Friday, April 29, 2022

Chapter 257

Midnight: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Nooooooo! Midnight!

Grim Reaper: "It's been a while since I've been here."

Rest In Peace, Midnight Parsons. You were a wonderful, happy dog, and you will be dearly missed.

It's a sad day in the Parsons household.

It's go time!

Lilliana: "Troy, I think the baby's coming!"

Troy, wake up!

Troy: "Ah! What's wrong! You're in labor, aren't you?!"

Lilliana: "Yes! Oof!"

Lilliana: "This hurts!"


It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Abbie Parsons!


Lilliana: "She's perfect, just like me."

Paddington: "And me."

Get off the nightstand!

Lilliana is pregnant again! After giving birth two minutes ago.

Lilliana: "Babe, guess what?"

Lilliana: "I'm pregnant again!"

Troy: "Didn't you just give birth three minutes ago?"

Lilliana: "Yep, get excited!"
Troy: "Oh... yay!"

Did you hear the big news, Servo?

Servo: "The same news I've heard 100 times? Let me read my skiing book in peace."

There's no such thing as peace for Servo.

Claudio: "It's time for me to go, too."

Noooooooooo! Claudio!

Rest In Peace, Claudio Parsons. You were a wonderful, funny cat, and you will be dearly missed.

Lilliana is very sad about losing Midnight and Claudio, but she has Pixie to comfort her.

Abbie's diaper days have flown by and she has aged up into an adorable toddler!

Troy: "Come here, Abbie! You can do it!"

Troy: *Crying* "She's growing up so fast!"

A ham and cheese sandwich for lunch!

Ooh, it's started snowing! There's gonna be a lot more cases of Frosty Fur Flu at the vet clinic, now.

Ruby: "It's time for me to teach Abbie to talk."

Ruby: "Abbie, say 'grandma is the best sim in the world'!"

Abbie: "No."

Servo has been getting into the photography skill, since it's finally no longer glitched in my game!

I found these old pictures Rylie took in his inventory.

Servo set up a photo studio outside in the snow since there's no room inside the house.

He has Lilliana and Troy awake at the crack of dawn to help him take some pictures.

Looks like it's gonna be a party photoshoot.

So cute!

Looks like Ruby gave up teaching Abbie to talk and is reading her a bedtime story instead.

Servo: "Alright, I've been up all night taking pictures, and I've finally maxed out my photography skill."

Wow, that's a lot of pictures!

Aww, they're actually lovely!

He took pictures all around the house."

He also took some all around Brindleton Bay. I shall be keeping these.

Servo: "Why wouldn't you? They're marvellous."

Lilliana: "Oof, my back is hurting."

Lilliana: "Hey, Paddington! Have you ever thought about having kittens with another cat in the neighborhood?"

Paddington: "No."

Paddington: "But, now I am!"

Lilliana: "New kittens coming soon."

I can't wait for more kittens!

Paddington: "As long as the cats in this neighborhood reach my standards."

Abbie: "Pancakes for breakfast! Yummy!"

Healthy Paws vet clinic is open for business!

Lilliana: "Ugh... more morning sickness."

Troy: "Don't worry babe, I'm here for you."
Lilliana: "Aww, thanks, babe!"

The first customer of the day has arrived!

Paddington is also here hanging around today, since he randomly appeared on the lot and the game won't let me send him home.

Here comes the first patient!

Lilliana: "Who wants to treat the first patient?"

Troy: "Ladies first."

Lilliana: "Hmm... looks like a case of Common Lava Nose."

Troy: "Let me take a closer look..."

Another patient has arrived.

Troy: "This is definitely a case of fleas!"

Lilliana: "Aha! It's definitely Common Lava Nose!"

Paddington: "I'm glad I don't have Common Lava Nose."

Lilliana: "Oof, my back is hurting so much."

Poor Justice is sick again.

Troy: "This is definitely Pyrotoes."

Lilliana: "What seems to be the problem today?"

Customer: "My pet's feet are far too hot, I'm worried!"

Lilliana: "Don't worry, I'll take a look at her."

Customer: "Why does he get to go first?!"

Troy: "Don't worry, your pet will be seen by the best: me."

Paddington: "Why isn't that cat fluffy like me?"

Lilliana: "I need to pee again!"

Troy: "Hmm... I think this must be a case of Mild Repugnitis."

Lilliana: "Let me take a closer look."

Lilliana: "Gilded Guts Disorder! Don't worry, that's an easy illness to cure!"

Troy: "All better!"

