sunday, September 17, 2023

Chapter 296

Hershey: "Help! I can't decide which toy to play with!"

Muffin: "As long as you don't touch mine."

Servo is up bright and early to help care for the animals.

Blaire and Dream won first place in the intermediate show jumping competition!

Blaire: "Great job out there today, Dream!"

Dream: "Gee, thanks."

Dream: "Ha-ha! I beat everyone."

Paparazzi: "Servo! Over here! Make your head do a 360 spin again!"

Servo: "Oh, alright, if you insist."

Hershey: "The automatic food bowl should fill up again any minute now, I just know it!"

The Parsons have almost completed their aliens collection. All they need is a live pink whale.

Esme: "All we have is two dead pink whales."

Servo: "Maybe you can invite your so-called "cowpoke dancing alien friend" to revive one of the dead pink whales... if he even exists."

Esme: "That's a great idea, Servo. Prepare to eat a crow when you see my alien friend, though."

Servo: "Joke's on you, I can't eat."

Esme: "Hey there, Axane!"

Esme: "I can't believe my cell service reaches all the way to Sixam. Anyways, I need to ask a favor of you..."

Axane arrived as soon as possible.

Esme: "Wow, that was fast."

Axane: "What can I say? Sixam rocket ships are the fastest in the galaxy."

Esme: "Wow, I never knew that!"

Axane: "So, what did you need help with?"

Esme: "Well, we have an alien dead pink whale in our collection room that needs reviving. Apparently, only aliens can revive each other. Do you think you could help out?"

Axane: "Of course I could! Show me this dead pink whale."

Here it is in all it's dead pink whale glory.

Esme: "Is it revivable?"

Axane: "I guess we're about to find out."

Axane: "I just need to use a little bit of alien brain power..."

Ooh, this just might work!

Hey, it worked! Axane revived the dead pink whale into a live pink whale!

 The Parsons have now collected every alien from Sixam! Hooray!

Esme: "Wow, that was amazing, Axane!"

Axane: "Gee, thanks! I'm happy I could help out."

Axane: "I need to post a picture of that live pink whale on social bunny. It's so adorable!"

Esme: "Not as adorable as you-"

Esme: "I mean... uh... it's great we were able to help each other out."

Axane: "Yeah! You helped me learn how to cowpoke dance and I helped you revive your alien."

Axane: "I have another thing to ask of you now... could you show me what the heck those creatures are behind you?"

Esme: "You mean the fish? Sure thing!"

Axane: "Woah..."

Esme: "Pretty cool, right? My ancestors caught these fish from all over the sim world."

Axane: "These are even cooler than any animal I've ever seen on Sixam."

Fish: "Why, thank you."

Axane: "Could I take one home, by any chance?"

Esme: "Uh... I don't think these fish could live on Sixam. They need fresh Earth water. Why don't you take some candy with you, instead?"

Axane: "Candy? What the heck is this?"

Axane: "Is this some kind of food?"

Esme: "Yeah, it's delicious! You should try it."

Axane: *Munch, munch, munch*

Axane: "That was delicious!"

Esme: "I don't think you were supposed to eat the wrapper..."

Esme: "Thank you so much for helping me out today."

Axane: "Of course! I owed you one, anyway."

Axane: "I'll text you when I land back safely on Sixam."

Esme: "Safe travels!"

Esme: "Now, back to stomping strawberries."

Magnus: "Why can't I have any nectar?"

Brendan: "Who the heck was that purple guy outside?"

Esme: "He was an alien, dad. Don't act like you've never seen a purple alien sim before."

Esme: "I helped him learn to cowpoke dance and he helped us complete our alien collection."

Brendan: "Wow, he seems nice. Maybe you should invite him to Blaire and Todd's wedding this weekend."

Esme: "That's actually not a bad idea."

It may be a hot day, but that isn't stopping Servo and Dream from training.

Why the heck is almost every single sim in the household in the bathroom?

Brendan is so excited about being a grandpa, he decided to add a baby mobile to the crib upstairs.

It's so cute!

Brendan: "I'm a master mechanic. Servo who?"

Dream's skills are improving a lot lately!

Chase: "Do we really need Servo anymore? I just cooked this entire plate of garlic noodles without his help whatsoever."

Brendan: "The burnt smoke detector behind me is a huge reason why we still need Servo."

Chase: "Maybe you're right- wait... where did all the garlic noodles go?"

Mocha: "Who is this?"

Mocha! Haven't you ever heard that you shouldn't sniff strangers?

Stan: "Shh! I'm stalking Servo."

Blaire: "I think it's go time, babe."