Lilliana: "Paddington, no playing in puddles."

Paddington: "I'm a good cat."

There's a lot of puddles all over the place.

Troy: "Let's test your hearing."

Lilly was finally able to add some stock to the vet vending machine.

With some help from Servo, of course.

Troy: "There! You should be feeling all better now."

Lilliana: "Let me take your temperature..."

Lilliana: "Another case of Ice Fur!"

The cone of shame for this poor kitty.

Oop, looks like Lilly is in labor again!

Troy is actually awake this time.

Troy: "I never know what to do!"

Lilliana: "Why does this always hurt so much?"

Lilliana: "Oof!"

Meanwhile, Servo is writing a charisma skill book since he's a master at the skill. Hopefully this will help Troy max out his charisma skill faster.

Lilliana: "I sense the sparkles about to appear!"


It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Gordon Parsons!

Lilliana: "He's so adorable!"

Oh lawd, Lilliana is pregnant yet again!

Lilliana: "Guess what, babe..."
Troy: "How?! You just gave birth five minutes ago!"

Abbie: "I'm having another brother or sister?"

Uh oh, it's that time of the year again.

It's also time to try and collect more plushies!

Ruby: "Who wants to join me in decorating the Winterfest tree?"


We don't need any tree decorating arguments today.

The Winterfest decorations don't match at all, but I can't be bothered to change them.

Troy is reading Servo's charisma book!

Lilliana: "Aww, Pixie, you're so adorable!"

Lilliana: "Who's my BFF? You are! Yes, you are!"

Gordon's diaper days have flown by and he has aged up into a toddler!

Lilliana: "Come on, Gordon! You can do it, walk to mommy!"

Lilliana: "Yay! You did it!"

Of course, Gordon needs to work on his communication skill. All he needs to do is babble to the toy cat for a few hours and it'll be maxed out in no time.

Uh oh, the N.A.P. Inspector is here to judge our fireplace!

Ruby: "I removed the ornaments for the fifth time, they were ugly."

Could you please get the door?

Ruby: "Nice weather, isn't it?"

N.A.P. Inspector: "Don't try to distract me, I can see your fireplace from here. That's not very eco friendly!"

Lilliana: "Would she rather us have the thermostat on?!"

Abbie: "This toy car is my favorite color!"

Welp, after increasing his charisma skill by one point, the book no longer is effective. DARN IT!

Ruby, what the heck is this?!

Don't even think of drinking out of that toilet.

Ruby: "I don't like these ornaments anymore."

Oh, come on!

Servo has earned another promotion at work! Hooray!

Whiskers: "Now he can pay for more food for me."

Looks like Paddington had a kitten with another cat in the neighborhood! Introducing Buttercup Parsons!

Pixie also had a puppy with another dog in the neighborhood! Introducing Noodle Parsons!

They're so cute!

Are you finished yet, or what?!


Happy birthday, Abbie!

Abbie aged up into a child!

She still looks just like Troy!

Do y'all really need to head outside to see the snowfall in the middle of the night?

Troy: "I'm gonna draw a smiley in the snow!"

Troy and Lilliana have decided to adopt a child! Everyone is so excited!

Gordon: "I can't wait to meet my new sister!"

Ruby: "I hope she likes my tree decorations, I still don't like them. I want to change them."

Not a chance!

Here she is! Introducing Emilia Parsons!

Welcome to the family! Buckle in, these sims are nuts!

Troy: "Welcome home, Emilia!"

Lilliana: "Your siblings can't wait to meet you!"

Lilliana: "Even the one in my belly!"

Emilia: "Woah... there's a baby in your belly?"

Troy: "Yep! That's your new brother or sister! Let's head inside and meet your siblings!"

Abbie has been waiting all day to meet Emilia!

Abbie: "Welcome home! We're gonna be sisters and BFF's!"

Gordon: "Where's my new sister?"

Aww, so cute!

Servo is making the grand breakfast for everyone!

Abbie: "We're gonna get so many cool presents today!"

Emilia: "I can't wait!"

Ruby: "Welcome home, Emilia! I'm your grandma!"

Emilia: "This has been the best welcoming ever!"

Servo: "Breakfast time!"

Buttercup: "Does that apply to me, too?"

Lilliana: "You can't have the grand meal, but you can have some cat food out of your automatic food bowl."

After eating the grand meal, everyone is now gathering around to open up the Winterfest poppers!"

Servo: "There's a plushie inside! But, we already have that one."

Ruby: "No plushie inside mine! Not even a candy!"

Abbie: "I hope there's a plushie inside this one."

Abbie: "Oh, come on! No plushie!"

Troy: "Alright... this is the last one."

Troy: "Darn, no plushies."

Welp, that was horrible.

Ruby: "I wonder what I got? I hope it's a new crystal ball."

Servo: "Please don't be kitchenware, please don't be kitchenware, please don't be kitchenware..."

Paddington: "It's kitchenware."

Emilia: "I hope it's a llamacorn toy!"

Troy: "Hey, who's on my back?"
Gordon: "Hahahahaha!"

Emilia: "It is a llamacorn toy! Yay!"

Abbie: "I hope it's a new chompy toy!"

Someone was gifted this awesome laser light!

My game actually completely broke while having the laser light going and everyone was singing Winterfest carols at the same time. Everyone was stuck in the 'T' position no matter what I did! It eventually began working again... phew!

The girls decided to build a princess castle!

Lilliana: "Come on, Buttercup! Get the laser!"

Terrance also visited for Winterfest!

Father Winter: "Ho, ho, ho! Happy Winterfest!"

Troy: "I have a gift for you!"
Ryan: "For lil ol' me? You shouldn't have!"

Troy is always on a mission to make friends with every sim.

Uh... Lilly? Even the pets are curious.

Aaand she passed out again on her way to bed. She's exhausted.

Happy Paws vet clinic is open for business!

The pets are here so that Lilliana can train them while working for her aspiration. She has to train out 4 misbehaviours.

Lilliana: "I'll probably go into labor soon..."

Oh lawd.

A brand new employee has been hired, too! Meet Gabriella! Servo will also be helping out, since he's level 10 in the veterinarian skill.

Lilliana: "I was right, I'm in labor."

Off to the hospital she goes.

Servo and Gabriella should be able to keep this place running for today.

You're looking a bit too calm.

Welp, that was quick. The baby is resting at home, and will be introduced after the vet clinic is closed.

Troy: "My wife is in labor?!"

She literally gave birth already.

Oh nooooooo! Ruby passed away while everyone wasn't home! Rest In Peace, Ruby Parsons. You were a wonderful sim who loved communing with the departed and cleansed many sims houses. You will be dearly missed. You're finally with Guidry, now.

Buttercup: "I'm adorable, aren't I?"

Yes, yes you are.

Lilly decided to have some caramel her grandmother made a long time ago.

Lilliana: "Mmm... this is delicious!"

The first customer of the day has arrived!

This is adorable!

Thank gosh Servo is here, he's helping keep this place running smoothly.

Shouldn't you be at home resting?

Lilliana: *Yawn* "You're right."

Lilliana: "I couldn't resist at least helping one pet today, though."

Lilly is now at home resting, so Servo should be able to handle it from here.

Servo: "How may I help you?"

Customer: "Woah! A robot works here? Cool!"

Would you stop using the future cube and help some patients?

Servo: "Alright, let me take your temperature."

Servo: "Looks like your hearing is perfect."

Gabriella: "Is this... Frosty Fur Flu?"

Looks like it.

Servo: "I'll take a listen to your heartbeat..."

Servo: "Aha! It's Woozy Kittyitis!"

Gabriella: "Don't worry, we're gonna get you feeling all better, okay?"

Gabriella is doing a great job!

This doggo is all cured!

Servo: "Hmm... severe dizziness..."

A lot of customers are buying the treats from the vet vending machine, too.

Servo: "Looks like another case of Woozy Kittyitis!"

Gabriella: "I think this is a case of Lava Nose."

Servo is doing great with the patients!

Servo: "Yep... looks like a case of Derpy Doggy."

Servo: "This kitty definitely has Advanced Swampmouth."

The cone of shame. Poor kitty.

Healthy Paws vet clinic is closed for the day! Servo did such a great job, I think he'll be one of the the new vets around here from now on working beside Lilliana. He even helped the vet clinic reach 3 stars! Troy will be able to focus on his aspiration and charisma skill now, which he enjoys much more.

Now, we can finally meet the baby! It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Laura Parsons!

Servo only has a few hours to complete his tasks for his tech guru career! He was working at the vet clinic all day.

Servo: "Whyyy?!"

Servo: "Why does the computer have to break right now?!"

Just fix it! You can fix things instantly!

Good job! He also has to enter a gaming tournament for one of his tasks.

It's New Year's Eve time! 🎉🥳

Aaand Lilliana is pregnant once again a day after giving birth!

Lilliana: "Give me some credit, usually it's a few minutes later, this time it was a whole day!"

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