Todd: "Gotcha, I'll meet you in the rocket ship."

Blaire: "Not that kind of go time, doofus! I'm in labor!"

Blaire: "Oof! This hurts!"

Todd: "What do I do?!"

Blaire: "Agh! This really hurts!"

Blaire: "Todd, where the heck are you going?!"

Todd: "I don't know, the pre-parental panic is taking over!"

Blaire: "Wait... something's happening..."


It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Harry Parsons!

Blaire: "Oh, look how adorable you are!"

Blaire: *Kiss*

Todd: "Finally, no more pre-parental panic. Now, only parental panic."

Can y'all stop hanging out in the bathroom all the time?!

Esme's nectar holder is filling up pretty fast.

Hershey: "Hello, large creature."

Dream: "Hello, small creature."

Hershey: "Do you think I'll grow up to be as big as you one day?"

Dream: "Unless you're a great dane, then no."

Stan: "Woah!"

Stan: "I almost slipped while trying to get a glimpse of Servo recharging through the widnow!"

I give up. These two are obsessed with the bathroom.

Chase: "Tell them to get out, I need to tinkle!"

Magnus: "Is this food you're making all for me?"

Servo: "No, it's for all those ungrateful sims upstairs."

Chase: "I have a grandson? Does that mean I'm old now?"

You were old the minute you aged up into an elder.

Chase: "Aww, man!"

I've never seen anyone so serious while eating pancakes, let alone four sims.

Brendan: "Eugh! What the heck did I just step in?!"

Todd: "I can explain-"

Todd! Did you just pee your pants?!

Todd: "It was an accident!"

It's wedding day, which means poor Servo has to make a magnificent wedding cake in just a few hours.

He's done it again!

And, it was all for nothing because my stupid self forgot to bring the wedding cake to the venue. Hooray!

It's Todd and Blaire's wedding day!

Bonehilda: "Oh, I love it! It's so rustic!"

Blaire: "Wedding day confetti, anyone?"

Could y'all sit down, please?

Bonehilda: "Why is that guy sitting in the middle of the aisle?"

Jack Bunch: "I have the best seat in the house!"

Get up before you get kicked out.

Here comes the beautiful bride!

Blaire: "I hope no one can see how nervous I am."

Esme: "We can all see it."

Todd: "Wow... you look so beautiful, honey!"

Blaire: "So do you- uh... I mean, you look so handsome."

Brendan: "This is beautiful."
Chase: "I can't believe our first baby is getting married!"

Jamie: "Does that mean I have to get married next?"

Servo: "We are all gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Blaire and Todd."

Servo: "I understand there are some of you who came solely to take pictures of me and swoon over me, so please do that before we begin the ceremony."

Jamie: "I'm just here for the food."

Blaire: "With this ring, I thee wed."

Todd: "Ooh, sparkly!"

These sims all passed out at the sight of Servo multiple times. Didn't he tell y'all to do this before the ceremony began?

Todd: "With this ring..."

Todd: "I thee wed."

Brendan: *Crying* "I swore I wouldn't cry!"
Chase: "Great, now I'm gonna cry!"

Esme: "I'm not crying, there's just dust in my eye."

Blaire: "I guess there's only one thing left to do."

You may now kiss your bride!

May you live happily ever Parsons.

Blaire: "I love you, honey."

Todd: "I love you more."

Servo: "I love the part where we all go home and nap."

Todd: "Shall we, Mrs. Parsons?"

Blaire: "We shall, Mr. Parsons."

Everyone, throw rice!

Blaire: "Are you ready to cut the wedding cake?"

Todd: "I sure am... where is the wedding cake?"

Yeah... about that...

Everyone, blow bubbles!

Esme: "This is the best wedding tradition ever!"

Axane: "What the heck are these things?"

Chase: "I still can't believe my baby's married."
Blaire: "Don't worry, dad, I'm still never moving out."

Time for food!

Axane: "Earth food smells so good."

Servo: "Alright, everyone, allow me to bless your ears as I jazz up the place."

I know y'all can't hear it, but Servo's piano skills are amazing!

Everyone couldn't help but gather around to hear Servo play.

Blaire: "I spy with my little eye... Esme sitting with her alien boyfriend."

Axane: "Thanks for inviting me here, Esme."

Esme: "Of course. You look great in your alien formal wear suit."

Axane: "Am I overdressed?"

Esme: "A little. You look way more fancy than anyone else here. Their outfit doesn't light up like yours."

Axane: "Maybe I should have gone shopping on earth for a suit."

Esme: "Don't worry, you still blend in just fine."

Axane: "Have I told you how beautiful you look?"

Blaire: "Oh, he's totally her boyfriend."

Neal: "This wedding food is delicious. I miss Servo cooking for me all the time."

Axane: "Do you think they'll serve cheesy eyeballs at this wedding?"

Esme: "Cheesy what?!"

Axane: "Y'know... cheesy eyeballs... a Sixam delicacy."

Esme: "Uh... sims usually don't eat cheesy eyeballs on Earth."

Esme: "Unless it's spooky day... then we eat lookalike cheesy eyeballs that are not actually cheesy eyeballs. Just don't mention cheesy eyeballs to anyone else, they might think you're gross and insane."

Axane: "Got it."

Blaire: "Suly, suly, handsome. May I have this first dance?"

Todd: "Why, of course, my lovely wife."

Blaire: "We couldn't have picked a more perfect spot for our wedding."

Blaire: "And I couldn't have picked a more perfect husband."

Todd: "You're too sweet."

Everyone is gathered for the first dance... looking in the wrong direction.

Esme: "Come on, everyone, let's cowpoke dance!"

Axane: "This is my time to shine."

Esme: "Go, Axane! It's your birthday!"

Servo: "May I have this dance?"

Bonehilda: "You most certainly may."

Esme: "Woohoo!"

Axane: "Uh... may I have this dance?"

Esme: "You may."

Axane: "You taught me how to cowpoke dance, now I guess you can teach me how to slow dance, too."

What a fancy move!

Esme: "Looks like you don't need me to teach you, you're already a pro!"

Axane: "I have no idea where I even came up with that."

Esme: "What other moves do you have?"

Axane: "This is another one I just came up with."
Esme: "Very smooth!"

Todd: "It seems like everyone's having fun."

Blaire: "That's all I ever could have hoped for today."

Esme: "Are you sure you never got slow dancing lessons before?"

Axane: "I'm positive. It all just seems to come naturally to me when I'm with you."

Servo and Bonehilda took their slow dancing outside away from all the crazy sims.

Axane: "I feel like a lot less of an outcast after seeing a robot and skeleton maid invited to this wedding."

Esme: "There's no such thing as an outcast in our family. Everyone is off their rocker!"

There's even a horse- wait... why is there a horse here? How the heck did you get here, Dream?!

Dream: "I haven't had my daily scratchies and treats."
Blaire: "Sorry, I'm a little busy today, Dream."

Blaire: "Since no one else is over here, I'd better make use of this chocolate fountain."

Blaire: "Let's hope no one gets freaked out by Dream being here."

Dream: "I want a chocolate covered strawberry!"

Of course, Servo stole the show once he began cowpoke dancing.


Oh, what is going on over here?!

Esme: "Wow... that was amazing."

Axane: "Yeah... you're a great kisser."


Axane: "I didn't think any night could top the night we went cowpoke dancing, but this night surely does. Do you think we should make things official between us?"

Esme: "You're right. This night has been amazing. I definitely think we should make things official right now."

Esme: "Now, you're stuck with me!"
Axane: "Good."

What a wonderful wedding!

Axane has officially moved to Earth and into the Parsons house!

Esme: "What do you say we have fun... in the observatory?"

Axane: "What kind of fun?"

Esme: "Let me show you."

Of course it's that type of fun.

Esme: "That was-"
Axane: "Amazing!"

Axane: "I'm so happy that I moved here to Earth to be with you."

Esme: "You really mean that?"

Axane: "Of course. I've never met any sim, alien or any other as amazing as you."

Here's where the wedding cake was sitting for the duration of the entire wedding, by the way.

Harry aged up into an infant!

Todd: "Yes! Now I can teach him how to kick a soccer ball around!"

Uh... I think it's still too soon for that.

He's adorable! He looks like a mixture of both parents.

Sleep time for Harry!

He fell asleep right away.

Not long after, he woke up for a midnight feed.

Harry: *Burp!*

Pinky aged up into an adult!

Pinky: "I'm adorable!"


Hershey also aged up into an adult!

Hershey: "I'm more adorable than Pinky."

Servo: "Do you ever get the feeling that a horse directly is staring at you through the window?"

Probably because a horse is directly staring at you through the window.

What the heck? Todd woke up with a full grown old man beard!

Even Harry is concerned.

Todd: "I'd better get rid of this thing."

Todd: "It's like it grew overnight."

Because it did, somehow!

Harry: "Waaa!"

Chase: "Maybe I should have changed your diaper before doing tummy time."

You think?

Pinky, stop that!

Axane: "Pinky, don't scratch the couch!"

Pinky: "Don't tell me what to do."

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